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Choose the correct answers from the words below and fill in the blanks.

Don't forget to write the


for with and bread was

eat up of were want

There (1) ........................................ once a hungry giant. "I (2) .............................. some bread!" roared the giant.

"I want 12 eggs (3) .................................................. two loaves of bread and some sausages

(4) ........................................... breakfast. I also want butter (5) ............................... jam on my

(6)................................... "Hurry (7) ................................. and get me what I want, or I'll

(8) up. *8 points

Read the passage and answer these questions completely. Use the proper capital letters and punctuations.
Michael Jordan is certainly the richest and the most famous sports star ever. Everyone knows "The King", the
best basketball player in the world. He started playing when he was five years old. His first basketball nets were
simply rubbish bins.
Michael was born in Brooklyn, New York, but his family moved to North Carolina. His basketball talent was so
amazing, that when he finished secondary school he won a basketball scholarship to the University of North
Carolina. Soon he became the best.
He played for the Chicago Bulls and won the NBA trophy many times. Michael is a happy man. He spends a lot
of time with his wife and their three children, two boys and a girl. Michael also likes playing golf and baseball.
Retiring? At the moment he likes being busy.

1. Where was Michael born?

2. What was the name of basketball team he played for? *1 point
3. When did he start to play basketball? *1 point
4. What does he like beside basketball? Mention two. *2 points
5. How many children does he have? *1 point

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