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01/09/2023 22:30 The Justice League of Strange Bedfellows

The Justice League of Strange

Who is this "We"?
13 JANV. 2023

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I often find myself at a loss for a word.

To an autist writer like myself, for whom language is almost everything

sometimes, this is a very big deal.

In this particular case, the word I’m looking for is one that describes the “us”
or the “we” that I’m wanting to speak about. The “us” or “we” that is
conversant in such topics as election theft, MK ULTRA, medical freedom, the
Deep State Cabal, the Woke agenda, vaccine injury data, pro-life arguments,
the Q drops, Cestui Que Vie, child trafficking, and the crimes of the Biden

I’m lacking the word that names this group, my group, so I end up writing or
speaking a long string of descriptors. “So and so is a member of the
ty/Anti-Vax community,” I might say.

Which, let’s face it, is a bit of a mouthful, and can ravage the poetry of one’s
prose. 1/6
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So I’m looking for a word or two. A name. A label. A descriptor. Is there such
a word? Is there a word you use? I kinda like Justice League, but I’m afraid
we’d run into copyright problems there. Otherwise, in all this time in the
movement, I’ve never found a word or short phrase that really satisfies.

But maybe there’s no one word because there’s no one “thing” to name here.
On the one hand, it feels like “we” are all on the same “side.” On the other
hand, there are so many differences between us. We™ are, in the end, a
rather ragtag assortment of somewhat strange bedfellows, we who stand in
opposition to the Cabal and its narratives, we who ain’t gonna take it any
more, bless our meme-posting hearts.

This guy considers himself a Patriot and a Truther but no longer trusts
Trump. That lady embraces the word Deplorable and is certain the 2020
election was stolen, but does not follow Q or call herself an Anon. These
folks are all in favor of Medical Freedom and consider the alleged deadly
pandemic a fraud, but some of them are Republicans and some are 2/6
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Democrats and some think of themselves as Politically Marooned and

embrace no party at all.

And even within any one descriptive term you'll find great differences of
opinion. We need only look at the word “Christian” to see the truth of that.
This Ufologist considers “aliens” to be extra-terrestrial beings from some
other time or space. That Ufologist considers “aliens” to be demons from
Hell. And inside the Medical Freedom and Vaccine Risk Awareness
movements you’ll find people who remain convinced that “viruses” are real
and others who are just as convinced that the existence of “viruses” has
never been scientifically proven.

And this person opposes mandatory injections for scientific reasons.

And that person opposes mandatory injections for religious reasons.

And that other person opposes mandatory injections for sovereignty


And then there are the Devolutionists versus the Reconstitutionalists.

Now there’s a cage match waiting to happen…

Are we stuck just describing “we” by what “we” are NOT? Anti-Cabal? Anti-
Tyranny? Anti-Bad-Guys? Could we even agree on these?

But what an awful way to describe ourselves… by what we are not…

Or maybe my underlying assumption is off here. I’m looking for a word that
describes “we” and “us,” but maybe that just keeps me stuck in “Us vs Them”
thinking. Should I stop talking about “us” and “we” altogether?

Well, um, hell to the no, no, no, to quote the great Bishop Bullwinkle. We’re
living here in the realm of separation, the realm of individuation, the realm
of distinctions, the realm of labels and naming. We’re not all here to just
melt together into the unconditional love and gray-goo bliss of Gott im
Himmel. Not as far as I can see. That’s for the next level up, not for this 3/6
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limited, embodied, shoulder-rubbing space and time. We’re here to learn

and grow and love and mature and evolve together despite and with and
even because of our differences. We’re here to take our own unique
differences and figure out how to dialogue them together with other
people’s unique differences in a way that creates something even better than
what any of us have on our own.

That’s how you get stereoscopic vision, after all. How you see with greater
clarity and depth perception. You take two different eyeballs and put them
side by side with each other and figure out how to make them work
together. You don’t make the eyeballs the same. You don’t put two eyeballs
in the same damn spot. You only get stereoscopic vision when different
eyeballs are in different places, and looking at things from a different angle.
And your brain dialogues the sensory data from those two eyeballs together
and, voila! depth perception!

Imagine how well we could see if we had eleven eyeballs! Or seventeen!

This is the power of true dialogue.

It may be why we come to this place: to learn to do this.

So I think we definitely need to keep that “we” and “us.” We need to keep
that “them.” We just have to stop hating on the other eyeballs, come
together in dialogue, and use our differences to see more clearly and deeply
than we can on our own. Remember those good old days when classical
conservatism, held in balance by classical liberalism in a sort of dynamic
tension, resulted in a world that kinda sorta made a bit more sense than this
one? There’s a clue there somewhere…

But I still don’t have a good word for “us.”

Do you?

Perhaps, in the end, having spent some years living in the South, maybe I’ll
just go with “all ya’ll” and leave it at that. Or, in the first person, “we-uns.” 4/6
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Unless you’ve got something better…


@ClarenceThe17th on TruthSocial on Telegram

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@pbogue99 Jan 14 Liked by Clarence the Seventeenth

A common thread among those who love fellow humans, family, friends is the
overwhelming desire to protect them from harm and contribute to creation of a "better
life" of happiness, prosperity and liberty. Many contributions toward those goals may
seem insignificant until we step back, take the 40,000' view, and see them woven
together connecting us all. To me the common thread is God, and the "We" in our
current state of awakening are Patriots.

1 reply by Clarence the Seventeenth

MA11 Jan 13 Liked by Clarence the Seventeenth

At the highest level we are "mankind". "The sons of God" would also be appropriate.
Whichever group term you choose still requires a differentiation between the vast
majority in this group who choose light and the small minority who choose darkness,
which I choose to call "the sons of darkness".
I agree that it is a complex matter, and this is the simplest solution I've come up with
so far.

1 reply by Clarence the Seventeenth 5/6
01/09/2023 22:30 The Justice League of Strange Bedfellows

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