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Tourist places

Mount Fuji is an active volcano 3,776 meters

high, the highest point in the country.
It is in the center of Japan, 120 kilometers from Tokyo, its capital.

The full name of the mount is Fujisan: Fu, wealth; Ji, samurai; Holy,
It was initially a training place for these ancient
Japanese warriors; now it is an
area of military bases at the foot of the mountain.

The tourist staff have excursions to ascend

on foot or by vehicle, but these
only go as far as the fifth station, at 2,300 meters above sea level
This noodle soup is one of the most popular
and cheapest dishes in Japan, so it makes sense
that it's also a favorite with college students.
Ramen is as simple to make as it is delicious: use wheat noodles,
like the Chinese ones (they're yellowish and look a bit like spaghetti),
put them in broth, and top with slices of meat, dried seaweed, and green
onion. Many people have ramen for
lunch and in Japan it is considered fast food. However, many restaurants
have their own secret recipe, so the experience can be unique (umami)
each time.
The construction material used traditionally

in Japan has been wood. Timber columns have been used as load-bearing
structures, allowing for a flexible interior structure
with light, movable walls and better earthquake resistance. The decoration
in the purest traditional architecture is not very popular.
The characteristic features of the buildings have been the strong
rectangularity and the dominant position of the roof as a visual

Japanese architecture has been particularly

influenced by Chinese architecture, which is
more ornate than Japanese architecture. The Chinese design language is
strongest in Buddhist architecture, which began
with the arrival of the religion in the fifth century. Early significant
Buddhist building complexes include the oldest
Buddhist temple area in Japan, Hōryū-ji (法隆寺?) from the early 6th
century and Tōdai-ji (東大寺?) from the 7th century. However, even in
Buddhist temples, the architecture, like the design
of the buildings, was modified to suit Japanese tastes. Shinto shrine
architecture, in turn, was born from the Japanese tradition, although it
adopted some features of Buddhist architecture. Its basic units are a
wooden building with a roof overlooking the
pillars and a torii arch (鳥居?). Since the Heian period, Japanese
architecture, like many other art forms, has been divided into Chinese and
Japanese styles: Chinese-influenced public architecture and more
informal, Japanese-style residential architecture.2223

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