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Farzana : hi Fradhana, long time no see!

Fradhana : yeah, you right. How are you?

Farzana : I’m good

Fradhana : Farzana, have you ever had moments that make you feel excited?

Farzana : Of course, I have many exciting experience, either I just won a calligraphy competition at
Surakarta, and it’s province level!!!

Fradhana : wow that’s awesome, you did well Farzana! How did you get that award?

Farzana : thank you, I get the award with so much efforts, I try try try, practice hard, and of course I
always prayed to God, in the end, I can reach that award.

Fradhana : prayed to God is really important. Isn’t it?

Farzana : yeah, we’re nothing without our God.

Fradhana : so you are faced many people from all cities in Jawa Tengah? It’s amazing to reach the
first place!!!

Farzana : yes, they were really good, and Fradhana, how about your experience?

Fradhana : emm one of my exciting experience is when I was being goalkeeper in our school football

Farzana : ohh I remember about it, how could u did that? It makes our football team won the
competition right?
Fradhana : I was very nervous at that moment, I’m afraid that I can’t block the ball and make our team
lose. I really tried my best.

Farzana : wow, you did it very well!!!

Fradhana : in the end, we could won the penalty and we celebrated together for our hard work.

Farzana : yeah, you all really deserved it! It was very amazing competition, thank you for your hard

Fradhana : you too, you did well Farzana!!

Farzana : thank you, anyway I think i have to go, nice to meet you, see you next time Fradhana!

Fradhana : nice to meet you too, bye!

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