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Curtny Love Pasion

April 03, 2024

Personal Statement

Throughout my childhood, I spent most of my time babysitting my three-month-old sister

instead of playing with friends. I was only 12 years old, in 6th grade, when I was given this
responsibility. Although I had always wanted a baby sister, I didn't feel responsible or capable
enough to take care of her. At that age, I didn't have many responsibilities or priorities, and
school wasn't important to me. I had poor grades and often skipped school to stay at home.
However, I knew that taking care of my sister would help my mom, so I decided to learn. I
watched my mom feed, bathe, clothe, change, soothe, and put my sister to sleep for three months
before my mom started working. Eventually, it became a habit, and I was able to take care of a
baby without any help.
As I grew older and entered middle school, I became more mature and had my priorities
straight. My family and school came first. I started attending school more frequently and going
straight home to watch my sister. My mom and I took turns taking care of her, with me doing it
in the afternoon so my mom could work. This allowed me to excel both academically and in my
responsibilities. I improved my grades, averaging a GPA of 3.5, and became comfortable with
multitasking, especially when my parents were at work. When I needed to get things done, I
would put my sister to sleep or set up toys for her to play with.
As I reflect on my life, I can't help but acknowledge the profound impact my sister and
increasing responsibilities have had on my personal growth. The journey has been
transformative, and I have learned that having a clear sense of priorities is key to success. By
focusing my mind and energy on things that truly matter, I have been able to achieve more than I
ever thought possible. Even the challenges that once seemed impossible have become
opportunities for growth and development. Overall, this experience has taught me the importance
of dedication, commitment, and perseverance in pursuing our aspirations. Keeping this in mind
will allow me to continue to grow and will allow me to achieve more goals and future desires.

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