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Peter Porter

 Peter Porter was born in Brisbone, Australia in 1929.

 His mother Marion, died in 1938.
 He was educated at the Anglican Church Grammar School and left
school at eighteen to work as a trainee journalist at The Courier-
Mail. However, he only lasted a year with the paper before he was
 He emigrated to England in 1951. Four years later, he began
attending meetings of “The Group”. It was his association with “The
Group” that allowed him to publish his first collection in 1961.
- “The Group” was an informal group of poets who met in London
from the mid-1950s to the mid-1960s. It was formed by poets, such
as, George MacBeth, Edward Lucie-Smith, Philip Hobsbaum, Peter
Redgrove, Alan Brownjohn, Peter Porter and Martin Bell.
 A Consumer’s Report’ by Peter Porter is a postmodern text that
highlights the effects of consumerism. Moreover, the poet criticizes
capitalism as a whole in this poem. As consumerism is a creation of
capitalism, the poet directs his irony towards both. The reference to
“life” as a product, and art as a “consumer’s report” heightens the
satirical effect of the poem.
 He married Janice Henry in 1961, and had 2 daughters.
 Peter Porter died on 23 April in 2010. He was 81.

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