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- Philosophy of man is the philosophical study of man.

- It is an endless inquiry in his attempt to understand himself and the world he lives in, his
dignity, truth, freedom, justice, love, death, and his relations with others and with God.


•In Western philosophy, the concept of man has been closely tied to ideas of reason,
consciousness, and self-awareness.

•Rene Descartes believed that the origin of the self came from the mind. To him, our mind
held the essential components of who we are.

•Being a man isn’t about societal obligations, looks, strength or masculinity but means to
having a strong moral code that you define and live by. It means being secure with who you
are, recognizing your strength and weeknesses and also striving to constantly making
yourself better.

•Basically being a man means being comfortable and confident with who you are, and not
being afraid to just do you.

• “Man - every man - for himself" He must exist for his own sake, neither by sacrificing
himself to others, nor sacrificing others to himself. The pursuit of his own rational self-
interest ,needs , priorities and of his own happiness is the highest moral purpose of his life.”


Concept of self- is a fundamental aspect of human psychology. It encompasses our

understanding of who we are, both internally and in relation to the external world.

Self-Concept - refers to the image we have of ourselves. It is shaped by various forces,

including our interactions with signific.

✔ Humanist psychologist Carl Rogers believed that self-concept is made up of three

different parts.

1. ) Ideal self- The ideal self is the person you want to be. This person has the attributes or
qualities you are either working toward or want to possess. It's who you envision yourself to
be if you were exactly as you wanted. Self-image: Self-image refers to how you see yourself
at this moment in time.

2. ) Self-image- Refers tp see how you see yourself at this moment in time, attributes like
physical characteristics, see yourself and your abilities. It can be positive or negative.
3.) How much you like, accept and value yourself, and how we perceive ourselves. It's based
on our opinions and beliefs about ourselves, which can feel difficult to change. We might
also think of this as self-confidence. Your self-esteem can affect whether you: Like and value
yourself as a person.


I-Thou Relationship: In an "I-Thou" relationship, there is a sense of mutual respect and

acknowledgment of each other's humanity. Both parties engage in genuine interaction,
recognizing the other's feelings, thoughts, and dignity.

I-It Relationship: In an "I-It" relationship, one person may view the other as a tool or object
to fulfill their own needs or desires. There is a lack of genuine connection, and the focus is
often on what the other person can provide or contribute, rather than on their intrinsic worth
as a human being.


✔ Man- represents individuals within society.

✔ Law- represents the legal system and regulations that govern society.
✔ Society- represents the collective group of people governed by the law and interacting
with each other.


- The origins of society are deeply rooted in human biology, and we have evolved to live in
groups and rely on social connections for our well-being. Today, society is a complex web of
institutions, norms, and values that provide a framework for human behavior and the
maintenance of social order.

- In sociological terms, society refers to a group of people who live in a definable community
and share the same cultural components. On a broader scale, society consists of the people
and institutions around us, our shared beliefs, and our cultural ideas.

- The purpose of society is a complex web of social relationships, norms, and institutions that
guide human behavior and shape the way we live. Society provides a framework within
which individuals function, enabling them to develop a sense of identity, belonging, and

- “Creator” is the first name God reveals to us about Himself in scripture. It’s show us who
our God is. He is CREATOR. He is not “a” creator or someone who simply “creates,” He is
THE Creator, because “Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made
that has been made”

- As humans, we are a creation of God and we belong to Him, too. Since He created us with
free will, we may choose to have a relationship with Him or to reject Him. Our choice will
not be without consequences, whether good or bad. If we are wise, we will submit ourselves
willingly to our Creator, for He is the only One who knows the intricacies of how we were


•Man - Refers to human beings, both males and females.

•Ethics - Moral principles that govern behavior.

•Nature Stewardship - Responsibility to take care for and protect nature.

•Responsibilities - Individual obligations towards nature.


Freedom is the power or right to act, speak, and change as one wants without hindrance or
retraints. Freedom is often associated with liberty and autonomy in the sense of "giving
oneself one's own laws".

What are the examples of freedom of the human person?

✔ Right to life
✔ Right to a fair trial
✔ Freedom from torture
✔ Cruel and inhuman treatment
✔ Freedom of speech
✔ Freedom of religion
✔ Rights to health
✔ Rights in education

Freedom is categorized into three kinds;

1. ) Physical Freedom- it refers to the absence of any physical restraint and the freedom of
mobility to act and go whatever or wherever he/she go.
2. ) Psychological Freedom- It is also called the freedom of choice, the person is free to
perform actions that he/she considered. A person is also free to act or not to act,
psychological freedom is innate and cannot be denied a person. No outside force or influence
can compel a person to take action against his/hier will.

3.) Moral Freedom- This refers to using freedom in a manner that upholds dignity and
goodness. A person becomes freer when he/she uses freedom well but becomes less free
when he/she uses it in a bad way.

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