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Azerbaijan State Pedagogical Universty

Individual Work
• FACULTY: Chemistry and biology
• SPECIALITY : Teaching Chemistry and biology
• SUBJECT : Buisinnes and academic communication in a foreing language (
Engilish )
• GROUP : KBM2202b
• STUDENT : İdrisov Safa
• TOPIC : Explain your future.
• TEACHER : Gulnara Taghiyeva

Hello, my name is Safa. I study at Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University.
Currently, I am a second-year student of chemistry and biology teaching at that
university. Before giving information about my future, I would like to introduce
myself. If you start to know me by my national identity, I am from the Tatar Tat
lineage. This is my true national identity, but like every citizen of Azerbaijan, I am
an Azerbaijani and I am proud of it. I finished high school in Guba. I have always
been interested in every part of the living world, this interest inclined me towards
chemistry and biology, but my interest in all fields never deterred me from other
fields. Despite studying chemistry and biology, my future plans are so confused. In
my plan, I think about getting to financial freedom as soon as possible, because it
is the direct key to the door of many of my dreams. In the future, regardless of
whether I work in my specialty, I want to be a perfect connoisseur of my specialty.
In my future activity, it is within my thoughts to become a strong trainer teacher
and a strong scientist in addition to contributing to the strengthening of the
education system of Azerbaijan. I'm thinking of doing it. I have already
emphasized financial freedom, which in my opinion is in the mind of everyone
who has reached the age of puberty, and in my future life, of course, other things
that interest me will be in the center when I am busy with science and education. In
general, I will try to do the best for myself and my family in my future life. If we
return to the present day, I am still a student trying to develop himself. In my future
life plan, I have many different ideas (which can be implemented), but I talked
about my future life activities. If we come to the nearer future plans, I want to
successfully pass the upcoming semester exams. Thanks for your attention.

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