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Week 3: Understanding Academic Text Performance Task Activity: Understanding Author's

Purpose and Perspective
Objective: To develop a deep understanding of an author's purpose and perspective in writing
academic texts.

1: The Persuasion Detectives • Task: Read a persuasive article or essay from a reputable
source. Identify the author's purpose and perspective. • Discuss how the author uses
language, facts, and arguments to persuade the audience.

2: The Informative Explorers • Task: Select an informative academic text or article. Analyze
the author's purpose and perspective in writing it. • Identify the key facts, evidence, and data
used by the author to inform the readers.

3: The Entertaining Storytellers • Task: Choose a fictional or narrative academic text that is
intended for entertainment. Determine the author's purpose and perspective in crafting the
story. • Examine how the author uses elements of fiction (e.g., characters, plot, setting) to
engage and entertain readers.

4: The Structural Analysts • Task: Take an academic text and perform structural analysis.
Focus on identifying root words, base words, prefixes, and suffixes. • Discuss how
understanding word structure can aid in comprehending the author's purpose and perspective.

5: The Cross-Cultural Perspective Seekers • Task: Read an academic text that presents a cross-
cultural perspective. Investigate how the author's background and experiences shape their
viewpoint. • Identify words or phrases that convey the author's feelings about the topic.

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