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ATIVIDADE AVALIATIVA 1º Bimestre Data: / /2023

Disciplina:Língua Inglesa Professor: Gustavo Vieira

Turma: 1° ano Turno: Valor: Pontos Obtidos:

1- Quando é usado o Past Continuous em inglês?

2- Observe nas frases abaixo os sujeitos em destaque.

1. The Monkey is in the tree.

2. Kate is a beautiful girl.

3. Robson and Pablo are brothers.

4. Tob is a intelligent boy.

A sequência que substitui corretamente o sujeito pelo pronome pessoal é:

a) He, She, He, She.

b) It, She, They, He.

c) They, She, He, It.

d) It, She, He,They.

3- TEXTO 1

Alfred Hitchcock___________ the “master of suspense”. He ________ A British film-maker. His

films _________frightening and the two famous films _________. “The Thirty-nine Steps” and
“Psycho”. He__________ eighty when he died.

As formas verbais que preenchem, respectivamente, as lacunas do texto com o passado do

verbo TO BE são:

a) was, was, were, was, was.

b) was, was, were, were, was.

c) were, was, were, was, was.

d) were, were, was, was, was.

4- Qual das alternativas abaixo completa corretamente essa frase?

“He .............. his homework.”

a) wasn’t doing

b) am doing

c) weren’t doing
d) were doing

5- Qual das alternativas abaixo completa corretamente essa frase?

“ When ………. to work, she met her boyfriend.

a) She were going

b) The girl were going

c) She was going

d) The girl was going

5- Qual alternativa do verbo no Past Progressive completa corretamente a frase:

“My parents ............... at home during the weekend.”?

a) was travel

b) was traveling

c) were working

d) was working

6- Qual é a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase “My father _______________ on the

a) was sleeping.
b) were sleeping.
c) were sleep.
d) was sleep.

7-Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente a frase “________ the boys ____________
TV an hour ago?

a) Was – watch.
b) Were – watch.
c) Was – watching.
d) Were – watching.

8- Qual é a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase “She _________________ a shower

when her cell phone ______________”?

a) was having – ringing.

b) was having – rang.
c) were having – rang.
d) were having – ringing.

9- Quais é a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase “While the teacher __________ the
subject,the students __________________”?
a) were explain – was talk.
b) was explain – were talk.
c) was explaining – were talking.
d) were explaining – was talking.

10- Qual é a forma negativa da frase “It was raining outside”?

a) It not was raining outside.

b) It was not raining outside.
c) It not wasn’t raining outside.
d) Not it was raining outside.

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