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Label these parts of the numbat:

tail tongue ears claws back

The Numbat comes from America


The numbat eats insects


The numbat is about 20 cm long

41 cm long
60 cm long

At night, they hide in hollow boxes


(Myremecobius fasciatus) is a pouchless marsupial from open woodlands

in western Australia. Also called the banded anteater, it is one of the few
marsupials that is diurnal (most active during the day). At night, they take
shelter in hollow logs. These solitary, long-tailed termite-eaters are in
danger of extinction; very few remain in the wild. The numbat has a life
span of 5-6 years in captivity.

Anatomy: The numbat is about 16 inches (41 cm) long, including the tail. It
has reddish brown fur that is lighter on the belly. There are prominent white
and dark-brown stripes along the numbat's back. It has a long, bushy tail,
often carried erect. Each animal has unique, individual markings.

Diet: The numbat is an insectivore (eating insects). It eats mostly termites.

An adult numbat eats about 20,000 termites each day.

Predators: The numbat is hunted by foxes, feral cats (cats that have
reverted to the wild), dogs, and birds of prey. The numbat will retreat to a
hollow log when a predator threatens.

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