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For Standard #1, I wanted to focus on the learning of my students outside of structured

academic time. Below is an advisory plan I did that covers stress, and how we can build healthy
habits. Middle School students also have stress, just like adults, this is the perfect age for them
to learn about it and how to cope. It also allows each student to share what works for them as
an individual as each student is their own person.

Daily Advisory Planning Template

Learning Target: Managing Stress

Day Element

Mondays Stress Activity- How our choices can affect our stress level.

● Model Backpack activity/Discussion: volunteer to wear a

heavy and full backpack and then students brainstorm
how they can relieve these stressors? Getting an
assignment done? Working on a project? What happens
if you don’t take care of all this stress?

Tuesdays PowerSchool Check-in

Wednesdays Buddy time with 6th grade

- Getting to know you questions

Thursdays Circle Discussions

● What is a healthy way to cope with stress? What
works for you?
● How can our choices play a role in our stress?
● Are there specific situations in school that may cause
stress for you? Why or why not?

Fridays Silent Ball

- Stress Relief
- Quiet environment, yet keeping the mind engaged
- Includes Everyone

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