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Do you agree with Fang Ruan’s closing assertion that “A leader is best when people barely
know he exists.”?

I believe that Fang Ruan’s assertion is true but not at all times. Every company or group is
composed of different people. Different people function differently. Where one individual or
group thrives by having more freedom and less control from the upper management, there are
some people or groups who function more efficiently with close supervision. Thus, a barely
there approach may only bring success under the right circumstances.

2. Courage.

In my judgement, I possess the courage Simon Sinek speaks of in the video. Over the years, I
have observed myself make decisions that were not easy but were at par to what I believed to
be right. And while tradition and outside pressure weigh heavily on my mind during crossroads,
I always find myself taking the path I believe is best.

3. Area for improvement

Just as what Mr. Sinek has pointed out, I reckon that establishing meaningful interpersonal
relationships with employees is my waterloo. While I have always practiced diplomacy and
showed respect for everyone, I have not exerted enough effort to go out of my comfort zone
and relate to employees on a more personal level.

4. Steps to take

I would like to improve on this aspect of my leadership skills by starting with baby steps.
Perhaps I can begin by being more sincere with my greetings when I see them at work. If I have
time to spare, I can try having concise conversations with them that does not qualify as small
talk. I could train my mind to be more curious about them and their lives and really just be
genuinely concerned.

5. Learnings form MBA 500

If I were to enumerate all the learnings I have gained in this course, then I would probably bore
everyone by its length considering the numberless valuable lessons I have learned here. The gist
however is that, I have learned that a business’s success largely depends on various factors.
And that these factors range from the biggest aspects in the company such as the leaders or
owners thereof to the most minute details such as saying a word of encouragement or support
to the lowliest employees. I have learned that while business involves science such as data ang
numbers, it also involves art in the sense that people leading and those contributing to the
business in one way or another should be creative enough to adapt to whatever circumstance.

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