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Inspector Top Twenty ECDIS Questions

1. Confirm 4.0 presentations Library

2. Turn isolated dangers in shallow water on/off
3. How do you set a date-dependent view? Explained the why this is used?
4. On the display what is the safety contour being viewed?
5. What is the difference between the safety contour and the safety depth?
6. Where can you configure the Area warnings to alarm or indicate?
7. What is your Look-ahead frame set to? How does it show a Danger/warning?
Can you turn on/off the highlight?
8. Show how to configure Area for time dependant display?
9. Is Scale Minimum (SCAMIN) being applied? Can you switch off and understand
the implications?
10.Can you tell what the compilation Scale of the chart your viewing is?
11.How do you change Vector overlays?
12.Can you turn on/off the shallow water pattern?
13.Can you show ECDIS chart 1
14.Can you extract source data diagram or CATZOC if UKCP required?
15.Complete a check fix iaw SMS requirements.
16.Prove sensor configuration and back-up (e.g. DR mode)
17.Create Manual corrections such as PI’s or No Go areas.
18.Conduct Scan route for next passage and configure for results.
19.Review past track and show playback options
20.Confirm Scale 5 Cells for next Harbour

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