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 Why is it important to get a good night’s sleep?

 What happens if you don’t get enough sleep or if your sleep is interrupted?
 What helps you to sleep well?
 What should you avoid doing if you want to sleep well?


 Sleep is a necessary function. View Source that lets your body and mind to rejuvenate,
waking you up refreshed and aware. A good night's sleep also helps the body stay
healthy and avoid ailments. The brain cannot function correctly if it does not get
adequate sleep.
 Sleep deprivation can make you irritable and moody, raise your risk of depression and
anxiety, and impair your ability to cope with stress and challenging emotions. Sleep
deprivation can also produce hallucinations and delirium in severe cases.
 Maintain a consistent sleep routine. Allow for no more than eight hours of sleep. Take
note of what you eat and drink. Don't sleep hungry or stuffed. Make your surroundings
relaxing. Limit your daytime naps. Make physical activity a part of your everyday routine.
Control your fears.
 Large meals, coffee, and alcohol should be avoided before going to bed. Get some
physical activity. Physical activity during the day can assist you in falling asleep more
readily at night.

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