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Jean Hazel G.

Horca September 11, 2023


Globalization has positive and negative effects, and its impacts vary depending on perspective and
context. It is an ongoing process shaping our world. In my understanding, globalization refers to the
growing interconnectedness and interdependence between nations and people all around the world.
This involves the exchange of goods, services, information, and ideas across international borders.
Thanks to advancements in technology, communication, and transportation, it has become easier for
individuals and organizations to interact, collaborate, and engage in global trade, leading to
increased interconnectedness. The influence of globalization on our lives has been substantial,
affecting many areas such as the economy, culture, politics, and the environment. It has created
fresh possibilities for businesses to grow their markets, boost productivity, and obtain resources from
around the globe. However, it has also sparked worries about the growing wealth divide,
unemployment in some sectors, and the dilution of local customs.

 The concept of globalization is often broken down into five different dimensions, or "scapes,"
as proposed by sociologist Arjun Appadurai. These scapes include ethnoscapes,
technoscapes, financescapes, mediascapes, and ideoscapes. Each of these scenes
represents a different aspect of globalization, such as the movement of people, technology,
money, media, and ideologies across borders. It's important to understand how these scapes
are interconnected and influence each other to fully understand the complexity of

Without a doubt, social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are some
of the most prominent examples of globalization in our daily lives. These platforms have
revolutionized the way we connect with people from all over the world, enabling us to
share our thoughts, ideas, and experiences with others irrespective of geographical
boundaries. For instance, I can easily use Facebook to keep in touch with my friends
who live in different parts of the world and stay updated on what they're doing.
Additionally, I can follow international news organizations, influencers, and brands to stay
informed on global events, popular trends, and more. This globalization of
communication has significantly altered our perception of the world, making it feel
smaller and more interconnected.

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