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The Bet

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/F
Fandom: (여자)아이들 | (G)I-DLE
Relationship: Cho Miyeon/Minnie Nicha Yontararak
Characters: Minnie Nicha Yontararak, Cho Miyeon
Additional Tags: Smut, Friends to Lovers, basically minnie and miyeon are both stubborn
as hell, Fluff and Smut
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2021-03-12 Completed: 2021-04-29 Words: 20,408 Chapters:
The Bet
by beneaththemask125


“Keep going, Minnie.” Miyeon whimpered into her shoulder, and Minnie realized that she
could never stop. She was going to win this bet, no matter what.

See the end of the work for notes
Coffee Shop Promises

Minnie had no idea how she got to this moment in time. Only last week, her life was boring
as usual. All she did was work, eat, and sleep. But now she found herself sitting on her couch
with Miyeon sitting in her lap, breathing hard as she grinded her hips against Minnie. The
older girl’s glasses were slipping down her nose and her skirt had ridden up, and Minnie
couldn’t stop herself from leaning forward and marking the smooth skin of Miyeon’s neck.
This was better than anything she had ever imagined.

“Keep going, Minnie.” Miyeon whimpered into her shoulder, and Minnie realized that she
could never stop. She was going to win this bet, no matter what.

It all started at the coffee shop. That damn coffee shop. Minnie had been called by her friend
the night before, asking her if she wanted to hang out during the weekend. Of course Minnie
had said yes. She was feeling down from a hard week at work, and she hadn’t gotten to see
any of her friends for a while because of her boss’s demands.

When she finally got to the coffee shop, she heard someone call her name as soon as she
passed through the door and turned to see Miyeon smiling at her from one of the private
booths. The older girl waved her over and Minnie quickly weaved through the other
customers to reach her.

“I hope I didn’t make you wait long.” Minnie said with a smile as she finally sat down across
from Miyeon. The other girl shook her head.

“Only a few minutes! And I owe you more than that for always waiting for me back in

Minnie laughed as she remembered how Miyeon would always ‘accidentally’ sleep in when
they were supposed to study together or go to class.
“Ok, well then I guess I should have made you wait longer.” Minnie said cheekily, and
Miyeon giggled again.

“Next time, next time.”

Miyeon had already ordered Minnie’s drink for her (a matcha latte like usual), and Minnie
couldn’t help but let out a relieved sigh after finally getting a sip. It was like the green drink
was made out of ambrosia and nectar; Minnie instantly felt better after drinking it.

“I needed this so badly.”

Miyeon took a sip of her own coffee and looked at Minnie with a worried expression.

“Has work been that bad this week?”

“Let’s just say my boss is probably a sadist and gets off on making me go through three-
hundred-page reports looking for punctuation errors.”

“That sounds tedious.”

“It wouldn’t even be that bad if it was my only job, but it’s just busy work to distract me from
what I was actually hired to do. It’s ridiculous.”

“I’m sorry you have to deal with that.” Miyeon said, a gentle touch of her hand bringing
comfort to Minnie. A moment later, Minnie felt a small annoyance at herself for how easily
Miyeon’s touch affected her, and just wanted to change the subject away from herself.

“Enough about my sad life,” she said as smoothly as she could. “How’s Seokhyun been?”
Minnie was always curious how Miyeon’s relationship was going. Maybe it was a bit wrong,
but she couldn’t lie that she didn’t find some small happiness in Miyeon’s complaints about
her boyfriend. She never liked the guy, and she provided a great outlet for Miyeon to vent
about him.

Miyeon’s relaxed expression soon changed into one of guilt, and Minnie realized she may
have accidentally brought up something she shouldn’t have.

“Well… we’re over.”

Miyeon said it slowly, like she was still trying to comprehend it herself. Minnie, on the other
hand, wasn’t as sensitive as she should be as she immediately fired a question at Miyeon.

“What? You guys broke up?!”

“Yea… About a week ago…” Miyeon said, covering her face as she sighed into her hands.
She looked stressed out, and Minnie felt anger shoot through her.

“Did he cheat on you?” Minnie asked, ready to hunt down the bastard who hurt her friend.
This guy wasn’t the first guy to break up with Miyeon in the eight years they’ve known each
other, but Minnie had thought he would have lasted longer than the others at least. He had
even told Miyeon that he wanted to move in together a few weeks ago! When Miyeon had
excitedly told Minnie that during their last hangout, Minnie did her best to push down her
negative feelings to congratulate Miyeon for taking the next big step in her adult life.

“No, no. He didn’t cheat. Nothing like that. It’s hard to explain…”

“Then what was it? Was he afraid of moving in together? I always knew he was a man-

Minnie knew it from the moment he refused Miyeon’s cooking because he liked his own
mother’s dishes better. What a weird thing to tell your girlfriend. Miyeon blamed her own
cooking skills for that argument, but Minnie would eat a burnt piece of charcoal if Miyeon
made it for her.

“No… Let’s just talk about something else. Have you dated anyone recently?”

Miyeon tried to be smooth with her subject change, but Minnie wouldn’t let it go so easily.
Besides, she didn’t want to tell Miyeon that she had been unhappily single for the past few
months but with no desire to make an effort to meet anyone. It was pretty pathetic.

“No, no, no. We’re gonna talk out your problems first. It seems like it’s been something that’s
been weighing on you. You can trust me, Miyeon.”

They’ve been through so many ups and downs together that Minnie knew it would be better
if Miyeon let out her feelings. Minnie remembered her own bad breakups and how Miyeon
comforted her every time.

“I know I can. It’s just… really embarrassing.”

“How embarrassing could it be? I once walked in on you searching ‘how do you do a shot at
a party?’ on the internet during our first year at university. Can’t get much worse than that.”

“Minnie! I was a very sheltered child!”

Minnie couldn’t hold in her laugh, and despite Miyeon’s shame, she soon joined in, finding
humor in her own past antics.

“Ok, I’ll tell you. But you have to promise not to laugh.”

Minnie knew she was awful at promises, but she also was so curious for the reason behind
Miyeon’s breakup.
“I promise.”

Miyeon looked around them before she spoke, checking to see if anyone was listening in.
Minnie really didn’t think there would be anyone who cared about their private conversation
in a coffee shop in downtown Seoul, but Miyeon leaned closer anyways as she whispered.

“On our sixth month anniversary, we had a romantic dinner and walk by the river,” Miyeon
whispered like it was a top secret. Minnie just nodded to play along.

“And when we got back to his apartment, things got a little heated.”

Miyeon took a deep breath before continuing.

“When things were moving along and we took off our clothes, he asked me if I wanted
anything special for the occasion, and without thinking I blurted out…” Miyeon trailed off,
and Minnie could feel her curiosity coming to a boil.

“Asked what?”

“I asked if he could, um… make me, um… come.”


Minnie said it louder than she had planned, but she couldn’t believe it. She thought Miyeon
was going to say some crazy request, as Minnie’s certainly heard some from her own exes.
But just asking for some reciprocation… What was wrong with this guy?

“Shush! Keep it down!” Miyeon held her finger over Minnie’s lips, shutting her up before she
could make a scene.
“Ok, sorry.” Minnie said as she calmed herself down. “What happened after?”

“He got really mad. He said that I didn’t think he was man enough for me, and got dressed
and left in the middle of the night. The next day he texted me to break up because I ‘insulted
his masculinity’.”

Minnie was at a loss for words. Maybe it was because she had only dated women for the past
few years, but she couldn’t imagine any of them being so insecure that they would break up
with her over such a small request.

Instead, they broke up with her for totally different reasons (and Minnie couldn’t blame

Other than Seokhyun’s immature actions, there was still one thing bothering Minnie about
Miyeon’s recollection, and she couldn’t stop herself from asking.

“So, wait… he never made you come before?”

Miyeon’s face went pale, losing all color as the humiliation washed over her.


Miyeon looked like she wanted to hide, but Minnie knew she had to get to the bottom of this.
For the sake of her friend’s future love life.

“For six months you slept with him and he didn’t even try to ever return the favour once?”

“No… I was always too anxious to ask…”

Minnie felt bad for her friend, but she couldn’t deny her own curiosity, so she continued on.

“Wait, Miyeon… Have any of your boyfriends made you come?”

Miyeon turned bright red, and it seemed like she had fully given up when she buried her face
in her arms on the table.

Minnie almost missed the muffled “No…” that came out of Miyeon’s mouth, but as soon as
she heard it, she felt like she was in another dimension. Miyeon had dated what… five or six
guys since Minnie had met her eight years ago? And not a single one…

“That sounds like a nightmare. I don’t know how you put up with it for so long.”

Miyeon let out a loud sigh into her arms before showing her face again.

“Is it really that bad?” Miyeon asked, and Minnie felt terrible for her.

Miyeon’s parents were very conservative, and as an only child, she didn’t any older figures to
teach her about the birds and the bees. Even after Miyeon got well acquainted with her own
sexuality in university, Minnie still noticed that the other girl was often just going through the
motions with her boyfriends, and never looked like she particularly enjoyed her time with
them. Some of Minnie’s other friends would gush to her about their one-night stands or fun
nights with their boyfriends, but Miyeon had always been extremely tight-lipped about her
own experiences. Minnie was partially happy with that arraignment, because hearing Miyeon
talk about her time with her boyfriends made Minnie feel annoyed for some reason. She
didn’t know how she would deal with a Miyeon who was totally open to talk about her sexual
experiences with men.

“It’s pretty bad. What’s even the point of sleeping with someone like that?” Minnie would
never stay with someone who didn’t even think about her. She liked relationships that were
on equal ground.
“I just… never thought about it? Everyone I dated seemed fine with it…”

Now it was Minnie’s time to cover her face and sigh. Her friend was so smart and thoughtful
sometimes, but sometimes she was so passive and naïve that Minnie would have to step in
before Miyeon would get hurt.

“Oh, Miyeon… This is making me so sad.”

Miyeon’s expression turned indignant.

“You’re the one who made me tell you!”

Miyeon often got angry when she was embarrassed, and Minnie had to admit that she found
it cute. However, she didn’t want Miyeon to blow up at her in public either.

“I know, I know. But now I just want to go and slap every guy you ever dated. How could
they be so selfish? It’s like they didn’t even care about you.”

That might have been the wrong thing to say, because Miyeon didn’t look happy at all.
Actually, she looked quite angry now.

“And your relationships are any better?”

Minnie was almost offended. She knew Miyeon was being grumpy because of her shame, but
she didn’t need to insult Minnie’s relationships at the same time. She felt the need to defend

“I’ll let you know, everyone I’ve slept with has given me five-star reviews!”
“Are you sure they weren’t just buttering you up?” Miyeon retorted.

“Trust me, Miyeon. The girls I’ve slept with enjoyed every moment of it.” Minnie responded
smugly, and Miyeon let out a frustrated noise. Minnie bragging about her own skills in bed
probably wouldn’t make Miyeon feel any better about her breakup, but Minnie was also too
impulsive to hold back. Fortunately—or unfortunately in this case—Miyeon was the same.

“If you’re so great in bed, why did your last girlfriend still dump you?”

Ohhhh. That was the last straw. Both of them were inherently competitive people, and even
though they were best friends, Minnie had to draw the line. Even their other friends said that
Minnie and Miyeon made quite a pair whenever they started arguing, because neither of them
ever backed down. Minnie didn’t even know where her next words came from, but they
spilled out of her mouth before she could even think about them.

“You know what? I bet I could make you come on the first try.”

She had no idea why she said that, but she couldn’t back down now.

“W-what? You’re lying.”

Miyeon looked completely caught off guard. But soon Minnie felt a sense of satisfaction at
the growing curiosity in Miyeon’s eyes, despite her stuttering response.

“I could easily prove to you that I’m telling the truth. All it would take is one night, and I will
do anything your exes wouldn’t do for you. Just say the word, and I’ll fulfil your wildest

Miyeon was so red that Minnie was worried she would explode, but the other girl still
wouldn’t back down. Minnie should have realized her mistake. If Miyeon was anything, she
was stubborn until the end. Her next words came out in a frustrated stage-whisper.

“Fine! If you really think you’re some sex expert who needs to educate me just because you
pity me, then you need to prove it.”

Minnie leaned back into the booth, a smug smile spreading across her face. There was
something about riling Miyeon up that always gave her a sense of satisfaction. It was wrong,
but she felt happy that only she could get this type of reaction out of the usually peaceful and
composed girl. At least their bet was distracting Miyeon from her breakup, Minnie reasoned.

“You’ll get to experience something you’ve never had, and I’ll get to brag forever, so it
sounds like a fair deal. If I fail, I promise I’ll buy you coffee for a whole month. But if I win,
you have to help me with my paperwork for a week.”

“Fine. It’s a deal.” Miyeon said, holding out her hand. Minnie grasped it with her own and
shook it seriously like they had just made the biggest business deal of the century. It was the
biggest deal of Minnie’s life, at least.

Once they both let go, they leaned back into their own seats, not wanting to be the first
person to go back on the promise or change the subject. Luckily Minnie was saved by the
bell, or at least, the ringer on her phone. It was her co-worker, and Minnie realized she would
probably have to spend the rest of the day at the office to clean up whatever mess had
happened. It was a Saturday too.

“I have to run to the office, but I’ll see you later this week.”

Miyeon nodded, still afraid of speaking as she watched Minnie get ready to leave. She looked
like she was trying her best to look nonchalant, but Minnie could see the nervousness in her
eyes. Minnie had to keep in a laugh as Miyeon stared at her like a scared rabbit. She wanted
to get one last hit in before she left, so she leaned in as she stood next to Miyeon’s seat,
whispering into her best friend’s ear. Her words tickled against Miyeon’s sensitive skin,
causing the older woman’s cheeks to flush red.
“And I just want you to know… my current record is five in one night, so I’m hoping to get a
new high score.”

The look of shock on Miyeon’s face was the last thing Minnie saw before leaving the coffee
shop, a smug grin on her face as she smoothly made her exit. She felt a sense of pride
growing in her chest.

She would win the bet, prove her skills to Miyeon, and make all of Miyeon’s ex-boyfriends
look pathetic. It was a win-win situation no matter what.

It wasn’t until Minnie finally got home that she realized how much she had fucked up.
The Checklist
Chapter Summary

"This is me wanting something.”

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

“You really printed these out?”

Minnie tried her best to hold in a laugh as she looked at the paper Miyeon had handed her.
The other girl was blushing, but her expression was already exasperated.

“It’ll be the best way to approach this! I don’t want either of us to do anything we’re not
comfortable with, and it makes me feel less stressed out about it. I read all about it online.”

Minnie appreciated Miyeon’s consideration, even though the other girl was a little lame for
researching this online like a straight A student. Minnie wondered what Miyeon had read
about online that brought her to the checklists that were in front of them now.

“Are you sure you still want to go through with it?” Minnie asked, wanting to be just as
considerate. Even though she acted competitive, if Miyeon wanted to cancel, Minnie would
do so without any questions. She was her best friend, after all, and even though Minnie had
different feelings towards Miyeon than she probably should have, she would never make her
do something she didn’t want to.

“Yes! I can’t let you win, and I really want free coffee.”

There was a fire burning in Miyeon’s eyes as she answered, and Minnie couldn’t help but
smile. It had been three days since they made the bet, and Minnie spent every waking minute
thinking about it. She wondered if she should just text Miyeon and say she was joking about
it, but something kept her back from picking up her phone. It was a mix of competitiveness,
curiosity, and a growing want to show Miyeon what she had been missing for so long.
Miyeon’s continued dedication to completing the bet made her want to go through with it too.
Minnie really thought Miyeon would cancel it right away, but she’s strangely been even more
enthusiastic about it than Minnie.

Maybe Miyeon wasn’t as straight as she always thought, and Minnie felt a small glimmer of
hope growing in her heart that she tried her best to bury again. It was something she had tried
her best to ignore ever since they first became friends and Miyeon’s sheltered demeanor
made it clear that she wasn’t ready to have a relationship with anyone, let alone with a
woman. Minnie accepted that years ago, and even when Miyeon did finally feel ready for
intimacy with others, she never wanted to complicate the other girl’s life with her own unsure
feelings. Luckily, Minnie had other girlfriends to take up her attention, so she didn’t dwell on
it much. But now that they were both single at the same time for the first time in years and
doing this bet, the glimmer of hope was going to be extra hard to extinguish.

To distract herself, Minnie finally read though the chart Miyeon handed her.

With each word, her eyes widened. Oral, uniform, blindfolds, body worship... These were all
words Minnie couldn’t even imagine Miyeon understanding, but the other girl was already
focusing hard on finishing the sheet, chewing her pen cap as she pondered over each of the
choices like it was a school exam. This was definitely one of the tamer preference charts
Miyeon could find online—thank god—but it still was probably much more than the boring,
unfulfilling sex she was having with her boyfriends. Miyeon never did anything half-way,
Minnie remembered, so she should have really expected something like this. She really was
Minnie’s ‘perfect match made in hell,’ as Yuqi would tease. If their friends knew what they
were doing now just for a bet, they would never let them hear the end of it.

Minnie wanted to ask Miyeon about the checklist, but the girl was so focused she didn’t want
to interrupt. She decided just to fill it out in the meantime. It couldn’t hurt, right?

The first thing Minnie did was cross out the things she hated. Anything that sounded cringey
was scratched out, and anything that was way too heterosexual was removed too. That type
of stuff just made her feel that straight people really had bad taste. Men didn’t appreciate the
simple beauty of woman at all.
Minnie wasn’t someone who was incredibly particular in the bedroom. She just liked being
with someone she felt comfortable with and was attracted to, and that was all she needed. No
window dressing required. But… she couldn’t lie and say some of the boxes weren’t
intriguing her and thinking about her and Miyeon in those situations made her body feel like
it was going to overheat. It was definitely embarrassing, but Minnie was only human.

She crossed out a few more that she just wasn’t interested in and made her way to the rest of
the options. Food play? Sounded like too much work to clean up. Blindfolds? As long as it
wasn’t on herself. Oral? Check. She was an expert. School uniform? Sounded cute.

After ten minutes, Minnie finally finished her checklist. Miyeon leant over and placed her
own next to Minnie’s on the coffee table, partially covering the answers with her hands. She
looked adorable in Minnie’s eyes.

“Don’t tease me when you see it.” Miyeon said shyly.

“I promise I won’t. Mine is probably worse.” Minnie said with a confident laugh, but her
hand nervously scratching at the back of her neck probably gave away her real feelings.

“Let’s reveal them at the same time.”

“Ok, on three.”

Minnie felt her anxiety peaking as Miyeon counted down. What if her own checklist weirded
Miyeon out? Maybe Miyeon would come to her senses and be repulsed by the thought of
sleeping with another woman? She was ready to see Miyeon judge her for her choices.

However, instead of rejecting Minnie, Miyeon just stared at the two papers on the coffee table
as they were revealed.

“They’re both almost the same.” Miyeon said with a surprised whisper. She was right,
Minnie realized as she took her eyes off of Miyeon and looked at the sheets. Their pencil
markings were close to identical, with only a few differences.

Both of them let out nervous but relieved breath. Minnie could feel her confidence growing
as she looked up and down Miyeon’s checklist. Due to the difference in their past experiences
as well as their personalities, Minnie expected Miyeon’s list to be completely unlike her own.
Miyeon seemed… vanilla from the outside, but her checklist revealed some interesting
preferences that Minnie was stunned to find out. Who would’ve known that Miyeon had such
a spicy side to her? Minnie always found the little things Miyeon did pretty hot, like when
she drank water or when Miyeon fed Minnie some of her food during meals, but she thought
that was just because she was attracted to women in general. Maybe it was Miyeon’s innocent
demeaner on the outside than made it ever hotter? Minnie had no idea, she knew she wasn’t
the best judge when her hormones were involved.

But now that she knew they were pretty much on the same page, Minnie realized they would
be more compatible than she hoped. It made her excited, against all better judgement.

Minnie grabbed the papers off the table and brought them closer for inspection while Miyeon
blushed on the other side of the couch.

“It looks like we both really like about four of the same things. And most of our dislikes line
up as well. That leaves about three things you really like that I’m open to. We can do them all
if you want?”

Miyeon circling more things than Minnie did was definitely a development she didn’t expect,
but the extra three things she circled definitely intrigued Minnie more than she originally
thought now that she knew Miyeon was into them.

“Doesn’t it seem like too much for one night?” Miyeon said, uncertainty in her voice as she
looked down at her own fidgeting hands. Minnie realized that Miyeon had been so used to
not getting what she wanted that she was afraid that Minnie would reject her too. Minnie
wondered how much of Miyeon’s relationships, even outside of sex, revolved around Miyeon
constantly adapting to her boyfriends’ likes and dislikes. She didn’t want Miyeon to feel that
way anymore, especially not with her. They’ve always had a good balance of give and take in
their friendship, despite their squabbles, and Miyeon didn’t have to hide herself anymore.

“It’s really ok, Miyeon. The night is all about you, and we can do as much as you want.”
Miyeon was looking at her with those sad puppy dog eyes, and Minnie couldn’t help but
continue trying to comfort her.

“Anyways, none of these are that crazy. Don’t be afraid of wanting things, Miyeon.”

“Are you sure?”

“Completely. I know this started as a bet, but I really do think you deserve to enjoy
something for once. If you don’t want us to, I understand, but I just want to help you be more
confident in your future relationships.”

Minnie realized she probably sounded like a fool, but the words came out before she could
think about them.

“I never realized you cared this much about my relationships.” Miyeon said curiously, her
eyes meeting Minnie’s own.

“I don’t! I mean—I do,” Minnie took a breath before she could mess up anymore. “I care that
you find someone who respects you and always tries to make you happy. In the end, sex is
just another type of communication, and you need someone who listens to your wants and
needs just like you listen to theirs.”

“But where can I find a person like that?” Miyeon wondered with a sad smile on her face.
Minnie felt her heart constrict as their eyes meet again. She felt her nervousness begin to take
over her again.

“I’m probably the wrong person to ask, looking at how all my past relationships ended up. I
might have been good at the sex part, but I was awful with every other form of
Miyeon giggled at Minnie’s admittance, even though it wasn’t meant to be funny. Only her
best friend could laugh at her pitiful attempts at relationships. Miyeon knew exactly how
every one of Minnie’s relationships blew up in the past, from bad texting etiquette to Minnie
saying the wrong name during sex. Miyeon knew every one of Minnie’s flaws by now, and
the younger woman was surprised that she still wanted to go forward with this after knowing
all that.

But this conversation was skirting too close to her feelings, so Minnie pushed the subject
back to the matter at hand.

“So… looking at the top of the list…we both said we were into school uniforms. I didn’t
realize you were so kinky, Miyeon.” Minnie teased as she chewed on her pen cap.

“You chose it too! Why don’t you explain yourself first?”

“Well, honestly, it’s not purely a sexual thing. I’ve always wanted to wear a Korean school
uniform because they look so fancy in K-dramas. Our uniforms in Thailand were
comfortable, but they were kinda frumpy. I had no interest in the cop or nurse outfits, but I
wanted to choose at least one outfit for fun, because why not? Might as well make the best of
one night.”

Miyeon nodded in understanding as Minnie explained her reasoning.

“And what about you, Miyeon? Any deep psychological reason that you chose it and want to
reveal to me now?”

Miyeon tapped on her chin with her finger, pretending to think hard before finally turning
back to Minnie.

“I just thought you would look cute in it. You’ve been dressing in too much black recently
and I miss when you used to be cute.”

Now Miyeon was the one teasing Minnie, and Minnie hated it as she blushed against her will.
“Well… I look cute in everything!”

“I wouldn’t say that, but you’ll look really cute in one of my old uniforms.” Miyeon teased

“I’m more excited to see you wearing it,” Minnie flirted back, trying to regain the upper
hand. “You always look really good in short skirts.”

“Minnie…” Miyeon murmured shyly as she hid her face behind the checklist sheet again.
Minnie felt satisfied that she had won this round.

“Ok, next one on the list! I never thought you would be into this, Miyeon… maybe you’re
more fun than I thought you were...”

By the time they finished going through the checklist, Minnie didn’t even know how to feel.
She felt vulnerable, nervous, and most unfortunately, overheated. She couldn’t help but
imagine herself and Miyeon in each of the situations that they both agreed on, and she
realized more and more that she was really… thirsty. Normal people didn’t think about their
best friend like this, but to be fair, normal best friends didn’t agree to have sex over a bet
either. Maybe her and Miyeon were just unique. And after seeing Miyeon’s own checklist,
the older girl was obviously pretty thirsty too, under that angelic exterior. Knowing Miyeon
was just as human as she was made her feel better about her own desires.

“So, that’s everything.” Minnie said as she finally put the sheets down on the table once
again. Now that the planning was done, all that they needed to do was pick a date and time.

She turned to look at Miyeon after realizing the older girl had been unnaturally quiet for the
past few minutes. When Minnie’s gaze reached Miyeon’s own, she realized that Miyeon had
been watching her. Minnie wasn’t the best at reading other people, but she saw a fire in
Miyeon’s eyes, burning beneath her neutral expression. Minnie almost felt… desired as
Miyeon glared at her for a brief moment before noticing that Minnie had met her gaze. As
soon as Miyeon realized, she shook her head and looked away, a shy pout spreading across
her face. The fire was gone as quickly as it had appeared, and Minnie wondered if she had
just imagined it. There was no way Miyeon desired her like that. To Miyeon, Minnie was just
a means to an end now. Minnie would either help her get in touch with her own body, or she
would buy her coffee for a month. It was a win-win situation for herself. If Minnie won the
bet, Miyeon would probably find a new boyfriend soon enough and try out her new
confidence with him. Just the thought of that made Minnie feel more annoyed than she

“Is there anything we might have forgotten that you would feel uncomfortable with?” Minnie
asked, not wanting to miss a thing.

“Hmm…” Miyeon thought deeply about Minnie’s question. “I don’t really like to be called
bad names in bed. Sometimes my boyfriend did it even thought I asked him not to... It made
me feel awful.”

Hearing that made Minnie feel irate. How could this man treat Miyeon so poorly? Didn’t he
know how wonderful she was?

“I’m so sorry about that, Miyeon. I promise I’ll never do that to you.”

“Thank you, Minnie.” Miyeon said as she moved her hand to squeeze Minnie’s own for a
brief moment. Instead of drawing it back, she left her hand on top of Minnie’s own, loosely
tangling their fingers together.

“What about you? Anything you dislike?”

Minnie had no idea where the next words she spoke came from, but she already knew she had
made a mistake when they came out of her mouth.

“Well… since we are just doing this for a bet, we should put kissing on the blacklist right?
Cause we aren’t dating or anything… kissing might complicate things too much.”
Miyeon looked caught off-guard by Minnie’s words. They would be fulfilling Miyeon’s every
desire, but kissing was off the table? It was obvious Miyeon didn’t understand Minnie’s logic,
and Minnie couldn’t blame her.

“Like any kissing? Or just on the lips?” Miyeon asked, confusion painted across her face.

“Um… just the lips?” Minnie managed to stammer out.

“Oh—ok. If it makes you more comfortable, I can do that.” Miyeon didn’t push the subject
any further. Maybe she thought Minnie had some sort of hidden complex that she didn’t feel
comfortable enough to explain. Miyeon was sometimes too good of a person, and Minnie felt
like slapping herself for coming up with such a stupid rule. She thought it would be a good
way to protect her own heart, but it probably just made Miyeon think she was a weirdo. They
sat in silence for a few minutes after that. Their fingers were still loosely entwined on top of
Minnie’s knee, and Minnie hoped Miyeon wouldn’t pull back.


The other girl finally spoke up after their awkward moment. Her voice sounded so small that
Minnie already feared the worst. Rejection was coming.

“Y-yes?” Minnie’s voice betrayed her as she stammered her response.

Miyeon took a moment to speak up again. Minnie felt the older girl’s fingers tighten on her

“Is it… is it bad that I’m actually looking forward to this?” Miyeon said softly, turning to
look at Minnie again with a timid gaze. Her eyes looked so vulnerable, and Minnie’s heart
felt like it was going to burst.

That was not what Minnie was expecting to come out of her friend’s mouth. She had to stop
her jaw from dropping and tried to play it cool. She needed to be smooth and confident, even
though her entire body was telling her to lean forward and capture Miyeon’s soft lips between
her own… wait what?

Bad thoughts. Very bad thoughts. To avoid whatever chaos was going on with her brain,
Minnie went back to her preferred coping mechanism, trying to hide everything behind jokes.

“You’re looking forward to it even though you’re going to have to do all my paperwork for a
week once we finish?” Minnie croaked out, trying her best to sound unaffected and confident.

Normally Miyeon would get angry at Minnie’s attempt at a mocking joke, but this time she
just ignored it and looked back at Minnie, bright eyes piercing through her own.

“You told me its ok to want things… This is me wanting something.” Miyeon said with a
small smile.

“Oh—that’s g-good. Truthfully, I’m looking forward to it too…”

Miyeon continued staring at Minnie even after her confession, and the younger girl felt like
Miyeon could see right through her. Her every flaw, lie, and desire was on open display to be
judged. It made her feel… nervous, but not in a bad way.

She’s going to be the death of me, Minnie thought.

Chapter End Notes

heres chapter 2! hope you enjoy it !

any guesses to what they agreed on? hahahah

One Night Only
Chapter Summary

“You have a lot of frustration to work out, don’t you, Miyeon?”

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Minnie fidgeted with the edge of her skirt, fingers dancing across the neatly ironed fabric as
she waited on her couch. Miyeon was going to be here any minute now, and Minnie could
barely contain her anxiety.

She was going to sleep with Miyeon tonight. Her best friend for the past eight years. The
only girl she could never really understand her feelings about. All for a ridiculous bet.

Minnie’s leg was nervously shaking up and down, her hands were restless, and she felt like a
tension headache was already forming due to her stiff posture.

When she heard a knock at her apartment door, Minnie almost fell off the couch. She quickly
tried her best to calm down before walking over to open the door. Her attempts were all in
vain, however, when she saw Miyeon standing in front of her.

“Hello, Minnie.”


The girl had taken her winter coat off already, hanging it on her arm as she walked into the
apartment and shut the door behind her. Minnie had seen Miyeon’s yearbook photos already,
but while teenage Miyeon looked awkward in her school uniform, twenty-five-year-old
Miyeon looked like a fashion model. Her skirt hugged her body perfectly, and her slightly
open collar made Minnie want to finish unbuttoning it. Her long brown hair was decorated
with a cute headband, and she had high white socks on her toned legs. Miyeon was usually
beautiful no matter what, but maybe Minnie had just discovered a new thing for herself,
because she was pretty sure she had never seen a hotter woman in her life. Even Miyeon
almost tripping over the rug on the way to the bedroom was hot to her. Minnie was in deep
trouble before she even realized the worst part when she finally moved her eyes back up to
Miyeon’s face after their journey down her body.

Oh no…

Perched on Miyeon’s perfect nose was a pair of round black glasses.

Why did Miyeon have to wear glasses tonight? There was something about Miyeon’s round
glasses—which Minnie only ever saw her wear when they were having a late-night study
session or a sleepover—that made Minnie feel hot under the collar. It was weirdly intimate to
see Miyeon in her glasses, because not many have, and affected Minnie more than she
thought. They sat awkwardly beside each other on the bed, both staring at the blank
television in front of them.

“Uh… you’re wearing your glasses?” Minnie asked timidly, no longer wanting to sit in
silence with her best friend.

“Oh, yes. I thought they completed the outfit…but I can take them off if you don’t like
them.” Miyeon went to remove them, but Minnie spoke up first before she could.

“No! I mean… you look really cute in them.” She mumbled out.

“I do?” Their eyes finally met for the first time since Miyeon entered the apartment, and
Minnie couldn’t look away. Miyeon’s eyes held a challenge, and Minnie started to feel

“Yea. I was worried that the outfits would be awkward, but you look really good…”
“Thank you, Minnie.” Miyeon smiled before continuing, obviously enjoying Minnie’s
bashfulness. “You look charming wearing my clothes. Like the cool girl who would hang out
in the back of the class that everyone had a crush on.”

Minnie couldn’t help the blush that covered her cheeks as Miyeon complemented her. Her
heart couldn’t take much more of this.

“I—thank you.”

“So… how should we start this?” Miyeon asked too innocently after making Minnie into a
shy mess. Minnie knew she had to get it together and took a deep breath, trying to bring back
her mature confidence. She was the one in charge tonight! She couldn’t let Miyeon win, no
matter how cute the other woman looked.

“Well, usually sex starts with kissing, then we take each other’s clothes off, and then there’s
just a lot of sweating.” Minnie attempted another joke, but it obviously fell flat, according to
Miyeon’s deadpan expression.

“You don’t need to speak to me like I’m a clueless virgin, Minnie. I’ve had sex before, plenty
of times,” Miyeon took a controlled breath before continuing. “I just… haven’t ever…
enjoyed it.”

Oof. That was the bluntest way Miyeon’s put it so far. Minnie put on a happy face to try to
cheer her up.

“And we’re going to try to change that tonight! Hopefully I can help you out and you can
finally enjoy it.” She said while clapping her hands together.

“I know I’m pretty pathetic, you don’t need to patronize me …” Miyeon grumbled, and
Minnie felt the immediate need to comfort her.
“We’re twenty-five-year-old best friends wearing old school uniforms because we wanted to
cosplay at least one outfit while we have sex for a bet. The fact you’ve never orgasmed
before really isn’t the lamest thing happening right now. We’re in this together.” Minnie said

It was the truth, but she knew people have done weirder things before, so she didn’t feel too
self-conscious. Hell, she’s done way weirder things with her exes, and she never even liked
some of her past girlfriends that much. At least this time she was with someone she deeply
trusted and enjoyed spending time with.

And was… attracted to. Very attracted to. But that was a problem to deal with later.

“When you say it like that, it makes me want to leave.” Miyeon grumbled again, not with
anger, but with pure resignation at how lame they were.

“Well, at least there is one thing that will make you feel better about this.” Minnie offered.

“And what is that?”

“I’m going to blow your mind. Multiple times, if you want.”

Miyeon rolled her eyes, but Minnie couldn’t help but notice the small smile that was tugging
at the ends of Miyeon’s lips. They were best friends, so no matter how awkward the situation
became, Minnie knew that all she had to do was make Miyeon laugh and all would be

“So, what should we do?”

“Let’s start small.” Minnie said as she took deep breath, trying to squash all her messy
feelings and put on a calm face. She was just an instructor now, not a friend or lover. This
was all for Miyeon’s benefit, not her own, so she needed to do this as professionally as she
could. Her friend needed her help, so she better do her best to provide it.
“What does that mean?” Miyeon asked nervously, playing with the hem of her vest. Her
confidence seemed to drop the closer they got to actually doing it. Minnie—as much as she
liked teasing Miyeon—didn’t want to other girl to lose her confidence completely, so she
tried to think of a fast answer.

“Pick an easy thing for us to start with so we can get more comfortable with each other. I’ll
do whatever you want. Just say the word.”

Miyeon took a moment to think over her options.

“Could you just… hold me for a little bit? It’s a little chilly in here.”

Minnie couldn’t stop the smile that formed on her face. She leaned back on the bed and
opened her arms, and Miyeon moved so that she was sitting with her back against Minnie’s
front, held tenderly within her arms. They’ve hugged countless times before, and have
watched movies in this exact position with no problem, so it wasn’t too different than the
usual for them.

Miyeon’s body started out tense, but as time passed, she slowly relaxed into Minnie’s arms.
Minnie felt herself calming down as well, comforted by the familiar flowery scent of Miyeon
and the warmth emanating from her. Miyeon was the person she trusted most in her life, and
it seemed like Miyeon trusted her as well.

“This is nice.” Miyeon mumbled as she pulled Minnie’s arms tighter around herself.
Miyeon’s hands were always cold, and Minnie entangled them with her own to warm them

“It is… Are you sure you still want to continue? We can just stay like this if you want.”
Minnie offered, giving Miyeon yet another way out of this.

“I still want to continue…” Miyeon said quietly as she nuzzled herself deeper into Minnie’s
“Should we talk it out before we start?”


“So, starting from the beginning… have you always had this problem with your past

Miyeon sighed before answering.

“You have to understand, Minnie. It’s not just my ex-boyfriends. It’s all the time. It’s like I
have a mental block or something.”

Oh. This was painting a clearer picture for her. She pulled Miyeon closer, rubbing soothing
circles on the back of her hand with her own fingers.

“Have you always had this block? Even before you started dating people?”

“Yes. Even when I’m… alone, I still can’t get there. It’s like… I feel all this guilt and shame
about it and it always clouds my mind. And when I’m with someone, it’s even worse. I feel
bad for my partner, I feel bad for myself, and I feel guilty for wanting it so badly. So… it just
never happens.” Miyeon’s woes spilled out of her mouth, and Minnie felt awful that her
friend had to hold this all in for so many years.

This was probably way above Minnie’s paygrade, but she still wanted to do everything she
could to help. Maybe Miyeon just needed someone to guide her. It seems like she lacked a
partner who was willing to explore and test new things with her, and the shame of her own
desires was drowning her.

“It’s ok, Miyeon. You shouldn’t ever feel guilty.” Minnie said as she brushed through
Miyeon’s smooth hair with her fingers. “Tonight, just focus on me, ok? Try your best to
ignore all the thoughts in your head and I’ll try my best to keep you distracted from those
feelings.” Minnie knew she wasn’t a trained sex therapist, but she knew her best friend well,
and as long as she could keep Miyeon from spiraling into her own thoughts, she could
probably help her.

“Thank you, Minnie. I really want to try.” Miyeon accidentally brushed her lips against the
side of Minnie’s neck as she thanked her, and Minnie could feel shivers go down her spine.
Being in this close proximity with Miyeon was definitely having a strong effect on her.

“I’ll try my best to make you feel good, Miyeon. You deserve it.”

Miyeon turned slightly in her hold, their eyes meeting once again. Miyeon was smiling softly
at Minnie, her eyes shining.

“I don’t know if I deserve you, though.”

Miyeon had a way of causally saying things that broke Minnie and made her speechless.
Minnie hoped Miyeon couldn’t feel how hard her heart was beating.

“You’ll have to save those words for later just in case I don’t succeed.” Minnie joked, feeling
nervous at the tender words Miyeon gave her. Miyeon only giggled at her and turned back
around her embrace, snuggling back into Minnie. They fell into a comfortable silence, just
enjoying each other’s touch before they would start the inevitable.

Minnie may have forced them to make a deal to not kiss on the lips, but she never said
anything about kissing anywhere else. In her head, the rest of their bodies were all fair game.
As Miyeon relaxed against her, fingers playing with Minnie’s own, Minnie felt herself being
drawn to the smooth skin on the side of Miyeon’s neck.

She brought one of her hands up and gently brushed Miyeon’s hair to one side before slowly
tracing her finger from Miyeon’s ear to where her collar met her skin. The girl in front of her
shivered at the touch but didn’t object to Minnie’s soft strokes as she repeated the motion.
“Is this ok?” Minnie asked as she brushed Miyeon’s neck once again.

“Yes.” Miyeon breathed out, still shivering each time Minnie’s touch ghosted over her skin.
Minnie could already tell that Miyeon was very sensitive to touch, which was important
information for later. Some of her exes had a very low touch tolerance, only enjoying the
lightest touches, while others needed it firmer. Miyeon seemed to be closer to the first group,
as the tip of her ears were already turning red after Minnie’s soft brushes. Acquainting
yourself with your partners touch preferences was key, Minnie thought, and she was glad
Miyeon seemed to be enjoying it so far.

Miyeon’s positive reactions made Minnie feel more confident. For her next step, she leaned
forward, laying a light kiss on the side of Miyeon’s neck before pulling back and whispering
into Miyeon’s ear.

“Was that ok?”

Miyeon froze for a moment before nodding her head. Minnie held back a laugh, amused by
how cute the other girl was.

“Just stop me if you don’t like anything.” Minnie said once more before starting.

She leaned back down to lay a more indulgent kiss on Miyeon’s skin, and was pleasantly
surprised when she heard Miyeon let out a soft whimper. She sucked a bit where Miyeon’s
collar met her skin, and was proud of the red mark that appeared when she let go. Miyeon’s
eyes were closed as Minnie decorated her neck with tender kisses, and her breathing became
shallow. Miyeon’s skin tasted like rose perfume, and Minnie found herself strangely enjoying
it despite her usual dislike for the scent of roses. They always say scents change depending
on the person who wore it, and now the scent of roses was becoming almost addicting to

Minnie’s fingers intertwined with Miyeon’s again, and she felt Miyeon give her hand a
reassuring squeeze as she worked on her neck.
“That feels so nice.” Miyeon admitted softly after a few minutes, and Minnie smiled against
her skin.

“I’m happy you like it. I want you to feel nice.”

“But if you keep on doing it, I’m worried I’m going to fall asleep. I’m getting too
comfortable in your arms...”

It took Minnie a moment to register what Miyeon had said, as her attention had been entirely
focused on sucking a red mark underneath Miyeon’s cute ear. When she finally processed it,
she realized she had slowed down the momentum to a snail’s pace, indulging too much in the
taste of Miyeon’s skin while she lost track of her priorities. At least Miyeon had been
enjoying it just as much as she had, but she didn’t want the other girl to fall asleep anytime
soon, even if it was in her arms. It was time to turn up the charm and switch it up. She had a
bet to win, after all.

Minnie leaned forward and whispered into Miyeon’s sensitive ear once again.

“Then turn around.”

Miyeon did as she was told, and moved to awkwardly straddle Minnie’s legs, holding herself
up on her knees so they were no longer touching. Her arms were braced against the back of
the headboard on either side of Minnie’s head.

“Like this?” Miyeon said unsurely, causing Minnie to laugh a bit.

“No, this is better.” Minnie said as she put her hands on Miyeon’s hips, pulling her forward
and downward, pressing their hips together as Miyeon gasped. Minnie worried that Miyeon
would pull back out of surprise, but more surprisingly, the other girl settled her weight on
Minnie instead and moved her hands to Minnie’s broad shoulders.
Now that they were finally face to face, Minnie took a moment to appreciate Miyeon’s
beauty. Her glasses were a little lopsided, but they made her wide eyes even more alluring.
Her sharp nose and smile lines were Minnie’s two favorite features, as they defined Miyeon’s
graceful but affable beauty. Her bare thighs were warm against Minnie’s own, as her skirt had
ridden up a bit. Minnie felt heat build between her thighs as Miyeon’s hips weighed against
her own.

Minnie hands burned where they held Miyeon by the hips, itching to uncover the bare skin
under her white button up and blue vest. It was a bit strange to have her best friend sitting on
her like this after so many years, but it was strange in a good way. Minnie certainly wasn’t

Miyeon blushed under Minnie’s inspection, but didn’t say anything to deter her from staring.

“Are we starting now?” Miyeon asked, a bit of excitement accompanying her nervousness.
Minnie moved her hands down to Miyeon’s thighs, confidently grasping her bare skin.
Miyeon’s face flushed with red as she saw how Minnie’s fingertips brushed the bottom hem
of her skirt.

“We can if you want.” Minnie said as she flexed her fingers, making Miyeon accidentally
shift her weight again against Minnie’s hips. Minnie did her best to hold in the moan she
almost let out. Miyeon probably didn’t realize how much stimulation even her slightest
movements were giving Minnie in this position.

“I want to.” Miyeon said with determination in her eyes.

“We can just start with you straddling my thigh. It’s one of the simplest and easiest ways to
come. Just pure friction.” Minnie explained coolly, even though she was a nervous mess on
the inside. With Miyeon’s mental block, Minnie didn’t want to start her out with anything too
complicated that would make the other girl feel nervous or intimidated.

“Are you sure this is the best way to start? Don’t things need to be more…involved… for me
to feel anything?” Miyeon looked astounded at the simplicity of Minnie’s suggestion.
“This is the least complicated way to start, and it feels really good if you do it right. Most
women don’t know what they are missing. Sex is a lot more than just thrusting a few times
until the guy is satisfied. You have to get a little creative when you sleep with women, but it’s
totally worth it.”

Minnie was sure Miyeon’s boyfriends had said different when they convinced Miyeon to
sleep with them. Deep down, she also wanted to prove that she could make Miyeon feel
better than her boyfriends ever could even without any fancy tricks. She was a little petty, she
could admit, but Minnie accepted her own flaws.

“Really?” Miyeon still looked a little apprehensive, not fully believing Minnie yet.

“Trust me, Miyeon. Once other things get involved, it starts getting more complicated, so this
is an easy way to start before we get to the next level. I’m going to win this bet,” Minnie said
with a grin. “But I want you to be comfortable, above all.”

Miyeon took a deep breath to steady herself, but a matching smile formed on her face as their
eyes met.

“Ok. I trust you.”

“You do?”

“I wouldn’t be in your lap if I didn’t, would I?”

Minnie finally let out a laugh and leaned forward to wrap Miyeon in a hug. Her best friend
always amused her, even when they were competing or teasing each other. Miyeon hugged
her back, tightly wrapping her arms around Minnie’s shoulders. Miyeon was so ridiculous
sometimes, but Minnie found so much comfort in her presence. She wanted Miyeon to feel
the same way she did.

“I’m going to start now.” Minnie said after a moment, her breath tickling Miyeon’s ear.

Minnie moved her hands to undo the first two buttons on Miyeon’s shirt and pushed it back
enough to reveal more of her shoulder. She leaned down to kiss the newly revealed skin,
causing Miyeon to shiver and grasp Minnie’s shoulders even tighter.

Minnie’s hands moved back to Miyeon’s hips, and she gripped them firmly as she kissed
Miyeon’s bare collarbone. She wished she could kiss Miyeon’s full lips instead, but Minnie
had done this to herself, so she had to suffer the consequences. This was still good, though.

As Miyeon started getting into it, letting out breathy sighs, Minnie used her hands to shift
Miyeon so she was now just straddling one of Minnie’s thighs, while her own thigh rested
between Minnie’s legs. She pulled her back down, and Miyeon gave out a surprised whimper
as her core rubbed against Minnie’s thigh.

“Just move like that, Miyeon.” Minnie breathed out as her hands guided Miyeon back and
forth. Minnie could feel her own body heating up as Miyeon slowly got into it. The girl
looked shy but determined, and Minnie had to resist the temptation to rub herself against
Miyeon’s leg that was dangerously close to her own centre.

“It feels good.” Miyeon murmured shyly as she started moving her own hips without
Minnie’s help.


Miyeon’s breath was getting shallower, and Minnie could see the red flush on her cheeks as
she shifted back and forth. Her eyes were focused on Minnie’s skirt, no doubt doing anything
to not meet Minnie’s eyes as she grinded on her thigh, which was fair. They hadn’t even
undressed yet or really touched each other, but the sight of Miyeon pleasuring herself on
Minnie’s thigh was really doing it for her, and Minnie couldn’t help but want to help the
process along.
Minnie ran her fingers up Miyeon’s thighs, this time getting brave enough to brush under her
skirt and wrap her hands around Miyeon’s backside, helping her rub harder and deeper.
Miyeon let out a gasp as Minnie pushed her knee upward, giving Miyeon an even better
angle to move against. They both were breathing hard as Miyeon got used to the new pace,
but the older girl suddenly stopped, causing Minnie to look back up at her face in surprise.

Did she do something to bother Miyeon?

“Wait, Minnie… Minnie…What about your skirt? It’ll get rumpled…”

Minnie wanted to laugh. Of course someone like Miyeon would worry about her old uniform
skirt getting ruined while Minnie was trying her best to make her come on her thigh. Without
any grace, Minnie moved one on her hands off of Miyeon’s ass and pulled her own skirt up
so it was riding up against her upper thigh, away from any friction that could harm it. She
was getting a little impatient, but she blamed it all on the woman on top of her.


“Are you sure it’ll be ok?” Miyeon asked, not realizing how ridiculous she was sounding.

“We can stop if you care that much about the skirt.” Minnie deadpanned, holding back a

“No! I mean… no it’s fine. I’ll just dry clean it later…” Miyeon mumbled out.

Minnie sighed, always astounded by her best friend’s thought process. She was unique, that
was for sure.

“Now just focus, Miyeon. I want you to clear your mind of everything else.”
“Ok, focusing.” Miyeon said, embarrassed by how easily distracted she was. She was still so
hot even when she was being weird, so Minnie wasn’t too exasperated.

Minnie moved her hands back to Miyeon’s ass, pulling the older girl down against her now-
bare thigh. She could feel Miyeon’s underwear rubbing against her skin, and was feeling
smug as hell when she could feel the wetness coming from between Miyeon’s legs, even
though the fabric. She wanted to brag to Miyeon about how wet Minnie made her, but
something told her it was too early and might scare the other girl off. Maybe she could brag
about it later.

“Keep on going.”

Miyeon slowly got back to where they were before the skirt incident, and Minnie felt the
tension rising again. She wanted to try something new now, since Miyeon was feeling
pleasure but was probably not stimulated enough to come yet.

“Can I touch your chest?” Minnie asked, not wanting to push any boundaries without asking
Miyeon first.

“Oh… yes. Just be careful.” Miyeon said, still too shy to meet Minnie’s eyes as she moved
back and forth.


“I’m just very… sensitive there.”

Minnie felt heat between her legs as Miyeon admitted her weakness. This would be

Minnie undid the next few buttons on Miyeon’s vest and white shirt, finally revealing her
black lace bra. She didn’t take Miyeon’s shirt off, however, preferring to leave it open
instead. It made Miyeon look cuter this way. Miyeon’s chest was the perfect size, in Minnie’s
eyes. It fit her proportions perfectly, and fit into Minnie’s hands perfectly as well.

“This is pretty. Did you just buy it for tonight?” Minnie teased as she traced the lace patterns
on Miyeon’s obviously newly purchased bra, and Miyeon slapped her hand away.

“I was hoping you wouldn’t notice.” Miyeon replied with a pout. Minnie felt her immature
side come out as she enjoyed Miyeon’s cute frown. Miyeon had admitted on her checklist
that she liked when Minnie teased her, so it was all fair game. Minnie had been surprised,
since Miyeon had always complained about her teasing, but she felt elated that her words had
such an effect on Miyeon.

“You must have been really excited for this then? You don’t have to pretend you weren’t.”
Minnie goaded as she brought her hand back up to Miyeon’s bra, tracing over the delicate
material that covered Miyeon’s breasts, causing Miyeon to shiver. She hooked her pointer
finger around the top of the left cup, pulling it down slightly so she could brush the tip of her
finger against the rosy peak that was hidden by the fabric. Miyeon let out a whimper, the
loudest noise she had made so far that night, and Minnie felt immense hunger to hear her
whimper like that again.

But she held back, as she knew she now had the upper hand. She removed her hand from
Miyeon’s chest and returned it to the neutral position at her waist, much to Miyeon’s

“Minnie…” Miyeon whined, getting frustrated by all of Minnie’s teasing.

“’Minnie’ what?” Minnie repeated. She wanted to know that Miyeon wanted this just as
much as she did. It was selfish, but her heart felt vulnerable while she was this close to
Miyeon, and she just wanted reassurance that the other girl wanted her too. And if she had to
goad Miyeon to get her answer— well at least she already knew that Miyeon was turned on
by that.

Miyeon’s eyes met her own again, and Minnie could see a mix of indignation,
embarrassment, and desire within them. Minnie wished she could kiss Miyeon at this
moment, when the magnetism of her lips was pulling Minnie in against her better judgement.
But she knew she couldn’t. It could ruin everything.
Instead, she waited for Miyeon to answer her. The older girl continued frowning, but Minnie
knew she would give in soon. Minnie spent her time waiting by rubbing comforting patterns
into Miyeon’s hips, and a few moments later, she got her answer. Miyeon met her eyes again
as she spoke indignantly.

“Just touch me, Minnie.”

That was exactly what she wanted to hear, but she wasn’t prepared to finally hear it. Her heart
felt like it was going to burst when Miyeon said those words while gazing at her. Minnie
knew right then that she had to win this bet, no matter what, because she was risking a heart
attack doing this with Miyeon.

She couldn’t let the other girl win.

“I don’t want to.” Minnie responded playfully, crossing her arms across her chest and turning
her head away from Miyeon. She couldn’t help denying Miyeon a bit longer. The best things
come to those who are patient, after all. She shifted her leg a bit, making sure to push it
against Miyeon enough to frustrate the other girl.

It must have worked because, she heard Miyeon let out an angry huff, but she wasn’t
expecting the hand that suddenly pushed her shoulder back, forcing Minnie to lay down on
the bed.


Miyeon put both her hands on Minnie’s shoulders, pinning the younger girl below her. She
moved her hips against Minnie’s, making Minnie’s eyes go wide.

“I need you, Minnie.”

Minnie was initially stunned by Miyeon’s assertiveness, but it only made her feel even more
pleased. She was proud she could make Miyeon like this, chasing her desire without shame
clouding her thoughts. Maybe this would a success sooner than later.

“Wow. I didn’t realize you wanted to top tonight.” Minnie prodded, despite her current
predicament of being trapped against the bed.

Miyeon only glared at her as she gripped the front of Minnie’s shirt, bunching the fabric
inside her fist as she held Minnie down.

“You have a lot of frustration to work out, don’t you, Miyeon?”

“You… are the… most annoying… person on the planet.” Miyeon grumbled out as her hips
grinded against Minnie’s. Minnie was getting so turned on by Miyeon’s desperation and
irritation that she couldn’t resist rolling her own hips against Miyeon’s, causing them both to

“I’ll take that as a compliment.”

Miyeon frowned again, but Minnie could see the amusement in her eyes as they bickered
with each other. This really wasn’t very different than their usual conversations—well, if you
discounted the growing moans they both let out each time their hips met and the rising
temperature in room.

Minnie reached back up to Miyeon’s chest, inelegantly pulling her black lace bra down to
finally reveal her breasts. Since Miyeon was still holding her down against the bed, this was
the best she could do, but it was worth it when Miyeon moaned again after Minnie brushed
her fingers against Miyeon’s rosy peaks. They spent a few minutes establishing a rhythm that
Minnie could see was having a strong effect on Miyeon, judging from her flushed face,
shallow breath, and stuttering hips.

“Minnie—” Miyeon looked worried as she met Minnie’s gaze.

“Are you ok?” Minnie hoped she hadn’t done anything that upset Miyeon. The girl hadn’t
stopped her movements, however, which reassured Minnie.

“I think I’m almost there.” Miyeon finally whispered out, like it was a shameful secret.
Minnie on the other hand, felt a roar of victory in her chest. Miyeon looked like she was
scared, probably due to all the anxiety that had built up over the years about this. It was
probably why she pinned Minnie down, just as a way to take control of the situation so she
wouldn’t be denied by her partner.

“It’s ok, Miyeon, I’m here. It’s just me.” Minnie comforted as she moved her hand to rest
above Miyeon’s heart, pressing it against her racing heartbeat.

Miyeon let out a shaky breath, but a small smile slowly replaced the worry on her face as she
took in Minnie’s words. She moved one of her hands from Minnie’s shoulders and cupped
Minnie’s face, looking at her with what Minnie hoped was adoration. Minnie nuzzled her
hand, and Miyeon’s smile grew.

“I’m glad it’s you.”

Minnie’s face broke out into a matching smile despite her attempts to stay cool. Minnie felt
like the luckiest woman in the world, just to spend these moments with Miyeon. She wanted
it to never end, but she also had a mission to fulfill.

Now that she knew Miyeon was close, Minnie had another trick up her sleeve. Miyeon’s eyes
were closed again, and she seemed to be entirely focused on the roll of her hips and the
feeling of Minnie’s fingers on her chest. She still had Minnie pinned down, which limited the
younger woman’s options, but it was time to fill another box from Miyeon’s checklist. Oral
fixation, check.

While Miyeon was distracted, Minnie grasped Miyeon’s hand that was caressing her cheek
and brought it to her full lips, laying a soft kiss on the tips of her fingers.

Miyeon’s eyes opened up, curiously watching what Minnie was up to. Minnie smirked before
drawing two of Miyeon’s fingers into her mouth, shamelessly sucking on them as Miyeon’s
pace increased. Miyeon seemed entranced by her movements, and Minnie made sure to keep
her attention as she licked and sucked at Miyeon’s fingers, doing something she knew for a
fact that Miyeon was into. As she did it, Minnie realized she might have found a new thing
for herself as well. Being held under Miyeon as the girl chased her own pleasure was
definitely something Minnie would think about for countless nights in the future. Minnie
didn’t remember ever enjoying sex with her exes like she was enjoying her time with
Miyeon, and Miyeon was barely even touching her.

Minnie must have made the right move when she took Miyeon’s fingers into her mouth,
because it seemed to be the thing that finally sent Miyeon over the edge. The older girl’s eyes
were focused on Minnie’s mouth, and her other hand pulled even harder at Minnie’s shirt as
she finally reached her peak against her thigh.


Miyeon collapsed into Minnie’s embrace. Minnie wrapped her arms around her, comforting
her as the older girl tried to get control over her breathing. This was a huge step for Miyeon,
and Minnie knew she would need a lot of after-care.

“See? I didn’t even need to touch you. I’m a pro.” Minnie bragged as she left a sweet kiss
below Miyeon’s ear. She was proud of her skills, and was happy Miyeon was finally able to
overcome her mental block. Everything was perfect.

But Minnie soon felt a wet sensation on her neck.

Miyeon murmured something into the rumpled fabric of Minnie’s shirt, but Minnie couldn’t
hear her.


Miyeon murmured again, but this time it was just loud enough for Minnie to hear it.
“Oh my god.”

“Are you ok?” She moved Miyeon back so she could see her face again. The girl’s eyes were
filled with unshed tears, and the few that had already escape stained the front of Minnie’s

“I’m ok. Just a little overwhelmed by it all.”

“Take your time.” Minnie said as she drew comforting patterns on Miyeon’s back. Miyeon
pulled back fully this time, looking Minnie in the eyes.

“I just… I don’t know why I was so scared. That was great.” Miyeon laughed as her tears
fell. Minnie had never seen someone smile and cry at the same time until meeting Miyeon.
She was definitely unique.

Minnie chuckled at how weird her best friend was as she leaned forward to wipe away
Miyeon’s tears with her thumbs. She didn’t know how Miyeon could look so beautiful with
tears staining her flushed cheeks, but Minnie had never seen someone more gorgeous in her

“Was it better than you expected?” Minnie asked.

“So much better. I never knew sex could be so enjoyable and not feel like a chore. I feel so…
happy?” Miyeon mused, and Minnie couldn’t help but smile again.

“Do you want to finish for the night?” Minnie was already satisfied after watching Miyeon
finally let go. And she was happy she won the bet, of course. Her paperwork was going to be
a breeze this week with Miyeon’s help.

If this was the end of their night together, Minnie would be fine with that. A small part of her
heart was telling her to say something to Miyeon that she probably shouldn’t, but she was
able to hold it in. She didn’t want to ruin the moment with useless feelings.
But because of all those useless feelings, she was surprised when she heard Miyeon’s answer.

“No. Let’s keep going.”

Chapter End Notes

phew. this chapter ended up much longer than planned, but i hope you enjoy it!

moral(s) of the story: communication is key... and miyeon in glasses is adorable.

Learn by Example
Chapter Summary

The rest of the night

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

“Wait… really?” Minnie sat up on the bed, looking at Miyeon with a confused expression.
Miyeon’s hands tightened on Minnie’s shirt, trying not to fall back with Minnie’s sudden
movement. Their faces were close, and Minnie could see that Miyeon’s tears had already
dried up after her brief cry. She did her best not to look at Miyeon’s lips, but she caught her
eyes drifting while she was waiting for Miyeon’s answer. They just looked so… soft… even
when she had an annoying expression on her face, like right now.

Miyeon looked amused by Minnie’s surprise, and was holding in a smile. She patted down
Minnie’s shirt lapels, an unsuccessful attempt to smooth out the rumpled creases she caused
only moments before when she was grinding on her.


Minnie was still confused. Yes, she had promised a long night to Miyeon, but she really
thought the other girl would be done with her once she got past her initial fear. But…
instead… Miyeon wanted to continue?


Miyeon chewed on her lip, looking like she was trying to come up with a good answer. As
she waited for an answer, Minnie took a moment to enjoy the press of Miyeon’s weight in her
lap. She couldn’t remember the last time she felt so comforted by the touch of someone else.
With her past girlfriends, Minnie always felt like there was an invisible barrier between them.
She never let herself fully let go of her own insecurities and be comforted by them, but with
Miyeon, all she wanted to do was just enjoy her presence without other worries clouding her
head. Maybe that was the reason they were able to best friends for so long, through so many
ups and downs, because Minnie craved the comfort Miyeon brought her, even after an
argument or a few weeks of stilted communication. She always found herself coming back to

She was starting to realize how deep her feelings for Miyeon really went, far beyond surface
level attraction, and Minnie was scared by it.

“Well… if we only have one night, shouldn’t we make the best of it?” Miyeon said carefully
as she repeated back the words Minnie had said earlier. Despite her fear, Minnie couldn’t stop
the smile that bloomed on her face as she listened.

“You must have really enjoyed it then?” Minnie said teasingly as her fingers played with
Miyeon’s skirt, and Miyeon groaned in embarrassment. She leaned her head on Minnie’s
shoulder, hiding her flushed face.

“I… I don’t know what you’re talking about. Can we just move on?” She mumbled into
Minnie’s neck. Minnie wrapped her arms around Miyeon’s back, pulling her into a hug.
Miyeon’s shirt was still hanging open, but she had pulled her bra back into position before
when she was catching her breath. Miyeon’s hot skin burned through Minnie’s shirt, and she
was keenly aware of the fire that had been burning between her own legs ever since she had
first touched Miyeon that night. She didn’t expect Miyeon to touch her in return, but she
definitely felt turned on enough to get a little antsy as Miyeon shifted in her lap. If this was
what denial felt like, she would gladly suffer it time and time again just to see Miyeon come
undone again.

“Do you want to choose next, since I chose last time?” Minnie offered, but Miyeon shook her
head against her shoulder, brushing her lips against Minnie’s sensitive neck. Minnie wasn’t
sure if she was doing that on purpose or not, but she was happy either way.

“No, no. You can…um… choose.” Miyeon mumbled shyly, like they just hadn’t had sex
already. Minnie found it endearing.

Minnie went through the list in her head. She didn’t want to push Miyeon too far yet, but she
also enjoyed teasing the other girl and couldn’t resist trying to rile up Miyeon again. She
thought of the perfect idea, not too advanced but still embarrassing enough to get a reaction
out of the older girl.

She leaned forward to whisper her idea in Miyeon’s ear, breathing in the older girl’s perfume
and sweat again. After she finished, Miyeon suddenly hit her on the shoulder, pushing her
back against the bed again. Minnie laughed as she looked at the scandalized expression on
Miyeon’s face.

“Are you joking?” She asked, eyes wide.

Minnie shook her head as she laughed. “Not at all. I think it would be a good idea. And
anyways, didn’t you circle mutual ma—” Minnie was cut off when a hand came up to cover
her mouth, muffling her words.

“Minnie! I didn’t mean it like that!” Miyeon whined in embarrassment. “You’re conveniently
forgetting the ‘mutual’ part of that category!”

“This is still mutual in a way! You’ll be doing it, and I’ll be watching. Mutually.”

“Minnie…” Miyeon warned.

Minnie waved her hands in an attempt to compromise. “If you don’t actually want to do it,
that’s ok, but I thought it would be a good idea so I can see how you like to be touched. Learn
by example, you know?”

What Minnie didn’t mention was Miyeon’s note next to a certain category, which just read
“maybe a little.” It gave her a deeper insight to Miyeon’s desires, and truthfully made her feel
hot under the collar, especially in combination with the other things that Miyeon circled. It
painted her a full picture of what she wanted to try with Miyeon that night, even though
Miyeon was still too shy to mention her desires out loud. One step at a time, Minnie thought
to herself.
Miyeon had a frown on her face as she thought about what Minnie had offered. Minnie
always found Miyeon’s frown to be her cutest expression, even when she was mad at her.
Minnie couldn’t lie, angry Miyeon was one of her biggest turn-ons. It was just one of those
things she couldn’t explain, even when she suffered from Miyeon’s weak punches and loud
voice whenever she was angry.

“I—ok… let’s try it.” Miyeon finally decided, before speaking up again. “But you can’t laugh
at me!”

Minnie laughed at Miyeon’s demand before realizing she would lose this chance if she
laughed anymore. She did her best to keep a straight face as she answered Miyeon, tracing
her fingers through Miyeon’s slightly mussed hair, straightening out the loose hairs.

“I promise I won’t laugh.”

“Okay...” Miyeon sounded like she didn’t fully believe her, but she still acquiesced.

Now it was Minnie’s turn to sound unsure as she realized something. “So… um… are you
ready to start?” It had only been a little more than five minutes since Miyeon’s first time, so
Minnie wasn’t sure if she was ready yet. Some of her ex-girlfriends could go again right
away, but some took longer. She wondered how long Miyeon would take.

“Oh… I think I’m ready now.” Miyeon said with a shy smile as she stared down at her lap,
and Minnie didn’t know how much more she could handle without having a heart attack.
Maybe she had already died and gone to heaven, and didn’t even notice? Miyeon was shy,
but it obvious she was eager to start again, and that made Minnie excited too.

“Ok, ok.” She said, trying to compose herself and ignore the feeling between her legs. She
could do this. Again.

“Should I start like this?” Miyeon asked unsurely, pointing out their current position with
Miyeon straddling Minnie’s lap. She didn’t sound very confident about it, so Minnie wanted
to make it easier for her. Miyeon couldn’t meet her eyes, so she had a feeling it would be
easier if they weren’t facing each other.
“You can turn around if you want. It might be more comfortable.”

“That would be better…” Miyeon said as she turned, laying back against Minnie’s chest
again. It was so similar but different from when they were in this position before. Before,
Minnie hadn’t thought she would even win, let alone be asked by Miyeon to continue even
after the older girl lost the bet. She wouldn’t take this moment for granted either.

Minnie rested her head on Miyeon’s shoulder, giving her a good view down Miyeon’s open
shirt that she pretended not to see.

“I really can’t believe I’m going to do this in front of you.” Miyeon mumbled as she settled
into Minnie’s embrace.

Miyeon was waiting for sign to start, and Minnie realized that once again, she would have to
lead things along. She didn’t mind it thought. She enjoyed giving Miyeon the nudge that
would get her started.

She placed her hands on Miyeon’s bare thighs, and when the girl seemed to be comfortable
with the touch, she drew her hands up, grasping Miyeon’s skirt and pulling it up until she
could see her matching black lace underwear. Miyeon gasped as Minnie’s fingers traced the
patterns on the fabric. Her fingers were so close, but still so far away from where she wanted

“Do you need help taking them off?” Minnie asked playfully, getting her confidence back as
Miyeon shivered under her touch.

“No! I can do it myself…” Miyeon said petulantly as she lifted herself up, slipping off her
underwear and throwing them off to the side. She was bare now, and Minnie did her best to
not run her fingers through Miyeon’s soft curls and then push them lower. Instead, Minnie
brought her hands up to once again cup Miyeon’s chest, pushing down her bra. She kissed the
already red hickeys on her neck and waited for Miyeon to start.
The other girl groaned as Minnie played with her chest, but didn’t move her own hands from
where they were resting on Minnie’s knees.

“Aren’t you… aren’t you going to do anything?” Miyeon asked shakily as Minnie circled her
rosy peaks with teasing touches. She must have thought Minnie would have taken advantage
of her newly-bared skin under her skirt, but Minnie pretended to not even see it.

Minnie smirked against Miyeon’s hot skin as she continued her light touches. “Nope. I’m just
here to enjoy the show.” She knew she was driving Miyeon crazy, from her flushed skin to
her impatient words. And she pretended to not see the wetness on her inner thighs, but she
couldn’t get that sight out of her mind, even when Miyeon shut her legs tightly after
removing her underwear.

“I hate you.” Miyeon grumbled as she tried not to react to Minnie’s touches.

“Apparently not enough to stop me, though.”

Miyeon only groaned in frustration as she finally brought her hand to rest on her own inner
thigh. They were almost there, but Minnie had to give her one last nudge.

“You should tell me what you like, when you do it. It’ll be very helpful for later.” She
whispered into Miyeon’s ear, and she could tell Miyeon enjoyed the idea despite all her
previous denials.

“Well, if it’s helpful…” She said carefully, and Minnie knew she had won. She moved her
hands back to Miyeon’s thighs, rubbing them carefully as Miyeon finally moved her hand to
rest between her own legs. Minnie almost fainted from the sight.

She started a slow and light pace, but her breathing showed how affected she already was.
Minnie felt her heart race as she watched Miyeon touch herself, and tried to ignore the
uncomfortable dampness between her own legs.
“I—I like to start slowly. Because I’m sensitive...” Miyeon said, her cheeks flushed. “My
boyfriend was always too rough and it just didn’t feel good.”

“I see, I see.” Minnie said as she watched carefully, trying to contain herself as Miyeon
whimpered in pleasure. She could see the wetness on her fingers and wished she could taste

“And then when I’m ready, I like to um… you know.” She said as she dipped the tips of her
fingers inward. Minnie watched Miyeon’s fingers push in slowly, and suddenly wished she
could replace Miyeon’s fingers with her own. But it wasn’t time quite yet.

“And I just go back and forth until… yeah.” Miyeon finally mumbled out between heavy
breathes, obviously getting more worked up than she thought she would be with Minnie
watching her. It was probably the greatest sight Minnie had ever seen with her own eyes, and
there was no competition. Miyeon was fully into it, as expected. Her exhibitionist streak was
something Minnie would like to explore in the future, if they ever had another chance.
Minnie was very into it, and realized her own voyeuristic tendencies matched perfectly with

Miyeon might have been afraid of voicing her wants before, but Minnie could tell she was
more comfortable now, since she was doing this now with her. Being this vulnerable wasn’t
easy, and Minnie was happy Miyeon trusted her enough for this.

The air in the room was smoldering, and Minnie didn’t know how much longer she could
torture Miyeon before her own self-control ran out. She would have to speed this up, for her
own sake.

Miyeon’s legs were closed tightly around her hand as it worked against her, and Minnie
thought of a new way to annoy the other girl. She moved her hands from Miyeon’s chest to
her thighs, pulling them apart again and giving herself a better view.

“What—what are you doing?” Miyeon exclaimed in between heavy breathes. It was obvious
she was enjoying this, even though Minnie was being mischievous.
“If you do that, I won’t be able to see what you like.” Minnie reasoned, and Miyeon’s other
hand came up to slap Minnie on the arm.

“You really are the worst.” Miyeon said, but she continued her movements, too far gone to
stop, even when Minnie was teasing her. Her eyes closed again, and the rosy tint on her
cheeks gave away her true feelings. Minnie leaned in to leave a sweet kiss on her cheek,
reasoning that it was ok since it still wasn’t on her lips. Miyeon hummed happily as she felt
Minnie’s lips against her cheek, so Minnie knew she approved of it. She laid a few more
kisses on her cheek, enjoying the closeness she felt to the other girl.

“For someone so shy, you seem to enjoy being watched.” Minnie whispered into her ear,
making Miyeon shiver.

“Just—just by you...” Miyeon admitted as she continued touching herself, and Minnie tasted

“Good. Because I don’t want you doing this with anyone else.” Minnie said, hoping Miyeon
would think it’s only dirty talk and not Minnie’s true feelings. Luckily, the other girl only
shivered again in response to her words.

Just as Minnie could see Miyeon was nearing her peak, she suddenly moved one of her hands
from Miyeon’s thigh and grabbed Miyeon’s hand, holding it in place.

Miyeon’s eyes shot open, and she turned towards Minnie with a surprised look. “Why did
you that?” She looked desperate to finish, like she had before, and Minnie was enjoying
every second of it.

“I wanted to try.” Minnie whispered again as she pushed her fingers against Miyeon’s own,
rubbing them against her centre. Miyeon let out a loud whimper as Minnie picked up the
speed, quickly bringing her back to where she was. For someone who said she had never
enjoyed being touched down there by her boyfriend’s rough hands before, Miyeon seemed to
really be enjoying it now. The slick wetness that coated Minnie’s fingers could attest to that.
Minnie knew she had the golden touch, and she wanted Miyeon to know too. It was the
reason she was always confident in winning the bet. She moved Miyeon’s fingers up so they
were pressed against her nub, while Minnie moved her own fingers lower.
“Can I?” Minnie asked, just in case, and Miyeon quickly nodded. Minnie slipped a single
finger in at first, and when Miyeon moaned and bucked her hips, she slipped a second in. She
was tight and warm, and Minnie couldn’t help but speed up her thrusts as she felt her
excitement grown. She hooked her fingers in the place she knew Miyeon would most enjoy.
Miyeon’s fingers sped up as well, and Minnie pulled her closer against her with her other
arm, trapping Miyeon against her as she grinded her hips into Minnie’s hand.

“You really like this, don’t you? I thought you hated me?” Minnie teased as she sucked on
Miyeon’s earlobe.

Miyeon moaned again, hips stuttering. “I do… I do hate you.”

“You really do?” Minnie pushed, giving it her all. The other girl could only groan in pleasure
and annoyance as she swiftly reached her climax from the overstimulation.

Miyeon groaned as her muscles tensed and her thighs shook. Minnie bit her earlobe harshly,
and Miyeon whimpered as she hit her peak.

“I hate you. I hate you. I hate you.”

When Miyeon finally came down from her high, Minnie removed her wet fingers, but not
without first wiping them on Miyeon’s thigh to get back at her. The older girl shivered at the
touch, and Minnie couldn’t hold back her laughter anymore. She fell back against the bed,
bringing Miyeon down with her and hugging her tightly against her as she giggled.

They took a few minutes to bask in the afterglow before Minnie finally spoke up again.

“You’re the first person I’ve ever slept with that told me that they hated me during sex.”
Minnie said as she turned towards Miyeon with an amused smile. “Usually, they tell me after.
Sometimes even before.”
Miyeon didn’t laugh. Instead, she was frowning at Minnie, obviously mad she had broken
their ‘no laughter’ policy, but Minnie couldn’t help it. She felt ecstatic, and Miyeon’s petulant
words had made her heart feel full. Miyeon’s ‘I hate you’ during sex meant more to her than
any of her past ex’s declarations of love ever did after months of dating. Minnie poked her in
the cheek playfully, and Miyeon pouted even more.

“I really do hate you.” Miyeon whined. “I told you not to laugh at me.” She tried her best to
sound upset but Minnie could see the secret smile beneath her frown. This was part of their
normal banter, and it was the reason why Minnie liked Miyeon so much more than anyone
else. She was the only one who secretly seemed to love Minnie’s brattiness, even when she
pretended not to, and Minnie was the same for whenever Miyeon was in an especially
annoying mood. They just worked well together.

“You were too funny, I’m sorry.” Minnie said with a chuckle as she wiggled Miyeon in her
embrace. The older girl rolled her eyes as she tried not to smile.

“That was funny to you?”

“I mean, it was really hot. Extremely hot. But funny too.” Minnie explained, and Miyeon
decided to hit her again.

“You’re lucky your good at this, or I would kick you out.” Miyeon grumbled, and Minnie left
another kiss on her cheek as she tightened her arms around the older girl. Miyeon was still
flushed and her skin tasted like fresh sweat.

“You can’t kick me out of my own apartment, Miyeon.”

“I could if I wanted to.” Miyeon said, a challenge in her eyes as she turned in Minnie’s arms
again, pinning Minnie back down to the bed. Minnie couldn’t believe it, but it looked like
Miyeon ready to start again. How the girl wasn’t already exhausted, Minnie had no idea.
Maybe all her pent-up sexual frustration from years of dissatisfaction gave her more energy
than the average person. Or maybe Miyeon just had a high sex drive that hadn’t been
revealed until now. This night was going to be long, Minnie realized, but she wasn’t
“I would love to see you try.”

The next morning, it took Minnie a moment to register the warm body pressed up against her
own. Her brain wasn’t working quickly at eight in the morning, and it wasn’t until she
smelled Miyeon’s familiar scent that she realized her best friend was cuddled up in her
embrace. Miyeon had borrowed an extra pair of clothes after they had showered, and now
was snoring soundly in Minnie’s cat-patterned pajamas. They had a very long and eventful
night, and Minnie still couldn’t believe it actually happened. It was better than anything she
had ever experienced, and she didn’t even come once the whole night. She focused on
Miyeon the entire time, and it satisfied her more than her own pleasure could have. Even
their bickering and play fights made her feel beyond happy. And they crossed quite a few
things off the list that Minnie had only dreamed of. Miyeon must have come six or seven
times, but Minnie lost count because she was too busy enjoying it. She couldn’t have been
more content.

The older girl would probably be asleep for a few more hours, since she wasn’t a morning
person like Minnie was, but that gave Minnie time to admire her. The dip of her cheekbones,
the angle of her nose, her cute drool on the corner of her mouth. She brushed Miyeon’s hair
out of her face, tucking it behind her ear and resting her fingers on her jaw. Minnie knew this
was a one-night deal for a stupid bet, but… she wouldn’t exactly hate waking up to this sight
every morning. She felt like this was how her life was supposed to be, with Miyeon in her
bed. She wanted all of Miyeon, not just as a friend. She knew where her heart lay, and it was
with the woman who was currently snoring on her chest while her drool was staining
Minnie’s pajama top.

That was when Minnie realized she was really screwed.

Chapter End Notes

so i might have added another chapter because i cut this chapter in half >.<

next chapter, minnie will get some emotional payoff (and more? maybe hahahah)

ps: will i have a bonus chapter with the stuff i skipped over? maybe :x
Mango Juice
Chapter Summary

Minnie meets her match

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Minnie couldn’t believe the amount of overtime she was doing this week. Her boss decided
to stop pretending that he didn’t hate her and piled on as much work as possible. It was
already nine at night, and she still had a whole pile of busy-work to get through by eight the
next morning. She was probably not going to sleep, which would just make her even more
behind tomorrow at work. She rubbed her temples for the twentieth time that night, hoping
for some sort of miracle or sudden burst of energy that would get her through.

She was already typing out the thirteenth report that night when she heard a knock on her

Minnie got up, surprised to hear someone at her door so late. It could be a neighbor who
needed something, so she went to check her peephole.

She didn’t expect to see Miyeon’s smiling face on the other side.

“I brought you some take out.” Miyeon said with a grin after Minnie opened the door. Minnie
didn’t know what she did to deserve a friend as kind as Miyeon, but she must have saved a
country in a past life or something.

“How did you know I didn’t eat?” Minnie asked as they made their way into the kitchen.
Miyeon smiled knowingly as she looked at all the work spread across Minnie’s kitchen table.
“I had a feeling you were too busy to eat, so I thought it would be nice to bring you

Minnie took the packages out of Miyeon’s hands, opening the food and putting it onto plates
for both of them. Miyeon must have stopped at her favourite Thai place, and Minnie almost
sighed with happiness as she smelled the delicious food that reminded her of home. Minnie
pushed some of her papers to the side, clearing two spaces on the table for her and Miyeon to
sit down. She poured some mango juice for both of them, knowing it was Miyeon’s favorite
whenever she came over to visit.

“You’re a goddess in disguise.” Minnie said honestly as she shoveled the noodles into her

Miyeon chuckled as she ate her own meal. The older woman was dressed in a sweater and
jeans, with her hair up in a simple ponytail. She must have changed after work. Minnie was
fully focused on the food when Miyeon first arrived, but now that she was finally eating, she
could appreciate Miyeon’s casual beauty and comforting presence. This all felt so…domestic,
and Minnie couldn’t help but enjoy it. It felt natural for her and Miyeon to be eating dinner
together like this, even though they weren’t together. Miyeon’s apartment was pretty far away
from Minnie’s own, and she wondered what had brought the woman to this side of the city.

“How’s work going?” Miyeon asked as she drank her juice, nodding towards the unorganized
papers on the table.

Minnie let out a tired sigh. “It’s fine. We have some last-minute stuff to finish for a client, so
my boss decided to throw it all on me.”

“I can help you, if you want? I don’t have work tomorrow.” Miyeon offered, but Minnie
immediately refused.

“You helped me all last week. I couldn’t ask you to do it again tonight.”
Miyeon had lived up to her half of the bet and helped Minnie with her paperwork the week
before. She was a great worker, and Minnie actually enjoyed doing her menial tasks next to
Miyeon as they worked through the night. She often found herself staring at Miyeon as she
worked, focusing on the documents as she chewed mindlessly on one of Minnie’s pens.
Minnie didn’t mind though; she was so taken with Miyeon that the other girl could really do
anything and Minnie would find it incredibly attractive and endearing. Winning the bet might
have been one of the best things that had happened in her life in the past year or so, and being
able to finish her paperwork by eight at night was the cherry on top.

“I want to help you.” Miyeon said, moving her hand over Minnie’s own and squeezing. “I
like doing it.”

Miyeon’s touch made Minnie’s heart pound. She was too shy to meet Miyeon’s eyes, so she
focused on the movement of Miyeon’s thumb, rubbing soothing patterns on the back of
Minnie’s hand. Ever since they slept together, Minnie had been extremely aware of Miyeon’s
presence, even more than before. Every time Miyeon brushed by Minnie, or held her hand, or
even when her eyes lingered longer than what was appropriate, Minnie felt a rush of heat in
her stomach. It was probably just her own imagination, but it felt like Miyeon had been
bolder with her actions towards Minnie ever since their night together. Minnie wondered if it
was because she just felt more comfortable with Minnie now as a friend, or if she wanted
something more. Minnie wanted more, she could admit, but she would never pressure
Miyeon into a relationship that was more than their one-night stand.

“Ok, ok. You can help me.” Minnie acquiesced, and she looked up at Miyeon in time to see
the pleased smile on the woman’s face.

They worked quietly side by side for an hour, and Minnie’s previous despair disappeared as
Miyeon helped her. With a full stomach and the world’s most beautiful paper-pusher next to
her, Minnie was happy to type mindlessly about her boring clients.

Minnie had been fully focused on editing a client profile when she felt something touch her
leg. At first, she thought maybe Miyeon’s own leg had brushed it when she was repositioning
herself, but then she felt a light squeeze on her thigh.

Miyeon was chewing on her pencap, but her right hand lay on Minnie’s thigh, almost
Minnie tried her best to ignore it, but despite Miyeon’s relaxed expression, her hand was
beginning to massage Minnie’s leg.

“I thought—I thought you wanted to help me with work.” Minnie stuttered out as Miyeon’s
hand crept higher on her thigh. Miyeon turned to her with a naughty smile on her face.

“We can take a quick break, right?” Miyeon said innocently, but her hand’s position on
Minnie’s inner thigh was anything but innocent.

“Miyeon…” Minnie warned, worried that the girl was pressuring herself into doing
something she didn’t need to do. Miyeon ignored Minnie’s warning however and leaned
closer to leave a sweet kiss on Minnie’s cheek.

“I’ve been thinking about it all week,” Miyeon said as she moved closer to Minnie. “I’ve
been thinking about you, Minnie.”

“You really don’t need to…” Minnie said, eyes turned downward so Miyeon couldn’t see the
vulnerability in them.

“I want to.” Miyeon said as she grasped Minnie’s chin, moving her face so their eyes could
finally meet. “And I remember you encouraging me to do what I wanted.” Her gaze burned
through Minnie.

“Unless you don’t want to, of course.” Miyeon added with an understanding smile, giving
Minnie an easy out if she felt uncomfortable.

Minnie did feel uncomfortable, but not in that way. She felt uncomfortable as Miyeon held
her chin, thinking about the confident way the other woman was looking at her. Liquid heat
pooled between her legs. Their night together was everything Minnie could have dreamed of,
but the thought of Miyeon returning the favour made her feel like she was going to melt.
Minnie couldn’t lie, she had found her hand slipping into her pajama shorts more often than
not every night since she had slept with Miyeon, touching herself as she remembered all the
things she did to Miyeon, and then imagining all the things she wanted Miyeon to do to her.
As she approached her climax, her brain conjured up the image of Miyeon’s face between her
thighs, her innocent eyes meeting Minnie’s own as she drove her to pleasure with her wicked
tongue. That imagery always sent Minnie over the edge, but she always felt guilty afterward.
Maybe Miyeon wasn’t the only one who had been dealing with complicated feelings about

But now, she had Miyeon offering to fulfil her fantasies, and Minnie didn’t have enough self-
control to say no.

“I—I want to.” Minnie stumbled before she regained her composure. “I really want to. I just
don’t want you to feel obligated or anything. The bet is already over.”

“This isn’t for the bet,” Miyeon responded quickly. “But there’s some things I still want to try
with you. Would that be ok?”

Minnie nodded, still in disbelief as Miyeon took her hand and led them back to Minnie’s bed.
Last time they were in her bed, Minnie had pleasured Miyeon all night. And now, it seems,
Miyeon taking matters into her own hands.

Miyeon sat down on the bed and pulled Minnie down so she was straddling Miyeon.
Miyeon’s wide eyes were watching Minnie’s every move, and she felt like Miyeon could see
right through her as Minnie avoided pressing her aching core against Miyeon’s lap. She
didn’t want Miyeon to know how much she wanted this, how much her touch affected her.
Minnie was supposed to be the expert, not Miyeon, but for some reason she felt like the
tables had turned. Maybe it was because Miyeon had been open about all her own desires, so
she had no shame left, which meant Minnie was now the one trying to hide her wants and

“I want to touch you.” Miyeon said as her fingers rubbed against the bare strip of skin that
appeared under Minnie’s sweatshirt. “Can I?”

In Minnie’s mind, she heard her more desperate side speak out. You can touch me anywhere
you want. You can do anything you want to me. I’m yours.
In reality, she only nodded, too nervous to trust herself to speak. Miyeon would probably find
Minnie’s desperation unattractive, and she didn’t want to ruin what they had going.

Miyeon smiled again and pulled Minnie fully down into her lap, obviously enjoying the
reversal of their roles from last time. Minnie whimpered pathetically when she felt Miyeon
push her hips against her, and quickly moved to cover her mouth with her hand when she
realized what she had just done.

But it was already too late.

Miyeon’s eyes had narrowed. “Were you actually pretending to be a top this whole time?”
She asked, smug grin growing as she came to that realization. Minnie couldn’t believe what
just came out of Miyeon’s mouth. Her words reflected the teasing Minnie had done the other
night, and Minnie realized she might have created a monster. A very horny monster. One that
had complete control over Minnie’s heart.

“No! I’m just… very wound up.”

“Just from sitting on me?” Miyeon wondered out loud. Minnie wished she hadn’t.

“Um… maybe it’s hormonal?” Minnie tried to justify, but Miyeon wasn’t buying it.


“Uh… maybe. I haven’t uh… done it for a while.” She lied, pretending she hadn’t touched
herself to thoughts of Miyeon in this bed only a night before. Miyeon definitely did not need
to know about how desperate for release Minnie had been this week, and how much she
thought about Miyeon’s graceful fingers and full lips.
“I’ll help you unwind.” Miyeon said with a laugh as she played with the hem of Minnie’s
hoodie, and Minnie wanted to kiss her so badly she ached. But didn’t want to push any
boundaries that they had set before, so she held herself back. This could just be Miyeon
wanting to try out more things in a safe space and kissing her would break their tenuous
agreement. Miyeon probably didn’t desire Minnie specifically; she just enjoyed the rush of
exploring her newly discovered sexuality, and Minnie was just a safe space for her to

And Minnie wasn’t strong enough to say no.

Miyeon went to push Minnie’s sweatshirt up, and Minnie realized she had forgotten to tell
her that she wasn’t wearing anything underneath. Minnie grabbed the hem of her sweatshirt
and held it down against her stomach

“Wait— wait, Miyeon.”

Miyeon’s expression was confused as she pulled back. She looked worried that she had
crossed a line.

Minnie realized she would have to explain herself so Miyeon wouldn’t feel bad. “I… um. I’m
not wearing a bra. Or a shirt.”

Miyeon’s expression quickly changed from worried to amused.

“…and what’s the problem with that?” Miyeon said with a mischievous smirk, and Minnie
concluded that she definitely created a monster.

“Oh… I just wanted you to know…”

“And now I know. Thank you. Can you move your hands now?” Miyeon said playfully.
When Minnie moved her hands, Miyeon reached forward again, grasping the hem of
Minnie’s sweatshirt in her hands and dragging it up above her chest.
Minnie felt exposed as the cold air brushed against her hardening nipples. She thought
Miyeon might lift her sweatshirt fully over her head, but the older woman left it pushed up to
her collar, too excited to completely undress Minnie.

Miyeon licked her lips as she took in Minnie’s bare chest, and Minnie suddenly felt like a
slab of meat in front of a predator. She wondered what happened to the shy Miyeon she knew
before. The woman in front of her had no shame as she objectified Minnie’s body.
Unfortunately, Minnie enjoyed it, despite her insistence that she wouldn’t. Maybe she really
was a bottom this whole time, and none of her previous girlfriends or hookups ever realized
it. That would explain a lot.

But… she couldn’t tell Miyeon that. The other girl would never let her hear the end of it after
Minnie shamelessly described herself as the “best top ever” when they had sex. Minnie really
dug herself a hole there, and she wasn’t sure how to get out of it without Miyeon teasing her

Minnie was quickly taken out of her thoughts when she felt Miyeon’s cold hands brush
against her chest, cupping her breasts and feeling their weight. She couldn’t help the shiver
that went through her at Miyeon’s touch. For someone who had never slept with another
woman before, Miyeon seemed to be learning fast.

“I’ve always wanted to try this.” Miyeon said, eyes focused on Minnie’s chest.

“Try wh—” Minnie was just about to ask when she felt Miyeon’s tongue brush against her
hardened peak. Her hands had been cold, but her mouth was hot and slick. Minnie couldn’t
help but yelp. Miyeon gave it a few playful licks before pulling back again.

“Ever since you did it to me, I wanted to try.” She admitted with a lopsided smile.

Minnie’s face must have been crimson red as she stumbled over her response.

“Ah…um… you don’t have to do that.”

“I want to.” Miyeon said firmly again before smiling and moving to the other side of
Minnie’s chest.

Miyeon took her sweet time as she licked and sucked at Minnie’s nipple, and it must have
been some sort of revenge on Minnie for everything she had done to her the week before. It
was working, because Minnie could stop whimpering as she felt pleasure shoot from her
chest down to her core. She didn’t even realize she was grinding her hips against Miyeon’s
own until she felt her own orgasm appearing in the near distance. She would have been more
embarrassed if it didn’t feel so good. Minnie had definitely ruined her underwear by now, but
she hoped Miyeon wouldn’t notice.

Miyeon took a moment to move down and kiss Minnie’s smooth abs and mark them with a
bite before moving back up to her other nipple. As she sucked at it, she moaned in pleasure,
sending vibrations deep into Minnie’s chest. It made Minnie only want to grind down harder,
but she just couldn’t get enough. She couldn’t believe how good Miyeon was. It was like she
knew how to press every single one of Minnie’s buttons, and it infuriated her as much as it
pleased her.

Miyeon’s hand moved up to join her mouth on working on Minnie’s chest, and Minnie felt
her wetness dripping. Her hips jerked, and she found her hands intertwining into Miyeon’s
hair, pulling her face deeper into her chest. She didn’t want Miyeon’s mouth to go anywhere
when it felt so good sucking on her.

“If you keep on doing this… I might come too fast…” Minnie admitted with a pant, and
Miyeon smiled in victory as she caught Minnie’s nipple between her lips and gave her an
innocent look.

“Would that be a bad thing?”

“Um… no?” Minnie thought, mind clouded with lust. “But it takes me longer to recover than
you, so I don’t want to come too early…” She eventually reasoned. She didn’t want to waste
her one orgasm with Miyeon within the first ten minutes of their night. That would be
pathetic, in her mind at least. She didn’t want Miyeon to know how much she affected her.
“I can wait for you to recover.” Miyeon said plainly before returning to exactly what Minnie
was scared she would.

Miyeon’s mouth closed around Minnie’s nipple again, and she sucked slowly as she looked
into Minnie’s eyes with a daring gaze. Minnie couldn’t believe that she was the one who was
now at Miyeon’s mercy, but she guessed it was only fair that the other girl was able to get her

“You’re making me crazy…” Minnie sighed as Miyeon licked and sucked. Minnie could only
give up and accept the fact the girl was going to make her come early like an overexcited

Miyeon smiled again before sending Minnie a dangerous look and nipping at her chest.

“Ah—! That hurt!” Minnie yelped in surprise.

“But you liked it, right?” Miyeon asked, eyes innocent. Minnie had said she liked some
roughness on their checklist, but she had hoped Miyeon had already forgotten. Apparently,
the other woman never forgot anything about Minnie, and decided to use it to her advantage.

Minnie had nowhere to hide, so she gave in. “Um… yes… I liked it.” She sighed.

“Good.” Miyeon said, before once again exploring Minnie’s chest with her mouth. Minnie
was going crazy, and she was even more shocked when she felt Miyeon’s hand boldly slip
into her waistband, brushing past her curls into her slick wetness. Miyeon’s long fingers were
unexperienced, but her enthusiasm made up for it as she rubbed against Minnie’s clit before
dipping her fingers deep into her. The confidence Miyeon was radiating only made Minnie
feel even hotter.

“Is this good?” Miyeon asked curiously, and Minnie nodded frantically. She didn’t want
Miyeon to stop, no matter what. She was desperate enough to beg at this point. Miyeon tested
out different movements with her fingers until finding one Minnie seemed to enjoy most.
Minnie groaned, burying her face in Miyeon’s neck as she grinded on her fingers. Miyeon’s
free hand wrapped around Minnie’s back, pulling her tightly against her. She felt safe like
this. And even a little loved, if she really wanted to admit it.

But something was holding Minnie back. She just couldn’t get there, despite all the
stimulation and heat she was feeling from Miyeon’s fingers deep inside her and her mouth on
her chest. She still was feeling self-conscious, and all her unspoken feelings for Miyeon were
clouding her thoughts.

Miyeon must have picked up on Minnie’s inner conflict after a quiet moment, because she
stilled her fingers and pulled back.

“Are you ok?” She asked softly, wide eyes full of concern. Minnie didn’t know what she did
to deserve such a wonderful person in her life, and she did her best to stop the sudden tears
that were threatening to fill her eyes.

“Did I do something wrong?” Miyeon asked again. Minnie moved her hands to cup Miyeon’s
face, brushing the loose strands of hair behind her ears. She looked at the older woman, really
taking her time to take in Miyeon’s beauty. It wasn’t just her looks that were beautiful, but
her whole self, and Minnie couldn’t understand how someone couldn’t fall in love with her.
Miyeon was a challenge, someone who could irritate Minnie beyond belief, but she couldn’t
imagine caring about someone else as much as she did for Miyeon. Everyone else paled in
comparison, Minnie realized. She only wanted her.

“No, everything is perfect.” Minnie said after a moment, and it was the truth. She needed to
get over her own insecurities and enjoy her time with Miyeon. She didn’t know how long
they had together before real life intervened, but Minnie wanted to give herself fully to
Miyeon, even if the other woman didn’t feel the same way about her. It was a risk she was
willing to take, despite all her fears and worries. All the best things in life only came when
you made yourself vulnerable, Minnie realized. If Miyeon could open herself up to Minnie,
then Minnie needed to find the strength to do the same as well. Miyeon was worth it.

Miyeon smiled warmly and closed her eyes, nuzzling her face into Minnie’s palm. “It is

“Do you want to continue?” Miyeon asked, and Minnie nodded timidly.
Miyeon kissed Minnie’s palm before looking at her. “Can I try something different?”

“Ah…sure.” Minnie said, unsure but excited as Miyeon’s face lit up. Miyeon knew all her
likes and dislikes, so Minnie was sure she was going to enjoy whatever Miyeon decided to
do. The only problem was that she was too proud to admit that.

Miyeon must have realized that, because she decided to take charge. She pushed Minnie back
against the bed before slipping her fingers into her waistband, pulling her pajama pants and
underwear down. Minnie lifted her hips to help her, excitement and nervousness flowing
through her veins.

“Miyeon…” Minnie said, unsure what to do next. She was laid bare for the object of her
affections and felt extremely self-conscious about her own body. This was all so much easier
when Miyeon was one who was in the vulnerable position and Minnie was in control. Now,
she was at Miyeon’s mercy, and it scared her just as much as it thrilled her.

“You’re really…wet.” Miyeon said simply as she stared, and Minnie went to close her legs in
humiliation. Miyeon moved forward, holding them open despite Minnie’s attempt to save
face. It was all Miyeon’s fault, so why was the girl teasing her about it now?

“That’s unfair.” Minnie whined, but Miyeon didn’t budge. Instead, she looked at Minnie with
pure admiration in her eyes.

“You’re so beautiful, Minnie.” Miyeon whispered, and Minnie felt her heart stop.

Miyeon placed her hands on Minnie’s inner thighs before moving forward, and Minnie
couldn’t handle it. She threw her arm over her eyes, trying to hide the flush that was painting
her face and neck crimson red. If she watched this, she knew she would die before Miyeon
even touched her.

She felt Miyeon kiss the inside of her thigh before moving to the other, taking her time so
Minnie could warm up to her touch. Just when Minnie thought she was finally getting used to
it, she felt Miyeon lay a kiss on her clit before tasting her.

Like her fingers, Miyeon’s mouth was unexperienced, but definitely enthusiastic enough to
make up the difference. She drive Minnie to climax faster than she hoped, but Minnie was in
too deep to care. Miyeon took her time to explore, testing out different movements and spots
to find out what pleased Minnie the most. Every time Minnie groaned, she would focus on
that spot until Minnie’s legs started shaking. It was like she really wanted to know everything
about Minnie and what made her tick, and Minnie realized none of her previous partners had
really cared that much. She was always the one who pleasured them, and told them not to
worry about her. And they didn’t.

Miyeon moved one of hands up to Minnie’s stomach, intertwining her fingers with Minnie’s
own as she licked and sucked at her. Her touch was so warm and comforting that Minnie
begin to feel safe enough to forget about her hang ups and regrets.

Minnie finally felt herself let go, fully submitting herself into the pleasure that Miyeon was
giving her. This was everything she ever wanted, and it was overwhelming. Minnie felt her
muscles begin to tense, and moved her other hand to the back of Miyeon’s head, pulling her
as close as possible as she approached her climax. She didn’t even care how desperate she
looked as she moaned and tangled her fingers into Miyeon’s hair.

“Miyeon…I love you… I love you…” Minnie whimpered as she came, not even noticing the
words that were spilling from her mouth as Miyeon worked her through, anchoring her with
her touch. The only thing in the world right now was Miyeon and the pleasure she was
bringing. Minnie had never felt this good before with her exes. She’s never felt this safe or

Once her moment of pure bliss passed by, Minnie finally realized what she had said to the
woman who was currently staring at her with wide eyes from between her legs. Miyeon had
stopped her movements, frozen as she processed Minnie’s words.

Minnie immediately sat up, moving backwards on the bed and grabbing a pillow to cover
herself. Her euphoria had been replaced by regret as she looked at Miyeon’s stunned

“I didn’t—I didn’t mean that!”

After finally unfreezing, Miyeon moved forward, eyes unreadable as she crawled forward on
the bed. Minnie backed up again until her back hit the headboard and she had nowhere else
left to go.

“Didn’t mean what?” Miyeon asked quietly as she leaned over Minnie, but Minnie was in no
state to respond. She hoped Miyeon would just leave her alone with her shame. She didn’t
want Miyeon to know that she liked her, let alone loved her. They were just friends who
happened to sleep with each other twice. Miyeon didn’t owe her anything.

Minnie closed her eyes, ready to stew in humiliation, when she felt a soft press against her
lips. Her eyes opened in shock before taking in Miyeon’s playful expression only inches
away from her face. Before Minnie could react, Miyeon moved forward again, pressing her
lips harder against Minnie’s own.

The kiss was full of passion, and Minnie melted into Miyeon as the other woman brought her
hand up to cup her cheek. Miyeon adjusted Minnie’s face so she could deepen the kiss, taking
charge as she pressed down on Minnie’s body with her own. Miyeon nipped at Minnie’s
bottom lip before slipping her tongue into her mouth. Minnie let her, overwhelmed by the
passion she was receiving from Miyeon. Miyeon tasted like the mango juice mixed with
Minnie’s own taste, and it was strangely addicting.

This was so different from sex, but at the same time, she felt the same warm tender feelings
from Miyeon that burned throughout her entire body while they were intimate. Miyeon’s
weight felt so satisfying on top of Minnie’s own body, and she hoped she would never leave.
Minnie had no reason to teach Miyeon anything about kissing, as she seemed to be even
better than Minnie imagined. Her kisses were as sincere as Miyeon was, but there was also a
subtle naughtiness under her innocent demeanor that Minnie was very attracted to. No one
knew this naughty side to Miyeon other than Minnie, and that made her feel even more
satisfied as they lazily kissed. Minnie could probably stay like this forever, with Miyeon’s
arms wrapped around her neck, pulling her close as Miyeon explored her mouth with her
skillful tongue.

“I like you too.” Miyeon said when she finally pulled back, smiling brightly at Minnie as she
tried her best to awaken from the euphoric state she was in.
Minnie fell back against the bed, her heart finally failing her as Miyeon’s words hit her.
She… like her? Miyeon liked her?

“You do?” Minnie asked, ready for Miyeon to say she was joking.

Miyeon only shook her head and giggled. “I do.”

“And you’re not just saying that because I made you come seven times?” Minnie asked, and
Miyeon laughed loudly in that carefree way that Minnie loved.

“Well… that could be part of it.” She teased, before continuing. “But I’ve liked you for a
while now, I just never thought we would ever get to this point. I was happy to have you in
my life no matter what.”

“Me—me too.” Minnie admitted. Surprisingly, Minnie was relieved Miyeon didn’t say ‘love’
back to her. It was way too embarrassing that she had said that during sex, and somehow
Miyeon telling her that she liked her made her even happier. It meant they had so much more
to explore with each other, which Minnie was very excited for. Miyeon looked genuine as she
had confessed back, easing Minnie’s worries that she had only said it because Minnie had
confessed first during the heat of the moment. Minnie had exes who told her they loved her
way too early, and it never seemed to work out. Love could wait a little bit longer… if
Minnie managed to get her mouth under control when they had sex again. Miyeon was never
going to let her live that down.

“You know…I have a few new ideas for another bet, if you want to try it?” Miyeon said with
a playful smile. Minnie laughed as she saw the overly eager look in Miyeon’s eyes. There
really was no chance of controlling the fiend she created any more. But she loved it.

“What do you have in mind?” Minnie asked as Miyeon moved down and tucked her head
onto her chest.

“Quite a few things…Do you still have those forms we filled out?” Miyeon asked with
shining eyes as she looked back up at Minnie, and Minnie couldn’t help but kiss her again.
There were so many things she looked forward to now, all because of a silly bet.
Chapter End Notes

its done!!! thank you all for being patient, and thank you for enjoying this very simple
fluff+smut story :) i might add a bonus chapter, but im not sure yet, so this is the end for
now :)
End Notes

ive been reading a lot of GL manhwa recently, and was inspired by a few series to make this
silly story. definitely a change of pace from 'midnight flower,' but it was a fun and light thing
to write!

look forward to more teasing, more awkward talks about sex, and yes, a lot of smut.

follow me on twitter for progress updates!

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