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One relationship which God instituted to express the unique nature of
His love is marriage. Marriage is meant to be enjoyed and not to be
endured. It is meant for oneness and not division .the bible says
therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall be one
flesh’ genesis 2; 24. What a unique union God made.
Why then are many lamenting in their marriage, why are women
crying bitterly about their husband not loving them, this is because
there are secrets behind a loving and lasting marital relationship which
they are yet to embrace .
This book is dedicated to God almighty who made it possible for the
knowledge to write this book, and to my lovely family.

A book like this is not the effort of one individual; hands were on the
desk to see to it that this book is in your hands now.













You must have a quality relationship with God before you have a
relationship with anyone.
Until you find God, don’t be in a relationship with anyone, make sure
you are in peace with God .relationship with God brings confidence in
Don’t fall in love with anyone until you have fallen in love with God
because Holy Ghost shows you things ahead, God is the only person
who cannot break your heart. He is not a man that breaks heart.
Knowing GOD before a relationship saves you from unnecessary
dangers that are ahead.
So find God and fall in love with Him. HE knows what is good and
perfect for you

Mathew 6; 33 say; seek he first the kingdom of God and His

righteousness and every other things will be added unto you, so you
must first seek Him.
GOD should not be an option in our life, he should be our totality, our
first, the author and finisher of our faith, the beginning and the ending.
We should involve Him in everything we do, he knows the end from the
beginning, once God is involve in our life and relationship, he saves us
from people who are cheats, liars, molesters.
Knowing God before being committed into any relationship leading to
marriage is the ultimate and saves us from dangers, divorce, death and
the plans of the enemy before time.
So make the choice of knowing God before knowing any man/woman
for a relationship, now is the right time to do that and enjoy your
marital bliss.



Knowledge is what keeps you in relationship, the knowledge you have

before a relationship and marriage is what keeps you in that
A great man of God said something and I quote, he said; you don’t
learn how pull the trigger of a gun in the midst of the battle, you learn
how to shoot before the battle begins, you don’t learn how to fight in
the battle field, you learn before the battle begins, the same is
applicable in relationship and in marriage, you must be adequately
prepared for it.
A relationship and marriage you don’t prepared for, even when it
comes, you will be confused. Matthew 19; 3, the crises in marriages
today is because a lot have not read.
Buy books on relationship and marriages, know more about sexuality,
how to make please your spouse and to make things to be right in right
Have knowledge on parenting, a lot of parents gave birth to children
that became their undoing because they neglect the place of parental
knowledge on the children.
Have knowledge on foods, learn how to cook, learn how to prepare
different kinds of dishes, be domesticated and be responsible.
Understand color combination, dress properly and don’t forget, you
addressed by the way you are dressed, avoid color riot.
Understand table manners, how to eat and also learn how to
communicate, be unique in your own ways, be teachable and avoid
pride, what destroys marriages now a days are little things that was
not managed, they grew and destroys partners
Understand the makeup of the opposite sex, you must understand that
men are logical while women are emotional, women love to talk while
men are not, men are moved by what they see while women are moved
what they hear, woman are controlled by what they hear, men are
controlled by what they see, women loves it when you tell them you love
them while men loves it when you are submissive to them, if you want
to paralyze a man in love, submit to him, if you want to paralyze in
love, then love her unconditionally. as lady be a chef, cook very well
and learn how to serve the food in a pleasing manner.
Don’t send nude pictures, your body is the temple of God ,so therefore
don’t defile it, both of you should do fertility test, so you don’t put your
partner in trouble.
You should understand that men need love to get sex while women need
sex to get love, say no to pre-marital sex.



You should be able to separate love from infatuation, love they say is
blind, if love is blind then marriage will open your eyes, be careful,
don’t be in a relationship because of what you can get from the person,
I know true love is sacrifice but it shouldn’t be a yardstick to be in love
with someone cause of your selfish interest or gain, don’t be in love or
in relationship with someone because of what they have.
Go for the content of the person because the content is off more
important than the container, don’t go for look, they can deceive, don’t
go for fame or wealth because even that fades away, people are not
what they wear, drive and say but people are what they think, as a man
thinks in his heart, so is he.
Don’t be in love with someone because of their status, be contented
with yourself and what you have ,build yourself to the point of maturity
,you can be matured in four category which are 1]spiritual maturity, be
spiritual, how to pray, fast and study the scripture, you can control and
rule your home through prayer, don’t neglect the place of prayer
because spirituality controls the physical
2] Mental maturity, build up yourself, read books and be
3] financial maturity; marriage is not an escape route from poverty, be
financially stable before getting married, both of you should work,
don’t be a liability to anybody, if you can’t work, make sure you have a
good skill that is paying you well.
4]physical maturity; don’t marry a fool ,marry a man or a woman you
will be proud off tomorrow because of their content, as a woman don’t
marry a man that depends on his parents, someone who cannot take
decisions by himself and for himself, don’t marry a mummy or daddy’s
boy, check the way he reasons. then as a man don’t marry a lady that
is worldly, don’t marry a lady who don’t have respect for anybody, any
lady who cant submit to you should not cross your heart to get
As people who are in a relationship, both of you should have someone
you listens to, and that can corrects both of you when you are wrong.
Life partner is stronger than a husband or wife, please marry your
friend, who knows everything about you and still stays because the
bible says; a friend loves at all time, friendship in relationship and
marriage is what sustains both of you in time of crisis.
Understand your weaknesses and work on them so they don’t ruin your
relationship and marriage. make yourself hard.


Proverb 31;30 says favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain but a woman
that feared the LORD, she shall be praised.
Your character is off more important than your beauty or your
handsomeness, as a woman you must understand that no man loves to
be talked back to, don’t be proud, if as a lady, the only thing you can
offer to your husband is sex you will turn your husband to a piece of
Be easy to say sorry to each other when you offend each other, as a man
or woman don’t have anger as an attitude, anyone who has anger issue
can’t have a good home, learn and study how to be quiet.
Character is what sustains your beauty; anyone in a relationship
should be a role model to his or her partner.
Real men do not bring down other men before a woman, as a man
avoid gossip, be diligence in business.
Don’t talk down a man, as a man learns how to control your food and
sexual appetite, have self control. Run away from what destroys kings.


Your assignment is your purpose in life, no one is born in life without a

purpose, you must understand that nobody succeeds in life without a
purpose, your purpose is what you were created in life for, it is your
reason of existence.
Don’t propose or accept a proposal from anyone without discovering
your purpose in life, you partner is in your purpose.
You don’t attract who you want but who you are, marry someone who
has the same assignment. You were not created for marriage but
marriage was created for you, don’t marry outside the will of God.
Remember; when the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is
inevitable, may God you in making your marital decision.
May you marry well.

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