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Genshin Impact Model Importer (GIMI) v7.

A version of 3dmigoto modified to work with genshin, by SilentNightSound

Place extracted mods into the Mods folder and press F10 to reload
You can find mods at the AGMG discord ( and

In cases where a mod is broken after an F10 reload, try removing the character from
the party and teleporting or
restarting the game to unload/reload the model - often, mods will fix themselves
after that

F1: Show/Hide this help menu
F6: Toggle mods (note: some mods may not toggle properly depending on how the
modder set it up, mostly card mods)
F10: Reload mods
Numpad0: Turns green hunting text on/off

Developer Commands (dev/green text mode only):

F8: Perform frame dump
F9: Toggles mods while held
Ctrl+F9: Perfomance monitor

Buffer Hunting (dev/green text mode only):

Numpad + : Reset hunting buffers (good to do between hunts, to reduce number you
need to cycle through)
(first 2 cycle forward/backwards, last copies hash and dumps shader for VS/PS):
Numpad / * - : Cycles VB (Vertex Buffers)
Numpad 7 8 9 : Cycles IB (Index Buffers)
Numpad 4 5 6 : Cycles VS (Vertex Shaders)
Numpad 1 2 3 : Cycles PS (Pixel Shaders)

For remaining commands, please read d3dx.ini

Huge thank you to DarkStarSword, bo3b and Chiri for the base 3dmigoto!

If you want to support GIMI development, please consider leaving a tip at

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