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Name: _________________________ Roll No.

: __________ Class: __II_

Date: ___________ Subject: __English____________

2023-24 Topic: Revision worksheet

Q1. Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions:

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful garden full of colourful flowers. The garden was
tended by little Lara, who loved spending her days among the blooms. One sunny morning,
Lara noticed something special in her garden. There were butterflies fluttering around the
flowers. Some butterflies were orange and black, while others were bright blue and yellow.
Lara smiled at the sight of the butterflies dancing in her garden. She knew that butterflies
loved colourful flowers, so she made sure to plant many different kinds. The butterflies
sipping nectar from the flowers and spreading their wings in the warm sun. As Lara watched
the butterflies, she thought about how each one was unique. Just like the flowers in her
garden, each butterfly had its own colours and patterns. Some were big, and some were
small, but all of them were beautiful in their own way. Lara’s garden was filled with
butterflies of all shapes and sizes. The colourful garden had become even more magical,
thanks to the addition of these graceful butterflies.

1.Who takes care of the garden?

(a) Little John (b) Little Lara (c) Little Lily

2.What do the butterflies do in the garden?

(a) sleep in the trees (b) water the flowers (c) dance around the flowers

3. The colourful garden became more ____________________ .

(a) magical (b) worst (c) good

4.The meaning of graceful _________________________.

(a) tasty (b) ugly (c) beautiful

5. What special thing did Lara noticed in her garden?

(a) apples (b) butterflies (c) bees

Q2. Read the sentences given below. They are out of order. Write them in
correct order:

Ice cream sundae

Grab a spoon and take a taste.

Scoop some ice cream to a dish.
Spray on some whipped cream.
Pour on some hot fudge.
Place a cherry on the top.

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