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Effect of
Aim Participants
The aim of Stone et al 2010 the participants of the study
was to investigate the effect were college aged. The
of streotypes ( a type of stereotype was that white
schema ) had on the players are more smart and
judgment of basketball black players are more
players athletic.

The procedure
The participants listened to a radio broadcast
about a basketball game. Before the recording,
they were shown a picture of the basketball player
and his name.
half of the participants were shown the black
man and half were shown the white man

IV: race of the man in the photo

DV: perception of the player’s
strengths during the basketball
game 90%
The participants who were shown the picture of the black basketball player
deemed him to be more athletic and said that he played a better game,
where as the participants who were shown the picture of the white basket
ball player deemed that he showed more basketball intelligence and hustle

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Kumkum Meena

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