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Idioms and Phrases

1. Decked up
Meaning: put on special clothes to appear particularly appealing and attractive

2. Doing the rounds

Meaning: to be passed from one person to another

3. Put off
Meaning: an evasive reply, to delay doing something, especially because you do
not want to do it

4. Takes a beating
Meaning: to be damaged because of performing badly or being criticized

5. Turn up/on the heat

Meaning: to use force to persuade someone to do something; to increase the
pressure on someone to do something

6. Rip apart
Meaning: to destroy something completely

7. Step down
Meaning: withdraw or resign from an important position or office

8. Strikes a blow
Meaning: to do something to help or to support an idea, movement, or group ,
to do something to harm or oppose an idea, movement, or group

9. Hold on
Meaning: wait; stop , endure in difficult circumstances.

10. Pull through

Meaning: get through an illness or other dangerous or difficult situation

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