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New friends

Meeting people sounds like a lot of fun for extroverts, but some are afraid of meeting new
people over time because they don't know what they're really like or what kind of friends
they'll have. I love meeting more people and if I see that I connect with someone I
automatically become closer to them and we start friendships.

Friendships are not always the right ones but you have to get to know each one well and if you
are connecting with someone, you will see that they are the right person and you will be
opening your heart, you will tell your things, they will support you and you will support them.
My mom said that “friendships come on their own, some leave but only the true ones stay”
and it is very true.

In order to really know what kind of friendship it is, we should be seeing how he behaves when
we tell him something very serious, if he takes it as a joke or really supports you, we can also
let time pass and you will realize that if he continues to your side despite everything, she is a
good friend and if not it is because it was for convenience at the moment. Currently we can be
communicating with people from abroad through the networks and in some cases it can
become a beautiful friendship sharing similar tastes. In another case we can also find a very
nice friendship that in the end can become something more and all the time they got to know
each other served a lot to truly fall in love.

Although we do not have a manual on how to make friends or there is no notice that warns us
what type of people they are, to choose whether to continue knowing or move away, we do
not lose anything by trying to have a beautiful friendship because we learn from people and
from anecdotes, even more. Let's be open so we can establish a friendship and let things
simply happen. WITHOUT FEAR!
Good health

How informed are we about our health? Do we really know how to be healthy? No, the
majority are not informing themselves about the risks that we may have to our health. That is
why we are going to see how to be healthier and the care we have to take.

We have various bad habits, which greatly affect our health. If we start with food, we all eat
junk, some in excess and others refrain from eating more than 1 or 2 times a week and it is not
bad if you do it as the DR says. MEL BRAND "An occasional visit to a fast food place won't hurt,
especially if you can offset the junk food with healthy salads or sandwiches." If we talk about
the lack of exercise or movement in our body, adding poor diet, there are several people who
are very affected by it, at least we have to go for a 30 minute walk every day because
otherwise the body gets used to doing nothing and that causes many diseases such as obesity.

Skin care is also very important, in recent years solar radiation has increased a lot, which is
why dermatologists say that "it is necessary and mandatory to apply sunscreen before going
out, even if it is cloudy." What happens if we don't get out? We can contract various skin
diseases, the most serious is skin cancer. Just as radiation has increased, the purchase of
blockers has increased because the majority is now more informed and that is good.

Taking these recommendations into account, let's make a change for the better in our lives, we
have the information we just need to be persistent to be able to have a healthy life. You will
see that if you can, be constant.

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