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(AC-S07) Week 7 - Task: Assignment - Where is the hospital?


● Meneses Valdivia, Zalet

● Suarez Pizarro Christian Daniel
● Chavarry Orrego Edward Omar
● Nicole Jara Flores


N: Hi

E: Hello how are you?

Z: hello guys, how are you?

C;I'm fine, and you guys

Z:I'm a little bad because last week I went to Punta, Callao and I had a cold

N:Why did that happen?

Z: The beach is very pretty but it has a lot of stones and the water is very cold

C:instead I went to the tip

E:How was it?

C: It was all very nice. It is one of the main neighborhoods of Callao and
currently one of the current cultural and artistic axes.

N:Last week I went to the Real Felipe fortress when I saw war cannons,
soldiers' clothes and several underground tunnels.

E: Well, for my part, I don't know much about Callao, since the last time I
visited it was a long time ago, when I was nine or ten years old, or less, and
the only thing I remember is the port, and a small square where there were
many flags of Peru, also, I remember that there were sailors marching and
singing the National Anthem of Peru. It was very cute.

Z:What incredible experiences, well I have to go now, maybe one day we can
get together there, see you soon.

N: good bye,nice to meet you

E: Take care, have a nice week, see you.

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