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CLEAN STALL B727-200 Simulator


 Maintain altitude and heading

 Ignition: Continuous
 Wings level
 A/P ON...F/D ON...
 EPR: G/A
 Speed bugs set for landing

When ready

 PF call "A/P, OFF F/D OFF"

 The PM TURN OFF the F/D switches
 PF call "Set 60-65 N1".. The PM set N1
 Keep wings level
 Keep VSI and ALT needles in zero
 Keep press on the control wheel
 You can trim until 200-235 kts
 Don't allow the nose going down! Keep concentrated...don't hurry!
 The stick shaker is coming
 PF apply thrust and call "Go around thrust"... The PM set GA thrust
 Keep wings level
 Keep VSI and ALT needle in zero, instruments scanning
 Smooth control
 When speed increases, let the nose down easy until 5°pitch up (down stairs)
 Accelerate until inner speed bug (salmon bug) .
 The PM press the switch 10 kts prior the salmon bug, PF reduce power and call:
"75% N1"........ The PM set thrust
 PF call: "A/P ON”, “F/D ON"...The PM set the switches
 PF call "ALT HLD" The PM set

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