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TLC Preschool Prayer💜

“A Special Sign”
My right hand to my forehead,
and down towards my tummy,
and to my shoulder on the left,
and to the right, just slowly.

Bring both my hands together,

as a lovely prayer can,
in the name of Father,
and the of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit,
Our Morning Prayer
Dear loving God at the start of our
class, please give us the diligence and
courage to do good in our studies,
shower us with wisdom to
understand and absorb the lessons
which the teacher will teach. Help us
to avoid temptation and to be honest
with our work, give us the grace and
wisdom to be more attentive and to
be a good student and when the
school year ends make us realize
that this school year was the best
and this year thought us a lot.
Please guide us today and every day.
Saint John Baptist De La Salle, Pray
for us,
With Jesus in our hearts. Forever.

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