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1066 Norman conquest

Edward the confessor

Harold (Godwin의 아들)
Hardrada (노르웨이왕)
William (노르망디 공작)

Scandinavians who settled in France are Normans.
the section of France that they settled and governed.
노르만의 정복 흑사병
1066 CE 1348-1400

불어의 득세 The Statute of Pleadings

200년간 영어 소송 1362

존왕의 실지 The Peasants’ Revolt

마그나카르타 서명 1381

헨리3세 영어 포고문
학교에서의 영어교육
영국 헌법과 의회 시작

1337-1453 Caxton
인쇄술도입 1476
after Norman conquest

Norman French dialect spoken by the invaders

developed in England into Anglo-Norman,

England was trilingual.

Latin was the language of the Church, Norman
French of the government, and English of the
majority of the country’s population

노르만의 정복 흑사병
1066 CE 1348-1400

불어의 득세 The Statute of Pleadings

200년간 영어 소송 1362

존왕의 실지 The Peasants’ Revolt

마그나카르타 서명 1381

헨리3세 영어 포고문
학교에서의 영어교육
영국 헌법과 의회 시작

1337-1453 Caxton
인쇄술도입 1476
The loss of Normandy in 1204 by King John, a
descendant of the Conqueror, removed an
important tie with France.

the starting point for the restoration

of status in English
The Hundred Years’ War (1337)
hostility to France due to the war

Those whose ancestors were Normans eventually

came to think of themselves as English.

French is no longer the dominant language but

recognized as a foreign language.
The Black Death killed a third to a half of the
population. It produced a severe labor shortage that
led to demands for higher wages and better
treatment of workers.

It was an opportunity to liberate serfs without

The Statute of Pleadings
The Statute of Pleadings demanded that all court proceedings
should be documented in English because French was largely
unknown in the country.
The status of English used by peasants and the
lower classes has increased.

All English holdings in France have been lost

due to the Hundreds years war.
 No more practical reason for the English to
learn Franch
 English becomes the language of the school
John Wycliffe had challenged the authority of the
Church in both doctrinal and organizational
matters as part of a movement called Lollardy,
which translated the Bible into English and
popularized doctrines that anticipated the
The Canterbury Tales Pronunciation Guide
Tales of Canterbury - YouTube
Words from French and Latin
Northern : 험버강 이북 지역
East Midland: 험버강과 템즈강 사이의
동부 지역
West Midland: 험버강과 템즈강 사이의
서부 지역
Southern :템즈강 이남 지역
15세기 후반 런던의 영어는 영국의 거의 모
든 지역에서, 특히 필서체에 있어서, 표준
방언으로 인정받음






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