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. REG NO:E106/1508G/22

Discuss the impacts of ICT on the society in regard to the growth of economical change.

Increased Productivity: ICT tools like computers, software, and the internet have significantly
boosted productivity in various industries. Tasks that once took days or weeks can now be
completed in hours or minutes.

Globalization: ICT has facilitated the global integration of markets, enabling businesses to operate
on a global scale. This has led to increased trade, investment, and economic interconnectedness.
Job Creation: While some jobs have been automated or outsourced due to ICT, it has also created
new job opportunities. ICT industries themselves are major employers, and the digital economy has
spawned new roles in areas like e-commerce, digital marketing, and data analysis.
Economic Diversification: ICT has enabled economies to diversify beyond traditional industries.
Countries that have invested in ICT infrastructure have seen growth in sectors like technology,
finance, and services.
Improved Access to Information: ICT has democratized access to information, allowing
individuals and businesses to make more informed decisions. This has empowered entrepreneurs,
researchers, and policymakers alike.
Enhanced Communication: ICT has revolutionized communication, making it faster, cheaper, and
more efficient. This has benefited businesses by enabling real-time collaboration and improving
customer service.
E-commerce: ICT has transformed the way businesses sell and consumers buy goods and services.
E-commerce has opened up new markets and streamlined the buying process, contributing to
economic growth.
Increased Productivity: ICT tools like computers, software, and the internet have significantly
boosted productivity in various industries. Tasks that once took days or weeks can now be
completed in hours or minutes.
Globalization: ICT has facilitated the global integration of markets, enabling businesses to operate
on a global scale. This has led to increased trade, investment, and economic interconnectedness.
Job Creation: While some jobs have been automated or outsourced due to ICT, it has also created
new job opportunities. ICT industries themselves are major employers, and the digital economy has
spawned new roles in areas like e-commerce, digital marketing, and data analysis.
Economic Diversification: ICT has enabled economies to diversify beyond traditional industries.
Countries that have invested in ICT infrastructure have seen growth in sectors like technology,
finance, and services.
Improved Access to Information: ICT has democratized access to information, allowing
individuals and businesses to make more informed decisions. This has empowered entrepreneurs,
researchers, and policymakers alike.
Enhanced Communication: ICT has revolutionized communication, making it faster, cheaper, and
more efficient. This has benefited businesses by enabling real-time collaboration and improving
customer service.
E-commerce: ICT has transformed the way businesses sell and consumers buy goods and services.
E-commerce has opened up new markets and streamlined the buying process, contributing to
economic growth.
Efficiency and Cost Reduction: ICT has enabled businesses to streamline their operations, reduce
costs, and improve efficiency. This has contributed to higher profits and economic growth.

Goldsmith, J., & Wu, T. (2006). "Who Controls the Internet?: Illusions of a Borderless World." Oxford
University Press.
Shapiro, C., & Varian, H. R. (1999). "Information Rules: A Strategic Guide to the Network Economy."
Harvard Business Press.

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