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Name (Optional) Age:

Year Graduated:
Program: Which area of accounting did you specialize in?
〇 BS in Accountancy 〇 Accounting Management
〇 BS in Accounting Information System 〇 Tax Accounting
〇 BS in management Accounting 〇 Auditing
〇 Financial Accounting

Which sector do you believe offers greater Current employment sector in the field of
opportunities for career advancement? accounting?
〇 Public accounting 〇 Public accounting
〇 Private accounting
〇 Private accounting

〇 Equal opportunities in both sectors

What factors affect your career satisfaction

as an accounting postgraduate?
〇 Salary
〇 Job prospect (Availability of Job
opportunities in the field)
〇 Development of skills and abilities
〇 Job Security

Rate 1 to 5
1-Strongly agree 2- agree 3 - Neutral 4- Disagree 5- Strongly Disagree
Factors affect post-graduates career satisfaction in terms of 1 2 3 4 5
Skills and Abilities
I am content in my job because it aligns with my skills and abilities.
The skills of critical thinking techniques is essential for effective
problem-solving in accounting.
I am satisfied with my career because the company provides
knowledge and skills for our own development.
The ability to allocate time efficiently is essential for maintaining
productivity in our company.
I perceive challenges in adapting to new accounting technologies for
the development of my skills and abilities.

Factors affect post- graduates career satisfaction in terms of 1 2 3 4 5

Your current salary adequately reflects your level of education and
Im satisfied with the compensation package (including salary,
benefits, bonuses, etc.) provided by our company.
The salary is the most important factor in my career satisfaction.
There is a fair and transparent process for determining salaries
within your organization.

Factors affect post- graduates career satisfaction in terms of Job 1 2 3 4 5

Prospect(Availability of Job opportunities in the field)
Our field offers a variety of career paths and job options for
accounting post graduates
The availability of Job opportunities aligns well with my career
goals and satisfaction.
Job openings in our field are easily accessible through online job
boards and platforms.
Job prospects in my field are influenced by industry trends and
The Availability of Job opportunities in our field affect my career
Factors affect post- graduates career satisfaction in terms of Job 1 2 3 4 5
We think that networking and professional relationships are essential
to ensure employment security in accounting.
Job security is the most important factor in my career satisfaction.
We believe that continuous improvement and learning are necessary
for securing a job.
The demand for specialized skills in accounting is increasing and it
will provide Job securities.
I feel that having an accounting degree gives me an advantage in the
job market and employment security.

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