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Use this presentation to answer the questions, please answer in a different color font.

1. Why do you believe the Supreme Court Justices are appointed for life? I think that the
Supreme Court justice is appointed for life because they have that experience and have
been in it longer so thy understand have a petter point of view.
2. What are the Constitutional requirements for the Supreme Court? The constitution
doesn’t list any requirements but there are factors that are considered.
3. Why do you think that all the judges have had legal training? I think that they have had
legal training for them to know how to made the decisions without putting there
personal thoughts and feelings within that decision.
4. Why is diversity an important factor in choosing Supreme Court Justices? Diversity is
an important factor in the Supreme Court because they want the court to have multiple
5. Why do decision often appear very political even though judges are supposed to keep
their personal views out of their decisions? I think it appears very political because of
the tactics that they are taught to use.
6. What is an originalist philosophy in regards to interpreting the Constitution? Those with
an originalist philosophy want to figure out exactly what founders intended when they
wrote the constitution in 1787
7. How do the justices who follow the living Constitution differ from originalist? The
justices who follow the living constitution think the constitution should be change with
the times originalist believe we should stick closely to what the constitution meant when
it was written.
8. Which philosophy is considered conservative and which philosophy is considered
liberal? Textualism is considered conservative while living constitution theory is
consider liberal.
9. Why would a conservative/liberal president attempt to place a justice on the court with
a similar judicial philosophy? He ould try to because it goes with what he believes and
he would want that change.
10. What are the steps of a Supreme Court Justice being confirmed? The president
nominates someone then they look at the persons background then they see how liberal
or conservative the person is then a hearing is held then they are asked questions next
the senate debates on confirming the nominee they are then voted on again by the
senate to confirm them to take the spot or not.
11. Why do you think the framers wanted to have the President and Senate to be involved in
confirming supreme court justices?I think they want the president and senate to be
involved because they could get away with more and have other opinions judging them.

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