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1. What is globalization on global communication?

What are the elements of global

communication? What is the role of purposive communication to globalization? (30 points)
Globalization with the core of communicating and facilitating transmission of goods and
services, information, cultures etc. As this kind of process continuously occurring and is being
progressive, it changes the mindset of every individual. It bears positive outcome such as the respect
gained by every culture. The bases of implementing laws on the political side, managing education and
as well as importing and exporting for economic growth. All of these became possible due to the
agreements and having the right way of communicating with one another.

With the advancement of technology trends, cultures, civilization of other countries can be
adapted and be applied by anyone. It is said that global communication made an impact on the lives of
every individual. Through that, a lot became optimistic and knowledgeable. It bridges people across the
globe despite having distinct way of living. Additionally, problems with regards to communicating with
those people abroad was resolved. Communicating with your family or friends as often as possible is
now convenient with the use of social media. Having conversation and getting along even though there
is no physical interaction. In this way you can have firm relationship with your family and friends. Thus,
conflicts and misunderstandings can be handled.

Politics, Education, trade, cultures, and as well as economic growth produced through
globalization are all enhanced by communication. Agreements and proposals of different countries for
economic growth and land expansion are well done through having the right way of communicating,
understanding and giving information. In order to achieve productivity, social and psychological well-
being, communication is necessary.

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