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Part A

Module 1 – Figurative Language – (1 question is asked in exam)2M

What is Metaphor? Give examples.

Metaphor implicitly compares two different things by identifying them with each other.
Example: Tipu Sultan is a Tiger.

What is Smilie? Give examples.

Simile is a more explicit form of comparison which uses the word ‘like’ or ‘as’ to signal the
relationship of two seemingly unrelated things.

Example: Tipu Sultan fought like a Tiger.

What is Personification? Give examples.

Giving human-like attributes to a non-human thing is personification.

Ex: The sun greeted me this morning.

What is Symbolism? Give examples.

Symbolism occurs when a word has its own meaning but represents something entirely different.

Ex: A dark cloud settled over the house after Dad moved away.

The black night crept upon us, and I felt the coldness of death.

Module 1 –Logic of Fallacies – (2 questions are asked in exam)2M

1) What is Slippery Slope? Give one example.

Slippery Slope occurs when someone asserts that if one thing happens, then a series of
bad related consequences will necessarily follow.

Ex: If you don’t do your homework, you’ll fail the class.

If you fail this class, you won’t graduate from school.

If you don’t graduate, you won’t get into college.

2) What is Post Hoc? Give one example.
Post Hoc wrongly assumes that an event must have been the cause of a later event because
it happened earlier.
Ex: The rooster crows always before the sun rises, therefore the crowing rooster causes the
sun to rise.”

What is False Dilemma? Give one example.

False Dilemma puts readers in the position of having to choose one of two options as if there
were no other choices.

Example: If we don't order pizza for dinner, we'll have to eat the week-old spaghetti in the fridge.

What is Hasty Generalization? Give one example.

Hasty Generalization leaps to a conclusion without providing enough evidence to support the

Ex: “I just arrived in this country and the first 2 local people I met were so rude. Everyone in this
country must be unfriendly!”

What is Circular Reasoning? Give one example.

Circular Reasoning restates the main claim, often by definition, without actually offering
evidence to support the claim.

Example: Same-sex marriage is wrong because marriage is between a man and a woman.

What is Ad Hominem? Give one example.

• Ad hominem means “against the man,” and this type of fallacy is sometimes called name
calling or the personal attack fallacy. This type of fallacy occurs when someone attacks the
person instead of attacking his or her argument.

Student: Hey, Professor Moore, we shouldn't have to read this book by Freud. Everyone knows
he used cocaine.What is Strawman Fallacy. Give one example.

What is Straw Man Logical Fallacies?

In a straw man fallacy, the writer oversimplifies an opponent’s position in order to knock it down,
like a straw scarecrow. / Distorting someone else’s argument to make it easier to attack or refute


Climate change is nothing to worry about because the weather changes all the time.

What is Red Herring? Give one example.

Red Herring distracts readers with irrelevant arguments.

Example: My opponent tries to blame my administration for the high price of prescription drugs,
but he supports a government takeover of health care.

Module 2 – Preparation & Planning - (1 question is asked from this topic) 2M

What is presentation?

Presentation is a structured talk aimed at informing, persuading, entertaining or inspiring an


What should be the criteria when you are presenting to the Audience?

Audience’s age, background, knowledge level, interests and expectations are taken into
consideration. Based on this language and content is tailored. To make it interesting relevant
examples, stories and humor is used to resonate with audience.

What are the different types of Goal or purpose of your presentation.

The purpose/goal of presentation can be: 1) to inform, 2) to persuade, 3) to entertain, 4) to


How do you choose the topic for the presentation.

Topic is selected based on the audience interest and purpose. A thorough research is conducted
and credible information is gathered to support the points.

How do you structure your presentation?

1) Introduction : start with attention grabbing statement or story and introduce yourself,
your topic and purpose of your presentation
2) Body : key points with visuals, examples and data to support your claims
3) Conclusion : Summarize main points and your purpose. End with a call to action

How do you allocate time for each section of your presentation to manage your time?

20% of the allotted time is used for Introduction, 70% for body and 10% is for conclusion. To deliver
the presentation within the allotted time frame one has to practice thoroughly.

How should you prepare for Q&A of presentation.

Based on the presentation content and knowledge level, anticipate potential questions from your
audience and be prepared for the informative answers to demonstrate your expertise.

List any three software to prepare presentation. What are the features you need to consider while
using the software.

Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, Canva. You should be able use the software with ease, with
different collaboration tools. Choose software that is comfortable to handle.
What should you keep in mind when you are designing your slides?

1) Language in slides should have short sentences, bullet points with easy-to-read fonts.
2) Employ effectively the charts, graphs, images, and videos with high-quality for better
3) Maintain consistent color scheme, layout, font style.

How do you create engaging content?

1) Vary slide layouts to avoid monotony.

2) Use storytelling elements to connect with your audience
3) Use videos, animation, audio clips

How do you craft effective text?

1) Use large, easy-to-read fonts

2) Limit text per slide
3) Use bullet points and short sentences
4) Proofread for grammatical errors and typos

To make your presentation effective, how do you practice your Delivery of the presentation.

1) Rehearse your presentation out loud for pauses and breaks.

2) Pay attention to vocal variety like tone, stress. Maintain good posture, eye contact, natural
gestures to connect with audience.
3) Time yourself to ensure you complete on time with moderate pace.

How do you handle visual aids for the presentation.

1) Ensure visuals are clear and visible from all angles. Use high-resolution images.
2) Practice using any presentation tools or equipment like projectors, clickers other tools.
3) Have backup plans like printed handouts or charts in case of technical difficulties

Module 2 – Delivery (1 question is asked from this topic) 2 Marks

During the delivering of the presentation what is that you have to keep in mind.

1) Arrive early to set up equipment In case of troubleshoot feel more prepared and confident to
handle. Get comfortable with the space.
2) Dress appropriately to the occasion. If it is formal business meeting, formal attire has to be
worn. If it is casual audience, a smart casual attire has to be worn.
3) Demonstrate your confidence by standing tall with good posture, natural gesture and eye
4) Building rapport with the audience is essential to foster a positive relationship.

How do you use the power of Body Language in presentation to make it effective.

1) Gestures are used strategically to highlight key information

2) Use natural and appropriate demeanor. Avoid distracting movements that may detract your
3) Demonstrate enthusiasm, convey emotions authentically and establish sincerity through
facial expression

How do you close the presentation with impact?

1) By summarizing key points and delivering a clear call to action

2) Wrap up with confidence and enthusiasm, thanking audience for their attention. Leave them
with a sense of appreciation and readiness to act.

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