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1. How did your Civilization begin?

During the Ice ages, people from Asia came to the Americas. A group of people
went through north america, and central america in order to survive, in other
words, they were still nomads. Until they arrived amazonas river in Brazil, and
decided to stay there because of the benefits the river gave to them.

2. What form of government does your culture have?

More than one form of government, they had “the law of the strongest,” but with
some peculiarities. There was one leader, and he had no total control in people, he
just guide and lead the Civilization. And they were also limited by the laws. It didn´t
matter the gender, the leader could be a man or woman.

3. How are their leaders selected?

The leaders were selected in a type of ritual. In it, five pairs were selected, each
pair had one strong and one cunning. These five pairs were sent to fight in a
determinated terrain during days, and the last pair standing would be the winners.
The strong one would finish as the leader, and the cunning one would be a
counselor. The new leader would not be selected until the current one died.

4. What are the titles of those in power?

The leader has his own name, but for the people he was the “Yeiechi,” the leader
of the Osvardians.
5. What are the responsabilities of those in power?

The responsabilities of the “Yeiechi” were to lead and guide the Osvardias, keep
the people safe and preserve their health, would die for the people if necessary,
and make people maintaine customs and traditions.

6. What major laws have been made and why?

Some of the major laws were:

1. If someone finds a Teliliyi flower, he must take it to the temple, he can´t take it
for himself and he also shouldn´t damage it. This is to ensure that the flower is
only used to cure the Yeiechi and as an offering to temples.
2. No one can go out from the territory without permission of the Yeiechi, this is
to prevent posible betrayals.
3. The Yeiechi can´t abuse of his position, this is to prevent the Yeiechi from
becoming a tyrant and being able to do whatever he wants with people.

7. What consequences exist for law breakers according to your laws?

If someone broke the first major law, that person woud be expelled from the
territory, and live as an outcast until he founds other flower Teliliyi and gave it to
the Yeiechi or offer it to the temple.
If someone broke the second law, and went out of the territory without
permission. It would be considered a betrayal and that person would not be
allowed to enter again.
If the Yeiechi broke the third major law, and abuse of his position, the
consequence for this would be death, and the Osvardia army would be the
responsibles for killing the Yeiechi.

8. Explain your form of military.

There were two military forces in Osvardia. The first one that was encharge of
keeping an eye and protect the territory, the entrances of the territory and the
Amazon river. And the elite one commanded by the Yeiechi. The ones encharged
of vigilance and protecting used Spears made out of Wood with a point made out
of obsidian, and had medium rafts made of wood if they needed to cross the river.
The elite used Spears made out of wood with points made out of quartz or
quartzite, they were the ones who accompanied the Yeiechi if he had to fight. Both
of the military forces were by the command of the Yeiechi.

9. How will you organize your people and maintain order? How will your
institutions ecourage good behaviur and discourage bad behaviour?
Example of laws?

The Yeiechi kept the people in order saying that if they behaved and did not cause
problems, the Yeiechi would continue to protect them and they would continue to
live under Osvardia´s hat. The priests encourage people to have a well behaviour,
because if they did the Gods Pireh and Lakost would grant them with strenght,
health, and a long live. They also said that if they did not behave well, the Gods
would give them misfortunes for the rest of their lives.

Some example of laws are:

- You will not enter another’s property without the consent of the owner.
- You can´t interfere in the work of others.
- When you start a deal it’s not over until you finish it.
- Anyone can enter the army except children.

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