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Pertemuan: SKS : 2


Hari/ Tanggal SCIENTIFIC WRITING Waktu : 100’
NIM: 2191121001
LECTURER: Maam Maya Oktora, S.Pd., M.Hum.

1. How reseracher should write a literature review?
2. Why the thesis must be accompanied by literature review?
3. Explain the sub topics that exist in the chapter of Research Methodology!
4. Write a simple literature review in the following research title “Developing Animaker as
Teaching Media in Writing Descriptive Text”!
5. Write down the research method from the title of question number 4!

1. Literature review has the meaning: review of related literature (review of related literature). In
accordance with this meaning, a literature review functions as a literature review (research
reports, etc.) on related issues, not always identical with the problem area at hand but also
including those that are concurrent and related (collateral). The function of reviewing related
literature is fundamental in research, researchers know, recognize and understand previous
studies (which are closely related to the research topic), the more accountable the way in which
they examine the problems at hand. However, some authors (research proposals or papers)
consider the literature review to be an unimportant part so that it is written "as long as it exists"
or just to prove that the research (proposed) has never been done before. Proving the authenticity
of the research is actually only one of the several uses of a literature review. Another weakness
that is often encountered is in the preparation, structuring or organization of the literature review.
Many literature review writings are similar to book reviews (discussed book by book, without
any systematic linkage) or similar to bibliography (only mentioning who the author was and in
which library it was written, without discussing what was written). Writing a literature review is
not a process of summarizing every article that has been reviewed by a scholarly author. The
literature review is carried out by making a critical analysis of the relationship between journal
articles from the work of previous researchers, and their relationship with the researcher's own
research.The literature review can be written separately or as a separate article, or it can also be
used as a theoretical or rational framework for a study. A literature review is part of a research
proposal and is often a separate chapter in a thesis or dissertation. In general, the purpose of a
literature review is to critically analyze a section of a journal article through the process of
summarizing, classifying and comparing with previous research.

There are five steps in writing a literature review, which are as follows:
1. Recording: The researcher records all the data contained in the origin of the information,
for example: digest, author, year of publication, page, city where it was published, and
name of the publisher.

2. Summarizing: Researchers must understand the essence of the meaning of the contents of
the book or reading sources related to the research being conducted. Summarizing aims
to summarize the contents of a library.

3. Synthesize: The researcher combines and compares all the reading sources that have been
cited in the classification of relevant topics.
4. Analyzing in general: Researchers break down information into small parts with the aim
of showing a clear relationship between the parts. For example, an analysis of the
development of the research topic issues from time to time, important findings obtained
from previous research, data collection and data analysis techniques, important findings
from the research, and what distinguishes previous research from current research that
will be studied in terms of theory. , concept, methodology or empirical.

5. Analyzing sharply: The researcher evaluates critically the results of previous research
works as well as the work of the researchers themselves. Use strong arguments and
strong data support when criticizing constructively.

2. In writing a thesis, it is necessary to write a literature review because in a study, to critically

analyze sections of thesis through the process of summarizing, classifying and comparing with
previous research. an adequate literature review should as much as possible indicate differences
or deficiencies from the literature reviewed. Literature review can be interpreted as an
affirmation of the logical boundaries of research and as a guide for researchers to take into
account what is relevant and what is not relevant to be studied later in their research, or to what
extent the research will be carried out and the assumptions that underlie the research carried out.
Literature review is an indication of whether the text written by the researcher is analytical and
whether the arguments that the researcher builds in the text are very critical. One of the
difficulties in writing a literature review is how to balance properly and correctly between using
quotes from other people's work and comments or evaluations from researchers. The mistake
that often occurs is that the writer writes the library excessively without thinking critically about
whether the library is suitable for the theory and research topic.

3. Methodology research
About the methodology research used, and the reasons for using the chosen method.

Unit of Analysis
1) Research Subject That is about information about the research subject involved. The
technique used in determining the research subject is accompanied by the reasons the researcher
chooses the research subject.
2) Research Information
In research informants, it is almost the same as the subchapter above, which contains about
research informants, the relationship between informants and research subjects.
3) Research Location, The research locations that will be or where data collection has been
carried out, as well as the reasons the researcher chose the location.

4)Method of collecting data

About the methods used in data collection along with the reasons the researcher chose these

5) Data analysis technique

Contains the data analysis technique used based on the data obtained and based on the research

4.Review literature

Learning Media

The learning problem Is quite a complex problem because there are many factors influence it.
One of them is how deliver interesting learning and meaningful so that the learning objectives
can be achieved. Learning Media play an important role in the millennial era this. The
development of science technology quite fast, it can't be helped anymore its influence especially
on the world education. Therefore, the world of education in demand always and always adapt in
business improve the quality of education. Effort this quality improvement, one of which impact
on the teacher where the teacher must learn and master the use of media. The use of this media
can used to convey material the material studied by students, one of the material in the subject
English. In language subjects English, there are some skills that must be mastered by students,
namely, the ability reading, speaking skills, listening skills and abilities write.


Animaker is used as a tool to write a descriptive text. it is important for the students to be able
to write this text as it is the fundamental text type. In this study, the students are required to write
the text with a topic familiar to them. A familiar topic can minimize challenges in writing. This
helps the students to be more fluent in expressing their ideas using the language of description.
The researchers believe that the research participants can write the text on a topic close to their
life, culture, and experiences (Sasson, 2013). This closeness can encourage the students more
engaged in what they are writing about. In this research, the participants were asked to write
about one of their parents (mother or father). However, the use of DST as a writing media
creates another challenge in learning. Since students are aware of the internet, they should
effectively use it for various purposes, especially in learning and academic matters. Digital tools
provided for free or paid. To gain the maximum pleasure and benefits of digital tools, especially
those of DST, students should start using them. However, the external challenge comes when the
internet connection does not but support the students in using the online tools of digital
storytelling. A further challenge may come internally from the students, especially when they do
not have their computer and lack of ability to use digital tools. These problems somehow were
present during the research. Willingness to help others then is needed in learning to ensure that
everyone using the digital tools of storytelling can overcome the problems. A study mentions
that another thing needed to solve these challenges is by performing patience, flexibility, and

Descriptive text

Descriptive is an adjective which if student mean in Indonesian means description (image). If

asked to describe an object, it means must describe the object in question both in size, color, and
so on. For text-based learning, teachers hope it can liven up the atmosphere class so that
students are really stimulated to take lessons. Therefore text-based learning is oriented learning
students' ability to compose texts. Where the learning must be able directing students to
understand and produce texts both oral and written write in a variety of contexts. In order to
achieve that goal, it is very important for an English teacher to be able to develop media learning
that is used based on technological developments there is. Use of media in learning has several
advantages of saving in time, effort and cost . It means it can be used wherever and whenever
because no limited by space and time. By Therefore, the use of media becomes the best
alternative choice especially for teachers English in delivering material the lesson. Media as a
tool that can be used by teachers and students when encounter difficulties in the learning process

5. Methodology of Research

The research method has the definition as a strategy that used to implement the plan to the
research. The aim is to make the research becomes good related to the statement said that good
research design ensures that the data obtained will help more effectively answer further research
question. In this study, the authors use descriptive qualitative. It describe the phenomena that
occur in the use of media animaker in learning descriptive text. The author uses the observation
method in a class X SMAN 7 Medan as the subject and location of the research. After collecting
the data, the writer analyzes the data with an analysis based on the topic of the problem in this
study. After knowing the results of the data, the authors can conclude from the research
conducted and provide suggestions for the results of these studies.

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