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Nervous system research

• Name the individual bones that make up the spine.

• What is the main role of your backbone?

The main role of your backbone is to support and structure your body

• Explain the difference between quadriplegia and paraplegia.

The difference between the quadriplegia and paraplegia is quadriplegia is

you’re only paralysed
in your leg and paraplegia is paralysed in both leg and arm.

• In about 100 words, describe what is multiple sclerosis and is there any
treatment for this condition?

• What causes the myelin sheath to be destroyed in multiple sclerosis?

• Briefly describe Motor Neuron Disease and name a famous person who had

• What is another name for motor neuron disease? What role do motor
neurons usually play in a healthy nervous system?

• Many families around the world is affected with ADHD/ADD.

• What is the full name of ADHD/ ADD?

• Briefly explain what is ADHD/ADD and how does this disorder occur?

• What treatment/ medication is prescribed to ADHD/ADD patients and how

does it impact the nervous system? (How does it work?)

• Think about where you were and what you were doing 1 hour ago. What
would you experience if you could not remember this?

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