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Question bank

Statistical and mathematical foundation

Unit no 1

Q.1) Define the term Measures of Dispersion and what are the requirements of the a good measures of

Q.2) What is coefficient of Variation?

Q.3) Define the term Spearman rank correlation coefficient.

A panel of examiners A and B assessed 7 candidates independently and awarded the following marks.

Candidates 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Marks by 40 34 28 30 44 38 31
judge A

Marks by 32 39 26 30 38 34 28
judge B

Calculate the Spearman rank correlation coefficient between two judges.

Q.4) Define the term Standard deviation and coefficient of S.D.

From the following data, calculate the S.D and coefficient of S.D

Marks in mathematics - 40,48,50,53,58,60,66,70,72,73

Q.5) Explain the term Karl pearson's correlation coefficient.

Calculate Karl pearson's correlation coefficient for the following data.

Sales(X) 14 19 24 21 28 22 15 20 19 20

Advertisement 20 25 22 24 29 12 15 14 13 10

Q.6) Define Quartile deviation and standard deviation and state with reasons which is better.

Q.7) The mean and variance are 79 and 5 respectively. Calculate coefficient of Variation.

Q.8) Define correlation. Describe types of correlation.

Q.9) Explain scatter diagram method of studing the correlation between two variables.
10) Define the term mean, median and mode.

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