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Boot Camp 2.

Module 4

The PM Habit Stack

Action Steps:

Completed Module 4: The PM Habit Stack

Completed Create an Evening Habit Stack

Began practicing my Evening Habit Stack

Completed the reflection questions below and shared my answers with the community

Took some moments to notice my progress

Shared my progress (big or small) with the community in celebration

Reflection Questions

Please consider writing your response to each question below and sharing them with others
in the community.

1. What was your evening routine prior to starting Boot Camp 2.0? How did you
wind down? What parts of your evening routine do you want to keep?
2. How will you demarcate “kitchen closed” and/or end of workday?

3. What’s your relationship with screen time/technology? Do you have a digital sunset?

4. How is your sleep? What, if anything, can you do to improve it, and how does it affect
your Bright Lines?

Make sure to share your thoughts in the community!
Boot Camp 2.0
Module 4

Create an Evening Habit Stack

Your day starts the night before. Establishing an evening routine begins with recognizing
when you need to wake in the morning. Then work backwards from there to determine
your lights out, digital sunset, and shutdown complete.

1. What time do you want to wake up in the morning?

2. How many hours of sleep do you need?

3. What time do you need to have lights out in order to get that amount of sleep?

In order to create a solid habit, a cue is used to trigger an action (the same cue is used to
trigger the same action). The strongest cue is a habit you’ve already established. Over time
the connection between the cue and action becomes automatic and the automaticity creates
a solid BLE foundation.

Keystone Habit:
Write down your food the night before

What cue precedes writing down your food each night? What is the action you take right
before you write down your food?
This week you’ll begin building your evening habit stack by adding ONE habit. Connect this
to an established habit.


Cue: Kitchen is closed Action: Write down my food for tomorrow

Cue: Write down my food for tomorrow Action: Brush my teeth

Cue: Brushing my teeth Action: Write in my five-year journal

Some ideas you might want to incorporate into your PM habit stack over time (choose
ONE to start with this week):

1. Write down your food the night before

2. Commit your food
3. Digital sunset
4. Evening meditation
5. Five-year journal
6. Gratitude journal
7. Inspirational reading
8. Kitchen closed
9. Post in the community
10. Shutdown complete
11. The Nightly Checklist
What is the cue that will precede you writing down your food each night?

What is the ONE habit you will implement this week and what is the cue that will precede it?

Cue: Action:

Cue: Action:

Cue: Action:

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