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The Cowboy's Rules: Book Two Maggie

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Title Page
A Note From the Author
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
A Word From Maggie
Book Two
Maggie Carpenter
Copyright © 2023 Maggie CarpenterAll rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of
this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval
system, without prior written permission of the publisher. This book is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents, and
dialogue are drawn from the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or
persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.
Cover Design: Fantasia
Published by: Dark Secrets Press LLC
Visit Maggie Carpenter
Dear Reader
this book has been rewritten and updated from the first word to the last.
I hope you enjoy reading it a much as I enjoyed working on it.
Visiting with Chad and Cassie is always so much fun.
Spring had arrived at Horse Haven Ranch, Chad Douglas’s favorite season. The snow had melted, the days were growing
longer, and the earth was renewing itself. His life with Cassie, the rebellious, mischievous, fearless girl with whom he’d fallen
deeply in love, provided frequent surprises. Some were welcome, some not so much.
Sitting at his desk, he lifted his eyes and gazed across the room at the large clock on the wall It was old, Swiss made, and
one of his favorite possessions. The large face sat in an intricately carved horseshoe. He often thought the artist must have
taken his inspiration from the horses who pulled the carriages through the snowy fields in Switzerland. It was a romantic notion
that never failed to bring a smile to his lips. Sitting on his rug in front of the fire, Mickey, Chad’s brilliant cattle dog, lifted his
head and yawned.
“Yep, Mickey, she’s gonna get her butt walloped this time,” Chad declared staring over at him.
In precisely five minutes, Cassandra, or Sassy Cassie as Chad called her, would meet him in their bedroom for the much
anticipated conversation. They both knew it would culminate in a sound spanking. Rising from his desk, he headed to the
Two Days Earlier
Cassie and her best friend Hannah McCloud, a young woman who lived with Marty Clark, the ranch foreman, had driven into
town for an evening out. Marty, Chad, along with Jeb and Tommy, the two younger horse handlers, stayed at the ranch playing
cards. It was a weekly event, and the girls took turns being the designated driver.
Hannah had dropped Cassie off at the kitchen door, but not ready for the evening to come to an end, Cassie decided to visit
her horses. She’d ambled down the hill and into the barn, then wandered along the aisle and stepped into their stalls to hug
them. But suddenly swept up by an unexpected yawn, she plopped onto the nearest bale of hay in the barn aisle and promptly
fell asleep…leaving the stall doors unlatched.
Marty had been on his way back to his cabin when he’d noticed Dominic, Cassie’s equitation horse, strolling around the
grounds. Jeb and Tommy were leaving Chad’s house when Chad received Marty’s urgent text. With Mickey running along with
them, the three men jogged across the lawns to join Marty who was sliding a halter over Dominic’s head.
“Have you seen Cassie?” Chad asked as they met up. “She’s still not home.”
“Look, it’s Hannah,” Marty replied, glancing up at the cabin and seeing Hannah running towards them.
“I happened to look out the window and see you all,” she exclaimed breathlessly as she reached them. “What’s going on?
Why is Dominic out here.”
“He was loose, but where’s Cassie?” Chad asked urgently.
“I dropped her off at your back door a little while ago,” she declared. “I thought she would have gone straight in. She was
pretty wasted.”
“That girl,” Chad muttered. “Let’s get Dominic back in the barn and see if anyone else got out. She might even be in there.”
“Hannah, you go on home,” Marty ordered. “It’s cold and it’s late.”
“Please text me as soon as you find her.”
“Sure, hon, now go.”
“I sure hope she’s in that barn,” Chad muttered as Hannah hurried away.
As they entered the barn Chad flicked on the lights, and to his dismay he discovered Shelby, Cassie’s thoroughbred jumper,
was also missing. Thankfully Rembrandt, her third horse, was still in his stall in spite of his door being unlatched, and it
appeared none of the other stall doors had been opened.
“Dammit!” Chad exclaimed. “I’ll go hunt for Shelby, but what the hell has happened to Cassie? Marty, could you give
Dominic the once over, make sure he didn’t hurt himself. Jeb, Tommy, you look around the paddocks, and Mickey, you stay
here. I don’t need any late night critters jumpin‘ you.”
Wandering through the dark, moonless night, Chad discovered Shelby by the round pen happily munching on a pile of discarded
hay waiting to be cleaned up. She stood quietly as Chad slipped on the halter, but there was no sign of Cassie. By the time he’d
reached the barn he was worried sick. It didn’t help when he found Marty standing in the middle of the aisle waiting for him,
his arms crossed and sporting a deep frown.
“Now what?” Chad asked.
“Don’t worry, it’s good news, well, kind of. Mickey’s the one who found her,” he declared with a grimace as he pointed
down the aisle.
Looking past him, Chad saw Cassie fast asleep on a bale of hay in a dark corner with Mickey sitting beside her.
“I can’t believe it!” Chad said angrily. “What the hell?”
“I’d say she had one too many,” Marty remarked.
“I’m tempted to leave her there.”
“But you won’t,” Marty said knowingly, taking Shelby’s lead rope from his angry boss and leading the mare back to her
stall. “I’ll see you in the mornin’. I’ll text Jeb and Tommy and let them know she’s been found.”
“Thanks,” Chad muttered, striding down the aisle.
Scooping her up, ignoring her groans and complaints, he threw her over his shoulder. But when he’d left the barn and
started hiking up to the house, he heard Mickey barking. Pausing his step, he turned and saw his smart little dog sitting in the
“Damn, Mickey, you are so right,” Chad declared with a grin. “Thanks, buddy.”
As he approached, Mickey jumped in the back, and Chad deposited Cassie on the passenger’s seat, then climbed behind the
wheel and drove up to the house. Cassie slept until late the following morning, but hung over and miserable she spent the rest
of the day in bed. But following another good night’s sleep she seemed like her old self.
Chad decided it was time to discuss the incident.
“I know I screwed up really badly,” she’d said solemnly as they sat at the kitchen table. “I’m sorry. I am. Really.”
“Of course you are, but it won’t save your ass,” he said sternly. “I have some work to do, but I’ll expect you in the bedroom
waitin’ for me at eleven sharp.”
Cassie knew Chad would be spanking her. She also knew she deserved it. Shelby could be unpredictable. Frolicking around
the grounds in the dark she could have been injured.
With two hours to kill, Cassie wandered down to the barn and took each of her horses out for a walk, but she couldn’t stop
thinking about what she’d done. She didn’t usually drink so much, and she couldn’t understand why she’d been so
The minutes ticked by slowly.
When she finally started back to the house, she felt the familiar rush of butterflies, and her head began to spin.
It’s been a while since he’s spanked me.
Maybe that’s the problem.
Maybe he hasn’t been strict enough lately.
I’ve got a sneaking suspicion that’s about to change…
When Chad entered the bedroom he found Cassie sitting in the armchair next to the fireplace. The low burning flames
underscored the winter’s passing. Though the nights were still chilly, he knew it would be autumn before there’d be a roaring
fire late in the morning.
“Get up, Cassie. I’ll be sittin’ in that chair,” he declared walking towards her. “I want you on your knees in front of me.”
“Yes, Sir,” she quietly replied, assuming the position and looking up at him as he sat down.
“What you did is serious. Very serious. Tell me what happened. At least, what you can remember.”
“I’ve been thinking about it all morning,” she said with a heavy frown. “All I know is that I’ve been feeling a bit restless,
and last night I just kept drinking. Maybe I needed to let off some steam. Anyway, when Hannah dropped me off I wanted to
check on the horses, but while I was there I was suddenly really tired. I sat down on a bale of hay to rest for a minute and I
must have passed out.”
“It was a lapse and we all have them, but it can’t happen again,” he said solemnly. “We’ll talk about why you might be
restless—as you called it—but we both know what you need, don’t we Cassie?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Take off your jeans and panties, lean over the bed and wait for me.”
Chad had decided an appropriate discipline would be a few strokes of the cane, but realizing Cassie’s aberrant behavior had
been borne from a vague unhappiness, he decided the strict discipline wasn’t warranted. Moving into the kitchen, he found his
oversized, heavy wooden spoon, the one he used to stir his large pot of spicy chili. When he returned to the bedroom, he found
her bent over the edge of the mattress, and smoothed his hand over her naked bottom.
“I don’t care how tired or drunk you are, makin’ sure the stall doors are secure should be second nature,” he began. “But in
your state you shouldn’t have even been around the horses. Next time you go out cavortin’ with Hannah, you come right back in
the house. But it won’t be next week. That’s cancelled. You’ll wait here in the bedroom while I play cards.”
“Yes, Sir,” she replied, feeling like a teenager who’d just been grounded.
“Now my hand and that wooden spoon can do the rest of the talkin’.”
He began smacking her slowly, but as he watched her soft pale skin turn red he wondered why she might be restless.
“Ow, Sir, please! I’m sorry,” she suddenly wailed.
He paused, thinking back to the last time she’d been subject to his discipline. When she’d first moved in she was often over
his knee, and received a stroke of the cane twice a month. But as time had ticked by he’d stopped using the rod. Then Christmas
had come and gone and he’d had no cause to punish her.
“Cassie, when was the last time I smacked your ass, and I don’t mean a sexy spankin’, I mean, punished you, like I’m doin’
now. And what was it for?”
“The beginning of February, about a week before Valentine’s Day. You caught me going through your closet trying to find
what you’d bought me.”
“But that wasn’t hard, and we ended up in bed.”
“It sure wasn’t like you’re spanking me now.”
“I think I’ve neglected you. I haven’t spanked you as hard or as often as I should,” he said thoughtfully. “There have been
several times I’ve let things slide. I didn’t spank you when you and Hannah came home late from shoppin’ that time. Neither of
you bothered to call in and let us know and we were gettin’ worried. I seem to remember Hannah got her butt smacked. Am I
“Yes, and you gave me a couple of swats.”
“But I didn’t spank like I should have,” he grunted. “Then you lost your wallet and didn’t tell me. I only found out because
the sheriff’s office called when someone handed it in.”
“That’s why you’ve been feelin’ restless, and I’m sorry, Cassie, I’m partly to blame. I love you so dang much I’ve let things
slide. From now on, break the rules and you get your butt spanked, just the way it used to be. And when I say spanked, I mean
“Hey, rule number one, none of your sass,” he said firmly. “I’m gonna wallop you good and hard for drinkin’ too much and
goin’ down to the barn and leavin’ those stall doors unlatched. In fact, I think you did it on purpose. Not consciously maybe, but
you did it because you need me to do exactly what I’m doin’ right now,” he finished, grabbing the paddle and landing a hard
swat on her right cheek.
“Ow! Sir, that really hurts!”
“Yep, as it damn well should,” he exclaimed, moving it quickly to the left.
He continued the punishment, determined to make his message loud and clear. When he was satisfied her skin was scarlet
enough, and the bad little girl who so desperately needed his strict attention had been satisfied, he dropped it beside her and
reigned a series of rapid slaps with his hand.
“There,” he declared, pulling her up and over his knee to rub the hot sting. “That should see you right.”
“Oooh, Sir, you spanked me so hard.”
“I certainly did, and you can expect more of the same if you deserve it. Is that clear?”
“Yes, Sir,” she whimpered. “I’ll be better. I will, I promise.”
“Time for a cuddle,” he said with a sigh, shifting her into his arms.
“I’m sorry, Chad. I was such an idiot.”
“You’re forgiven, and read the list of rules again so you have them fresh in that head of yours.”
“Yes, Sir, and maybe you’re right, maybe I did need to find my place with you again.”
“I reckon so. I’m leavin’, but you’re stayin’ in here,” he said, moving her onto the bed and rising to his feet. “I want you to
think about our life—your life—here at this ranch. If there’s anything that’s not right you have to tell me. There’s that pad of
paper and a pen in my nightstand. Whatever’s botherin’ you, write it down, And Cassie, stay here!”
“Yes, Sir. Uh, can Mickey stay with me?”
“Nope, just you and your thoughts,” he replied, then leaned down and softly kissed her. “I’ll see you in a bit.”
As he marched across the room and out the door, Cassie stretched out on the bed and stared at the ceiling.
“Wow,” she mumbled under her breath. “Chad Douglas, I think I’m falling in love with you all over again.”
Almost an hour later Chad returned to the bedroom, and with Cassie sitting beside him he read her notes. She had several
areas of concern. The first was not riding much during the winter, and except for some broken tree trunks she’d found in a back
paddock, she had nowhere to jump.
“Dammit,” he muttered with a sigh. “I should’ve realized. It must be tough not gettin’ on your horses the way you did at your
place and at Randy’s facility. I wish you’d mentioned this.”
“I didn’t want you to think I’m unhappy here. I’m not. But with nowhere to jump, and barely riding during those snowy
weeks has been really difficult.”
“Casie, I’m happy to get some jumps set up for you, and the manager over at the show grounds is a buddy of mine. Maybe
he’ll agree to bring a few into one of the covered arenas for the winter months. It might even become popular. If and when the
time comes, I’ll drive your horse van over for you. I’m used to the conditions.”
“Chad, that would be great, thank you.”
“Hey, I love you, girl, I want you to be happy. Now what’s this about Hannah?”
“Um, well, that’s a bit tricky.”
“Just tell me. Did she do something Marty should know about?”
“Oh, no, it’s nothing like that. She really misses working with the horses, and—”
“Hang on a minute, darlin’. You know she brought weed on to this property and had the nerve to try to blame Marty. I like
her, I do, but I can’t bring her back into the crew.”
“I know,” Cassie said hastily, “I have another idea. When the show season starts up again, I’ll do the circuit around here
and I’ll need a groom. She’d be perfect. I’d pay her of course, and she’d be working for me, not you. Plus, she really wants to
start jumping again. I could give her lessons as a bonus.”
“Hey, I have no problem with Hannah workin’ for you, In fact, I think it’s a great idea. Call Jerry Golden, my insurance
agent. Make sure you get whatever extra coverage we need.”
“Seriously? That’s fantastic. She’ll be thrilled, and I’m so relieved. I really need her.”
“You can’t tell her just yet. I have to make sure Marty’s okay with this.”
“Whatever you say.”
“I have an idea,” he said thoughtfully. “We could put up a four horse barn and a ridin’ ring behind it? The land is flat and
won’t need much gradin’.”
“Chad, that’s brilliant, and there’ll be enough room for another horse.”
“Lordy, please, no,” he exclaimed with a chuckle. “Don’t buy any more horses. At least, not until you talk to me.”
“But I’d be the one buying it, and I’d be responsible for it. What if you found another horse you wanted?”
“Let’s see, I have several part-time ranch hands, two full-time cowboys, a foreman, and Mandy is takin’ over my show
schedule so I’ll be here. Another horse is no big deal.”
“But one more wouldn’t be too much for me either.”
“You’d be trainin’ it, as well as gettin’ your other three ready for the shows, and from what you just said, teachin’ Hannah
as well. Darlin’, if you bought a fourth horse I think you’d be overwhelmed.”
“Then I’ll hire someone else.”
“Would that person be a stranger? How would you find them? And what about worker’s comp, the extra insurance. And
what if I didn’t like the person you brought in? Hannah is different. She’s a friend. You trust her. Findin’ someone else won’t be
so easy.”
“I guess not.”
“If you run across another horse you really want, we’ll talk about it. I’m just sayin’ don’t jump the gun. Okay?”
“Sometimes I like to do things on the spur of the moment.”
“Cassie, are you already plannin’ on another horse?”
“Let’s get the barn built and the arena done, then see where we’re at.”
“Okay, but I still think—”
“You know what I think,” he interjected. “I think the spoilt little Cassie is rearin’ her head right now, and considerin’ her
butt is already tender, she shouldn’t press her luck.”
“Uh…you’re right,” she mumbled.
“We’d better move on to the last thing on your list before you end up over my knee again. You’d like to go out more. I
would too. We’ll make it a point to go into town for dinner or a movie once a week.”
“Wonderful,” she said happily, wrapping her arms around him and kissing his cheek. “I love you, Chad, so much, and I
know I can be difficult sometimes. Thanks for putting up with me.”
“Hey, I love you too. But remember, from now on, difficult means a sore backside, so you’d better behave yourself.”
“Uh, when will you talk to Marty? I’m dying to give Hannah the good news.”
“Soon, but right now you’re takin’ a shower, then walkin’ back in here naked. Remember, I’m in charge around here.”
Chad waited until Cassie had walked into the bathroom, then quickly stripped. pulled back the bedspread, and hurried to his
closet to retrieve a hidden key. Returning to the large dresser and unlocking the bottom drawer, he studied his collection of
tantalizing toys. Selecting several. he placed them carefully on the bed ready for Cassie to see when she returned.
“You’ve been a very naughty girl,” he mumbled under his breath. “I didn’t keep a firm hand on your butt, but that won’t
happen again.”
Hearing the shower stop, he ambled across to the fireplace and leaned against the mantle, ready to watch her reaction when
she spotted the wicked implements.
Staring at her reflection in the mirror, Cassie was filled with erotic excitement tinged with apprehension. She knew what was
coming over the next few days. It was what she ached for, yet dreaded. She would feel different, and her sense of belonging to
him would cloak her, like a coat that had been sewn around her body.
The wet heat between her legs had already begun.
Turning around, she moved slowly to the door, placed her fingers around the handle, and pushed it open.
Cassie’s eyes immediately fell upon the dildos, butt plugs, the large vibrator and the lube. She’d been expecting the lascivious
display but it still caused her to catch her breath. Feeling a hot flush cross her face, she lifted her gaze and stared at Chad.
He looked bigger than life.
His arms were crossed, his head was titled to the side, and his black robe draped around him like a vampire’s cape. As his
lips curled into a smile that said, you forgot your place, now I’m going to remind you, her thighs tightened, and a flood of
moisture oozed between her legs. Abruptly dropping his arms and standing tall, he strode towards her.
She was suddenly reminded who Chad Douglas was. A determined, fearless cowboy. A man who never backed away from
a challenge, be it a naughty girl or a bullying tough guy. And a man who had instinctively known who she was and what she
needed the moment they’d met.
All those months ago, seeing him standing next to his truck in his aviator glasses, she had felt his quiet, resolute strength.
He’d literally taken her breath away and turned her knees to jelly. Now, waiting nervously at the side of the bed, the same
sensations washed over her. She watched, mesmerized, as he reached down, picked up the small tube of lube, and squeezed, a
large dollop on the tip of his index finger.
“Wrap your arms around me,” he directed, his voice low and deep, “and spread your legs.”
His slow, deliberate training during the cold winter months as the fire had blazed, left no room for questions or doubt.
Tremulously stepping forward, she wrapped her arms around his back, rested her head against his chest and shimmied her feet
apart. As he moved an arm around her waist she squeezed her eyes shut, and a moment later he slipped his lubed finger inside
her crack. Finding her rosebud, he softly circled, then pressed. But her pelvis thrust against him, instinctively refusing entry.
“I realize it’s been a while, but you know I’ll spank that tension out of you if you don’t relax and accept what I’m doin’,” he
said firmly. “Take a long deep breath and sink into my finger. Surrender, Cassie.
Sucking the air, she held it for a moment, then let it out and sank into him.
“There you go, girl, much better.”
She relished his use of the word girl. He was retraining her, speaking to her as he would a skittish mare.
“Much better. Now stay still. I’m gonna do this for a while.”
She took another deep breath.
“There you go, that’s my girl,” he whispered, his breath hot against her ear.
He continued his probing with a steady rhythm, until apparently satisfied, he withdrew his finger and ordered her onto the
“You know the position. Spread your knees, rest on your chest, put your hands behind you and spread your cheeks.”
Though she’d been expecting the lewd directive, it still sent a fresh blush across her face. Slipping past him, she crawled
on the mattress and followed his instruction. From the corner of her eye, she watched him remove his robe, drape it across a
nearby chair, then return to pick up a pink, glossy, medium-sized butt plug. As he coated it with a generous amount of lube, she
closed her eyes back down and waited.
There was nothing he did that affected her in such a profound way, and as he began to press the large intruder forward, she
did her best to consciously relax. This was punishment, but it was also perverse pleasure, and his complete subjugation of her.
Once impaled, he grabbed her wrists and pulled her hands away, letting her cheeks fall back in place.
“Who’s in charge, girl?” he growled, spanking her lightly, then tapping the exposed flange.
“You are, Sir.”
“Any doubt about that?”
“No, Sir, none.”
“Place your hands on the small of your back.”
Though she groaned, she did as he said. He was going to shackle her wrists, enhancing her feeling of helplessness. In less
than a few seconds the cuffs were on and snapped together, and she felt him leave the bed.
Lord, now what? Is he going to strap me, or fuck me, or—
The thick, heavy tongues of his flogger landing on her upturned backside snapped her from any thought. The pain wasn’t
real pain, not like his hard, spanking hand. The flogger filled her soul and devoured her body, sending her into an altered state
of hot consciousness.
Chad craved the hot tightness her dark hole would offer. After delivering a dozen lashes, he dropped the flogger, picked up the
vibrator, and pressed it against her clit. As she let out a howl of joyful surprise, he held her left cheek to the side and slowly
withdrew the plug, then coating his cock with the lube, he positioned himself, and slowly eased inside the tight, enveloping
The scintillating sensations from the vibrator rippled through his penis, but as he savored the exquisite tingles, her cries
told him she was already nearing her orgasm. It was happening fast, but he wasn’t surprised. Gripping her hot cheeks, he
quickened his thrusts. Her wails grew louder, and the vibrator’s divine pulsing seemed to permeate every part of his being.
Her tight, forbidden passage suddenly gripped him, demanding his release.
As she let out an orgasmic howl, rocketing convulsions surged through his body, cascading spasms washed over him, and
he never wanted them to end. But the crashing waves became ripples, finally waned, and he slipped from between her cheeks.
Though he was still catching his breath, he hastily released her wrists, stretched out beside her, and brought her limp body into
his arms.
Cassie was on a white puffy cloud floating across the sky, gazing down at sparkling meadows. Everything glowed golden, and
she was wonderfully warm. But she could hear a distant call. Straining to listen, she realized it was Chad’s voice. He was
asking her to come back to him.
I don’t want to, I’m in heaven and I’m sure I’ll see some angels.
But his call was too great to refuse, his will too strong to disobey, and she slowly drifted towards the sparkling meadow.
Her eyes were open but unfocused, then she blinked—and he was there.
“Welcome back,” he murmured, stroking her face.
“I was...uh…in the sky…floating…it was so peaceful.”
“I know, darlin’.”
Suddenly an unexpected wave of emotion washed over her. Letting out a sob, she buried her head against his chest.
“It’s okay, girl, you’re just releasin’ a whole lotta pent up stuff. You cry as much as you want.”
“I feel so strange. What happened?”
“It’s called flyin’, or subspace. But we’ll talk about it later. Now you need to rest.”
Closing her eyes, she sensed they had crossed some kind of magical line, and a soft smile curled her lips.
In the weeks that followed, Cassie’s training continued, Marty gave Hannah the green light to work with Cassie, and spring
blossomed. On a particularly bright and beautiful day, Chad asked Cassie to join him in his office directly after breakfast. He
had received the architect’s final plans for her barn and riding ring. As they walked in, she saw a large sheet of paper laid
across his desk.
“The field is already flat so the grading will only take a day, and the barn can go to the side of the ring here, with the two
paddocks behind it,” he declared as he pointed out the various areas on the large drawing. “Erecting the barn won’t take long,
and the fencing will go up at the same time. Once the work starts it will happen fast.”
“Chad, this is absolutely incredible,” she beamed. “I can’t believe it. What about the house?”
“I was just getting to that,” he replied with a grin. “The construction starts this week, but it has to be one week on and one
week off, so it won’t interfere with my clinics.”
“Oh, that’s right, you’re clinics,” Cassie muttered. “Will there be a lot of people?”
“No more than a dozen at a time, and some of those will bring their own horses.”
“And they’re here for six days, right?”
“Yep, but the first day is an orientation. Everyone meets in the livin’ room. They get to know each other and read the rules.
There are four clinics over the spring and summer, one every other week.”
“You mentioned you set up a tent by the barn for catering. How does that work?”
“We serve lunch, and a coffee break in the afternoon, though Hannah asked if she could prepare the food for the orientation.
If she does a good job she can do all of them.”
“I know she’s a fabulous cook,” Cassie remarked thoughtfully, “but that’s a lot of food to prepare.”
“I’m willin’ to give her a chance. I’ll just have to see how she does.”
“It’ll be weird having a bunch of strangers around,” Cassie muttered.
“They’ll be busy, and it’s only six days, but that’s why I’d like to get your ring and barn done fast, so you and Hannah and
your horses will be out of the frey.”
“What about Maverick, Hannah’s boy?”
“Yes, for sure. Hannah’s horse would be better off up there as well.”
“Can I supervise the work when it starts?”
Chad laughed out loud.
“I’m not sure that’s a good idea. Marty will do the gradin’ for the ring, and I’m bringin’ in a local crew to get the barn up.
It’s just prefab, but it’s solid, and it goes up quickly.”
“Why can’t I oversee everything?”
“Cassie, these things are pre-made, they’re like a giant jigsaw, You’ll only be in the way. But here’s the good news. The
work will start tomorrow mornin’.”
“Thank you for all this, Mr. Douglas. It’s just wonderful,” she said gratefully, then wrapped her arms around his neck and
kissed him.
“Mmm, girl,” he breathed as they broke apart, “it’s worth all the trouble for kisses like that.”
“Hey, Mickey, will you keep me company up at the new barn?” she asked, calling to the dog curling up on his bed.
The dog sat up and barked several times.
“I think that’s a yes,” Chad said with a chuckle. “He’s not crazy about the clinics. I’m sure he’d prefer to hang with you and
The dog barked again and they both laughed.
“He’s so special,” Cassie murmured with a sigh. “I love him to bits.”
“You and me both. I never thought I’d own a dog smarter than me, but I do.”
As if understanding what Chad had said, Mickey ran over to him and lifted his paw..
“Oh, my, gosh! Mickey, you are way too adorable,” Cassie exclaimed, quickly crouching down to make a fuss of him.
“Now I’m jealous,” Chad declared.
“You have reason to be,” Cassie replied, “I might just run away with him. He can’t spank me.”
“You’re right, but he can’t make cornbread.”
“Well, there is that,” she said, rolling her eyes. “I can’t live without your cornbread.”
“Good, I’m glad that’s settled. Now I have work to do.”
“And I have three horses waiting for me, ” she replied, and kissing him on the cheek, she walked quickly from the room.
Chad stared down at the plans. The small cabin that was about to become their home, sitting on top of the knoll overlooking the
lake, was where he’d kissed Cassie for the first time. The sun had been setting and they’d watched the lake transform into
liquid gold. It was also where they’d first made love under the stars, and commemorated their first Christmas. The place was
uniquely special to them both. Rolling up the large sheets of paper, he turned his attention to the group attending the first clinic.
Several were new, and a few repeat customers, including one name that had caught his attention. Molly Roberts. He grimaced.
Molly had attended three of his four clinics the year before, and each time she’d made her feelings clear. She wanted him.
He had no doubt the young woman would be just as flirtatious, but his cellphone chimed, snatching his attention. Opening the
text, the message from Marty was not one he expected.
Cassie and Jeb having words in the ring. Better come down.
“Come on, Mickey, let’s see what’s brewin’,” he exclaimed, grabbing his hat and marching from his office.
Heading out the kitchen door and hurrying to the ring with Mickey beside him, he could see Cassie standing by Shelby with
her arms crossed defiantly, Jeb holding a fidgety young horse, and Marty leaning against the rail.
“What’s goin’ on, Marty?” Chad asked as he approached.
“Simply put, the ring isn’t big enough for both of ‘em. Cassie tried to make a jump out of those barrels there,” Marty said,
pointing to three barrels in the middle of the ring, two on their side and one upright, “and Jeb here needed them the way they
were, set up to get this young horse here workin’ around ‘em.”
“Cassie, did you roll the barrels from where they were?” Chad asked, stepping over to her.
“Yes, but—”
“Stop,” he said sharply, holding up his hand. “You’ve got thirty-minutes. Put the third barrel on its side and ride Shelby,
then, Jeb, you put them back how you want them.”
“But, Chad, what about Dominic and Rembrandt? I need to ride them too.”
“Shelby’s tacked up and ready, the other two aren’t, and it’s early in the day. You and Jeb can alternate, thirty minutes each
horse. Jeb, this is a temporary. Cassie will have her own ring very soon. Cassie, you’ve gotta work with us, not against us. Got
“Okay,” she mumbled with a sigh.
“No problem here, boss,” Jeb declared. “I can work around the cows in the back field while she’s doin’ her other two
horses. I didn’t mean to cause any problems, but you told me to get this horse done.”
“Hey, Jeb, you don’t have to explain. I know you have a tight schedule. Now both of you put this behind you. I won’t have
any hard feelin’s around this ranch.”
Jeb broke into a grin and extended his hand, but when Cassie accepted it, her smile was halfhearted. As she climbed back
into her saddle and rode away, Chad stepped closer to the young cowboy and lowered his voice.
“Jeb, don’t take it personally. Not ridin’ like she’s used to has been hard on her, and you don’t have to worry. She gets over
things pretty quick.”
“Hey, no problem boss,” Jeb replied. “I didn’t mean to start nothin’. She’s always been real nice. All I did was ask when I
could put the barrels back.”
“She’ll have her own little corner of the world real soon, then things will be a lot calmer around here of all of us.”
But as the words left his lips, Chad felt an unfamiliar chill prick his skin.
Finally finished with her horses, Cassie drove up to the knoll and walked around the flat plot of land that would soon be her
riding ring, then wandered across to the site where her new home was being built. Excited about her future, but suddenly
feeling weary, she headed back to the ranch house and moved quickly to the bathroom for a hot shower. Closing her eyes as she
stood under the steamy water, she broke into a smile. She never imagined she’d end up living with a cowboy, and she certainly
never thought she could be so happy. Humming as she stepped from the stall, she dried off and was wrapping the bath sheet
around her body when she heard a noise from the bedroom. Opening the door she spied Chad taking off his shirt as he walked
towards his closet.
“Hi, handsome!”
“Damn, girl, you look a treat,” he muttered with a grin. “Whatta ya think, Mickey?” The dog cocked his head, then barked
twice. “He agrees,” Chad chuckled.
“Can you stick around a while?” she asked, admiring his muscled torso and bulging biceps as she sashayed across to him.
“What did you have in mind?”
“I’d like to make amends for this morning…how I was with Jeb.”
“Yep, you were a brat.”
“I know, and I’m sorry,” she breathed, placing her hand on his crotch.
“I think I’ll tell Jeb to spank you.”
“You wouldn’t!” she exclaimed, staring at him wide-eyed.
“Of course not, but you will be spanked, and now is as good a time as any.”
Abruptly sweeping her up and carrying her across the room, he dropped her on the mattress, ripped the towel from her
body and climbed on the bed. “You acted like a spoilt ten-year old!” he exclaimed, placing her on her hands and knees and
landing several hot slaps.
“Ow! I said I was sorry.”
“Yep, and I made it clear I wasn’t lettin’ anything slide,” he said sternly, continuing to spank her with a volley of hard
“Stop. Please. I’ll go back to the barn and apologize.”
“You’re darn right you will,” he proclaimed, roaming his hand over her reddened backside. “Don’t move.”
Looking over her shoulder, she watched him pull off his jeans and take hold of his stiffened cock.
“Damn, girl, you sure are wet,” he grunted, placing his hardness at her entrance and thrusting forward.
Cassie suddenly found herself caught up in a whirlwind of blazing sensations. Her bottom was already on fire, and as he
pumped his pelvis slapped against her stinging skin. Though she squealed in protest, she knew it was fueling her erotic fever.
For endless minutes he pummeled her pussy without pause, and when he moved a hand beneath her and pinched her nipples,
she could feel her orgasm suddenly looming.
“Ch-Ch-Chad...I c-can’t w-wait...I’m g-going to...”
“Nope, not yet,” he growled, but continued to toy with her breasts as he slowly, teasingly, pumped.
For endless minutes he kept her at bay, then finally gripped her hips and began thrusting with quick, powerful strokes.
“Come for me, come for me now,” he demanded, spanking her as he spoke.
Letting out a grateful cry she surrendered to the powerful spasms, vaguely hearing his guttural groans. When the crackling
convulsions finally dissipated, faint and with her body tingling, she collapsed onto her stomach.
“I been thinkin’,” he murmured breathlessly, dropping beside her and bringing her into his arms. “Why don’t we get
married in the new house. It’s our special place.”
“Great minds,” she said with a sigh. “I had the exact same thought.”
“Then it’s a done deal.”
“Thank you, Chad, for so much.”
“Even your sore backside?”
“Even that,” she replied, gazing up at him thinking, especially that.
** * **
While Cassie and Chad were embroiled in their late afternoon tumble between the sheets, Marty had walked into his cabin
completely drenched, but not wanting to get water everywhere, he’d stopped at the kitchen door.
“What happened to you?” Hannah asked, staring at him and giggling. “You look like you’ve just walked through a car
Feeling his anger begin to dissipate, Marty chuckled.
“I was helpin’ Jeb hose down that new filly. Somehow she whacked his arm with her head and…well…he ended up
sprayin’ me, not her. It gave everyone a laugh for the day, but damn, girl,” he muttered, staring around the kitchen. “What the
hell happened here?”
“Don’t be mad,” she purred, moving over to him and kissing his cheek. “I know I promised to keep this place clean and tidy
but I got a bit distracted.”
“Uh-huh. By what?”
“Does it matter? I don’t think Jumbo cares,” she whispered, pressing her body against his and placing her hand against his
stiffening member.
Because of its size Hannah had named his penis, Jumbo, expanding the name to Jumbo Jet when he was thrusting in and out
of her grateful pussy.
“He doesn’t, but I do,” he muttered, doing his best to ignore her luscious breasts rubbing against his chest. “I warned you
about lettin’ things go around this place.”
“You did, and like I said it won’t happen again,” she promised, undoing the buttons of his soaked shirt. “Let’s get these wet
clothes off and—”
“Stop that. You’re just tryin’ to wriggle out of the trouble you’re in by gettin’ all...all...”
“All what, hon,” she asked innocently, gazing up at him.
“Flirty, and you know it,” he frowned, trying to ignore the need engulfing him. “Go into the bedroom and take off all your
clothes. I’m gonna spank you, then you’re gonna show me some special lovin’ to make up for it.”
“Yes, Sir,” she whispered, and with her butterflies furiously fluttering she scurried away.
With a heavy sigh, Marty peeled off his wet shirt, pulled off his boots, then ambled to the refrigerator to grab a beer. Popping
off the top and taking a sip, he lifted the lid off the small kitchen trash can to drop in the cap and found it full. Hannah was
supposed to have taken the plastic trash bag to the large garbage bin after lunch. Shaking his head he moved into the bedroom—
and paused his step.
She was naked, kneeling and waiting.
His cock stiffened.
“I don’t have much time,” he began, fighting the temptation to whisk her between the sheets. “I’m gonna wallop your ass,
and I’ll be quick, but you know my wallops.”
“Yes, Sir,” she muttered with a nod.
Walking to the bed he sat down, then watched Hannah rise to her feet and lean over his hard, thick thighs. Placing his leg
behind her knees and his arm on her back, he lifted his broad, calloused hand and landed it with an explosive smack on each
“I warned you!” he exclaimed as she let out a squeal.
“Yes, Sir, you did,” she replied with a wriggle as he spanked her again.
“Then you shouldn’t be surprised. Did you think I wouldn’t notice what a mess the place is?”
“No, Sir. I just wasn’t expecting you so soon.”
“You’ve had plenty of time to clean up. You were just bein’ lazy!” he scolded, continuing to slap her reddening cheeks.
“You’re right, Sir. I was, and I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.”
“What if I’d brought Chad home for some coffee?”
“Ohh…I hadn’t thought about that.”
“Well you’d better in future. Now get on your knees and suck me real good.”
As Hannah slid from his lap and positioned herself in front of him she had to suppress a smile. She’d been craving his hard, hot
hand. Not only had her plan worked, his early arrival had been a bonus. But his fingers clutched a fistful of her hair interrupting
her thoughts.
“Do you have anything to say, Hannah?”
“Thank you for spanking me, Sir. I’ll be much more diligent from now on.”
Smiling down at her, he released her hair, unzipped his jeans, and pulled out his mammoth member.
“You can behave like you should when you want, Hannah,” he purred, tracing her lips with his finger. “Now suck me and
suck real good.”
Opening her mouth, she slithered her lips over his long, thick shaft, and as she began to bob up and down, he grabbed her
hair a second time.
“I’ll guide you,” he growled. “Use your tongue, then slurp me up and suck me dry.”
Sinking into the lewd activity she knew he’d want to make it last, but he was on borrowed time, and soon picked up the
pace. When he began grunting, and a few drops of pre-come dripped from the bulbous head, she prepared herself. Marty was
all man, with a large cock that carried a generous load. Though he always did his best to control the flow there were times the
explosion was just that, an explosion.
His fingers tightened around her hair, and his rod began to swell. Taking a deep breath through her nose, she held her breath
and waited. Seconds later his loud groans accompanied the torrent of hot cream as it surged into her mouth. The copious fluid
flowed into her throat, but she controlled her swallows, and despite the profuse ejaculation there was no dribbling. When the
spasms waned, she gently licked and lapped him clean, finishing with a kiss on the flaccid head.
“Oh, girl,” he panted, “you just made this cowboy a real happy man.”
“Am I forgiven?”
“You bet. Get on up here.” As she climbed onto the bed, his massive arms wrapped around her and he laid down, hugging
her tightly. “Dammit I hate to leave, but I need to get the tractor up to the field where Cassie’s gettin’ her ridin’ ring. I have to
start the gradin’ first thing.”
“You work so hard, Marty.”
“Darlin’, if you love what you do, it’s not work.”
“Amen to that.
“But I hate to go. I’ll bet your little pussy needs attention,” he said softly, sliding his fingers between her legs. “Yep, you’re
all wet.”
“I am,” she purred, squirming against his touch.
“You make me one of those great dinners and Jumbo will pay you a long, enjoyable visit.”
“What would you like? Steak? Pasta?”
“Hmmm, let me think,” he murmured thoughtfully, continuing to tease her with his thick fingers. “I want that beef stew, the
one with all the vegetables.”
“Done, but I wish you didn’t have to leave…not yet.”
Slithering his finger inside her wet, hungry entrance, he probed for a few minutes, then gently pulled his hand away and
climbed off the bed. Letting out a frustrated grunt, she sat up and watched him lumber into the bathroom. She knew he’d step
into the shower for a quick rinse off before heading back to his horses. But when he came home at the end of his long day, he’d
wrap his big, muscled body around her, and she’d feel safe and loved and deliriously happy.
“Marty?” she said softly as he returned.
“I really love you, big guy.”
Grinning, he walked over and sat next to her on the bed.
“I love you too kitten, that’s why I spank you so hard.”
“I know, and most people wouldn’t get that, but I do.”
After a long day, and a late night watching an old western curled up next to Chad on the couch, Cassie fell into bed and sank
into a deep sleep. She was usually stirred awake by Chad’s hardness pressing against her, or his arms coming around her, but
when she finally blinked open her eyes she found the bed empty.
It was only a moment later she heard a loud, unfamiliar noise.
Climbing from the bed and hurrying to the French doors, she pulled aside the drapes and saw Chad’s Range Rover leading
several large trucks to the road leading up to the knoll. It could mean only one thing. The construction was underway. Her barn
and her own riding ring would soon be a reality.
Excitedly taking a quick shower and hastily devouring a bowl of cereal, she moved quickly outside and jumped into her
car, deciding to pick up Hannah on the way. When she reached the fork where one lane led to the barn, she spotted Jeb walking
a horse to the round pen. With no-one around it was the perfect time to stop and apologize. Driving slowly down towards him,
she pulled to a stop and stepped from the car.
“Hey, Jeb.”
The young cowboy turned and broke into a grin.
“Mornin’, Cassie. There sure is a lot goin’ on. Those are some big trucks.”
“No kidding,” she replied, smiling back at him. “I just wanted to say I’m sorry about yesterday.”
“Hey, me too.”
“Jeb, you have nothing to apologize for. I was the one causing a scene, but it looks like I’ll be out of your hair soon. It
won’t take long for them to get the arena ready.”
“That’s great. I know you need your jumps, and for the record, you’ve never been in my hair.”
“Thanks, Jeb, that’s nice of you to say, though I’m not sure it’s true. Do you want to take turns like we did yesterday?”
“Why don’t you go first. I’m going up to the site but I probably won’t be more than half an hour. I’m sure Chad won’t want
me hanging around.”
“By the time you get back I should be done with my first horse.”
“Perfect. Thanks, Jeb..”
Feeling relieved they were friends again, Cassie climbed back in her car and headed up to Hannah’s cabin. But glancing in
her rearview mirror she noticed Jeb watching her drive away. A grin curled her lips. She suspected the young cowboy had a
crush on her. Still smiling when she pulled up outside Marty’s cabin, she walked the short distance up to the porch and knocked
on the door.
“Come in, Cassie!”
Stepping inside, she found Hannah at the kitchen island chopping apples and pears.
“You are such a happy homemaker,” Cassie remarked with a wide smile. “What gourmet masterpiece are you cooking
“An apple and pear upside down cake with a ginger glaze,” Hannah declared proudly.
“Will you save a piece for Chad and me?”
“Sure, if Marty doesn’t eat it all in one sitting. What’s up?”
“Did you see all those trucks?”
“I couldn’t exactly miss them,” Hannah quipped with a laugh. “I thought we were having an earthquake.
“I’m going up to the site. Do you want to join me?”
“I would love that, but can you wait a few minutes. I need to tidy up before I go,” she declared, reaching for a kitchen towel
to wipe down the counter.
“Can’t you just leave that stuff?”
“Lord, no. The place was a mess yesterday and Marty reminded me keeping everything neat and tidy was part of the deal.
And when I say reminded—you get my drift.”
“Ah, yes, I had a reminder of my own. There must have been something in the air.” The two friends shared a look, then
started laughing. “I think there’s something seriously wrong with us,” Cassie exclaimed still giggling.
“Or seriously right,” Hannah shot back. “Put those bowls in the fridge for me while I cover this stuff, then I’ll tidy up and
we can go.”
Ten minutes later they were driving up the gentle slope, but as they neared the cabin Cassie slowed to a stop and stared. The
area was teeming with men in hard hats, lumber was being unloaded from a huge truck, and large plastic sheets were being
carried inside to protect the cabin’s contents. Looking across at the field that would be her arena, she could see Marty had
finished grading and was parking his tractor, while a small group of workers were laying large panels on the ground in the area
designated for the barn.
“Wow, this is incredible,” Hannah exclaimed. “Everything’s happening at once.”
“Chad is a man who gets things done,” Cassie remarked. “Speaking of Chad, do you see him anywhere?”
“Now that you mention it, I don’t, but Marty has just seen us. I’m going over there. Are you coming?”
“No, Chad must be around here somewhere. You go ahead.”
As Hannah jogged off to the field, Cassie ambled up to the cabin, pausing for a moment to stare down at the lake.
“Great spot for a house.”
Not recognizing the voice, she turned and found a tall, surprisingly handsome worker in jeans and a T-shirt, wearing a
hardhat and carrying a large bin.
“Yes, it is,” she replied.
The man had a stunning smile, and looked more like a hunky male model than a laborer. Hating the flush suddenly crossing
her face, she quickly turned away and stared down at the lake. Whoever he was, she didn’t want him seeing her blush, and God
Forbid Chad should walk up.
She sensed the attractive worker moving towards her, and with her face still hot, she didn’t want to look back at him.
“Are you okay?” he asked. “I hope I didn’t startle you.”
“Yes, I’m fine. I was just thinking about the happy times I’ve had up here,” she replied, taking a breath and turning around.”
“It does seem like a special place.”
She thought his voice was surprisingly soft for such a well built man, but her thoughts were interrupted as he put down the
bin and stepped closer.
“I’m Jason Lewis by the way.”
“Hello, I’m Cassandra Davidson, though I go by Cassie. Do you work construction often?” she asked, thinking he looked
oddly out of place.
“Not often. Actually, I’m an architect, but every now and then I get the urge to work on a site and get my hands dirty, though
I’m not sure why.”
“Maybe it gives you greater insight when you’re designing.”
“Maybe. I worked my way through school doing this and I always enjoyed it, and again, I don’t know why,” he added with
a grin. “I’m always exhausted when I leave.”
His hazel eyes were full of invitation, and while she found the flirtation flattering, it was also making her uncomfortable.
“What about you, Cassie? Do you work on the ranch?”
“I’m engaged to Chad Douglas,” she announced, hoping it would put a stop to his subtle advances. “He built the cabin for
us last year, and now we’re transforming it into the house we want.”
“That’s very romantic,” he remarked, then pausing and narrowing his eyes, he said, “I hope your fiancé knows how lucky
he is. If I had a beautiful girl like you I wouldn’t let you out of my sight for a minute.”
The brazen comment took her by surprise and sent a fresh flush to her cheeks. She was frantically trying to think of a
response when she saw Mickey running towards her. Relieved, she crouched down to greet him.
“Mickey, hey boy,” she exclaimed, making a fuss of him. “Where have you been?”
“Cute dog,” Jason remarked, but as he stepped closer, Mickey stared up at him and growled.
“Whoa, Mickey, that’s not nice,” she said firmly. “Sorry, he’s not usually aggressive.”
“He’s just being protective, and I’d better get back to work,” Jason said, turning around and picking up the bin. “But it’s
been nice meeting you, Cassie. I hope we run into each other again.”
“Yes, sure,” she replied, but as she watched him saunter away she heard Mickey snarl a second time. “What’s up fella?”
she asked, stroking his head. Mickey’s growl abruptly became a whine, and he licked her face.
“There you are—there you both are,” Chad declared striding towards them. “I’ve been lookin’ for him all over the place,
and what are you doin’ here?”
“I just came up to be nosy, but Chad, there are so many people here. It’s weird.”
“The more workers, the faster the work will get done, but from now on you need to steer clear. You’re too gorgeous. You’ll
distract the laborers.”
“Oh, Chad, stop.”
“It’s already happenin’! Who was that?”
“Apparently he’s an architect who likes to pick up a hammer now and then.”
“Please, Cassie, keep your distance. We don’t know these guys, and most of them are day laborers. Regardless, a
construction site can be a dangerous place.”
“Okay, I’ll stay away, but it won’t be easy.”
“Hopefully it won’t be for long. I’ll stay with you while you look around, then you have to scoot.”
“That would be great, thanks. Then I’ll go and I won’t come back unless you’re with me.”
“That’s a deal,” he said, taking her hand. “Come on Mickey. Let’s see what’s goin’ on.”
Across from the cabin on the field, Hannah had found Marty, and together they were watching the barn builders start work.
“Three days, start to finish,” Marty exclaimed, shaking his head. “It’s hard to believe, but there it is.”
“It really is incredible.”
“Hannah, what’s that delicious smell?”
“I guess it must be your favorite upside down cake. I popped it in the oven just before I left. Wow, that’s impressive.”
“Hey, when it comes to food, I’m like a blood hound,” he quipped with a chuckle. “Damn, I can’t wait, and if there weren’t
a bunch of strange men around I’d…”
“You’d what?” .
“I’d pick you up, throw you over my shoulder, and carry you off to a nice soft patch of grass somewhere,” he murmured
“And then...?”
“And then…hang on, I think Cassie’s tryin’ to get your attention,” Marty remarked, raising his head and looking towards the
cabin. “She’s wavin’ like she wants you over there. Just as well. You should go.”
“How long will you be up here?”
“Most of the day. I’ll be back for lunch though.”
“Please be careful,” she said softly, gazing up at him. “I worry sometimes.”
“Hey kitten, worryin’ is my job. Go on now, I’ll see you in a couple of hours.”
Standing on her toes, she lifted her head and pecked him on the cheek, then jogged across the freshly dragged field to join
Cassie. As they climbed into the car, Hannah spotted a handsome worker standing at the edge of the site staring at them.
“Cassie, look at that guy. He’s hot.”
“I know. His name is Jason, he’s an architect but he occasionally works on construction sites.”
“How do you know all that?” Hannah asked, trying not to stare as Cassie drove slowly forward.
“He started flirting with me before Chad arrived.”
“Damn. Lucky you.”
“Not really. It was kind of awkward, then it began to feel weird.”
“I told him I was engaged to Chad and it didn’t faze him.”
“It doesn’t matter. You’ll never see him again. Not unless you come back up. If you do just make sure Chad is with you.”
“I will, and I bet a guy like that flirts with every woman he meets.”
“Yeah, he probably knows he’s a hunk,” Hannah remarked. “All he has to do is look in a mirror. But Cassie, how exciting
is this? You’ll soon have your own jumping ring.”
“I know, it’s going to be amazing,” she exclaimed happily, but as she drove down the slope, she couldn’t help but recall
how Mickey had growled at the handsome stranger.
Over the next few days, Cassie fell into a regular schedule with Jeb taking turns riding in the ring. Knowing she would have her
own arena had taken the pressure off, and though the trucks rolling by and the distant sounds of construction could be annoying,
they signaled a welcome addition to Horse Haven Ranch.
Chad had been busy with the preparations for his upcoming clinics, and the release of his new line of women’s clothing
boasting the logo Cassie had designed. The unique twist on the equine heart gracing the collars and cuffs of the silk-cotton
blend shirts, were also emblazoned across the front of the T-shirts.
It was lunchtime, and Cassie just finished riding Shelby. The thoroughbred jumper had felt fit and excited. Cassie was
itching for her various obstacles to arrive, and for her arena and barn to be completed. Jogging up to the house and entering
through the kitchen door, she strode down the hall looking for Chad. Poking her head into his office she saw him on the phone,
and though he looked up and smiled, he signaled he couldn’t talk. Continuing on to the bedroom she took a quick shower, then
made her way to the kitchen to rustle up something to eat. She was brewing the coffee and grilling cheese and tomato
sandwiches when he strolled in carrying a large carton.
“Hey, beautiful.”
“Hey, handsome. What’s in the box?”
“I almost don’t wanna tell you. I’m worried you’ll leave that frypan and burn those sandwiches,” he replied with a grin.
“Oh, my, gosh, are those the shirts?”
“Yep. The first shipment with the new logo,” he declared proudly.
“Open it, quickly, I can’t wait to see them.”
Setting the box on the table and tearing back the tape across the top, he pulled out the first few T-shirts.
“Chad, they look fantastic. It works! It really works!”
“It sure does! And I predict these will sell like crazy”
“I’d sure buy one,” she exclaimed with a laugh.
Placing the plastic covered T-shirts back in the box, he let out a sigh and pulled her into a bear hug.
“Cassie. I’m so damn proud of you, I swear my heart’s gonna burst.”
“Chad, you’ve changed my life. I didn’t know I could be so happy, and it’s all because of you.”
Holding her tightly, Chad squeezed his eyes shut. Her heavy emotion was contagious.
“That goes both ways,” he murmured, then pulling back, he leaned in and pressed his lips on hers in a long, lingering kiss.
“There’s somethin’ real important you need to do for me,” he whispered, moving his lips to her ear.
“Anything, Chad, just name it.”
“Check that sandwich.”
“Oh, you,” she retorted, punching his arm.
“I’m serious,” he said in mock surprise as they broke apart. “It smelled so good when I walked in and I don’t want it to
Releasing him, she hurried to the pan and picked up the spatula to flip the bread.
“How is it?”
“As usual your timing was perfect.”
“I’ll be givin’ a T-shirt to the people at the clinic. You should wear one in a different color every day.”
“Great minds,” she declared, lifting the sandwiches from the pan and placing them on dishes. “Can you please grab the
“Sure, and I’ve got another surprise for you,” he said, fetching the pot and putting it on the table. “Your barn will be
finished this afternoon.”
“Seriously? That’s fantastic. Can I move up there tomorrow, or will the construction going on at the house be a problem?”
“Take your horses up there while I’m doin’ the clinics. Both the ring and the round pen will be in use most of the time, and
the work at the house will be stopped. Of course you could always try it for a day while they’re still workin’ and see how they
deal with it.”
“Dominic and Rembrandt will probably be fine. But Shelby might have an issue. I could always put her in the paddock and
watch her for a while, though I suspect as long as she’s with her friends and they’re calm, she will be too.”
“Cassie, I was thinkin’,” he said lowering his voice and leaning across the table. “We should christen that barn tonight.”
“Chad Douglas, whatever do you mean?”
“You know exactly what I mean,” he replied with a wink. “Jeb and Tommy will be movin’ a load of shavings up there. Ask
them to take your tack trunks at the same time, and Cassie, make sure you pack your crops and lunge lines,” he finished,
narrowing his eyes, then paused to enjoy the sight of the blush crossing her face. “I think I’ll bring up a picnic,” he continued.
“We’ll eat a little, drink a little, then I’ll whip your butt a little, and maybe do a few other things.”
She stared back at him like a deer in headlights, then let out a sigh and bit into her sandwich.
“Nothin’ to say?”
She waited until she’d finished chewing, then shook her head.
“Just that I’ll be counting the minutes until sunset,” she murmured. “So…what will you be up to this afternoon?”
“There’s a pile of work sittin’ on my desk. I might get a full-time secretary when our house is done. I’m also thinkin’ about
the boys livin’ here and usin’ the cabins for the clinic visitors. I need to think on it a bit more.”
“You’re in that office for hours ever day, and I know you don’t get to ride as much as you would like. What takes up so
much time?”
“Well, my clothin’ line, organizin’ Mandy’s shows and the clinics, then there are all the videos and DVD’s, I have to stay on
top of their marketing. I haven’t minded the workload, but I have a beautiful girl in my life now, and I’d like to spend more time
with her,” he finished with a wink.
“You know I’ll help if I can. Just tell me what to do.”
“Then we’d both be stuck in that office. I need to hire the help I need, and I intend to do just that. But gettin’ back to movin’
you up to your new barn. When we finish lunch, go get your things packed so Jeb and Tommy will only have to make one trip.”
“I will, and I can’t wait.”
Cassie had hurried down to the barn and packed her trunks, and while Jeb and Tommy began loading the truck, Cassie drove up
ahead of them. Eager to see her new barn she sped up the knoll, but slowed as she passed the house still under construction.
Lowering her window, she grimaced. It was much noisier than she’d anticipated. Continuing on, she found the tractor had left a
track alongside the ring. Driving carefully over the flattened dirt, she made her way to the barn on the opposite side, breaking
into a large smile as she came to a stop.
The structure was hunter green with white trim.
It looked fabulous.
Wondering how the workers had managed to put it up so quickly, she climbed from her car, walked inside, and gazed down
the wide barn aisle. Though Chad had told her it would be a four horse barn, there were six generously sized stalls with sliding
doors, a wide open area that she assumed was for hay and feed, a tack room, and a small room opposite the tack room that
could be anything she chose. Staring at the empty space she thought it could be an office, then it occurred to her she could have
a washer and dryer installed, saving her the trouble of carting all her horse laundry down to the wash room in Chad’s barn.
She suddenly realized the noise from the site had stopped. Stepping outside and staring down at the house, she saw all the
men sitting down and eating. Checking her watch, she saw it had just turned two o’clock.
“Huh, kind of late for lunch,” she muttered to herself.
“That’s what I’ve been telling them, but no-one listens to me.”
Startled, she spun around and found the sandy-haired architect with the chiseled features and captivating eyes only a few
feet away.
“Jeez, don’t creep up on people like that. You scared me.”
“Sorry. The last thing I’d want to do is scare you. A beautiful lady like you should never be scared, not of anything.”
His smile radiated confidence and warmth, and she almost felt guilty for snapping at him.
“Where’s that cute dog?” he continued, looking around for a moment then sending his eyes back to hers. “I was hoping he’d
see me as a friend this time.”
“He’s on his way here with Jeb and Tommy,” she said, wondering why she’d felt the need to lie. “They’re bringing up
shavings for the stalls and my riding gear.”
Though she was on guard and wanted to turn away, another part of her felt drawn to his smile and twinkling, mischievous
“They did a great job on that riding ring,” he remarked, moving closer.
He was almost next to her, and grateful she had an excuse to take her eyes off him, she shifted her gaze outside.
“I haven’t walked it yet, I need to check the footing, but I’m sure it will be fantastic.”
“Don’t let me stop you. I’m sure you’re dying to find out.”
“I am,” she replied, walking quickly away from him and down the aisle. Moving outside, she walked through the gate and
into the arena, finding the ground beneath her feet was soft and spongy. True to his word, Chad had brought in the best.
“Does it feel good?” .
Jason’s voice sounded closer than she thought it should, and turning her head she was shocked to find he had entered the
ring behind her.
“Again with the creeping up on people,” she quipped, trying to make a joke. “You should be a cat burglar.”
“Hmmm, yes, I suppose I am rather good at that. Maybe I missed my calling,” he remarkeid with a chuckle. “Maybe you’re
right, but I like dogs better.”
“Except dogs don’t seem to like you.”
“There is that,” he said, still grinning.
She was trying to think of a comeback when the sound of a truck caught her attention. Looking across the ring she saw Jeb
and Tommy driving down the tractor lane just as she had. As they made their way around the end of the ring and headed
towards her new barn, she turned to say goodbye to Jason, but he had disappeared. Thinking the entire episode had been
strange, she decided to tell Chad about it when she returned home.
“The ring looks great, Cassie,” Jeb called as he climbed from the truck.
“Doesn’t it? I’m thrilled. But I still have to lay some pipes and put in sprinklers.”
“Yep, that’s bein’ planned. But we need to get to work. There’s still a lot to do for the clinic.”
The three worked as a team. Jeb and Tommy unloaded the heavy bags and carried them into each stall, and Cassie cut them
open and raked the contents. It didn’t take long to finish the job, and though she wanted to organize the tack room, she had no
desire to be alone with the mysterious architect/laborer again. There was no telling if he would pop up out of nowhere.
She followed the truck until the lane split apart, and Jeb and Tommy headed to the round pen, then she accelerated up to the
house. Pulling to a sharp stop, she hurried inside and made her way to Chad’s office. As usual he was on the phone. Quickly
realizing it was an important conversation, she left to take a quick shower. As the hot water splashed around her, the strange
meeting with Jason lingered in the forefront of her mind. By the time she toweled off, dressed, and returned into Chad’s office,
he was off the phone.
“So, what do you think of your new barn?” he asked, walking up to her and hugging her tightly.
“Chad, it’s fantastic. I’m absolutely thrilled,” she replied gratefully. “When will the jumps be delivered?”
“Sometime in the next day or two, but we have a date.”
“Shouldn’t we wait until it’s dark?”
“The sun is still settin’ early. We can have a leisurely dinner, then once the workers leave…”
“Once the worker leave—what?”
“You’ll just have to wait and find out,” he whispered, dropping his lips to her ear, “but it will be something unexpected.”
“Oh, Chad, you just gave me goosebumps.”
“I know, and you like it when I do this too, don’t you?” he purred, grabbing her hair and yanking her head back.
“And when I kiss your neck like this?” he continued, sucking in her skin.
“God, yes, it makes me feel so weak.”
“Did you remember the rule? When it’s just the two of us, no bra or panties.”
“Yes, Sir, I remembered.”
“Good girl,” he crooned, releasing her hair.
“Chad, can’t we play first, then eat?”
“No, Sassy Cassie. I want you thinkin’ about all the wicked things I might do. By the time we get through dinner you’ll be
ready for me.”
“But I am now.”
“I’m sure you are,” he said, taking her hand, “but you still have to wait. Come on, it’s time to pack the hamper and go.”
“You are a cruel man, Chad Douglas.”
“You just got through tellin’ me how wonderful I am,” he chuckled, leading her down the hall and into the kitchen.
“You are, but you’re cruel too.”
“There are two sides to every coin,” he retorted as he fetched the hamper from the walk-in pantry.
Seeing the basket, Mickey jumped up from his bed and danced around their feet, excited they were about to go on an outing.
“Sorry, Mickey, you have to guard the house,” Chad said solemnly. “You have to protect it while I’m gone.”
Mickey barked, then ran to the living room and jumped on the couch.
“I’m not sure who I love the most, you or Mickey,” Cassie said with a giggle.
“Hey, I don’t blame you. He’s smarter than most humans I meet. Now we need to make sure we have everything.”
A short time later, he picked up the hamper and they headed into the garage, but once they were settled in their seats he
turned to her with a devilish smile.
“I hope you’re up for a little adventure.”
“Always,” she grinned back, “though you’re making me nervous with all this mystery.”
“Good! A little fear can be a powerful aphrodisiac.”
Inside her new tack room, Cassie had placed a red plastic tablecloth over one of her trunks while Chad had opened a bottle of
red wine. They’d laid out the delicious snacks, but had carried their glasses outside to watch the sunset and toast their future.
Finally returning to devour their meal, Chad turned on the small LED lantern and set it on the table. Cassie’s heart was full, but
she knew the evening had just begun, and when he started returning the empty containers to the hamper her pulse ticked up.
“Cassie, wait for me in the last stall on the left.”
“You heard me, and take off your jeans.”
With her butterflies suddenly fluttering, she hurried down the barn aisle, and found the shavings covered by a blanket.
Hastily pulling off her boots, she removed her socks and jeans and sat them in a corner. She didn’t have long to wait before he
was looming over her at the stall door holding a small LED lantern. As he set it down, she noticed he was also carrying leather
straps wrapped around something she couldn’t make out, and another item she didn’t recognize. As he moved towards her a
surge of erotic anticipation rippled through her body..
“Get on your knees and unbutton that shirt for me, but slowly.”
As she followed his instruction, he closed the stall door and leaned back against it, watching her. His eyes held a wicked
glint, but she continued to hold his gaze as she unfastened the last button and let the shirt fall away.
“Nice,” he murmured, pulling off his T-shirt. “Now turn around.”
Listening to the rustle of his clothes as he undressed, she followed his instruction, then waited anxiously, but only a moment
passed before her hair was lifted, and his moist lips kissed her neck.
“Close your eyes and open your mouth,” he whispered, his lips at her ear.
Expecting his stiffened cock, she was startled when a hard rubber bit was placed between her lips, followed by a tug.
“I can’t think of a better way to celebrate this barn than some filly play,” he murmured. “When I pull on the reins like that, it
means lower your head.”
His order was accompanied by a sharp smack in the center of her backside and she quickly did as he said, then a moment
later his fingers touched between her legs.
“Damn, you’re wet. My little filly likes her trainin’.”
“Yes, Sir,” she managed, though it wasn’t easy with the bit in her mouth.
“Drop to your hands.”
Falling forward, she instinctively arched her back, then bucked back as he thrust his finger inside her.
“Ahhh, you love this,” he muttered, “just like I knew you would, but this lovely ass is too pale.”
The tongue of a crop began lightly tapping her backside, tickling her skin in a tantalizing dance, then suddenly bit her flesh
eliciting a muffled cry. As the leather tongue continued to frolic over her cheeks, she jerked with each fiery kiss. When he
finally stopped she let out a relieved sigh, but the respite was short-lived. He slid it down the back of her thighs and between
her legs, then lightly tapped her pussy.
“You have rules to learn and remember,” he declared. “Since you can’t speak, find a way to show me you heard what I
She wriggled her hips, and was met with a soft caress.
“What a lovely filly you are, and such a proud, beautiful rump,” he remarked, running his palm over her reddened skin.
“Are you ready to hear your rules?”
She wriggled again, then waited.
“Rule number one, you keep all the feed in the sealed containers, and you have one of the boys empty the bags. No heavy
The crop’s tongue slapped against her pussy, causing her to throw back her head and wail a muffled yowl.
“Did you understand?”
Still mewling through the bit, she thrust back at him.
“Good. Rule number two, the barn aisle and tack room must be swept clean before you leave for the day.”
Again the crop landed on her pussy lips, and again she bucked back with a muffled protest.
“Rule number three. Keep your equipment clean and your saddles covered. You’re not good about these things but now you
need to be, and Hannah does too. Make sure she understands.”
The tongue landed twice in succession, underscoring the rule with stinging authority, and she wiggled urgently to show her
“Last rule, number four. Clean the automatic waterers in the stalls and water bucket in the paddocks daily.”
She held her breath waiting for the crop to sting her sex, but it landed twice, once on each cheek. Though it kissed her skin
with fire, she let out a relieved breath.
“You’re drooling,” he muttered, touching between her legs. “Is there something you want?”
Bleating her response, she dropped to her elbows and spread her knees in a silent but obvious plea, but receiving no
response, she shuffled back towards him.
With a satisfied smile, Chad slid his finger into her delicious wetness, then placed his cock at her entrance, thrust forward and
began to pump. As she let out a cry of joy, he slipped his coated finger into her back hole. She was hot and needy, and he knew
there would be no protest.
“Next time,” he murmured, as he slowly stroked and moved his finger in and out, “I just might put a tail here.”
She bucked back at him. Taking it as a sign of her acquiescence, he gathered up the reins and tugged.
“Drop your head lower and lift your butt higher.”
Though she quickly did as he asked, her body tensed and let out a strange mewling sound . Pausing and staying buried
inside her, he closed his eyes.
Her pussy pulsed against him.
She was on the brink of her climax.
“Already?” he mumbled. “Not yet, but soon.”
Removing his finger from her hidden depths and slowly pulling his cock back, he began to thrust with slow, strong strokes
while lightly spanking her, keeping her on the edge until he felt his orgasm building.
“You need to come real bad,” he growled, “and now you can.”
As he accelerated, her body stiffened.
She was there.
Gripping her hips, he pumped with abandon, listening to her muffled cries as he exploded inside her. Crackling convulsions
cascaded through his limbs, and though he could hear his loud groans, they seemed far away. When the powerful spasms began
to wane, he felt lightheaded, almost dizzy, Fighting through the unfamiliar fog, he quickly unfastened the bit, wrapped her into
his arms and brought her down to lie beside him.
“Chad, I don’t even know what to say. My whole body is still tingling,” she mumbled, then pausing, she added. “Uh, can I
ask you something?”
“Sure, anything you want.”
“Have you ever—”
“Nope,” he replied hastily, interrupting her. “The new tack arrived the other day, and it just kinda struck me. I thought it
might be fun, and I was right. But if you didn’t—”
“Oh, Chad, I did, I absolutely loved it,” she whispered, sinking against him.
“Then there’s no reason we can’t do it again,” he suggested, but hearing her deep, even breathing he realized she’d sunk
into a soft doze. Closing his eyes, he let out a heavy sigh.
His life was changing.
He was happy.
A sudden chill pricked his skin and his eyes popped open.
Though he hated to leave he was overcome with an unexpected need to get back to the house.
Not wanting to alarm Cassie, Chad gently slipped from her side, quickly but quietly packed up the hamper, then roused her
from sleep.
“I guess you’re right, we should go,” she mumbled with a yawn. “It’s getting cold.”
“You dress and I’ll take the hamper out to the Rover.”
“Okay, I’ll be right there.”
Hurrying out to the SUV and placing the hamper in the back seat, Chad settled behind the wheel, started the engine and
turned on the heater. She appeared a minute later and climbed in beside him.
“You look worried,” she remarked. “Is everything okay?”
“Yep, but I feel like we need to get home,” he replied, driving towards the track that would take them down the knoll.
“Like a premonition?”
“I guess.”
“That happens to me sometimes. I hope Mickey’s okay.”
Hearing her remark, he pressed his foot on the accelerator and sped back to the house. As they climbed out and hurried
inside, Mickey bolted up to them, barking furiously.
“I knew it,” Chad muttered. “What’s up fella?”
Spinning around, Mickey raced through the kitchen and down the hall to the front door, then stopped and stare up at it.
“Look, there’s a chip in the wood near the lock,” Chad exclaimed. “Someone has slid a tool through the door jam trying to
get in.”
“Seriously? It must have been awfully thin. How could they possibly have done that? This is scary.”
“Even if they’d been able to somehow move the lock, he wouldn’t have been able to open the door.”
“I made sure that was in place before we left,” he replied, pointing to a slide bolt at the top of the door frame.”
“I’ve never seen that. You don’t usually use it, do you?”
“I don’t know who those day laborers are and I just wanted to be extra careful. Good boy, Mickey,” he said, leaning over
and making a fuss of the excited cattle dog.
Mickey panted happily, then barking again, he ran down the hall and into Chad’s office,
“Now what,” Chad said with a sigh as they followed him.
“I’m getting even more freaked out,” Cassie declared. “I hope no-one got in.”
“I doubt it,” Chad said confidently, striding into his office.
Mickey had his paws up on the window sill, but when Chad studied the frame he couldn’t see any evidence of tampering.
“Cassie, I’m going around the side of the house for a minute. Wait here.”
“Are you crazy? I’m coming with you.”
Seeing her determined expression and knowing whoever had been lurking around the home would be long gone, he broke
into a grin.
“Okay. Come on, Mickey, let’s see what we can find.”
Stopping into the garage to pick up a powerful flashlight, Chad walked around the side of the house. As they approached
the office window he shone the light on the ground.
“Crap,” Cassie muttered. “Someone was definitely trying to get in.”
“Or having a good look inside,” Chad remarked, staring down at the fresh footprints in the soft, damp soil.
“It’s official,” she said with a shiver. “I am totally and completely freaked out.”
“Let’s see where they lead. Go on, Mick, track.”
Mickey dropped his head to the ground, then trotting forward he led them around the perimeter of the house to the driveway
in front of the porch.
“I guess that’s it. He parked, tried the front door, then went around the side. But how did he know we weren’t home? The
lights were on.”
“We should go back in and turn on the outside porch light. Maybe we’ll see something.”
“You’re right.” Chad agreed. “I should have done that first.”
“But Mickey insisted you go into the office.”
“Yes, he did, and he was right, weren’t you fella? Back to the house.”
With Mickey running ahead, they moved back inside through the kitchen and hurried to the front porch. As Chad turned on
the bright lamp that shone over the porch and driveway, he spotted a small, dark, wet stain on the pristine pavement.
“Whoever it was, their car is dripping oil.”
“What should we do?” Cassie asked. “They might come back.”
“I’ll call Sheriff Donnelly in the mornin’, but don’t worry. They won’t be back tonight.”
“I need a quick shower. I think I have shavings in places shavings shouldn’t be.”
A short time later, snuggling in bed as the fire burned softly with Mickey curled up in front of it, Cassie let out a heavy sigh.
“Do you think we have anything to worry about?” she asked.
“I’m not sure,” he replied honestly. “Whoever it was could have smashed a window to get in, though a barkin’ dog could
have put them off, and I’m sure Mickey would have made a heck of a noise.”
“Don’t you think it has to be one of the workers? There are no other strangers around here,” she declared, then suddenly
recalled Jason Lewis. “Chad, I just realized…there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you.”
As Cassie relayed her apparently chance meetings with the handsome laborer who claimed to be an architect, Chad let out
a heavy sigh.
“I don’t like the sound of that one bit. Why didn’t you mention this before?”
“Initially it seemed perfectly innocent, and I didn’t want to get the poor guy into trouble over nothing. There wasn’t
anything threatening about him. It was probably just a coincidence that he was up at the new barn this afternoon.”
“I don’t believe in coincidences, especially not like that.”
“You’re right,” she murmured with a yawn.
“Like I said, I’ll call the sheriff in the mornin’ and give him all the details. He’ll probably want to come up and look at the
footprints himself. Now let’s get some sleep. It’s been a long day.”
“And an even longer night,” she whispered, “but that’s not a complaint.”
The following morning Sheriff Donnelly arrived just as Cassie and Chad were clearing up after breakfast. He listened to
their story, checked out the footprints by the window, then shared his thoughts with them over a cup of coffee at the kitchen
“I’ll have my forensic guy come up here. He can lift prints from around the lock on the door and the outside window sill
and run them through the database. I doubt we’ll find anything but it’s worth a shot.”
“Forensics? Prints?” Cassie muttered. “I feel like I’m on a TV show.”
“I guess you do, but those are the first steps,” the sheriff replied. “Chad, talk to the owner of the construction company. Ask
him if he’s done any background checks on his crew.”
“Thanks, Sheriff, I will. We go back a long way. It’s Dan Michaels.”
“Ah, then you shouldn’t have any problems. He’s a good guy. The only other thing I can suggest is a security system with
“Damn. In all my years here I’ve never felt like I needed that.”
“Times change. You’re famous now, you’re runnin’ clinics here, your clothes are makin’ a splash. Maybe that kind of
security is overdue.”
“Um, Sheriff, there is one thing I should probably mention,” Cassie said tentatively. “I’m sure it’s nothing, and he’s
perfectly fine, I mean, I don’t want to accuse anyone—”
“She’s talkin’ about one of the laborers,” Chad interrupted. “He’s been overly friendly towards her.”
“What’s his name, I’ll run a check on him.”
“Jason Lewis. He said he’s an architect, and he hasn’t been weird or anything,” Cassie said, “but he’s definitely been trying
to get my attention.”
“I’ll see if there’s anything on him, meanwhile, keep your distance,” the sheriff warned as he rose to his feet.
“I’ll walk you out,” Chad offered, pushing back from the table.
But as Chad left with the sheriff, Cassie had an idea. Reaching for the landline she called Hannah and told her about the
frightening events of the night before.
“So, I was wondering, did you or Marty hear or see anything unusual?
“Actually, now that you mention it, we did,” Hanna replied. “Someone was driving down the knoll really late.”
“You might be thinking about Chad and me. We were up at the barn until well after sunset.”
“No, it was before then.”
“Really, Hannah? Are you sure?”
‘You’re talkin’ to Hannah?” Chad exclaimed as he walked into the kitchen. “Damn, I should’ve thought of that. What’s she
“Hold on, Hannah, I’m putting you on speaker so Chad can hear this,” Cassie said urgently. Hastily touching the speaker
icon, she laid the phone on the table. “Okay, go ahead.”
“Hi, Chad.”
“Hi, Hannah. What can you tell us?”
“Well, we were watching TV and heard a car, but it was loud, like the muffler was bad. Marty got up to have a look but all
he saw were headlights. Later, when he checked on the horses he saw your Range Rover driving back to your house. So
someone besides you was definitely at the site after sunset.” “Damn,” Chad said with a worried frown. “What the hell was
someone doin’ there after dark?”
“At least with the clinic starting there won’t be any workers around for a week,” Cassie remarked. “It will give you and the
sheriff time to ferret out who this might be before they come back.”
“Assuming it was one of them,” Hannah said pointedly. “The attempted break-in might have nothing to do with the
“Yep, you’re right there,” Chad said solemnly. “Thanks, Hannah.”
“You’re welcome, and I’m really sorry about all this.”
“Hey, Hannah, I’m going up to my new barn shortly,” Cassie said. “If you want to come with me I can swing by and pick
you up.”
“Yes, for sure, I can’t wait to see it.”
“Great. I’ll see you shortly.”
“I’d better get back in touch with the sheriff and tell him about this,” Chad muttered as the call ended. “But like you said,
the construction’s on hold for a week and clinic’s startin’, so I’m not worried for the moment. But I do want to talk to Dan. In
fact, I’m callin’ him right now.”
The conversation with Dan was not what Chad and Cassie had expected. Jason Lewis was an architect, but that wasn’t the only
news. He had landed a contract and had quit that afternoon.
“We still can’t rule him out,” Chad remarked, “though why he would want to break in here is anyone’s guess. Regardless,
I’m takin’ Sheriff Donnelly’s advice and havin’ cameras installed. Hopefully I can find someone who works on Saturdays and
get them up here tomorrow.”
“I think that’s really smart, and I’ll feel a lot safer,” Cassie said with a sigh.
“But Chad, since the clinic’s starting I think I should move my horses up to my new barn so they won’t be in the way.”
“You mean, so you won’t be in the way,” Chad said with a grin.
“Well, yeah, I guess so. I’ll lead Dominic and Rembrandt up first, then go back for Shelby.”
“You don’t need to do that by yourself, I’ll take Shelby.”
“Yes, please, that would be great. I wasn’t looking forward to walking her past that construction site.”
“There’s something else,” he said, leaning across the table. “Hannah will be takin’ over the kitchen this afternoon and
gettin’ things set up for tomorrow. You and I should have dinner in town. We can relax a bit before the craziness.”
“I’d love that. But we’d better make sure everything’s locked up tight.”
“I’ll be doin’ more than that. I’ll be askin’ Jeb to stay in the house until we get back. If whoever it is somehow knows we’re
gone, they’ll be in for a real surprise if they try to break in again and Jeb pops up.”
“Chad, that’s brilliant.”
“I have my moments,” he said with a chuckle.
“Yes, you most certainly do.”
Hannah and Cassie spent the early afternoon settling the horses and organizing her new barn. With Hannah catering the
orientation at Chad’s home the following day, Cassie helped her with the preparations. By the time Jeb arrived to housesit,
Cassie was so tired she was tempted to stay in, but Chad convinced her a relaxing dinner in town was the break she needed.
Though he was right, when they returned home and climbed into bed, she curled into his arms and fell into a deep sleep.
The following morning Hannah arrived with several Tupperware tubs, with Marty at her side carrying a box of large
porcelain platters. When he and Chad left for the barn, Cassie and Hannah began setting up the large dining room table, then
plating the various dishes Hannah had prepared.
“Hannah, look at the time,” Cassie suddenly declared. “People will be arriving soon.”
“Holy cow, you’re right,” Hannah exclaimed. “Don’t panic or we’ll end up dropping something. I know, I’ve been in this
situation before. Just keep going.”
Hannah was right. When Chad returned from the barn to wash up and change, the large platters of bite-sized snacks graced
the dining room table, and squares of chocolate cake and coconut macaroons were waiting in the kitchen ready to be served
with coffee.
“This looks great, Hannah,” Chad declared happily. “Marty will be here shortly. He just stopped off to clean up, and that’s
what I need to do. I’ll be right back.”
As he disappeared down the hallway, Hannah and Cassie returned to the kitchen and wearily sat down at the table.
“I’m exhausted,” Hannah mumbled. “Thanks for all your help, Cassie. I couldn’t have managed without you.”
“Hannah, you’re an absolute wonder. You cooked your butt off.”
“She sure did,” Marty exclaimed, walking in as Cassie finished speaking. “Damn, look at those cakes and cookies.”
“Check out the dining room,” Cassie suggested. “You won’t believe it.”
He ambled past them, peered through the door, and let out a low whistle.
“You did a great job,” Marty said proudly, ambling back to them. “There’s so much food we’ll be set with leftovers for a
But the doorbell signaling the arrival of the visitors snatched his attention and he hurried away.
“Cassie, do you think I made too much?” Hannah asked as the door closed behind him.
“Hey, better too much than not enough,” Cassie replied.
They could hear Marty welcome the guests, then Chad’s voice as he led them into the dining room. Curious, Cassie moved
quietly from the kitchen table and cracked open the door. Scanning the group she saw a pretty blond girl standing alone staring
across the room, but as Chad moved into view, Cassie realized the girl had been focused on him. Feeling her pulse tick up,
Cassie watched the girl step forward and flirtatiously loop her arm through his and peck him on the cheek. Wearing a tight pink
and white plaid shirt tucked into stretch jeans, a large flashy belt buckle at the waist, and calf-high white cowboy boots, the
girl looked like she belonged on an adult website.
“Hannah,” Cassie whispered not taking her eyes off the sultry cowgirl. “Come and look at this.”
“What is it?” Hannah asked, pushing back from the table. “Is something wrong with the food?”
“No, something’s wrong with one of the guests.”
“Oh, my gosh. Could she be any more obvious?” Hannah whispered, peering over Cassie’s shoulder.
“Hannah, I swear I’m going in there to give her a piece of my mind.”
“Stop it, you can trust Chad.”
“That’s not the point, and why doesn’t he push her away? I’m going in.”
“No, you’re not,” Hannah said quickly, grabbing Cassie’s arm and pulling her back. “I’m sure Chad knows how to handle
her. I’ll bet he’s had plenty of women come on to him.”
“I can’t do nothing.”
“If you go in there you’ll only embarrass yourself. And do you think Chad will thank you for making a scene? Let’s go to
your barn and check on the horses.”
“You’re right. If I stay here I’ll do something stupid, but I need to have one last look before I go,” Cassie insisted, stepping
back to the door. “Shit, she’s still hanging on him and acting like his fucking girlfriend.”
“Come on, we’re going,” Hannah said firmly, taking Cassie’s hand and leading her through the back door.
They climbed into Hannah’s car and drove up to the knoll. When they arrived, Hannah stared at the green and white
“I still can’t believe they put this up in three days,” she declared.
“It’s amazing, isn’t it?” Cassie said with a sigh. “Come on, I want to go to the paddocks.”
Strolling to the large turnouts, they stood at the fence and admired the horses happily grazing.
“Cassie, you know I want to get back into jumping,” Hannah began, “but how can I? Maverick is great but he’s a cowpony.”
“I’ve been thinking about that, and Randy just might have the perfect horse for you. His name is Ranger. He’s older, around
fifteen I think, but he’s solid and he’ll take care of you.”
“Ranger? I remember Ranger. It seems so long ago. I always liked that horse,” she said, breaking into a smile. “He was so
“Bear in mind he’ll need maintenance, but this place would be ideal for him. He deserves to have an easy life after his hard
work on the show circuit. I’ll call Randy and see what he says.”
“Thanks, Cassie. I’m afraid to get my hopes up, but I know I will anyway.”
“Come on, let’s fetch some carrots. I brought a bucketful up earlier, but I need to go into town tomorrow and get a full bag.
“Can I tag along? I have to do some shopping too.”
“Of course. Marty won’t be needing you. He’ll be with Chad and the clients.”
“I know. He’s already told me I won’t see much of him this week. I’ll miss the big lug,” Hannah said with a sigh.
“Let’s get those carrots,” Cassie declared, but as they started walking, the image of the blond girl flashed through her head.
When Cassie and Hannah returned to the house and entered the kitchen, they heard Chad in the lounge outlining the ranch rules.
“We got back just in time,” Hannah said urgently. “We need to get the desserts out right away.”
After quickly clearing the table, Cassie carried in the coffee urn, mugs and condiments, while Hannah laid out the dessert
trays, small plates and silverware. Just moments after they finished and were back in the kitchen, they heard the group move
into the dining room. Stepping to the door, Cassie cracked it open for another peek.
“I can’t believe it,” she breathed angrily. “Hannah, take a look.”
“Oh, my God,” Hannah whispered as Cassie stood back and Hannah peered through the narrow opening.
The blond girl was wearing one of Chad’s new T-shirts, but she wasn’t wearing a bra, and her puckered nipples were
pressing against the thin, soft fabric.
“Don’t do anything impulsive,” Hannah warned, turning back to Cassie.
“I have to do something. I can’t let that tart bounce around my fiancee looking like that?”
“That tart is one of Chad’s clients, and he’s probably just as pissed as you are, and I’ll bet the other women in there are as
well. Talk to him, don’t screw with her.”
Cassie stared at her friend, then let out a breath and nodded. “You’re right. With any luck he’ll kick her out.”
“Hopefully he will. Now let’s eat.”
“Good plan, I’m starving.”
Sitting down at the table they began devouring the delicious leftovers. They were finished and enjoying a fresh pot of
coffee when they heard the guests leave, and Marty and Chad ambled in.
“Hey, Chad. Did everything go okay?” Cassie asked.
“Yep. It seems to be a decent group, but we spent so much time talkin’ we had no time to eat.”
“Then sit down and help yourself,” Hannah exclaimed. “There’s still plenty left.”
As Chad settled at the table and filled his plate, he noticed Cassie was unusually quiet.
“Are you okay, hon?”
“So—no then.”
She glanced at him, and in spite of her simmering anger she broke into a smile.
“You’re right, but I’ll tell you later.”
After they finished eating, Cassie stacked the dishwasher while Hannah put the leftovers into plastic containers, placing
half of them in the refrigerator for Chad and Cassie.
“Hannah, you did a fabulous job,” Chad said gratefully.
“I’m so glad it went well. I really appreciate the opportunity.”
“You should be a professional caterer.”
“She is,” Marty said with a chuckle as he rose from the table. “She caters to me every night. I’ve never eaten so good.”
“I’m sure,” Chad replied with a grin. “See you in the mornin’.”
“I need to go as well,” Cassie declared wearily as Marty and Hannah left. “I have to bring my horse’s in.”
“Darlin’, you’re not goin’ anywhere until you tell me what’s wrong.”
“I will, but when I come back. It’s getting late.”
“Yeah, I guess it is. I’ll take you up in the Rover and give you a hand.”
“That would be wonderful. Thank you. I’ll be done in half the time.”
As they headed into the garage, Mickey ran ahead of them, excited to be going out. It was a quick drive up to the knoll, and
they soon had the horses in, blanketed and fed. But stepping outside to leave, Cassie paused and stared down at the
construction site.
“What’s up?” Chad asked, walking up and standing beside her.
“I can’t wait to live there and look out at the lake every day,” she murmured, leaning against him.
“Me too,” he said softly, placing his arm around her. “You seem better.”
“I am. I love doing horsey things with you.”
“Horsey?” he repeated with a chuckle.
“Yes, horsey!”
“Come on, let’s go home. But on the way I want to hear what had you so upset.”
Climbing into the Range Rover, Chad drove slowly down the slope as she described what she’d seen.
“Why did she have to drape herself all over you then put on that T-shirt and show off like that?” Cassie exclaimed, finishing
up her diatribe.
“I agree, she was ridiculous, but you have nothing to worry about. You know that, don’t you?”
“Yes, but it still bugged the hell out of me. What are you going to do about her?”
“Me? Nothin’.”
“Nothing? But you have to. I bet the other women in the group are just as offended by Miss Sugar Tits as I am.”
“Miss Sugar Tits?” Chad repeated with a laugh.
“Fine, Miss Twin Peaks then. Regardless, how can you just let it slide?”
“She wants my attention, so I’ve turned the job over to Marty.”
“Oh, good idea. Who is she?”
“Her name is Molly Roberts. She’s the only daughter of a very wealthy rancher, very spoiled and a total brat, like someone
else I once knew,” he added, shooting Cassie a wink. “She was here last year and pulled the same crap. I told her to back off,
and she did, but now she’s at it again. This time I’ll let Marty set her straight.”
“That’s a good plan. He can be really intimidating.”
“Yep, and she’ll be embarrassed when he scolds her,” Chad said as he drove into the garage. “If I did it, I’d be giving her
what she wants, and it would probably turn her on. But Cassie, don’t you trust me?”
“Of course I do. Her, though, not at all.”
“Think about what you’re sayin’,” he continued, turning off the engine and looking across at her. “I love you, and I won’t let
anything or anyone mess up what we have. Do I need to spank that into you?”
“Uh, no. I’m sorry,” she mumbled with a sigh. “It’s just…seeing her all over you, and then those boobs, it made me crazy.”
“I have a new rule. Jealousy and worryin’ about other women isn’t allowed.”
“I can’t help how I feel.”
“Cassie, all you have to do is trust me. And you should feel sorry for girls who pull that crap. They’re lonely and
“Oh, I guess you’re right. Uh, Chad, I have a confession to make.”
“I’m listenin’.”
“I was so mad I almost burst into the dining room. Hannah stopped me.”
“You’re kiddin’. Damn. I’m glad Marty convinced me to let her stay on. Speakin’ of Marty, he sure is happy with her.”
“If he’s so happy he should do something about it,” Cassie exclaimed.
“Like what?”
“To put it bluntly, she’s crazy about him, and she needs to know he feels the same way. But can we go inside now? I want to
make amends for being such a silly, jealous cow,” she added, lowering her voice.
“What’d you have in mind?”
“Whatever you want,” she purred, leaning across the console and kissing him on the cheek.
“Let’s go,” he said briskly, and hastily climbing from the Rover, they hurried inside and down the hall to the bedroom.
Moments later, lying naked in bed, Cassie took hold of Chad’s rigid cock, opened her mouth and took him in.
“That feels good, darlin’,” he mumbled as she fervently sucked. “Now sit up and straddle me.”
Wordlessly climbing on top of him, she placed his hardness to her wet channel and slowly lowered herself down. He
savored her warmth and gazed at her luscious breasts, then suddenly wanting more control he gripped her waist, rolled her
onto her back and began to pump. He stroked vigorously for endless minutes, bringing her to the brink, then staying buried
inside her, he devoured her nipples as she begged for more.
Finally feeling his climax beginning to build, he abruptly pulled out, flipped her over, jerked her hips up, and plunged in
and out as he spanked her. Just as his orgasm threatened, she cried out his name and let out a wail, hurtling him into his release.
With a loud groan he exploded, and with their ecstatic cries joining together, they shuddered through their mutual orgasms.
When the spasms waned, he settled beside her and held her tightly.
“No more insecurity, right?” he whispered.
“No, though I might be tempted if it ends up like this.”
“It won’t,” he warned. “I’ll pull out the cane.”
“In that case, no more insecurity.”
“Wise decision.”
“Yeah, darlin’?”
“Do you need anything in town? I have to go to the feed store.”
“Nope, but please be careful, and don’t go up to your barn alone. Not after what happened.”
“Okay,” she promised with a yawn. “Lord, I’m so tired…”
The following morning Cassie was woken by Mickey’s paw touching her arm. Groggily opening her eyes, she found his face
inches from hers.
“Mickey, what are you doing?”
The dog licked her face.
“Ick…do you really need me to get out of bed?”
He responded by whining which she assumed was his way of saying he did. Glancing at the clock and finding she’d
overslept, she yawned heavily and slowly sat up.
“Okay, I guess you’re right. I’ll take a shower, then we’ll collect Hannah and go up to the barn for our first ride in my new
With the thought propelling her forward she quickly showered and dressed, hastily downed a bowl of cereal, then jumped
into her car with Mickey. It was a short drive, and when she rolled to a stop she found Hannah waiting on the porch.
“I’m so excited,” Hannah declared, opening the car door and shooing Mickey into the back.
“Me too,” Cassie exclaimed as she drove off. “I’ll ride Rembrandt first, he’s the easiest.”
“When do your jumps arrive?”
“Some time in the next couple of days.”
A few minutes later Cassie came to a stop alongside her new barn. As Mickey jumped out and began sniffing the ground,
she and Hannah moved inside and were greeted by a series of welcoming whinnies.
“The first thing we have to do is put Dominic and Shelby into the paddocks,” Cassie declared.
There were blanket bars on the front of each stall door where Cassie had hooked the halters, but when she passed the stall
where she’d shared her exciting night with Chad, she discovered the halter was gone.
“This is weird,” she muttered, staring at the empty bar.
“What’s that?” Hannah called, walking up to join her.
“The halter is missing from this door.”
“Are you sure you put one there.”
“Positive. I left halters on all the doors. This is weird.”
A chill suddenly pricked her skin, and she recalled Chad’s warning.
Please be careful, and don’t go up to your barn alone.
Looking around she saw nothing else out of place, but slightly unnerved she brought Shelby out of her stall, and with
Hannah leading Dominic, they headed to the paddocks.
Thirty-minutes later they were riding in her brand new ring. As Cassie galloped Rembrandt across the soft, forgiving footing,
all thought of the missing halter evaporated. The sun was shining, and the soft breeze became a thrilling wind as she gathered
speed. When she brought the powerful warmblood to a halt she was beaming.
“This footing is better than Chad’s ring,” she exclaimed as Hannah approached on her quarter horse.
“Probably because it’s new. I bet if Chad rode in here he’d have his redone.”
As Cassie took a deep breath and looked around, she saw Mickey perched on the mounting block just outside the barn
looking like a sentry on duty.
“Hannah, life doesn’t get much more wonderful than this,” she murmured with a sigh. “I’m so lucky.”
“So am I, and I’m actually glad I screwed up. Marty and I wouldn’t be where we are if I hadn’t. We have to remember this
moment when we’re having a bad day.”
“You’re right. But we need to ride the other horses or I’ll never get into town.”
“I can ride Dominic while you ride Shelby, but I don’t think I can join you to go shopping. I still have a lot of cleaning up to
do after yesterday,” Hannah said wearily. “It was a big job. I learned a lot though. The next one will be easier.”
“The next one?”
“I hope so. Chad said he liked my cooking more than the caterer he’d been using.”
“That’s awesome. You should ask him if you can do the afternoon coffee breaks.”
“Cassie! That’s a great suggestion. I can make little donut holes and bite-sized pastries.”
“That would be perfect. Now we must stop nattering and get these boys cleaned up or we’ll be here all day.”
After exercising Shelby and Dominic, Cassie dropped Hannah off at her cabin then drove back to the house to shower and
change, but as she approached she noticed a van parked outside. Drawing closer she saw the name Sampson Security painted
on the side. Curious, she called Mickey and walked in through the kitchen door. The dog immediately began barking and ran
into the living room. Hastily following, she found two men with iPads.
“It’s okay, Mickey,” she said, grabbing his collar. “Hello, I’m Cassie. I assume you’re here to put in a security system.”
“We’re getting a quote together for Chad,” one of them replied.
“Did he tell you to go to the barn on the knoll?” she asked, releasing Mickey who sat beside her and continued to stare at
the strangers.
“He did. We’ll be going there after we finish in here.”
“How quickly can you get cameras set up inside?”
“Once we get the order and the paperwork signed, the work will be done in a couple of days.”
“Shoot. I’ve just discovered something has been stolen.”
“Hey, no sweat. We can install a camera. Once we get the go ahead for the whole system, assuming we do, we can replace
“That would be fantastic, thanks,” she said gratefully. “Do you need to get into the master bedroom?”
“We’ve already been in there and we’ll be leaving in a couple of minutes.”
“Perfect, and thanks again,” she said, then hurried down the hall with Mickey running after her. As he trotted into the
bedroom, she told him to stand guard, then entered the bathroom, locked the door behind her, and took a quick shower.
Twenty-minutes later she was rolling down the driveway with Mickey on the seat beside her. Though she could see Jeb and
Tommy were busy with several clients, and Marty was working with a horse in the round pen, she couldn’t see Chad anywhere.
Impulsively she turned at the fork and drove slowly to the busy barn area. Ordering Mickey to stay, she left the car and headed
into the barn aisle hoping to find Chad to give him a quick hug before she left. She was about to call his name when she passed
the tack room, and was shocked to see him sitting on a tack trunk holding Molly’s hand. Clenching her fists and fighting the
overwhelming desire to march in and confront them, she hurried back to the car and forced herself to drive away.
“Mickey, I’m going to believe there’s an innocent explanation there, but I’m fucking furious right now.”
Squeaking out a whine, he placed his paw on her arm.
“You know what,” she said, turning briefly to look at him, “I think I am going to dump your Master and marry you, then all
I’d have to worry about is a French Poodle.”
Cassie’s first stop was the local feed store, and it was one of her favorite haunts. She could spend endless minutes viewing the
latest items designed to make a horse’s life happier. As she and Mickey entered, Mickey ran to the row of bowls featuring the
wide variety of dog treats.
“Hey there, Cassie.”
The woman behind the counter, Vicki Marshall, had started the business thirty years before. Cassie had found the woman to
be smart and horse savvy, and she had a wicked sense of humor.
“Pick whichever one you want, Mickey,” Vicki called across the room. Hearing his name Mickey pricked his ears and let
out a happy bark. “Hello to you too, Cassie,” she continued. “What are you in for today?”
“One of those dark brown leather halters.”
“You just bought half-a-dozen last week.”
“I know, and one’s gone missing already. It will probably turn up as soon as I buy a replacement, but then I’ll have one
spare and that’s always good.”
“They’re against the wall where they were before.”
“Thanks, and I also need a large bag of carrots,” Cassie added as she moved towards the display.
“How did the clinic start off?” Vicki called after her. “Does Chad have a good group?”
As the question stirred the memory of the blonde and Chad in the tack room, Cassie’s stomach churned.
“I guess so,” Cassie replied, trying to tell herself not to let her imagination run amok.
“I don’t know how he manages the barn and all the activities as well as his other businesses,” Vicki remarked. “He’s one
smart guy.”
“Not as smart as he is,” Cassie said, nodding towards Mickey who had selected the second largest bone and was walking
towards the counter.
“You might be right. Is that it?”
“I think so, but I’m stopping into that cafe down the street for coffee. If I think of anything else I can come back. ”
“The door will still be open unless some good lookin’ cowboy comes in, locks it behind him and has his way with me,”
Vicki quipped with a wink.
“Vicki, you’re incorrigible.”
“Yeah, but that’s what people love about me.”
Laughing, Cassie handed over cash for the purchases, left the store, dropped the halter inside the car, then ambled down to
the coffee shop. As she sat at an outside table and Mickey began attacking his bone, she idly watched the people across the
street in the park until the waitress appeared. After placing an order for a large Latte and a croissant, she leaned back and
closed her eyes, enjoying the warm sun kiss her face.
The image of Chad and the blond girl unexpectedly popped into her head. Annoyed, she opened her eyes and found the
waitress placing the latte and croissant on the table. But as she reached for two sugar packets she heard a low growl. Looking
down she saw Mickey curling his top lip.
“Hey, stop that. No-one’s going to take your bone.”
“For some reason he doesn’t like me!”
She recognized the voice.
Jason Lewis.
Hoping she was wrong, she glanced up.
He was standing across the table.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. I’m staying at The Pepper Tree Inn and I thought I’d take a walk. I’m leaving in a
couple of days and I haven’t really explored the place. Mind if I sit down?”
Though his smile was warm and engaging she was about to refuse, then recalling Chad with the busty blond, she changed
her mind.
“Sure,” she said, but as Jason sat down, Mickey jumped up, put his front paws on her lap and tried to lick her face.
“Mickey, stop, go back to your bone.”
“He’s definitely in love with you,” Jason remarked. “I can’t say I blame him.”
She didn’t respond to the compliment, but focused on moving Mickey away. He finally laid down, but his bone remained
untouched and his gaze stayed fixed on Jason.
“You said you’re leaving,” Cassie said, wanting to divert the conversation away from herself. “Where are you headed?”
“I have a client who owns a lake house about an hour from here and he wants a complete remodel. The offer was too good
to turn down, plus,” he said, taking a breath, “it won’t be easy, and I thrive on challenge.”
“I think most people enjoy a challenge,” she replied, ignoring what she thought was an innuendo. “It’s human nature.”
“Probably true. I bet you find riding challenging.”
“I do, I love to jump. I had a bad accident late last year but it hasn’t changed how I feel about it,” she declared,
remembering the fall from Shelby after ignoring her trainer’s advice.
“What happened?”
“My horse slipped doing a sharp turn and rolled on top of me.”
“You’re kidding! How the hell did you come out unscathed? Or did you?”
“Pretty much, I was just lucky I guess, but it took me a few weeks to get back on my feet.”
“So, how does a jumper rider end up with a cowboy?”
“Again, just lucky,” she said with a grin. “We’re very happy.”
“I don’t mean to speak out of turn, but you didn’t look very happy when I saw you a minute ago.”
Cassie felt her face flush, and looking away she stared across the street at a man throwing a stick for his dog.
“Sorry…it’s just…I suspect a successful cowboy like Chad Douglas would have a lot of women chasing him. That can’t be
As the scene in the tack room loomed large, she reminded herself Chad was building the house of their dreams, and had
gone to great lengths to provide her with her own barn and riding ring.
“Of course, a good relationship goes beyond material things,” Jason continued as if reading her mind. “It’s knowing you
can totally trust the other person, and again, forgive me, but I’m not sure you have that with Chad Douglas.”
“Of course I do, and you have no right to say such a thing.” she exclaimed, hating how defensive she’d sounded. “He’s
wonderful, absolutely wonderful!”
“I hope he is. You deserve wonderful,” Jason said, rising to his feet. “Now I must go, but something tells me we’ll see each
other again.”
“I can’t imagine how,” she managed, feeling oddly uncomfortable. “I don’t come into town much, and you won’t be
working at the ranch.”
“True, but sometimes fate steps in,” he said, titling his head to the side and moving around the table towards her, but a
warning snarl made him pause his step. “Bye, Cassie.”
“Bye, Jason.”
As he walked away, she took a bite of her croissant and a sip of coffee, then stared down at McTavish.
“What the hell was that?” she mumbled. “Come on, let’s go home. I need to talk to Chad, clinic or no clinic.”
When Cassie returned to the ranch the clinic was in full swing. Deciding to stop in and see Hannah, she found her friend
preparing a roast for Marty’s dinner.
“I figured after such a busy day he’d be hungry,” Hannah exclaimed. “But I’m making enough for you and Chad as well. I
know cooking isn’t your strong suit.”
“You are such a doll, Hannah. Chad will be even more grateful than I am.”
“Did you swing by just to say hello?”
“Actually I’m on my way to the barn and I wondered if you’d like to come with me. I promised Chad I wouldn’t go there
alone, but you’re busy, and I’ll have Mickey with me. I’ll just drop off the halter and carrots then check the horses.”
“Are you sure?”
“Totally. I’ll only be there for five minutes,” Cassie said airily, and with a wave of her hand, she returned to her car. But
driving up the gentle slope she felt uneasy. Rolling to a stop beside the barn, she stepped out and called to Mickey who had
already begun chasing smells.
“Stay with me, fella,” she called, lifting the heavy bag of carrots from the trunk.
After dropping them in the feed room, she walked down the aisle to hang the new halter on the stall door, but as she looped
the leather around the bar, she caught her breath. Inside, a single red rose was lying on top of the shavings.
Panicking, she dropped the halter, and with Mickey running beside her she raced back to the car. Shaking as she clambered
in, she sped down the slope, forcing herself to slow down as she approached Chad’s riding ring. With her heart still
hammering, she left the car and darted her eyes around frantically looking for him. Finally spotting his tall, muscled body at the
far end of the arena, she snatched up her phone and called him.
“Hey, Cassie?”
“Chad…thank God you picked up.”
“What’s wrong?”
“Can you spare me five minutes? It’s really important.”
“Of course, where are you?”
“Here, near the front of the barn,” she replied urgently.
“I’m on my way.”
Watching him jog towards her helped to calm her frazzled nerves, but when he reached her, she threw her arms around him
and held on for dear life.
“Damn, girl, what the hell happened?”
“P-please…not here?”
“Come on, I’ll drive us home.”
Though Chad wanted to know why Cassie was so upset, he waited until they were inside the house and sitting down.
“Okay, darlin’,” he said calmly. “Tell me what’s goin’ on?”
In a torrent of words Cassie told him about the missing halter, the rose in the stall on the shavings, and how the two men
from Sampson Security had promised to install a nanny cam.
“We may have a recording of the person responsible,” she exclaimed, “but Chad, I’m really freaked out.”
“I’m textin’ Marty to take over the client I was workin’ with,” he said, lifting his phone from his pocket.
“Um, there’s something else as well,” she muttered with a sigh, “but before I tell you what it is, I saw you holding hands
with Miss Sugar Tits in the tack room, and I drove into town feeling totally weird.”
“Cassie, that was nothin’, but keep goin’. What happened when you drove into town?”
“I ran into Jason Lewis. When he asked if he could sit with me while I had coffee I said yes.”
“And he was very, uh, complimentary, but after he left I felt even more weird. Then I came home and found that stupid rose.
But Chad, why were you holding hands with that girl?”
“It’s no big deal. I went into the tack room for something and found her crying. I couldn’t just walk away, so I sat down
with her and—”
“and held her fucking hand,” Cassie snapped. “I’m sorry, but how would you feel if you saw me holding hands with Jason
“Fair point, but you didn’t let me finish. She told me she’d been dumped by her boyfriend just before coming here, and
when Marty told her she had to clean up her act or leave the clinic, she fell apart. And Cassie, I didn’t take her hand. She took
“Oh. Sorry.”
“If anything like that happens again talk to me before jumpin’ to conclusions. But right now we need to focus on that rose
and this Jason Lewis character. Askin’ for those nanny cams was real smart. Hopefully they caught something. Regardless, I’m
callin’ Sheriff Donnelly, “
“Jason said he’s staying at the Pepper Tree Inn if the sheriff wants to talk to him.”
“I’ll tell him,” Chad muttered. “Hello? This is Chad Douglas. I need to speak with Sheriff Donnelly.”
Though Cassie listened intently as Chad spoke to the sheriff, there was something else on her mind. She didn’t know why, but
felt a deep need to feel his hard, spanking hand. As he ended the call, she wordlessly rose to her feet, pulled down her jeans
and crawled over his lap.
“Cassie, what are you doin’?”
“Please, Chad, I don’t know why, but please will you spank me? Just not too hard.”
“If I’m gonna spank you, I’ll spank you as I see fit.”
“Yes, Sir.”
Finding his stern words strangely comforting, she let out a heavy breath, then closed her eyes and sank into his lap. But
when he landed the first sharp slap, she grabbed a cushion and buried her face. As his flattened palm rose and fell, moving
from cheek to cheek, she wriggled and squirmed, and was about to beg him to stop when the doorbell rang. As Mickey leapt up
from his mat by the fireplace and began barking, Chad quickly shifted her off his lap and hugged her.
“Feel better, darlin’?”
“I do, but I’m glad he arrived.”
“I was done with you anyway, now pull those jeans up. But Cassie, always remember, I love you, and I’m not about to
anything to jeopardize what we have.”
As Chad left the living room to greet Sheriff Donnelly, Cassie ran her fingers through her hair and hoped her face wasn’t as red
as she feared. It occurred to her she should probably brew a pot of coffee, but before she could leave for the kitchen the burly
lawman strode into the room.
“Hello, Cassie, I’m sorry to hear you’re havin’ a spot of bother.”
“Thanks, Sheriff. It’s unnerving. Can I get you anything to drink?”
“No, thanks. The only thing I need is to see is the barn and the rose Chad told me about, but prepare yourselves,” he said
solemnly. “There’s no-one by the name of Jason Lewis at the Pepper Tree Inn, or any record of him. Are you sure he said that’s
where he was stayin’?”
“Yes, absolutely.”
“That doesn’t bode well,” the sheriff declared.
“Chad, don’t you have to go back to the clinic?” Cassie asked. “If you do, I can take the sheriff up to the barn.”
“It’s about to end for the day, and Marty knows how to close this first session. I’ll take us up in the Rover. Is that okay with
you, Sheriff.”
“Sounds good.”
“Come on, Mickey. Let’s go.”
With Mickey leading the way, they headed out to the garage and climbed into the SUV. As Chad drove up the slope, Cassie
told the sheriff about her encounter with Jason at the coffee shop.
“I doubt he was there by chance,” the sheriff said as Chad rolled to a stop outside Cassie’s barn. “I get the feelin’ this guy,
whoever he is, plans every move.”
“That just gave me chills,” Cassie muttered as they climbed out.
“Try not to worry. He’ll make a mistake. They always do.”
“Thanks, that’s reassuring,” she replied as they started down the barn aisle.
Reaching the stall, Chad slid the door open and stared down at the red rose on the shavings.
His stomach churned.
It was resting where he and Cassie had spent their wickedly wonderful night.
“I doubt we’ll find any prints, but we might just get lucky another way,” the sheriff remarked, retrieving latex gloves and a
plastic bag from his jacket pocket.
“Lucky, how?” Cassie asked.
“It’s easy to prick your finger on one of those thorns.”
“Oh, right. I hope he did.”
“That would be a gift,” the sheriff continued, slowly moving forward and studying the shavings around his feet. Reaching
the rose, he carefully picked it up and dropped it in the evidence bag. “Where are the nanny cams you mentioned?”
“I’m not sure,” Chad replied, staring at the ceiling as the sheriff left the stall.
“I see one,” Cassie declared, pointing to a small black box sitting on a rafter, “and over there as well.”
By the time they’d scoured the area they’d retrieved four cameras, but Mickey, who had been outside sniffing behind the
back of the barn, suddenly began barking.
“Sherlock’s raisin’ the alarm,” Cassie exclaimed with a grin. “That should be his name.”
“I’ll take a look,” the Sheriff exclaimed, marching away, but before Chad could follow Cassie grabbed his arm.
“What do you think about where that rose was?” she whispered.
“Probably the same thing as you, and that halter disappearin’ is almost as bad,” he replied quietly. “It makes me wonder…”
“If someone was spying on us,” she mumbled, finishing his sentence.
“I don’t think they could have seen anything, but they sure as heck could’ve heard us. My money’s on that creep callin’
himself Jason Lewis.”
“But I found the rose when I came back, and he’d been with me at that cafe. He couldn’t have been in two places at once.”
“Did he leave first?”
“Uh…yeah…I had to wait for the check, but it was only a couple of minutes.”
“When you came home, did you come straight up here?”
“No, I stopped at Hannah’s, but how could he have driven up here without being seen or heard?”
“I have no idea, but he’s definitely my prime suspect,” Chad said angrily.
“You might wanna come and look at this,” the Sheriff called from behind the barn.
Hurrying down the aisle and stepping outside, they found him staring down at tire tracks.
“That’s from a motorbike,” he declared.
“It can’t be!” Chad exclaimed. “We would have heard it.”
“Not if they came up from the back of the Madden’s farm. There are a couple of gates, but probably not locked, and a dirt
bike could do that run with no problem.”
“Cassie, this explains everything,” Chad said, throwing his hands in the air. “That’s how he beat you back here, and why
we didn’t see or hear him.”
“This means I can’t leave the horses up here. We have to take them back down.”
“There’s no room, the stalls are full because of the clinic.”
“I may have an answer,” the Sheriff said thoughtfully. “My nephew is a former marine and he wants to be a cop. While he’s
waitin‘ to get into the Academy he’s doin‘ freelance security work.”
“Chad, a live guard, that’s perfect,” Cassie said eagerly. “Especially a guy who used to be a marine.”
“I agree, and thanks, Sheriff, but he can’t be here around the clock.”
“No, but he’s has a couple of friends in the same boat.” “Then that’s the answer,” Chad declared. “Hopefully we’ll catch
the bastard behind all this, whether it’s Jason Lewis or someone else.”
The first day of the clinic was always the toughest. Marty and Chad had to assess each rider and match them with horses, and
evaluate the horses brought to the ranch. By the time the clients had left and the various chores done, Marty wearily hiked up to
his cabin.
“I must be gettin’ old before my time,” he muttered as he lumbered inside, but a delicious aroma evoked a smile.
“Lordy, girl, what is that smell?”
“You’ll find out when you sit down,” she replied with a grin. “But you look exhausted. Get cleaned up, then we can eat.”
“You’re the best girl in the world,” he said, pecking her on the cheek.
Making his way to the bedroom he slowly removed his clothes, then ambled into the bathroom and stepped in the shower
stall. Standing under the stream of hot water, he closed his eyes and thought about the adorable girl in the kitchen. She was as
sweet as maple syrup, sexy as a siren, and as playful as a kitten. There were times when he looked at her he thought his heart
would burst. Finally somewhat revived, he returned to the kitchen and found dinner waiting on the table in several steaming
“Beer or wine?” Hannah asked as he sat down.
“Beer, baby, thanks, and what are we havin’?”
“Your favorite. Beef stew with carrots and broccoli in a spicy brown sauce, thick-cut spicy french fries, and I made some
of that herb bread you like so much.”
“I feel sorry for Chad,” he said with a chuckle as he scooped up large portions and dropped them on his plate. “I don’t
know what he’s eatin’ tonight, but it sure won’t be as good as this.”
“Actually it will be. I made enough for Chad and Cassie as well. Cassie was really upset about the possibility of an
intruder, and I figured Chad would be just as tired as you after such a long day.”
“You’re a sweetheart, and speakin’ of that intruder, Chad left early, then I saw the Sheriff’s car at the house, and a few
minutes later the Range Rover headin’ up to Cassie’s new barn.”
“Huh, I wonder what happened.”
“I’m sure he’ll tell me in the mornin’, and Cassie will probably tell you as well.”
As he began to eat he chatted about the day, but the landline rang, interrupting him. Stepping from the table, Hannah
answered the call.
“Hey, Hannah, I won’t keep you. Just tell Marty I’ve hired a security team for Cassie’s barn. A couple of odd things
happened and they’ll be stayin’ until we catch the culprit.”
“That’s great news. I’ll let Marty know.”
“And thanks for the delicious dinner!”
“My pleasure, Chad. I’m glad you enjoyed it. Bye.”
“Bye, Hannah.”
“What was that about?” Marty asked as she returned to the table.
“Chad wanted you to know he’s hired security guards for Cassie’s barn. What a relief. Now I can sleep.”
“Hey, I can make sure you’ll sleep,” Marty quipped with a wink, “and that dinner was the best damn meal I think I’ve ever
had. You outdid yourself. Now I need to lie down and you’re comin’ with me.”
“What about the dishes?”
“Screw the dishes, they can wait.”
“But you said—”
“Yeah, yeah, I know, but right now this tired body just wants yours beside it.”
Standing up and reaching for her hand, he led her down the hallway into the bedroom and pulled her with him onto the bed.
“Poor man,” she crooned, pulling his sweater over his head.
“The first day is always tough. Lots of crap to deal with. It’ll be easier as the week goes by.”
Slipping off the bed, she removed his loafers and socks, then slid down his sweat pants.
“I was a bit naughty today,” she purred, sidling up his naked body.
“Do you need your bottom tanned?”
“Well, big guy, that’s up to you.”
“What did you do?”
“I don’t recall,” she replied with a grin.
“Uh-huh. Take off your clothes. Here I am, naked as a jaybird, and you’re still dressed.”
Rising from the bed, she began a slow, sultry striptease, then climbed on top of him. But hastily grabbing her, he turned her
around to face his feet with her knees on either side of his waist.
“You know what I want,” he grunted, landing a slap on her backside. “Bend over and suck my cock, and you know bein’
naughty means a red behind.”
As her lips slithered up and down his shaft, he continued to spank her, then slipped his fingers into her sex. She wriggled,
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
«Monsieur le Ministre,

«Nous espérons que vous désirez rendre de nouveaux grands

services aux parias françaises, et nous vous prions de vouloir bien
—quand vous défendrez devant le Sénat les retraites ouvrières—
trouver dans votre cœur et dans votre éloquence le moyen de faire
assimiler aux ouvrières de l’usine et de l’atelier les travailleuses
ménagères mères de famille, forcées d’exercer leur profession
auprès de leurs enfants et qui ne doivent point, parce qu’elles
assurent l’existence de la nation, être privées de retraite et
réduites en leur vieillesse à mendier leurs dernières bouchées de
«Le sexe féminin qui contribuera comme le sexe masculin à
l’établissement des retraites ouvrières, doit bénéficier de ces
retraites après trente ans de travail familial ou ménager.
«Plusieurs députés, notamment MM. Mirman, Allemane,
Coûtant, Fournier, ont relativement à la retraite, proposé
d’assimiler le travail ménager et familial au travail industriel.
«Les retraites pour les ménagères mères de famille, ne seront
que l’acquittement d’une dette nationale.
«Nous vous supplions, Monsieur le Ministre, de tenter
l’impossible pour faire préserver les femmes de la misère en leur
vieux jours, et nous vous demandons d’agréer, avec l’expression
de notre profonde gratitude, l’assurance de notre haute

La diminution des naissances qui rend, pour la France, la repopulation

une question vitale, avait suggéré à M. Piou député, l’idée de favoriser les
parents qui mettraient au monde un certain nombre d’enfants. La
Chambre nomma une commission où les femmes ne furent pas appelées,
et ces Messieurs ne trouvèrent naturellement que de pauvres
dédommagements pour engager l’augmentation de la famille: «Il nous
semblait que les deux sexes étaient seuls compétents, écrit Hubertine
Auclert, pour décider d’une affaire où le couple est indispensable. Eh bien,
cette commission a été nommée et pas un nom de femme n’y figure. Les
hommes qui entendent seuls gouverner et administrer la France sont
suffisants pour repeupler la France. Ils n’ont, paraît-il, pas besoin du
concours des femmes pour augmenter la natalité.»

Elle pensait que l’indemnisation maternelle, serait seule capable de

résoudre la question.

Le Congrès qui s’occupe périodiquement de la traite des blanches, et

un Congrès tenu à Lyon en 1901 dans le but de réclamer la suppression
de la réglementation de la prostitution lui inspiraient ces réflexions:

«Les ordonnances qui régissent la prostitution légale ravalent

la femme au-dessous de l’animal. Si encore, ces investigations
immorales servaient à autre chose qu’à dégrader les femmes,
mais de l’avis des nombreuses sommités médicales elles
n’atténuent en rien la contamination. En regard de la rigueur dont
on use envers les femmes prostituées, il faut considérer la latitude,
la liberté pleine et entière laissée aux hommes prostitués.
«Cette particularité démontre une fois de plus que tous les
français ne sont pas égaux devant la loi, tant que les femmes ne
contribuent pas à faire cette loi. Le mobile qui dirige la prostituée
est cependant plus excusable que celui qui dirige le prostitué. La
femme qui s’offre sur le trottoir est une façon de mendiante qui
donne une compensation à qui lui fait l’aumône de quelques
«Est-ce sa faute si elle est prostituée? victime de l’incohérence
sociale qui l’a préparée pour vivre au foyer entre un mari et des
enfants, elle a vu hélas! qu’il n’y avait pour elle, comme pour la
moitié des femmes, pas plus de mari que de foyer.
«Si au lieu de patenter la prostitution, la République interdisait
à tous la débauche, l’homme trouverait au célibat moins de
charme et l’armée du vice serait réduite. Une seule et même
morale. Les hommes ramenés à la moralité féminine et non les
femmes admises au laisser-aller masculin, car, pour quelques filles
qui bénéficient de la dissolution des mœurs, la généralité des
femmes en souffre.»

Déjà en 1882, elle s’était occupée de la prostitution.

«Le nombre des prostituées hommes et femmes allant toujours

croissant et le gouvernement s’occupant de trouver un moyen
d’enrayer la prostitution, nous avons dans la lettre suivante
adressée à M. le Ministre de l’intérieur, indiqué une vraie solution
pour débarrasser Paris de ce fléau:

«Monsieur le Ministre,

«Puisque vous vous préoccupez de concert avec M. le Préfet

de police, d’élaborer un projet de loi contre la prostitution,
permettez-moi, à moi, dont la pensée unique est
l’affranchissement de la femme, d’apporter mon humble avis dans
votre discussion.
«Pour frapper de mort la prostitution publique, il faut cesser de
la patenter et être pour les malheureuses, humain et inexorable:
Humain en leur fournissant le moyen de ne pas mourir de faim sur
le pavé de Paris. Il suffirait pour cela de créer un vaste
établissement où les femmes inoccupées trouveraient à titre de
prêt, le vivre et le couvert avec les facilités de se procurer du
travail. Cet établissement pourrait fonctionner avec quelques
millions qu’on trouverait au moyen d’une loterie que vous
autoriseriez. Dès lors les prostituées n’ayant pas la faim pour
excuse de leur débauche et de leur fainéantise, devraient être
impitoyablement traquées et après récidive, être embarquées sur
un navire de l’Etat en partance pour une Colonie, qu’elles
transformeraient en compagnie des hommes prostitués sous l’œil
bienveillant d’un agronome, en exploitation agricole qui en les
faisant vivre rapporterait encore de beaux deniers à l’Etat.
«Vous voudrez bien remarquer, Monsieur le Ministre, que ma
proposition ne coûterait rien au gouvernement et qu’elle
assainirait, à la grande satisfaction des honnêtes femmes, la voie
publique d’une manière définitive.
«Veuillez agréer Monsieur le Ministre, l’hommage de mon

«Hubertine Auclert.»

En 1904, elle publia sa brochure L’argent de la Femme, où, dans le

chapitre: Les femmes sans fortune et le contrat de la séparation de biens.
On voit que ce contrat mettrait un terme à une poignante situation.
Qui n’a connu ou entendu parler de ces maris ivrognes ou dépensiers,
qui vendent ce que possède le ménage autant de fois que la femme a pu
racheter le mobilier et le linge, au nom du droit marital de disposer seul,
s’il le veut, des biens de la Communauté.
Pour éviter ces faits révoltants, la séparation de biens légale—
sauvegarde des intérêts de la femme riche comme de la femme qui ne
possède rien—devrait remplacer le contrat de la communauté de biens,
lorsqu’il n’a pas été fait de contrat.
Elle fit signer la pétition suivante en 1904 pour demander cette

«Messieurs les Législateurs,

«La femme qui apporte dans le ménage sa valeur travail ou

son argent, souvent les deux ensemble, ne peut continuer à y être
une mendiante tendant la main à son mari.
«Nous vous prions de considérer qu’en l’association conjugale
comme en toutes les autres associations, de bons rapports
résultent de la considération réciproque et c’est au détriment du
bonheur familial, que l’épouse est dépossédée par le mari de son
avoir, de son revenu et de son gain.
«Pour préserver la femme et les enfants de la ruine, pour les
protéger contre un mari et père parfois dissipateur, nous vous
demandons de substituer à la communauté, comme régime légal
du mariage, la séparation de biens élargie qui laissera à la femme,
avec la propriété de ses meubles (argent, valeurs) celle de ses
immeubles et accordera aux deux conjoints qui ont mis en
commun leurs ressources et leur activité, le même droit
d’administrer les économies réalisées dont chacun aura part égale.

«Hubertine Auclert.

Son autre brochure Le nom de la Femme publiée en 1905, expose les

avantages que la femme aurait à garder son nom:

«Lorsque les veuves, les divorcées prennent successivement

le nom de plusieurs époux, on ne sait plus comment les nommer.
Le nom du premier en titre est souvent celui qui vient d’abord sur
les lèvres.
«Quel embarras l’on cause! quelle confusion l’on éprouve soi-
même quand, par mégarde on salue, devant un remplaçant, une
dame du nom d’un remplacé.

«La coutume pour l’épouse de porter le nom du mari, que les

réformateurs du Code veulent rendre légale et que nous nous
efforçons de faire disparaître, est relativement récente; les anciens
ne la connaissaient pas.
«Les Gaulois, les Celtes, comme tous peuples primitifs de race
Arienne n’avaient que des noms individuels.
«Ce ne fut que vers le Xe siècle que s’établit l’hérédité du nom
qui fit dès lors partie du patrimoine familial.

En 1908, elle publia «Le Vote des Femmes». Elle donne l’historique du
rôle politique des femmes à travers l’histoire et celui des femmes qui se
sont dévouées, dans les temps plus près de nous, à l’obtention des droits
civils et politiques pour leur sexe. Elle donne toutes les raisons qui doivent
faire accorder le vote aux femmes: «Elles, qui seront l’élément
moralisateur et économe de nos assemblées.»

Hubertine Auclert fut une fervente de la Vierge guerrière, Jeanne d’Arc,

qui a illustré notre sexe, et en laquelle elle voyait la première féministe.
Elle aurait voulu que les femmes lui montrassent leur admiration et leur
reconnaissance. Dans ce but elle fit à la mairie du XIe, lieu de réunion du
«Suffrage des Femmes», ce court résumé de la vie active de l’héroïne:

«Née à Domrémy en 1412, brûlée à Rouen en 1431, Jeanne

d’Arc, vécut à une époque où l’intervention du surnaturel servait à
tout expliquer.
«Il ne faut donc pas s’étonner que, quand émue par la mise à
feu et à sang de la France par les Anglais, Jeanne eut l’idée
sublime de chasser de son pays les envahisseurs. Elle attribuait à
un appel d’en haut, qu’elle prit pour des voix, les incitations de son
âme héroïque.
«Sa volonté obstinée transforma la petite paysanne de 17 ans,
qui ne savait ni lire ni écrire, en une guerrière de fière allure, en un
chef de guerre expérimenté, poussant des attaques, disposant les
pièces d’artillerie comme un grand capitaine, faisant preuve d’un
génie militaire. Il eût été loué comme celui de Napoléon, si Jeanne,
au lieu d’être femme, avait été un homme.
«La délivrance d’Orléans par Jeanne d’Arc, sa campagne de la
Loire, sa marche sur Reims parurent si prodigieuses aux Anglais,
qu’ils nommèrent notre surhumaine compatriote, un instrument de
Dieu ou du Diable.
«A notre époque un peu de merveilleux s’explique, on sait qu’il
y a dans la nature des êtres et des plantes qui sont des
phénomènes. En visitant les expositions, on voit parfois un
légume, un fruit, une fleur extraordinaires, excitant l’admiration
générale autant que la surprise. Jeanne fut un être phénoménal
bien supérieur aux êtres de son espèce.
«Jeanne d’Arc fut la personnification du patriotisme; elle créa
un courant d’enthousiasme, fit prendre aux Français confiance en
eux-mêmes en les assurant qu’ils seraient vainqueurs.

«Jeanne d’Arc fut la personnification du féminisme, en dépit

des sarcasmes et des injures; elle marcha sur les vieux usages et
sur l’autorité des puissants, afin d’user malgré les hommes, du
droit qu’avaient les hommes pour sauver leur pays.
«On reprocha à Jeanne d’avoir fait œuvre d’homme au lieu de
s’être adonnée aux œuvres de femme. On lui reprocha d’avoir
répudié les habits de son sexe et pris des habits d’homme.
«On lui reprocha d’avoir eu l’arrogance impie de prendre
empire sur des hommes, de se faire chef de guerre. Tous ces
reproches démontrent que Jeanne fut notre ancêtre.
Les Anglais appelaient Jeanne une porte-quenouille, mais ils
redoutaient tant cette porte-quenouille, qu’ils la payèrent 61.000
livres aux Bourguignons.

Bien avant que lui aient été élevés des autels, Jeanne reçut
l’hommage des féministes. Le 29 mai 1885, la société «Le Suffrage des
Femmes», alla déposer sur son monument, place des Pyramides, une
couronne de lauriers portant cette inscription: A Jeanne d’Arc, «Le
Suffrage des Femmes».
En 1908, la Société est retournée porter une couronne de fleurs à la
statue de Jeanne d’Arc, mais Hubertine Auclert aurait voulu que les
sociétaires y vinssent chaque année.
Après avoir entendu son discours devant la statue, les membres du
Suffrage distribuèrent aux passants ce petit tract qui reproduit quelques
phrases du petit résumé de leur secrétaire-générale.

«Jeanne d’Arc fut la personnification du féminisme. Elle ne tint

compte ni des usages, ni de l’autorité des puissants, et elle usa,
malgré les hommes, des droits des hommes, pour sauver son
«Avec l’énergie de Jeanne d’Arc, les Françaises doivent
réclamer le droit de voter, afin de pouvoir affermir la République,
en en faisant le gouvernement de tous et de toutes».

Elle croyait nécessaire le Jury mixte:

«Parce qu’un jury exclusivement masculin n’est pas seulement

incompétent pour juger des femmes, il est surtout partial étant juge
et partie dans sa propre cause.
«Puisque les femmes sont reconnues responsables et
comparaissent comme hommes en cours d’assises elles doivent
siéger comme eux dans les jurys.
«Les hommes juges ne peuvent avoir le même état d’âme que
les femmes enfermées par la législation en une condition qui
produit des pensées et des mouvements différents des leurs.
«Un jury exclusivement composé d’hommes peut-il, par
exemple, pénétrer tous les replis de l’action d’une fille-mère qui tue
son enfant? non, attendu qu’il n’est pas donné à l’homme de subir
les épreuves physiologiques de la maternité; il n’est pas enfermé
dans un réseau de préjugés qui rejette la mère hors mariage, hors
de la société; n’est pas apte à apprécier l’acte des vengeresses
sur les parjures, car l’amour, passe-temps pour l’homme, est pour
la femme l’affaire la plus importante.
«Pour décider de la culpabilité ou de l’innocence des humains
la lumière humaine intégrale est nécessaire, toutes les
intelligences, tous les cœurs doivent intervenir dans le prétoire
quand la collectivité s’improvise juge de l’individu. L’admission des
femmes en judicature ne sera pas une innovation en France, il y a
eu des femmes juges.
«Aux anciens temps de notre histoire, des femmes étaient
investies du droit de dire justice; elles rendaient en personne la
justice sur leurs terres:
«Puisque les deux sexes sont justiciables les deux sexes
doivent être juges. Les verdicts rendus contre les femmes par des
tribunaux exclusivement composés d’hommes n’ont pas de
sanctions morales».

En 1908 M. Briand alors ministre de la justice, ayant adressé aux

procureurs généraux une circulaire pour les inviter à faire figurer dans les
jurys des citoyens exerçant des professions manuelles: «Le Jury se
recrute ainsi, écrivait M. Briand, non sur l’ensemble des citoyens, mais
parmi certaines catégories. Il ne réalise donc pas complètement la justice
populaire qu’a voulu instituer la révolution».
La vaillante féministe pensa que le garde des sceaux qui réparait une
injustice envers les ouvriers voudrait, sans doute, compléter sa réforme en
proposant la composition mixte d’un jury composé d’hommes et de
femmes. Elle écrivit à M. Briand:

«Monsieur le garde des Sceaux,

«Vous venez d’élargir les bases du Jury: Vous avez remarqué

que «le Jury se recrute non sur l’ensemble des citoyens, mais
parmi certaines catégories et qu’il ne réalise pas complètement la
justice populaire qu’a voulu instituer la révolution».
«Pour ces raisons, vous avez introduit dans le jury l’élément
ouvrier qui n’y était pas. Vous en concluez que «les verdicts
rendus n’en auront que plus de force et plus d’autorité».
«Ces paroles sont empreintes d’une grande sagesse et l’on ne
saurait qu’applaudir à l’esprit d’équité qui vous les dicta.
«Le Jury d’hier était un jury de classe, puisqu’une classe en
était bannie; l’ouvrier n’était pas jugé par l’ouvrier. Votre circulaire
réalise un progrès politique et moral. Mais c’est un progrès
«Le Jury ne sera plus un jury de classe; il restera un jury de
«Vous qui trouvez nécessaire que l’ouvrier relève aussi de la
justice de l’ouvrier: comment ne trouvez-vous pas injuste que la
femme ne relève jamais que de la justice de l’homme?
«Nous ne faisons pas plus le procès à l’homme que vous
n’avez fait le procès des bourgeois. Nous constatons que la
femme se présente devant un jury où la femme n’est point
représentée, que l’homme, juge et partie dans sa propre cause,
est incapable d’apprécier le mobile qui a dicté certains délits
spéciaux aux femmes.
«La loi fait à sa conscience, cette injure de la tenir pour
incapable de remplir cette fonction. Il vous appartient de compléter
votre œuvre en faisant modifier la loi.
«Le Jury ne sera vraiment l’expression intégrale du sentiment
populaire que lorsque la femme y sera assise à côté de l’homme,
comme vous venez de faire asseoir l’ouvrier à côté du patron.
«Vous demanderez avec nous au nom de la stricte équité,
l’entrée des femmes dans le jury.
«Alors seulement, vous pourrez vous vanter, et nous pourrons
vous louer d’avoir fait, non une œuvre politique, mais une œuvre
véritablement large, humaine et juste.
«Daignez agréer, Monsieur le Garde des Sceaux, l’assurance
de mes sentiments de très haute considération.

«Hubertine Auclert.
«Secrétaire générale de la
«Le suffrage des

M. Briand pensa, assurément, que tout était bien ainsi pour les
femmes, qui n’avaient pas besoin de représentantes femmes pour être
bien jugées. La question est toujours posée. Ce seront les femmes avec
leur bulletin de vote qui la résoudront.

Elle croyait à la supériorité du gouvernement direct:

«Le gouvernement direct rallierait à lui les électeurs de plus en

plus nombreux qui désertent les salles de vote. Il activerait le
développement politique de la nation, en étant une école de sens
pratique qui forcerait les français à s’initier à tout ce qui a trait aux
affaires publiques.»

«Il serait favorable à nos finances. Les intéressés ne votant les

dépenses qu’après examen.
«Enfin le gouvernement direct assurerait la paix sociale.
Lorsque tout serait fait avec leur assentiment, les contribuables et
justiciables, n’auraient rien à réclamer. Aucune catégorie
d’individus ne pourrait se révolter, si les décisions publiques
exprimaient le vouloir du corps social sans distinction de classe ni
de sexe.

«Chaque fois qu’en France la population d’une commune ou

d’une ville a été appelée aux urnes, à un jour donné, pour décider
du transfert de marchés ou d’édifices publics, du déplacement de
voies ferrées, d’installations de régiments, d’augmentations de
garnisons, de subventions aux théâtres, de cérémonies publiques,
ou de la durée du travail, de la quotité du salaire, des grèves, les
femmes ont comme les hommes pris part à ce référendum et leurs
voix comptées ont valu celles des hommes.
«Or, le référendum, qui fait les femmes égales des hommes
devant l’urne, est l’embryon du gouvernement direct.»

Si son esprit précurseur suggérait les idées, il devançait aussi les

méthodes. Afin que l’image s’impose à la mémoire par la vision, elle avait
fait illustrer les affiches apposées dans tous les quartiers de Paris pendant
la période électorale de 1906, où elle résumait les bienfaits que
procureraient à la nation et à la commune l’accession des femmes à la vie
politique. Le couple humain était représenté se rencontrant devant l’urne
pour y déposer chacun son bulletin.
Pendant la grande guerre, la Défense nationale et les œuvres de
guerre, se sont servis des mêmes procédés pour leurs demandes au
public faites sur des affiches dessinées par des Maîtres.
En 1904, elle suggéra le dessin d’une carte postale esthétique qui
représente l’homme et la femme allant de compagnie, déposer dans l’urne
le bulletin de vote. Un timbre du même dessin se colle à gauche de la
semeuse qui de son geste, paraît semer l’idée du Féminisme.
Cette carte et ce timbre reproduits par les journaux mondiaux furent
l’objet d’appréciations flatteuses, ce qui lui faisait dire:

«A mesure que les féministes montent le calvaire, les injures

de la rue et de la presse se modifient; maintenant, on leur fait
plutôt escorte de sympathie.»

Aux élections du 24 avril 1910, pour mettre en action la revendication

du suffrage féminin, des femmes courageuses résolurent de poser leur
candidature[8]. Hubertine Auclert fut candidate pour la deuxième
circonscription du XIe arrondissement, avec Mme Renée Mortier pour la 3e
et Mme Gabrielle Chapuis, pour la première. Leur Programme commun
s’exprimait ainsi.

«Les Hommes et les Femmes pareillement justiciables et

contribuables, sont égaux devant la Loi et jouissent de leurs droits
civils et politiques.
«Le suffrage restreint aux hommes devient réellement universel
en s’universalisant aux Femmes.
«La nation formée d’hommes et de femmes est intégralement
représentée dans les Assemblées administratives et législatives.
Les Françaises comme les Français—en attendant qu’ils gèrent
directement la commune et l’Etat—chargent des Mandataires de
défendre leurs intérêts au Parlement et à l’Hôtel-de-Ville.
«Les seuls électeurs sont comptés pour établir les
circonscriptions électorales. Si les Femmes, qui ne sont pas
représentées, ne contribuaient point à former des sièges législatifs,
il y aurait 310 députés de moins, près de 5 millions d’épargnés.
«Les Hommes et les Femmes reçoivent le même
développement physique, moral, intellectuel, professionnel.
«Toutes les carrières, les emplois, les fonctions publiques sont
accessibles aux femmes comme aux hommes.
«A production égale, salaire égal, pour les deux sexes.
«L’Etat oppresseur qui nous prend notre argent et qui restreint
notre liberté, est remplacé par l’Etat libérateur qui diminue les
charges, assure le travail aux français valides, l’assistance aux
malades et infirmes.
«Les ménagères qui font gratuitement à la maison le travail
d’hommes de peine, de cuisinier, de blanchisseur, ont comme les
salariés, droit à la retraite ouvrière.
«Chacun touche la totalité du prix de son labeur. Les syndicats
responsables, remplaçant les entrepreneurs, sont seuls aptes à
recevoir des patrons le travail et à le répartir aux travailleurs.
«L’Homme et la Femme sont dans le mariage, des associés
égaux qui restent maîtres de leur personne et de leur avoir.
«La maternité est la première des fonctions sociales. Les
mères dépourvues de moyens d’existence, pendant qu’elles
perpétuent la Nation, sont comme les soldats pendant qu’ils
défendent le territoire, nourries, logées, vêtues par la société.
«Toutes les denrées alimentaires de première nécessité sont
exemptées d’impôts.
«La justice est gratuite. Les tribunaux et les jurys sont
composés d’hommes et de femmes.
«Les électeurs délèguent leurs pouvoirs pour un an, jusqu’à ce
qu’ils gardent en permanence leur souveraineté et exercent
directement le gouvernement.

«Les Candidates:
Hubertine Auclert, Gabrielle
Renée Mortier.
«Electeurs, votez pour ces candidates.
«Imposez l’entrée des femmes dans le droit commun, elles
vous aideront à pénétrer le mécanisme de la politique et bientôt,
vous serez à même de rester vos maîtres.»
Une de leurs affiches s’adressait aux électeurs:

«Citoyens, qui voulez assurer la représentation de la minorité

des Electeurs, vous ne pouvez pas laisser sans Représentants au
parlement, la majorité de la nation formée des Femmes.
«Les Françaises et les Français qui subissent les mêmes lois,
qui supportent les mêmes charges, sont à titre égal, des ayants-
droit à sauvegarder leurs intérêts, en votant et en légiférant.
«C’est au détriment de toute la nation, que les femmes
prévoyantes et économes sont exclues du gouvernement du pays;
car en supprimant le gaspillage, elles feraient instaurer dans l’Etat,
le bien-être qu’elles savent entretenir dans la maison.
«Electeurs, si vous voulez précipiter la marche du progrès,
agissez en souverains équitables, donnez vos voix à des
Féministes qui luttent pour compléter l’affranchissement humain.
«Pour vous représenter dans la 2e, la 1re, la 3e circonscription
du XIe arrondissement, envoyez à la Chambre les candidates:
«Hubertine Auclert, Gabrielle Chapuis, Renée Mortier.
«Vous êtes souverains, votre volonté a force de loi. Assurez
l’élection de ces trois candidates en leur donnant vos votes et vous
ferez commencer en France l’ère de Justice que tout le monde

Des électeurs répondirent à l’appel des Femmes. Hubertine Auclert

obtint 590 voix, Renée Mortier 200, Mme Gabrielle Chapuis étant tombée
malade n’avait pu soutenir sa candidature.

Les élections municipales de 1908 lui permirent de faire une

manifestation, qui fut un vrai sacrifice à sa cause, car elle était aussi
timide de caractère qu’audacieuse de pensée. «Désespérée, a-t-elle dit,
de ne point voir aboutir mes efforts légaux, je pensais que les hommes
avaient fait des barricades pour pouvoir voter, et bien que très ennemie de
la violence, je culbutai l’urne électorale à la section de la mairie du 4e
arrondissement», ce qui lui valut d’être condamnée à 16 francs d’amende
avec sursis.
Aux élections municipales de 1912 les femmes ne se présentèrent
pas. Elles firent apposer des affiches dans tous les quartiers:
Celles de la Société du «Suffrage des femmes» préconisaient la
gestion de la commune par les hommes et les femmes qui apporteraient
au bien commun leurs qualités particulières.

«Nous réclamons l’électorat et l’éligibilité pour les femmes,

parce que ce ne sera que quand les femmes voteront et seront
élues, que le Conseil Municipal sera l’image exacte de Paris où il y
a actuellement 173.000 femmes de plus que d’hommes.
«Nous réclamons l’électorat et l’éligibilité pour les femmes
parce que la France ne sera bien administrée que quand les
hommes et les femmes apporteront dans la gestion de leur bien
commun, chacun leurs qualités particulières.
«Le renchérissement rend urgent de faire s’appliquer tout
l’effort humain à l’administration publique, les hommes ne pouvant
pas plus dans la commune que dans la maison, organiser, sans le
concours des femmes, le bien être.
«Les Parisiens et les Parisiennes qui subissent les mêmes lois,
qui supportent les mêmes charges sont à titre égal des ayants-
droit à sauvegarder leurs intérêts à l’Hôtel-de-Ville. C’est au
détriment de tous les habitants que les femmes prévoyantes et
économes ne voteront ni ne seront élues le 5 mai.
«Les Conseillers Municipaux qui ont des attributions
masculines et féminines, ne peuvent à la fois être hommes et
femmes. L’absence de sollicitude maternelle laisse en la capitale
du monde des enfants nombreux sans logement.
«Si les femmes participaient à l’administration de la Ville de
Paris, les constructeurs seraient obligés de tenir compte des
besoins de la population peu fortunée; ils devraient édifier cinq
maisons à petits loyers, pour une maison à gros loyer.
«L’administration des hommes et des femmes ferait s’établir la
vie à bas prix. En supprimant les octrois, elle épargnerait de
l’argent, car l’impôt perçu sur l’estomac des parisiens est plus que
dépensé en journées d’hôpital, (l’alimentation insuffisante
prédisposant aux maladies).
«Les femmes qui savent augmenter la valeur d’emploi de
l’argent amélioreraient immédiatement l’existence matérielle des
habitants et elles donneraient à chacun la sécurité du lendemain.
«Electeurs, faites adjoindre les femmes aux hommes pour
administrer Paris.»

Dans les réunions mensuelles que tenait à la Mairie du XIe

arrondissement, la Société «Le suffrage des Femmes», Hubertine Auclert
mettait dans ses Causeries les femmes au courant de la politique du jour,
examinait ce qui dans les lois en discussion leur était avantageux ou
Elle parlait souvent de la puissance du vote pour les femmes:

«Les femmes se soucient peut-être peu du vote, mais toutes

désirent certainement ce que le vote peut procurer: le bonheur, la
liberté, le bien-être.
«Comme l’homme vous voulez pouvoir utiliser vos facultés,
vous voulez que tous les emplois vous soient accessibles, vous
voulez quand vous faites le même travail que l’homme recevoir les
mêmes appointements que lui.
«Jeunes filles, vous voulez être libres d’aller et de venir à
volonté sans être le jouet des larrons d’honneur; épouses, vous
voulez cesser d’être la servante et la dupe pour devenir la
compagne, l’amie de votre mari; mère, vous voulez avoir, au
moins, autant que le père le droit de diriger vos enfants. Femmes
trompées et trahies, si vous demandez justice, c’est, n’est-il pas
vrai, pour éviter d’être obligées de vous faire justice à vous même.
Eh bien, vous aurez justice. Eh bien, vous pourrez réaliser vos
souhaits d’une meilleure condition sociale quand vous posséderez
le vote. Le vote est ce qu’il y a de plus immédiatement désirable
puisqu’il vous investira d’un pouvoir féerique au moyen duquel
vous pourrez, pour ainsi dire, réaliser vos désirs par la seule
puissance de votre volonté. Pour que tout soit dans la société,
dans la famille, dans l’état à votre avantage et à l’avantage de tous
il faut que vous femmes, qui êtes des ayants droits, il faut que
vous femmes, qui subissez les lois, il faut que vous femmes vous
participiez au gouvernement du pays. Pour conquérir leurs droits
électoraux il suffit que les femmes aient pour elles-mêmes une
heure de ce suprême dévouement dont elles sont pour tous
«L’antagonisme des sexes a sa source dans la fausse situation
faite à la femme dans la société. Légalement inférieure, la femme
est déconsidérée par l’homme qui se croit, comme la loi l’établit,
supérieur à elle, et en conséquence la traite en sujette et abuse
«Toutes preuves scientifiques ont été données que la nature
n’a pu faire inégaux deux êtres de la même espèce. Quand cette
égalité des sexes proclamée par la loi sera passée dans les
mœurs l’entente sera alors possible entre les humains. L’homme
mettra de la courtoisie dans ses rapports avec la femme, car on
impose, en l’élevant, la considération et le respect pour un
«Les hommes se sont attribués le droit de tout régler dans la
société, absolument comme s’il n’y avait pas dans cette société
deux facteurs avec leurs qualités propres. Les femmes sont,
cependant, considérées comme personnes raisonnables puisqu’on
leur attribue la responsabilité de leurs actes. Elles font, à n’en pas
douter, partie intégrante de l’association.
«Le suffrage universel doit être l’expression réelle de la volonté
de la nation. Or, tant que les femmes ne voteront pas l’opinion
exprimée par le suffrage restreint de la moitié de la nation ne sera
qu’un mensonge; on ne connaîtra réellement la volonté de la
France que quand les hommes comme les femmes voteront. Tous
subissent les lois. Tous hommes et femmes doivent concourir à les
faire. Tous ayant des intérêts en jeu, tous hommes et femmes
doivent intervenir pour les défendre».
Dans une autre causerie elle s’occupait de la dénomination des

«La femme a deux dénominations. Que l’homme soit jeune ou

vieux, qu’il soit célibataire ou marié on lui donne ce même et
unique titre: «Monsieur». Tandis que devant toute femme, une
énigme se dresse, l’appellera-t-on «Madame», l’appellera-t-on
«Mademoiselle» servait autrefois de dénomination à toute
femme mariée non titrée.
Aujourd’hui «Mademoiselle» est le titre donné aux filles non
«Madame», ancien titre des femmes des chevaliers, s’emploie
actuellement en même temps que pour désigner les femmes
mariées, les filles de rois.

Comment savoir si une femme est ou «Madame» ou «Mademoiselle».

Le porte-t-elle écrit sur son front? A-t-elle son signe particulier pour le faire
L’âge lui-même n’est pas un indice, attendu qu’il y a des femmes
mariées qui ont quinze ans et des femmes non mariées qui ont soixante
ans. Comment deviner alors la dénomination à donner aux femmes?
N’est-on pas souvent porté à appeler «Madame» celle qui est
«Mademoiselle» et «Mademoiselle» celle qui est «Madame»? Elle
montrait les erreurs que l’on pouvait commettre par inadvertance, qui sont
parfois préjudiciables aux femmes.
Il fallait donc adopter une seule dénomination; elle engageait ses
auditrices à qualifier uniformément les femmes du titre de «Madame».

Au moment où Hubertine Auclert se disposait à publier Les Femmes

au gouvernail, la cause des femmes semblait entrer dans une phase de
réalisation, qu’annonçait déjà la manifestation du Journal, organisant un
vote féminin dans ses bureaux, à l’occasion des élections législatives de
1914, qu’elle avait approuvée, quoique ne la tenant pas pour décisive. Elle
l’explique dans sa réponse au Journal qui lui avait demandé son opinion:

«Le Journal si bien renseigné, si bien documenté sur tout, a

certainement vu dans mon livre Le vote des Femmes, et dans mon
journal La Citoyenne, qui parut de 1881 à 1891, que je revendique
depuis plus de 40 ans les droits politiques pour les françaises.
C’est vous dire si je suis heureuse qu’un important organe parisien
stimule mes efforts en accordant sa grande publicité à la
propagande en faveur de l’affranchissement politique des femmes.
Mais la manifestation qu’il organise, qui excite au plus haut point
ma reconnaissance, ne sera pas une expérience décisive
permettant de savoir si les femmes veulent voter; attendu, qu’il y
aura peu de Françaises qui participeront à cette manifestation. De
même que parmi les nombreuses femmes qui désirent coopérer
au gouvernement de leur pays, il n’y a qu’un nombre infime qui le
demande, il n’y aura parmi les nombreuses femmes qui veulent
voter qu’un nombre restreint de femmes, qui enverront leur bulletin
au journal.»

Elle disait vrai, puisque pour ce vote fictif 572.000 bulletins seulement
parvinrent au journal.

En mars 1914, la maladie est venue lui ôter toute espérance de voir le
succès du Féminisme pour lequel aucune peine, tant morale que
physique, ne lui avait coûté. Elle s’en plaignait doucement.
La douleur de ceux qui l’on aimée est profonde, en pensant qu’elle n’a
pas vu non plus, la révélation que les femmes ont faite de leurs aptitudes,
et dont elle avait pressenti le rôle pendant la guerre qui nous menaçait, et
qu’avec son esprit sagace elle voyait venir sûrement en lisant les apprêts
formidables de l’Allemagne, qui ne trouvaient d’écho chez nous que par
des appels au pacifisme!
Ce n’étaient pas seulement les armements toujours plus intensifs de
notre ennemie ni son emprunt de guerre qui lui faisaient voir la guerre
imminente. Déjà en 1887 elle avait prévu la guerre et son caractère
d’extermination. Dans un article de la Citoyenne de mai 1887 elle écrivait:
«M. de Bismarck, las de nous voir mépriser ses provocations, a
brutalement fait arrêter, ligoter et emprisonner à Metz un
fonctionnaire français, M. Schnœbélé, commissaire spécial à la
gare de Pagny-sur-Moselle. Cette scandaleuse violation du droit
international a à un tel point indigné l’Europe, que le chancelier de
fer a été devant l’unanime réprobation, forcé de crever son ballon
«Mais il n’y a pas à s’y méprendre, ces escarmouches
Bismarckiennes annoncent la guerre. D’ici peu, nous serons
forcément obligés de défendre nos personnes et notre territoire.
«Avec les terribles engins destructeurs existants et les forces
imposantes des deux côtés, la guerre qui se prépare ne peut être
qu’une guerre d’extermination d’où le vaincu sortira, non pas
blessé, mais mort. Sous peine de perdre notre nom de Français, il
faut que nous vainquions et nous vaincrons si les femmes suivent
les hommes à la frontière.
«En cas de guerre, non seulement les hommes doivent partir,
mais toutes les femmes sans enfants doivent partir aussi. On se
souvient des services que les femmes ont rendu en 1870.
Quelques-unes ont traversé jusqu’à dix fois les lignes prussiennes
pour porter des dépêches. Dans les forteresses, sur les champs
de bataille, dans les ambulances, elles seront avantageusement
employées. Elles pourront remplacer dans beaucoup de fonctions
les hommes capables de combattre et ainsi empêcher de distraire
nombre de soldats combattants.
«Ce pays qui doit à une femme, Jeanne d’Arc, d’avoir une
existence propre doit aux heures désespérées considérer comme
une sauvegarde la présence des femmes dans l’armée.

«Si en temps de paix nous réclamons l’égalité avec l’homme

devant la loi et devant le droit, en temps de guerre, nous voulons
l’égalité avec l’homme devant la défense du territoire. Si par
malheur la France est un jour envahie, toute femme valide et sans
enfants aura ce jour-là, autant que l’homme, devoir envers la
Patrie. Elles s’occuperont des approvisionnements, elles

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