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took the liberty to summarize this lecture for the public, enjoy quarantine ladies and gents.
Four stages of subverting a society:

Stage 1 Demoralizing: Subversion, 15-20 years for the new generation to lose hope and
confidence for their public's opinions. (religion, educational system, social life,
administration, law enforcement system, labor, employer relation(economy)) Using a judo
metaphor to force a new way to collapse society (martial art tactic). Areas for Subversion
application: Religion: replace it with various sects, destroy it, ridicule it (slowly erode the
religious dogma), moving their attention to other faiths of what not. Education: distract them
from pragmatism, constructiveness, efficiency...instead of math, sciences, foreign language
they would teach them history of urban warfare, natural food, your sexuality etc (irrelevant or
less important topics) Social life: replace social life with social work life, instead of a social
society a social bureaucracy would be implemented Power structure: Monopolistic acts
through media mind rape. Labor relations: I own you, you will make me rich. law & order:Yuri
portrays through a standard Hollywood movie that we can see that the policeman would look
like a vicious aggressive human while the criminal who is a drug addict to be very humane.
------ Using the soviet strategy to project the idea of equality, when in fact equality seizes to

Stage 2 Destabilization: (letting the organisations/people/society to create chaos within),

"radicalization of human relations, no more compromise fight fight fight!") normalizing
radicalization, relation between teacher and student = fight! Economy: labors and employers
are further radicalized, no more acceptance of the workers demands. (Note: Japanese
workers are involved in decision making) Law & order: previously when people settle there
differences peacefully, now humans can't solve there problems they have to lead to court
cases over extraneous issues. "Society at large become antagonistic". Media: "opposition to
society at large"

------ Stage 3 Crisis: when everything we just spoke about cannot function anymore
productively. In this matter the population are looking for a savior, this is when artificial
bodies are injected within society for example: non elected committees, non elected leaders,
non elected authority etc Through two alternatives they inject the artificial bodies: civil war
and invasion. Lebanon is a prime example for a civil war injected by the force of PLO
(Palestinian Liberation Organization) Invasion you have Afghanistan or any eastern
European country as they were invaded by the soviet army.

------ Stage 4 Normalization: reversing the destabilization by force & eliminating all
revolutionists. reversal process is only done by the military.
------ Yuri's summarized solution: To prevent all these stages Yuri Bezmenov goes on about
not importing foreign ideology. Bring people back to religion and create an intelligent race of
moral agents of god. "Not to be a victim of subversion every individual must have a higher
power of spirit"

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