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з дисципліни «Англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням»

для студентів спеціальністьі «192 Будівництво та цивільна інженерія»
(база 9 кл.)

за темою «New Urbanism (Новий Урбанізм)

Empire State Building. (Емпайр-Стейт-Білдінг). Part I.»

New Urbanism


1. True
2. False
3. False
4. True
5. False
6. True
7. False
8. False
9. True
10. True


Amongst the grand landscapes and enveloped in the mystical aura of cultural heritage, Dnipro
not only portrays a historical canvas but stands as a truly impressive source of authorial
architecture and sophistication. In the heart of the city lie iconic architectural landmarks, bearing
witness to the multifaceted history and cultural heritage of the region.

Dnipro Drama Theatre, named after T. Shevchenko, founded by Alexander Verbitsky in 1884, is
a true gem of theatrical art, preserving its architectural uniqueness and atmosphere. Over the
years, the theater has undergone reconstructions, adapting to new trends and audience
preferences, transforming from a small cultural center into a large theatrical complex hosting
plays, festivals, and cultural events.
Hotel "Astoria", a testament to enduring time, impresses with its luxury. Erected in 1912 under
the guidance of the renowned architect Arthur Ornatsky, the hotel became an exclusive
embodiment of Dnipro's prosperity. Initially serving as elite accommodation for important guests
and prominent figures, over the years, the hotel has undergone restorations and modernizations,
aligning with contemporary standards of comfort and luxury. "Astoria" not only stands as an
architectural exemplar but embodies the history and cultural heritage that continues to attract

The building of the State School of Culture in Dnipro is an architectural testimony to the city's
cultural development. Designed and constructed under the supervision of architect Alexander
Lyubimenko, it distinguished itself with modern functionalism and was put into operation in
1969. Initially intended for educational purposes, the building served as a center for nurturing
youth in the fields of culture and arts. Over time, it adapted to modern trends and requirements,
evolving its internal structure and facilities. Throughout its existence, the State School of Culture
building has become not only a place of learning but also a center for the city's cultural life,
hosting various events, interesting workshops, and exhibitions.

The building of the State Regional Ukrainian House, also known as the Illich Cultural Center, is
one of the key architectural landmarks in the city. Constructed during 1931-1933 according to
the design by Mykhailo O. Pishko, it held great significance for the socio-cultural life of the
region. Initially serving as a center for cultural and public events such as concerts, exhibitions,
lectures, and meetings, the building underwent reconstructions and modernizations over time,
preserving its architectural elegance. After a series of restorations and modernizations, the Illich
Cultural Center remains not only a symbol of the history and cultural heritage of the region but
also an active center serving the needs of modern audiences and guests.

The Palace of Students of Dnipro National University (DNU) is an architectural treasure of the
city, constructed under the guidance of architect Leonid Vesnin in 1950-1954. Initially serving as
a venue for various student events, concerts, exhibitions, and meetings, its architectural style
featured elements of classicism and socialist realism, aligning with the contemporary trends.
Later, the building underwent renovations and modernizations, including changes to the
functionality of its premises. The Palace of Students also became a venue for cultural events
within the university community and beyond, hosting concerts, theatrical performances, and

I chose these buildings because it was thanks to them that each of the owners became famous
and devoted most of their lives to it. These objects captivate my attention with their uniqueness,
architectural beauty, and historical significance. I am impressed by how they successfully blend
history with modernity, providing not only architectural but also cultural heritage for our city. I
am confident that many others share this fascination, appreciating the beauty and history of these
remarkable places.
The Self-educational Work of a Student

TASK 2.02

After watching the video, I learned about the famous photograph known worldwide, capturing
construction workers building a skyscraper in New York in 1931-32. These workers, sitting on a
beam about 800 feet above the city, are shown in various scenes, including lunch, creating an
impression of informality and indifference to risk. Interestingly, these shots were created for
publicity and were used to promote the construction of the Rockefeller Center during the Great
Depression. Photographs like the one with a man holding a flag attached to the top of the Empire
State Building demonstrate theatrical elements to draw attention to the project. Nevertheless,
amid all the drama and spectacle of the shots, the workers' pride and sense of accomplishment
stand out. It's important to note that, although they did not receive the recognition they deserved,
they left their mark on the history of New York and the Rockefeller Center. This story serves as
a reminder that often behind invisible labors are crucial milestones in the development of the city
and industry.

1. What represents the ambition of humans to build towers?

The construction of towering skyscrapers, such as the one depicted in the photograph,
represents the ambition of humans to reach new heights in architecture and engineering.
2. What is a symbol of New York itself?
The Empire State Building is a symbol of New York.
3. What dethroned the Empire State Building as the world's tallest building?
The Empire State Building was not the world's tallest building. The Burj Khalifa in Dubai
held that title.
4. Where is the Empire State Building built?
The Empire State Building is built in New York.
5. What is the building topped by?
The Empire State Building has a distinctive Art Deco spire at its top.
6. What do you know about observatories from where you have a magnificent view over the
city of New York?
The Empire State Building has an observatory on its 86th floor, which provides a
panoramic view of New York City. This observatory is a popular attraction, offering
breathtaking views of the city's skyline.


1. The Empire State Building was designed by William Frederick Lamb of the architectural
firm of Shreve, Lamb, and Harmon.
2. The Empire State Building has a height of 381 meters (1250 ft).
3. It was dubbed 'the 8th world wonder' at the time of its construction in the early 1930s.
4. The Empire State Building was officially inaugurated on May 1, 1931, in the presence of
Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt.
5. It was called the 'Empty State Building' because, after its completion, the Great
Depression led to a collapse in the demand for office space, and the building had
difficulty leasing its office spaces.
6. Yes, it is a symbol of New York and is visited by 2 million people each year.

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