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General Guidelines COMPETENT NOT Remarks

A. Cleaning Techniques
 After the ears are washed, they
should be dried with a soft towel
 If a wax plug is present, removed it
by gently syringing the ear
 The stream of water should be
directed toward the side of the canal
 Do not use pins, clips of fingernails
in removing wax
B. Cleaning the Hearing Aid
 Disconnect the earmold from the
receiver of a body hearing aid or
from its case behind the ear &
eyeglasses. Do not removed it if is
glued or secured by a small metal
 If the earmold is detachable, soak it
in a mild soapy solution. Rinse &
dry it well. Avoid alcohol.
 If the earmold is not detachable, just
wipe it with a damp cloth
 Check if the earmold opening is
patent. Blow excess moisture
through the opening or remove
debris with a toothpick or wipe
 Reattach the earmold if it was
detached from the rest of the
hearing aid
 Instruct the person to blow the nose
 Both nostrils should be open while
doing this,
 If the external nares are crusted,
apply mineral or cotton seed oil to
remove the crust
 Disposable paper tissues are
recommended for nasal secretions
 A cotton applicator may be used to
clean the nares but with great care to
avoid injury.
 Bathe the feet thoroughly in a basin
of soap & water solution. Clean the
interdigital areas.
 Rinse the feet to remove soap
 Continue to soak the feet in a warm
water, if nails are brittle, thick &
striated or wrap in damp cloth
 Trim the toenails straight across.
 Avoid cutting the toenails at the
lateral corners.
 Clean under the nails with a blunt
instrument, careful not to injure
 Apply powder to feet & interdigital
 Bathe the feet at least daily but more
often if they tend to perspire freely.

General Guidelines COMPETENT NOT Remarks

A. Female Patient
 Wash hands
 Obtain all needed supplies
 Identify the patient & approach
her in a reassuring manner
 Provide privacy by closing door,
pulling the curtain/screen
 Position patient on her back with
knees flexed
 Drape patient with bath blanket
to prevent undue exposure
 Remove soiled dressing or pad
 Place patient on bedpan with a
chux under hips& pan
 Pour warm water or solution on
the area
 Wear gloves, use moistened
cotton balls one at a time &
stroke gently from pubic area
toward the rectum once with each
to cleanse the perineum( use
gentle strokes to avoid causing
discomfort), separate the labia to
cleanse it properly
 Use dry cotton, gauze or tissue to
dry the perineum, stroking from
front to rectum one time with
each ball
 Remove bedpan & apply clean
 Discard all soiled dressings &
other items by wrapping them in
paper before disposing them
 Provide for patient’s comfort by
removing the bath blanket,
adjusting the top covers, elevate
the siderail
 Dry & powder the area
 Remove equipment from bedside
& clean it before returning to its
storage area
B. Male Client
 Wash hands
 Obtain all supplies
 Identify patient & approach in a
good manner
 Explain the procedure & give
 Provide privacy to the patient
 Position patient on his back with
knees flexed
 Drape the patient with bath
 Remove soiled dressing
 Place chux under hips & place
him on bed pan
 Pour warm water or solution to
the area then wear gloves
 Use moistened cotton & stroking
gently from the tip of the penis
down to the pubic area then
towards rectum. For
uncircumsized client, retract the
& flushed the exposed glans
penis & move the
 Dry the perineum & remove the
 Discard all soiled dressing &
other items & wrap them with a
paper before disposing them
 Provide patient’s comfort
 Remove equipment & clean it
before returning to its storage
Supervised by:

Instructor’s Signature

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