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Check your progress:

1) Explain what the term “emotive language” means. Give examples form
Session 6.1, Extracts 1 and 2.
Emotive language is when vocabulary is used to evoke an emotional response in the
reader, for example cruel, devouring, gruesome, struck, fear, horrendous claws.

2) What advice would you give about structuring an advice leaflet:

 Use subheadings,
 numbering, and
 bullet points to organise the advice logically and helpfully.

3) List some genre features of fables:

 Fables are short.
 they usually use simple language.
 they have a moral message.
 They often use non-human characters; a lesson is learnt at the end.

4) “The introduction of the little boy into the story has an effect on the giant.”
Explain what this statement means in relation to “The Selfish Giant.”
The little boy evokes sympathy from the Giant and makes him realise how selfish he has
been. He helps the boy and that makes him feel happy.

5) What advice would you give someone about the best way to compare two
poems on similar themes?
Look for similarities and differences in:
 subject,
 structure, and
 language.

6) what is an extended metaphor? Give an example:

An extended metaphor is a comparison which continues and develops throughout a
An example: may be describing the night sky using the extended metaphor of the sea so
describing the sky as deep and black, the moon as a sailing ship and the stars as tiny
islands etc.

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