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NOME: __________________________________________________________
PROFESSOR (A): Patrícia Aires
ANO:7º TURMA: ______ DATA: ____/___/2024


QUESTÃO 01 – (EF07LI07)

A forma verbal em inglês there to be expressa sentido de haver, existir ou ter, em português.

Complete com there is ou there are.

a.___________ a big tree in the garden.

b.___________a good film on TV tonight.
c.___________some big trees in the garden.
d.___________ 11 players in a football team.

QUESTÃO 02 – (EF07LI07)

Escolha entre THERE IS e THERE ARE para descrever as imagens.

A) __________ a woman in the picture.

a)There is
b)There are
C) There is not
d) There are not

QUESTÃO 03 – (EF07LI05)

Complete the sentences with the "Simple Past Tense" of the regular verbs, then tick the
correct alternative. (Complete as sentenças com o ”Simple Past Tense” dos verbos
regulares, em seguida, assinale na alternativa correta.)

I ________my friend yesterday. ( to visit) a.( )visited b.( ) visitied

II. They_________a new restaurant last week. ( to open) a.( ) opened b.( ) oppened
III. You_________computer games yesterday. ( to play) a.( ) played b.( ) plaied
IV. We________the new coffee shop.( to love) a.( )loved b.( ) loveed

QUESTÃO 04 – (EF07LI05)

Qual opção abaixo é a forma correta dos verbos no Passado Simples?

I) STUDY a) studied b) studyed c) studyd
II) CHANGE a) changied b) changed c) changd
III) OBEY a) obeied b)obeyd c) obeyed
IV) CLEAN a) cleanned b) cleaned c) cleanied

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