You are on page 1of 4

piivatmu Irt^.

Our Qr ocer


Ort i. th^ Acbh

^ial to Foca PuM>-

Firmoof W Va, 16-An eaftei

ooourrvd at the Oaorge't Cnaik 0«~.
Mot a MlekU a» S a BaSvwr

Oii.w., Mav 14—Taa Boom mada

p'aMiid pr..paM ia nffit
rapp(y on
oa laH-

hubwa MTod fm portad killed.
Ohapel Street
POULTRY Ro. 30 Gomineroial St
Mbiiog at tha Stale Armory tmra.
m have bean ordaied
Albaiay at 8 p.oi.
laekrille, H B. Id-Hra Bear, twal- Steps a Killer.
BREEDERS Hot to Bwldwr Sii.1
lowed Fail, greaa oa Mooday. aad

Mr. Olarka'. to tha aliao labor law.

Just Arrived at
"TfaiMud UnMifur ■faia'*
Both afaU. appiovad aa iMtaamd
Mbaidy kotb. Franc. Oaaadiaa a LOOK!
A. R. Johqston&Go
«» h>T« told yoa of the »ar-
tUae t of oorOLOTHlirO- me'INiiiiMIlijlirStiir
HsMsf latmdto
wven yMTt in Iba
peoitaulUiy lor
having eommtMed rape on a marriml
Oartwright Mid
-fTrini aagattatton. '
b« held with Iba Fraaoh aBlboriida.
woemo ntidiag in the northern part MOriMQXK$l4jOOL
Union Mkdo Goods I ol tbia diatrietT
—Some Very Choice— Loodoe, lA-At the Bewaarkal hubu.
t«todMdthottl...»0«iho. ■ha. SIS.

Beef Meal t«w .uod. bud. of .Tuy w5Sa«lSrw?lt.^*hi^ie^3^ IM barber, both parMe. agrMuig liO^lKi ATtULSSl
nH. eot boy faua -OCTIB BRASna- vwMfoa. wu W..0 by Mr. WMt- awry effort .boold ba mada tod____ H^laekt iWRolarfl,
Uaitad Blata. irada to Cao^iaa ebaa-
•tmj mwdwooni .xwena—w. naU. MOTIMSArTSiH
tuiMt .fford to uk. tfa. 1. i* nipertad that »r Obarim Top­
-aOARBTTas- per elaand a bnodrad IlMwaaod dol- MOrfHGAVSSM.
Specially Selected Food TOBrSpriiif Bau!r^i.r lanyMtarday, aelUac hia .baraa ia
Albaey, U-The iollowiec atata.
For Young Chicks - - laat oa tha aitnatioo wa* ■'
S lb, an woal, UMLY S4.S0.
tbia 0030 by W B Maboo, MMBt. Boedaa aad Maafcaddn« _
• ' • Amalga
Also Dried Fruits: TIiee.D.8(»UCo.,lM 5?::‘d:r::r* in Toeoelp oa
China OiowtB------ ---
BADBartraa Fancy SMabcaffMs
OMh Olothtora the aitnat^,
Prunes, Plums, Peaches, and do not .m auytbiog
byr.«.Uioglon^i,^tbaeityol Al­
Apricots, Apples, Fis^s. | bany at tbi. tiwa.

Kellier’s Marmalade Cn«M of «hw Hetltoaigt QM^ Secretaries
Jams and Jelliel. “Delicious Dair)ties” 8pr«MloFM.Fa»._ '
bum SSjBO *a sasoa
Iron Becto
We pieced oar order for cenoed nweU for tU* ■miiDer’. truie
mittm. d th. two isr; _________
Blatkmilor VaaaoB*mbtaad.s. ad
opted jau at tb. etnn of tba Hvaaion:
Arrived Last Night I Vieloiia-
wUk U» OAJfADtAK PAOKINO CXX, o( Loodon, Oat, haoMW
we believed tbetr good, to be of raperior qiuUty to aiqrtliiag on (Ae ssasssa'totj'.jj
tbmhif bMB muiy n.twiiiil ro-
aad UM.;.
Bev. Tanaw; JamM Bay, Bav. SaU-

SLOW TRAVELLERS indeed having oc­
market. Thi. oompany received the Gold Medal at the Paria
Bxpodtion, 1900. and are undoubtedly “Pkrtioular Packen."

We Have In Stock:
oar organuaUon in Meontenea with iu

men iu mom-.. I bustoriM Laving goo.

Oowiebaa—^*. licblmar.

Cambetiaod—Itev. WilkinM ABpciampioMymaihad a. Wga eni

cupied over six weeks journeying from the out. Tb.y.demaod a «boor work
East. However at the prices we now ask day with tb. urn. pay tlmy oow g«i
for 10 hour.. Tb. patMro mak.r., J. a GOOD,
---------------- they should prove----------------- Lunch Beoon.......... .......... th* monldnt mud bUcksmittM will go —ehaOfoaaMa*—
Corned Lunch Beei. 36 and 36o out by UoDiUy. Th«r dvm.adv are Ah! Armwadml Cf .nib. Mr 4kr-

Quick « Sellers
as there is another shipment on the way.
Jellied Spring Chicken........ 90c B»wn.................................... 86c
aimilar to tboM ol tb. maebioot..
Ih. maoulaetorar. My tb.y will eloM
op their laotoriM bafor. grantiui
rrquMU of th* mM. ^
TMom., WMh. 16—A .poci.1 from
I q^eMi^y Bae^ PUtl!
PM. mni IMtnmm am gMaa Ml UA
5^ Mme tad M. <m yaar^l! ARAL

Jellied Young Turkey........30o

Oooou. Wadi, rapt’ ■ *

Ice Cream Freezers yMT old boy for wix trivial I
Thi.wonbd«d tha I
are also to hand.
W. T. Neddie & Co. dMply that ha atola from ibo rooi
Mcored a gna, aad .hot himM:i in I'.
beml. HmtriDg tb. nport, lb. f.tbvr
m ie HM abalt M arSamg.^
leal A Iron 0^ at thk pbMP a»
look Mdag. eMba al
Particular Grocers, baateowl to tb. wane, and M*iag hi.


MO writhing in tb. .gouy ol dMth,
b. piekwl up th. WMpon and U.w hw
own braio. oot.
dMd may Moatd aina, at Mvweal
Sloan are uill mMng aod only a
Ivw of tha bodia baa baaa broagbt
out od th. miaa. BxpdoaioB M»d
6pp. Flf* H*ll. Niooi St ^W. M.ILANQTON, ManaffSr Albany, 16—Th. Brat -tap <d milit­ by ligblad tomb oainad Id Om aiaa.
ary forom wa. lak.n .hortly .firr noon Iatbe.haii,aiidthair
today, wbao third Mgnal looipa, wbieb in a SSTwintnr^^fote^ da- Jldne an gathwed
ia Bouotrd.and d.ucbm.nt'ol mount-
Canadian Bani^ of Commerce wl polio, olearad tb. atreau aruond
ith of the aaia. woag-

That Cap Load s* — tLsa 'Sf'Jtis u.*.,i*-o. b_ .< o—

tb. Quail Biraat barn. Tb. crowd.
MEAD omea-Toaokra. •
______________ I bm-k . _
1* troop, down oo t6.m.
ue of loui block* wu olMrvJ aad _
ew piekal lioa MUb'i.hcd at it. ootv
word, rawed Mr*. Loaoiv, the i £ land.
Arrived two weeks ago, and we have made r nlpM. Thi. move it U uoderatood 8ao Fraoeb^ 16-lt W I
many happy posessors of light running, v;;;:::;”:;: »fc i. praliminary to »b. repairing of iioM
well finished vehicles of all descriptions. ^%o“oYo.“raxf“Sd.“........BVKWALKEkrdi.iriUM.B'^'** iu tb. vieiuily and Iba olearing away
ol wrMkwl oar* and obatroolion. oo iimta^y. Btoka. i. poa^aad a
kw* by th*
On Bte
th. Iraeka.
on ban all
FOREIGN CORRK8PONDKNT8. Albany, 16—Major Gan.ral Raw. tractingp
Chii».J.^. Indfa u. PhlUppOM Irtwdo-Chwund Buk ol IwiU. AnMnl Mid tbi. allmmoon; Tha company wlObtoaUadiatl
^Uenver, Ooi.. .-«ay lA_Mn. Martin
will be tully proMoIrd, U wa l••*a to Ewart, a widow, pioprietrM. of a laab-
Iba entir. (uard bore. ^ BUMBthbra Tee Is peaked le
-----ler.’ beadqnartvra thvra i.
Corn)-., ol Hvdar,, 1.1,1; Suio»l Buk ol Aottc.h.U. lod.; UiOoB Du, feeling developing, and it ia km wn
that a.nyof ib« me. are .im.d. At \mbaaador Choate, In the law offltn of I - ------- -
tb. barn, of the Trsetion Ooniptny
BvlDg. B.nk;DriwrtnKut. Int»rwt .Uob^ on d.po.h. of on. doll»<.nd thi. afternoon arrangemenl. were be-
PRESENT RATE 3 PER OENT. 3 acoommodai* SOO n
_______________________________________ 0»0. WILtuAMS. Kanaga 'ZZ
Sydney, C. B., Hay lA-About SO
Sr. FRED C. FISRER Jr. Arnold’s Opebestfa-^ Italian, left Sydney on Sunday for Lake
Ainaley, where they i __ ___ ^1.1___

To-morrow we will sell the

----- KaBSSOSS oh------
Pianoforte, Organ, Violin, Bran and or Tomnto
Famous Ironclad Shoes
Con«.rT.tury, TMchw ol Violin
Reed Instnimenta. -----When yoB See-----
Now Its Your Time MOOBRATB. tENVEDYsTBBBT Sl^anal^aii’s Steek of
Carriages. Carts, Bu gies, Wagons, or any At 80 cents, sises 6 to 7*.
Two double inoinn, auitablc for two g«n»- English Woreteda
special Vehicle you may require.
Uemen.inrluthng board-|60.0n. Also sin.

w. bav. BBqBt.tloo.bly th. moot modwn »ppli«BC« «.J im,trovemtnli of uiy Ckrri ge iiift-tf
F.etory in BrltUi ColBmbia.

Krunl Str

PhotographiT^lies og Hand.
m Engliali Serges
Irisfi Serges
Scotcii Tweeds
Sizes 8 ^ lOi for 85 cents.
-In these goods we have all lines.

UcfMtitJii (M tpitgnilf imir Tl'N. Rliek caq lie fined to iqii vellcie
The a B A VOQBL AIm See Hie $5.50 Tweed Faab, For Men’s Fine Shoes I?
Stanley Craig, NOTARY PUBLIC'
Commercial College
P. O. BoxS47.
Th.y .r. .11 lighL
The hart ya.
•nr wore ftw Uie mooty
Wa have three qmcial lioM a* SS.76, ragular priea S3.60 to SUia
la women’, rime, the |»i<M an all miBoad.
-^—Nanaimo Steam Carriage Works.----- Addnoa HoUlvWUMn'NAUlmo SnJdfoVlUuUM^'1h»^ Da Shanahan, Tailor. The Paterson Shoe Ca, Umtif.
■MMMiBMBiiiiiiiwawTni £. & ({. RAILWAY CO. all ABC

atmamm rMBUMmUn.
tmrn imam am Vmam rnwpi
Cif ATifci
■*— 2^?ir!iJSir!=ii!sbs'^rK^^
*^>»W WM
th^Uv w. I*
lMwra4 Uh rdsu^ l...
WmU tw*!^
^ widJa*..!. TIi« r»pr«MateU*a ul
ww Mianwa MX uI ——-—
tm appljr
mmt, «al7
^1, It
>, »h«
th« Civ|»*L?**^
.f«iMrtto •«Niv
City•*• ^tfbari, MT0«. ^..^.. MNitU
Stni at Reduced Prices
Bedneed Bates -TO-
•I Tbrottio Of ilni Prctiew at Osluiaw Jj Yto^iUmk. Jwfma xid K«* York,
b* Mitbi.b- inei ••<] lo mrnrnm ►> lb* *<•"»» •<» will oukt iiM irtp nmnaNure «
"“W rlMr CArto. b I Uwr« direXiM awl »iU
I »r*ch Kew Turk aboot Ma* 8)^ U T^OR the past week .aUva beaa giving Special liiM
1 of Ladiaa and aUdrrn’alElata at Pricaa that plaaaad arary
Lady »bo viaitad oar alora, aad tiirV"^ remark liaa
flotel FtratbeoD p^* ■*‘**^“ •“ w m.m.M
WAtm so OEM ^
Shawn Igan Lako.
Mr jJIarka laid ba bad baaa ia cn- »6-r>J aad Kaa^ iha
I?.»I^<ti«toai5Slh^Iilair£T!^»* ^ * Oo, baaksn^ ol aboal XkWM h^'
baaa, “H.« oui mieb apieadid hau be made for tha money T
Uatd lor'her i»ti» the ivtam rate oo Sea J. H. COCinN^
iaf*i« g doMttratt to rapr«---- -- We Can Oo It I d>y> to :4b*wui|{u Uk* aill a ------ KAIIAIBO UVEhY $

±"..n=?a’^2r. ------------ - •blp-aota u ol

o( gold ora .hioh
»hieh oexr^.
■ ary JarU- »»«. »*«• xaw. cwl today |o fita
aoaa ti<aa J««Tt laipc.aoBoieol ariik bard Ubor.
And Uiia Satarday and eomiog week oar pricat for Utyliah and
Up-todata Hilfiaaty wiiJ-be atiil lover.
$1.00 for Adults - B^SS^
iba AJbMy, 16-Tba Tnatiofa airika Don’t miaa thia cbanoe U> get a nice hat for the 21th of May.
*x*x ^
■ waawg X aooM aaaWa
ba.Mtowodto wed_ _ ___________ __ aarioaa ™
^prodoatiraoiao diaoidex

Wa hnaa tbam to aoit all agra.
tba oigl(|. Tha Oon
_ »•■!• BO iortbarlSbn to iparaith; ‘
Kwbl U qnita oaraorlooiakatapoira to tha liuaa,
daya latarral aod^ill taaiaio bin ioaeUTiiy aotil
a miliUfy {ore« eailod bf tb« 8tot« Leading Milliner. - - - - Nanaimo, B. 0. Old Loadoi, OedTotik l.„
proriaioB k* ia it. a poulioo to afford tba laliaal GEO L COURTNEY (Kor MadicUl r,rpo^,
aaaaa wbana upm labor protaetioo
. not U got ^r. __________ ^ Ti nlk* Mana^i 0\ URAUtiHT AT lat
■ ** 7“ ^ •>oa**tMag iotaraaU into o_„....„..
labor orgaaiaa^ but it bllad. aad tha brxeb U a. wida OLD : PLAj
Ml au HMlr naiolialtou tbara u a«ar. Tba Mtabliabnaot o( a mili-
**Mioo iZtoc2^i£“of*^.kiljil ‘b^ naiaignt,
ahortly before leal
^Sa^ woaa three ooupaoias ol
«h« TCTth Baftalioa were qmetly and
LAJ.fE’ig - -^nz
cteT-M H wada. t^Bwiopuy wu oroarao to Ihslrao-
lion power booM. one to the npper
town bam aad tba third lo the notib-
tra faara. The first detaehmant of
Ird Infaniry ol Brooklyn urimd
FaPDieF’s Alteotin
Ib. firet .WOappIkxr. X!1 rereirel^
era X 7:4* Ibia aioraiog. Thera
were 400 men noder U. OoL Brady,
* Msipl. Of .SUIT' ’N a > O.N s,,,

^ G IS T E R K O
M'l L’owlehui Sutioe, for if «tf,^, u
xd bNt ,o*r, ,uid cihibrud aim
Urn Hagtil iiM wSaa ba paraiiiWd
a. lakaka^^.^ Sitw. X
-------- Booth ardi tfaahfoi. who hare
haatBuibed tbeaonolaaioo lost tba
h.nol8t,.»rockUi. ao«»plib)« of
t*. aad than) i. r^^
reaaon ^
---- F..rfuMhx^Uc.Ur..Z8
o. BAzrrr,_________
Yoo.oril! be lolj tlut Rc,.dy-nuJe OAtor hmiul to
ratn^^abaXUi trip to Harri- Jahera ihx alierxiorM ara about to •Sohi Agont r SoUoa A Sea'.
Tador-aiadc Girmarts rcad>--to-wdar,
MBBl laaiM Iba Oaawa —ft*aa da- aari M a plaaa Igf a aeao to nan______
_____________ hia _____ M“ •» lb*
»b* dook w_».
whara the CbX- iri^ ^ JnsJ<Je of a garment ia AaR.HEYLAND. ’
sr a. 1
•» apardy Irtal belor*
yoalhand eoioy -a holiday. Grml Braal .“T-v
I are going or, an.-l tbaM
' “t'f *«:i
*W bak* placed,
plactd. iedioaw radieal
ooaeae»ad with ipars aad
Htotheyoi fc-iofaclocl:? A suit may look weU on the
aavbatw^ ^ce, hut it Liierier ia workmansh^ir it 'wffl soon be CLAIMS RKPOSTKD OB
" maka (be Har- *baoh hare baea bUoed hith-
t amwnL a bajwier Ooori sr •— oynaga wKBo-tt a peer in„ ar»o lor if-* **» • anort-oomioga.
- - ■ A- '■ W-Yntfag,
t«Mir JadpaOaM. Vb^tbaSag- NANAIMO nnd KASLO.___
W *iha a^Bb. bala
•11b daaMioaWy »aa,^
lb «x aJ ^ *OBB the apriag „ ___
,„,,i=i^ri^<fe aodunt<ibHi.y
the apria, to tba ^21;^“,:^ [ ’’’ -*^{»w..a.wa AB. »weat
uwwv shops
^lups and
ana has
nai trimmiQga
uiautttnn of
Maa^ W >daaMaaaaa *ab ta .4bar ••••I ■T r'pa, ■bare it ia oasd to fill •—a*»^. BALMORAL HOTEL
trrsT^.E^'K-s— thaapiaod ' na» kalba rar..etly hrilt <»•/*««» *««•«»« oay and night,
kbora^ T ia tanwatiH ia iniandad to London. I»-The Hewairkxatakaa
PBM wan kw rkekm an# 0..>

^i»"^i3?hr;x2:;:i’bVt wawiL.-; .*xhw.”is;hiwM

.who.h,,,,.B.,,,.„„«,. Sod.andAid.W.
We have been trie! and have stood the test A few This pioyrrly off* . a rij <uJnU^‘!^
years ago fauhded Tailor-made Garments in the Domin­
ion tnd to-^w, aftir the expenditure of time and money, OAIX AXD SakCONViaO] - ra«":v‘'£ir“
«■ mnm iUaB
naei! tiavs uaen
•*•"*1 rwMwaied, aod maey i«. we have achieved perfeeUonin the manufacture of TSlatw
nr*"*"*®** **HS**? ’■ nude aothmg ready-to-wear. .

■JifiWiai i»"»>»«»«iw«awh«ciMnbairrialt,
Haw York,

•imant,of Brookl^left IbVir

C^r registered Brand of TailoMnade Ganoeafe b
RoyaL"- None other genuine.
Wo. B. HHILTOTT Poor TbeDoxTa* for the year IM
•Miate M M lawM roxring in gr-* — - ^ duo and payebla. ()„ ami
►^aba,i.»b.|Oa»^ ^ mm,i Borlmeot. abwdy on daiy. PTEW PAY AIVP WIGHT the 22od invt, any dog foond m
the sireeU without a lag wUl be
MOnCB Md if ^ rwdai.
no oo* mere hx any defloila inlnrma.
non aa o Mr Morgan’s Iniore note-
nportaa* OettUMmen at Ottawa
la which Labor Takaa abaad
LFour Bit Qaarml Ooata tba
Ratepayers About $fioa
kindly r«tan tb. aua. t« Ur. l*itiaDdri|h-.
By order.
Tb* Toronto papara just to bsod "tno. Co^i
eoDUin report* of tba reeaot eoolar- Tha car. sgsiost Jimmy Jim. s plying in lb. ik^arj. n m, two comp,^ May Stb. 1901._________
[ualaioo Indiao. ebargtd nilh point-
>g a gon at tba poaimuix ol Qu.i **Ure O.'^T »-»TrKliDBIOH
uo, wilb iDI«oi to do iojory. .Sacri'ary
-jsniaaed Inal
1**1 *T*n^ “•
ol Judge Hrrriaoo
^mSTJTSSS to tba aoaaa ol dmaater. Tbo.
hu « bodim bare baaa reoorerad.
tun m Pakin,l$—Tha Foreigo Minister* — B«r.
---- - of lbs
---- U^rntoo
gramlul ibbi
grbotlal that tb«
Ibbi ii wgj dis-
tb* ooooirj
< ibould Cosnopolitiui MIBKE'J
w ral^awd to allM ihamarirM to be Cowmxtasl Ptreto. 7 ^ •■d «
Obobdb. Md N«a«Aiac. &,&
mflBl't raply in tht la-
dambHy damand.'----------------
4, boi Ibrra uf them with tba li 'b^r!^re..o. 1 of tb. ebarga. Judg.
Oonsunursp*^ «»n hmoA
^ klabxd^naoaxary to «KK.Itan ri"2:srs,“S'£rs?-s wbieh Hr.,
.W^BK__ ■■ -•-___ mi
<i»t Of tbolBiwwU Labor^V^
bad oarer exmeted the OUnaaa to ol Canada.^ MtDJ O’Bvnogbx. tb* ebarg*.
Harrison se^ly ’ taetored‘’ihe'o
lor bis lolly
r i
in •
bringing np
attossnoru-r tt o,


wtm mmm ^ Batertais- Agrat w fte ‘iririniii withoii
atm damanda nUhnni argn-
*®*Bl baaa $ljWajm-
3as»-“sirSJ!=:‘“- Honos.
•*»« “'‘i <i*** I *«i cot •wmf

. vo«mi»ee « oi
of aw
COO^I^ Wilb lb* OtUW.
labor Rre IbUrery to «ty xd dbtrict. :r*ti:r"'?.'SK5aAi5

k «n«n< xia k M*a baaa. IWe wtn ba mnSa. HxUeBoB Mtoe, April am, IQQI.
fM inad badjsa *?^^**» a*>l».Hi —* g^naWte rs- tbroi Iroat tha famgn oattoaia boid- men’s > in drfsox ol tb* workiog-
sy Of reek. FOR OAKES
. daxM aad a inaoW. The Pow^

eboold oot exact tb* ulmual oontlci*.

Mr ^pb 8. iih expreeeed biameU
e- rdially m t-Nw
ls*or Ol
of (n«
the oojsoM
objMl* ol
of tbe AND BREAD
that ash DHucioua
ABoibw said it would oot m.i»r IHieiiee sa tagardrd tue proicctloa of .-THAT 18
what Chiee xid. and ibet whaterer Notice rfirreara
^Sr.saa.’aa.iag AWwa tboaM derid. op.,o would
------- ------------* - erroioslly.
.^.n. nimaell x eatu__
TryJ«rom« Wilson
the Scotch Bakery.
with a ma)orily ol the Poww. wodJ
BWftber ------- -
voivmuu. in
. abUity to J«y.
a Bay : View • House ’’i2Z2^T *
-rr:r““-:=o’ Reaaarilie, IS—Tb* awe a Oneaa- New Bronswiek Load's Day 4el. with Usrinr lested the ebor* tmardinc houm IsBlt, to
Mrt re-fumbhed sod reJorSJd if I^u
boni'U.w ui, ihle-aMtrniug -*r Cal- a oeotDQuant **n*r.l eaJorae
a ii am b
S2-.aiJi lia bUixed Ibe eutira I.^, B. C., are paid xd
--------------- - ‘•il Uda eXa ol tba
PmaMsM. Oal, 16-FreMdanl
I«K^ aebedoted to leare tUn
SuoowafWAtHiwaa.' Uuca-Llver Pills ar-sr.iiiisuii'.rJ
wm — „ ». .
mnna are *n *«, who Imre re- ■ "V*""' *" Hooday erxl. li ia oot
tba bawag. nd war;* admira. noUbety, howarrr. he m.y mn.»io -At Home," i„ laciufa mx* a^^l
t?’hesdMi e McAOIEASON SuSrsr
ao^ w«*ka, until Mr*. UoKinWy is (ul eror beLi under tbe aasDiees of
lory rerijToiid from her itiorea. Dr.
BIxay d«;r.;» that the he m.: Jitlurb- ll*siOl.urch, tookpUoflw Tbe^etieod-
Iibrlaken ad bbalaers Miaare On-tlltoau Nc. R —“
aoo.ufgne.U wa. rery large, ihe rwfan-SJb-n IL.
T.*"** • pony «” *»“ beiny throogad all 0^. WOOD’S Hxla ~and\. WnXm..-V.tort.l
irtiurexl. rurel«l
aiMn b i« eoeon Mm.
New v^-k- i> .
York. IS-Am-m- .... _____ _
■B woo errited thi. morning oo xmna and amnsawian
Naaaioio Marble Works.^
—aa^ Oexoie Irona Li.crpool and
rf li! 24tli May Calebiatioo. :Pitmt Street,BP
|LedyRreera WUeoa.
T it. aiwl^HwI
sy.nn’.n'iyi';;,!’"-’-—"' Tenders for Privileges Monu^nts, tablets,
rr* not lb* waxfaar ibst’s M feolt.
imma, aieggsd with i 1 inn 1..HL'* »f thm City, will Cros^ If«n*Riiiki'
anrjSh'-.T'c&.’Ta laat# on Satordsy momiog far OUu-
:sr s.„'i7S
TbecdaeuI PrieaOar
Copings, etfr
■:2JSS larwts br*nfAnr
od tbrx wit-
-■ Tba ease hx
Friday next.
• UrganStookotmoUhed Moi
meatal work la Narblo. Red
aSSoan, or Grty Granite t
fcSeleet fhun.
TV* W H Bwtoa.Ql VWteria, rwaxeed
•• tb* OapilX oa abb mer»ag% trxu. -rw POPffLARm OF RendersoB, Preprietar.;,

Apollinaris mmm
W E Flawoiarlebwwat eew to ktba (rasonoai, nssor)
lafariaad oa Iblx morning’# boaV;
EttbnaUa FarBlabed for *U kind* of B
y*tS ‘w to^ V*oeoaaw.wtol*»rr "^-•meweri,
HwBakar.olMdtea i
dews hr tbb asurninit’k I MAPANE8E ™
«’KL-NORRIS, 8wreUre.

JlrMfl«rfiat*h*aP.R. boakfag
k etdob aito to NOTIOB. F/^CY 00008'.^
Timm, London.
d” , . too*odRBd8tar.bbdiia Haatborg- -AT-
SZi .ST fiawixe TraaaMfaatfa Btoawxbip P1BBSCREBJIS&LAC(


Nanaimo Free Press. -Notice
litipbrters and

Aid Hlokmsn OtaJioM to "ft—

Pros*” Beport.

Whdiesale Dealers in
l^^thata* t4.b-.amma-

hr Urn nndoreigowl (or. t

^ liqnor Kotama (or th.
Xij ISih, 1«01.
known a. Uw Windmir Hofol, aifoatod

Qroceriesg FtKE Pu«*!—.1 nntio. in
,«.Jii.*your report of tbe 0>onoU « Chnich Btnwt in the Oty of
Of><.«liuKtofti).13ih in t. yoti 19. imo, (rom Mewara. Ure.^
|wit mo n. calling Aid tiaruoa a liar. --—a to Sarali E. Boberts.

1 rniphaticalljr d.ny tin. Dnfod Nanaimo, kth May. 1901.
Jm niulri oijr reputation above that,
bill «lien you eou.lder tlie lata huiir
ul tbe nig hi sod the da led look ol tbe >^lnesi- „ H. Htawtuii, •
Bscoirar andor orxfor atmda in the
Hnpremo Court dl ICritiafa Culsmhia.
reporter, there I* little to wonder at
bie report. Now, sir, what i did aty
dafod 7th Fahmary, 1901.
Are tbe Largest Coal Producers on the Padfie Coasi..>i
wae: “It i< not Qtieomntoo for Aid.
Liquors-"0 J. H. Bupsos, Solicitor.

lU will gi.-e this I

Take Notioe that at tba i
Nanaimo Coal Southfield I
I Princlpally^or Qe. m>d Oeawnl 0o»i«le Pnrp,p«,

(Aid Hick.nad i» quite
a tra^o(th. liquor KasMa (or the
may be juit (loetiblo that tbe reporter
wataomewbaidaiBJ, but lortunataly
for the reporter'a repqU-ion,.it ee«
HUDSON BAY COMPANY, Ptwnwea known aa tbe Windaor
Hoti^ ailaatod on Chueh street, in

Bi ihin* more aerioua. Dased or tot,

._j rei«rl e of tbe itaM-
-V-IOTOHr^ B.O. ^ NmuOmo, btm 8«mh S.
naotol Aid Hickman,, 1which Dated Una »th Hay, 1901.
ano-ianlially at followe: Sara* & BoBBKa,
“He (Aid UiakmaD) bad par her attorney JoMpb Foot.
'■ tba audasily to acouae anyooe ofie" The above Coals are MlMd by tin He# Vsnooiiysr Goal Xwepaay onJj.
•ieg a liar, but Aid Ban
Af. !Ku JMai|y>airriniii,g SoUoitor (or the appBeent •V’TheOoeapaay's Wl
In Rtilifi and la 81^ ^ *
" hiring one nan' to work day and MOTICB TO CONTBACTOBS-
“Dtgbi,eio., etc.”
Iiiboald be noted that A'd IJiek-
S- .^OBi3iT©, &uo?ecciixtacuafeixt;
maii repeated the word audacity.wliiob
bad been naed a mioauorao Ufore TOHONTO TYPE FOUNDRY CO., Ltd.
The Man Who Can Ad­ BAJIAlI0 84W.IBi,^
by Aid WilaoD, ic lolareace 10 engag- QEALEDTEl
I ing two man ioatead ul ooe.
To place the matter squarely before
PAPEfl BA8S. I Su.-s„!r*i‘
I tbe pcblto, the Page I'Miaa leprodtioea
I tbe report of the miwiing of Way «ih,
I fcearine on tbe diapuic, AM. Uicli-
1 man. ChairmaooItti’Pire Vfardeoe,
Wholesale Paper Department, vertise Himself Into a sasBAHumrAfaMn^
being abaeot the It ire;
• A'd. Wilaoo 00 behalf of tb^ Fire
M arileua, atated that uuw that tbe
Foiinine is h Genius.
P--------- - laq«tor. V.eeoerer.
I Fire Hall wai in order, a'.d tbs 8re THE WISE -OHILDREN. I #Te do not lay claim to that Bdisonian
I team bad beau purchaeed, 11 waa high fi llidaw
AacMUntfel VC ihU good «kl myK
raoo to aot aa
during tbe i u'Si rf'
leqm or eeitifi^ ofde^t i quality, BUT we claim yon cannot do bet-
I andloaleepiiitbafire baUat oig! ■ • luuudui to pn.n..w. ........... _ to lcapreeeiil.ifthe
ter than try our LARD and SAUSAGR
“Aid Plauu aaked if It waa tbe
Uniioo of the Fire W'ardeoa k. ba.e
AttJ Hrtry tlrw U wHb H.Ulwg
Oil. gv’wn ItalU. •rrBfy «„d vUlsl *1^ wmu ■
• .ic.'.ird
I..1 h.|.y,-l..m-,1, i.eawoirityfortheJiL________
ntract which shall be fisrWted U th.
A HariAS, Freprieur
ne man working all day on the
f, aod on doty at the lire bsll all

"Aid WilaooI explained

ezplaii that the =“££’“■“ Cold Settles
Thet n rlrl. I. . mill day,
be returned to Ihcni apoa tl
H. AW Cltr^rket.....
on the Kidneys
laU aleep
p io
ie tbe fire hall,
hall. eo
be ready lor a eight alarm, lo I W. Isle ind wuBtr. Il^y l..n aa.___ _
AU aiHVf IW wlbeaw tklo; Tender, ‘illl not bo considered miksa
I paat tba oigbl alarm! bad oot aeerag< OA rwa h^^ll.liw a Ub w Urr.
I ed throe a year, the Ubiaf eoald ar­
I range (or
for him to bo re
relitTal onee la e
I wuile in tbe eveoiogi.
I Aid Baroee eoateoded that tbe
-Blalay D. lJuwkn la m. LoaW BaiwhUa.


Expoaoro lo cold and damp
pher. and lUdden changM

, atmoa-
. jlatb.wMU>-
I pore, of th. .kin and thia
waste matter which ahoutd
^jjwm or nay Uodre not necew

^ W. S. GORE,
I work required two meo, ooe to work lugh the akin back on th.
kidneys Th. .Sect upon tboM or»r-
I^utr Commlsaioecr of lan.1
New and Second Hand
|atday,aud Ibeotbor at uight. The bordenod organa fa what i. kaowa aa Victoria, B. C. I
I oity had oo right to ex peeI a mao "cold on the kidneyi." which nai ocmnl famriwhaala.ain orerhaaladiwl in good oewdi'Aia befm. karing tba obopi
"If has always arenird strengr to m
■ -7ork day aod eight.
.Id. WoCfoMbMa aaid tbe work
I taloly required two mao, one day and
“ooe night.
that the legal profewlon. which la one a
the foreniast of Ibe k araed profruhiRi

ictlT. line, aa can the medical, tor ie-

neya'are’^backacher^alnfuf an?a<___
NOTIOR Weaiiorii’s PertMt GoiUHtioii<«tto»-rkrtm,dtoehfomOm«|*,,Udh,h.rhl.ii"^^ “
Aid. WiUoo tald the mao would atauce.” aald a member of the lUstrlct d^slt. In th. orln.f*^mmodUt^r*OB
bar to a reporter. th* appearance of any of these Indlca- OUK OWN-at»40J»waprefcotfond,.|8rehof.reh„tag.«.h.r.
I bare to be o aotiro fireman, lor it
"A man came in my ofDe. the other
I would be bit duty to aao that tba lira
■ apparatus waa In order, end that the
day and hambK] me bb card, which b. ^'h2L-;“.?rd„ry?^i^r„^pjr,:.-*whi‘e”h w^y;
In a Burpiialngly short tim* Mt tl
Ooaoaar Bankaa kapt la a aak and Aktad to av whaaL
thra. iaitial lottara at the end
■ bydraou were more Ireqaeolly teaMd ^me. Be waa a eompounder kidneys and bowels to ordar and li
aure the return of health.
iiey.lMnb«at N|d (v^tirnd ^S^SSSS^SSSSSZ
■ than at prea ‘ drnga: not a drenrUl la tbe acDsa th . Dr. Chaaea Kldney-Urer PlBa ci
ha owned a drag .tore, tbongh he might ho abaolutaly relied upon as a cure f 2R- "WTEILTSOSBiT,
All NsrTOA
hare owni-d one. but be waa Ikrmied to
imt up preecrIpiUui and tlirref.iro en­ L’a'nT ''SSSir^"d'c5.‘rl5“^'u-T£‘, FRASEIR foTRCEX. “-rfoSir-^
I VaoypeopUuy they are “.ll nerriw.- titled to plac. certain dlitiactlre lettcra
I easily itarUed or opaai easily wnrri«i awl aricr fail I Dr. Chase’s Early Closing.
■nahHai.. targauaih
I uriUUxl. Uilfaeni’a Heart au.l Nerre Pilia
I ramady auoh paopla raqalrm
anting In n
aftiT hla
Kidney-Liver Canadian m wA. IDJL'TT
I They rsstot. parfact harmooy ol the iiarre letters ‘li. D..' which algnify that he la
as and girs aew narre force to shatter. a doctor of madicinc. aod tbe public by
coanaay and long flied and ertabliabi-d

Unn™ -------- .bat of the

**'''* ** *
_____ PUIs.
NOTIOB nahno, wai doae our eterei rrory arewtag
asroMOTB ,
Miodlul ol bia uoplemaant axp*ric„. _
To call a phyaiclaa 'Mr.'
ndi almo.i for a diacd. woold
UNSOINJ labor.
;y Only Union Made Shoe
W.her.bygl,e a.rtm. that w. intad at
^>^J^“tuag^ol tto^oon^ rf li— SOO PACIFIC. Union BrewBry Bottte .
era a year ago, when he twik tbe Am-
erioan bark Theobald in Cape Nnme
I with a general eargo and had to lie off
I tbe edge ol a huge ice flue
jetor a mnotb
iIlxhL rhyalciana are rcry tcrupuUma
applytnx their title, to one another,
I in a haapltal when half a duicti phy- \5OOT $H0£- Fastest uul fiest
Oaptelo Cameron baa deoidad to poal-
pooe hi. departure Irani this port to
Nome until early in Juna. The wea-
•Iriaaa are together tbe till. 'Dr.' I. ap­
plied ao often that It may bo scooped up

••Til'ia U a. It ahonld he. but none will

r.,.WSL5; “*'««•
par Gw WhIlAald.
Th* Patma «ha. Oo , UY.
Equipped ftaii ■ --.sawssr
I tber wbiab baa been very bad ao far
I tbif year io tbeas oomparatiraly lontb-
I ern latitodaa baa baeo aimply awful in
deny tliat tbe pn.f..Mlon of the law la not

learned and aa aoeirut aa that of mrd-
A lawy
UNiCN^^STAMPl Land Registry Act Kdsrenl h£^' ^ ”*"***“
Ifonriaa., B.G. MaySk 1901. Grossiigtke Commercial Hotel'
I tba onrlb, ao tljai there la eertaio t<
IN THE Jl.f noncE CoeliMBt.
IM lo aa-
facfoi^N? 88 duplicate uf.
Fire 5 Block
A lewuil of 925 win be peiA for n
rmallno m will lo ibe ooaviot______
. - - _____ / enllllrd
Fi t-claai Sleepen «aj all Tnixa I»ua ONXMOrm, Freprialar.
theista But a lawyer, until lie aacenda
tbe beorh. la alniple Ur..' Ilka any
r. Perklr.a I .aiher .li-Iite lo take iU who can neitfaar read nor write. Tourkt Ckn DaUy far St. Pud:
I yoer Inat daughter Bw.iy from yon.” 'Eren rolerluary aureeona aaaniiie fh.
Una oTk. T. PrrTBVKRIOH,
"Oh. that's all right. She U the Inst a of Dr..-' ctTlI encineora may plac* day of August 1|«
aoe, but I don't Intend to let her go a
_ emt cheaper than tbe other.. What aal-
the iDillala -C. K.' after their name.;
dentlata alao aaatime the tltl^ of 'Ur.' AY. wotrrroN, NOTIOB-
MM|diy and Satiirday for Tonqio
I tty do yon getT' and Uia Inlilala -li. I). R.;' itH^nlllng of Roins|-ar.GesMnl
1 udnlatet ta inaila ilUiinctWe by tbo pre­
Th. b«m«M of iha Bomcnet H<___ ,
VVallmgton Road, wilt bo carried oa aa
Tliiindtyhrl(oatrMJ amlBoslNi.
fix 'Ker..' and upon Iha coofetrlng of«o^i„h^
H.viag purcbaowl Ih. City Bakery I

[Flauefiiig of tiie Hear; certain degreea ibe recipient may to and

la aaluted aa 'Dr.' In abort, all of Ibe
artually Icartiiol profcaamna and loina
whol.wMiie7«tKAD AND™ASTRY*re
any part ol tho City and Ritmiaioa.
Sweet, Light and Attorney in Fact for J. R Ward. Por(uUp.rtionlar.a.toti«io r
•profcwalona' which are not Irerocd bw
For TyelYe Years. atow upon their Inrnoibera ad
0 Ihclr
•----------c. DOCILE. Hun kI
For Sale.
Aeret of Uod - Cwlar DiArlet.

People all over the universe

are troubled with fluttering,
h. legal prnfe«i.,n Is Itoclf to blame,
honl.l yenra and y.-ar» ago bare
aili.w.d B title »u. h n.. for riampir only.
■Jml*..' thmsim armm.l It the nfcgtiaiM-
Box 8T7
Oppoait# Smart's Baksir
Nanaimo, B. O.
BREAD Delivered by the
App JOHN LEACH, 8!) PreleMix 8tre*l
A a F. A,

Inx prolectl.m uf It... Inw, of which Itn Tenders

throbbing and palpitating ni.-ml»rs nr. tba ninki-n and renstrm-t- SuiU cl#'«nekl ami Pn-a»d H 5a Nanaimo Bakery~ a.Mt«»ed "L” Free Prere Offlee. will l« sadI«iHiOa.Ltd.'
FuiUdywl.............................. 3.50.
oereed up till May ISO,, for tlw i of Tbe Citizens or Tietoria
iSSf GeOe IVS. Smart
(iniir A minctli n of
Hearts. a«c it withiiui li.i mu- and ch*n«hcd7l lo a fire roomed oo N wra»t!a Tewn-
gi'oeral nn.r aa arnl.liiriy nn.l an 1 l»e an aflraiKaip* to
o have to |»ay eApreM t harm ■■attioolari at thin oftw. a» —iNvrra—
Causing sleeplessness, weak­ 'lent prnfv«ili lp|H-d suhjiTi Ul iii(i|«ctii)n
•jT* »f fliRtllicth'ti
Tbe GiUzeis of ifutiBo
ness, nervousness, faint and
iizzy spells.
D ftMiif*.:
I AN liioroiulily eo Ihit niitli
in eptirisMie pint' FOR SALE JlotelJJanaimo ROBERT KVaNB.
During my ahnnre from tho dty, mv
wife. U.ry jan. Ksines, holds my pow«- of
a-e B.C. Jaad^RZhlSr"
jiMjiHnr. AOil a iJ.rldt .l i.kk at^oey. J..RAINES.


A S^l h.p Engine and Boiler, si
Here is what one lady w Hotel ha. been comforl. Nanaimo. Ap.ll lOlli, 1001.
nI. and Ibe Hmiug K<nic
us: in atrio ly firet class ttylo. Hottwj and Lot for SaIa Viotorja eWat, Naaaima.;
Sault St* Marib, r aiitl meitc m-.rt- tU .TwUr I
(..'ml tp t .iiiwUla'rnl.!! I. - • tu* l lu r
$1 PpF Par apd Pf:waF(.'
Large lot with B-roonied hard finiih.
od Hnure, wiihootboildiogA roiiabl. AT VICTOBU Open Day anp Niplit
'’«« T. Milburm Co., Ltd.,
Jail. 9th, 1901.
,.. lor Boarding Houm., on Kennedy
Applyin J. Eaincaoii (
May 24 and 25 UmskjW.H^^^tha foal onU U

iSSi'....... .
Torooto, Out.
"I lake irrent plenaure in endorsinr
Tlir ftital .hilib'K FOR SALE
Palace HoteL.. NOTIOB I b’edii Pnmvn i( BitneUiv —JOHN BHARE.—
•'Mburn's Heart and Nerve I’ilU.
"•"s troubled for twolvo longr yearr :::::';vui..;vb.':d
lilt S. Bl.ick A A . ni th,. I
botwccii Vicloria l!..a.l im.iT‘ i . i QBO MOTTISHAW. Prop.
EOslnnsr Btiwot, Nanatmo
Apply to Wu —BUY TOUR— 1
m;7Sw leiurnliy hicau,!. itn. pruof
pruof boilding.
«'111 my heart Buttering. I also
''ft) nervout and could not sleep,
• Irted numerous
found them of little or no
remedies but
a^ laud, parlly cniti/a'ea right
lio.Kl eccosi.modau...; lur irinrim.i

• I'U-Uy un Uidale and I.

ramdm.l aod fwr
• rr. I be Bar i. lUiiRo I. Ocinr Diatrict,
perwMi lieairing to purehaac Uio nniue
ihould first apply Ui lli« uiidcraiffiied. Mul aMneic Koets ho
sun^umbr il CHAH BENNIE. D of lUnmiDAted Vi>‘WoJo7i7iiaKrooJ
“wr Milbuin’a Pills were good WlIiLIAH OEORO* WATTS Oeslar I)i trict. May lOih. 1901. ■ B lehan
atebea. y.eCt°^i^"lUnUrofioeti.. .to
Wllsen eSeMls are the
f'’'- my trouble eo procured Uo bewt money can buy,
I bo.\cs. Ohean Fstm From aU PolatA
I could not do my own work
•■rairlBW. JOSEPH BUSHFIELD ’;rs“Si.'K:.r ntcr A t CHA8 HAYWARD. H. CCTHBERT. Comox Road Nuiwy
Mr. Pranr m ...rrr Pm inch i 'nre^m^ee. to tbe rxo
I '-''ore I commenced taking them awkwnnl dm .\l!« I'.rk ...Carpenter and Builder... Mayor. Samelary —NAHanto—-
I ‘ oo'v 1 nm perfectly cured anil 111m Jrrkm—Oil. yim re ilolng fairly. la hoped that a grand N.rel aod Ui Illary
I cuiiuot recommend thorn toohi-hly."
Pi ami r! I re ••■en yon Jrrk Vlolorln Road, nut door Ploneo;
_________________________ _ FOR SALE Ra''-- < aW b. artangml far FwSah.
rie than ihli with other Laundry Offloa, Wanali
MRS. M. A. WYANT. ^gepair Work Pronptly i^ttended To. PsSucMare l^pJytt KMlTiL“wrLr'*u The best in the Market
FarMWnw^ Spencer’s Crescent Stoi
fen^ite* k own ro- Tampa aritb tba western auborb haa
bM». bat we wouM
- broken, aod tbe aieo bad lo wait
■w ierry boato wbiob w.m .u« 1
On to ntneat w
fUiieg. U»t when
tbe wmrt!^^got^^be*r'lhk^or^ i Ladies, the Talk of the Town Is Spencer’s
iUJuC4^'0-H4 - toy, and decided to oomoel tbe n»aao-,
Mj ndi mfortmiate ho nrrra lo bring tttWal !- •••■— •«
rMisaswManr SW

bear •r fer Ibe purpoee of bating Ibe
• Boed oooon them is bndye repaired imn ediauly.
M» pboe io town To ibia rod tw.> ibouutnd ntaiobed
;<> the uciuiin in ihe ciiy pro|»r and
wken is out be »up- IA0DB3 GRAND GB8SION.
lamandMl tbe amp)"ye.a to o-HOe ool.
Tuy were highly and by
InweMiirt gOOUmou had l-een witbilrawo
■MUOAoritbs OrsMl AeHs bi roin the Ueiury. Cifar loanu'aeior-
ef Mtractioa SsaFrsiudMo iTi will lose many tb< ussi.da »l dol-
■ateuu tobacco already prepirod ' '
sock jOwrtury

^ rr*D«M», Msjr 14—The arm'd tbe day*i work.
Aaris e< tnt PWcnsl Order of BasI. i
ast is Pioater HaII ihk fortnoon lor Dr. Jaedmi, immsgm of the Ueetaa Onti-
•bo rejoUr adcdaI aeniod. Atoot sl Can>|iaBy, will Isare fjr A harai today
fcrsn<mo*\'hioXrT^.Vi'fi, ITte^!
sm. Dr H * lJuk,a«ld. grsod
is in
|gAP8«r8 6A8HSTOIM atiusd sad dteretteo. ferred. Aaooc
tbs proaioaol MsoibCTt of ths Aerb

sn John K Shwh.o of Ms* Tork, Dr v«<~eei manenape paialar,------
■ - of- next weak • with-a amaU
ooHeetinofpidareaand efll U prepared
to gire a few lemaoa fai gaiatmg fn——«
danng ths waak. mlO-S.
-la Bans lUria,’
‘ Nr," -Brotbar BRIBFKMNTIOH.
Up-to-date Is our word, but the ladies ss
AfSoM BMShsr.'- -▲ T»s
rim Ksatnok-
Kratusk- F HoB young weol orer to Vaooou-
tr by the Joan ibie moroiog. ahead of anything: else in town for
FfeePrws. Traral by rail aod itaamer haa baaa
rrry Ught tbe pait lew days. STYLE, QUALITY and PRiCEa
tanoUhsassnsBy; Dm WiilisiM OmnddOTs Aivskl fi» MeooPmr
iSS^pilajl SaiU at C'aUwaU'i to aalaet from
Aontbar wietobed day for tba week­
ly half holiday. Tbs Clarita are eoo-
Las and BaiUs RsikHi. •oHng ttcn.selTM with Iba Iboughl
lalbsoiMiBgptsroflba eafacc-
iof V=^""b ?5«0 ’ ^lua that eren ibU eort of thing mnsteore-
ly baro ao end like all things aartbly. The many sales of high class Millinery made by tis this season, go to pr
■as*. Olais Hsaaor took Iba part U
-XsiN Msfa- ssd -La BaU. kU^" New Oofsohans ftam Nsas the above assertion. We want to tell you of another shipment of now and up to dai
Tbs Ufaatal
Aua Ufaatal'
BsOs lUtli. tbs rraaoh adrw- OAmpi-l'-Bannarma
laa Sir Hanry jk^ri«trectovMst>W
------------ •■Mkths«
----- ------—......ABB, rooaad aa an
*4^MjO, Mmr 11 rinsOii. ■
BMcodoraol lut
aiacnaiaaoi that wtnia
whila deiiitog
daahiogtoto iai-
—. Wallaae Strast Mtouou.n
goods just to hand, and as the season is already for advanced, we have decided 1
prom iba adfaaeoay of iba army, the
propouU tarialy incraastd tba exit!- Oboir praotics wiU be bald on Friday ipve you bargains such as you never dream of.
at -Mr Ost^- log hbrdsaa vitboot addioc ming instead of tonight,
Ni sad bit witti- d tt’aroer, of ib# Earn Orgao Co.,
SMsiaagood ba- Kdstoek, Cat, went over to Van-
Come in and inspect oar Millinery Department, you will find the time v
Mi4fc. s mmt^u, mm -«• leer tbU wtorniog.
Tire rallarfat of tba boost vara spent even if you only look over our display. And tlicu you want to see our n

“-rrissrEar tj: s-teK;;,-:; m

<-«7i NUW SBUS a an, MS osaos by Oaldaeli wiU attaod to yonr wasto U it
I aow sail yea want. lines for the little ones anyway. _
Marlboroogb and Manioia of 1*0#- Tbe 14tta of Hay Athletic Meeting
dovoa. aa wall at maor paaraatea and t 6 o’eloek tbie afUrnoon in lbs Ath-
wira (d tba i^bara of tba boots.
apfJlitioK, and MrJ&SSIIri^"
imit apparaotly failed to ex
_ .r,w|>uui>e oi^Mpe reoeiTou
Fxxx Pxais oSee, joat aa wa go to
axeita an- pram stoted that Joseph Bam-
id at tba
tos • ----- ------------- I
«Ntem> Mis k Ossr UaS
it mbs
baiyAOs. iagapaaob
fail off
»orAlll, wbo.Wlowini ia bit Nth- ------faf tba Hew , Vanaoover Coal
ar^ a^. estarad a atioof pr^tmt is Go’s wbarf. Ha was raaeoad ny tba
tba ballast
The Newest, Brightest and Most Up tibDate Goods '
of the bark Tbsobald. Bamiay

- ■ I! ^Cborobia uiarmH orarmd a deepdani

naialy got off with a good dock- -----------------
ymrBiaiivSait. ipraeaioD by ramfio*
Itotesiuo laadior Lord Bandotpb
4. ssHUa am sH WsthiiMt
• ri ■«MwiU tks •srisM
Cbntchill'a latter to tba Maraoia of
dalifbory on bU (Lord Basdolpb'i'
airaatioo, arteeo yaaia ago. atoi
ai^ tba naed of pobtNaSm^.
------- I'a Colic. Cbolara and
Spencer’s - Crescent - Stores
hjSbZ? aiMhi*bp.m.o.l5SI? ‘ * Uttered
------ 1 mMmt «ht lady cnatooer, aaeiiig tbe rnmady ex­
lirTTnuTlf^Tii III III III III m III Tin
MW4 SMlt-SMSSl ViataafB and sMaHy — Ligbt to «»m«.ura*for 'dIvo^‘ biiid d^M pos^ tor ask on my show oaae, aaid
j^lW. ■ idNtii vioda. SMslUad wkb araea Ibe day of bit Ulher'a latter, he to me: “I reallr baliere that madioiiia
saved my life tba past ennuDer while
wbatber tba popolatioe bad at the abore,' and aba bacama ao an-
Gardening Grant &
dooblad. or wttetiMr
uvarao, wbetbar the “
lonm of other n.lioM M dot^bM. iaatie over its mmts ..aaTOOlS
—mode np my mind to i
it in tba fetnin. BaoenUy gantle- I ttndsrtilieri and Fro
of tba piMt poHay arooU be a weak man cameI into my store son OYeroome |
aary and a oselaaaly atroag army. Ha with oclic pauH p thAtbe annk-at oooa i
d-dAMd blmmdf nmia to Mpp“t tto the Boor. Igavabimadoaeoftlus i
-------,„wOf. Ordaia by Talgjro^ pro-npdy 4
r Mr Brrdrtok'a raaolotlon « tba r^y which balpad him. I laptotad |
tbadaaeaodiBfi&an miiintaa hTlaA | W-H. MORTON, Bastion St.. Na
TbeHoasa liataoad is tepaasMas
ailaiMa to Mr. ObiuwbiU’s aioi|Met Rmbuiy A Ou., dniggiaU.
appesL Hkalylaot •peakiag?stBl
Ost MM or «hM Ostigli sr^sal. hot be baa tba^^ lodo-
Womaii's Auxiliary. 2:13ti.^U la Jobe Dothk
■■■■■ • V«M
" af »w aiak I-------- ----
to hayajahaa a Uxa-Liew
o'Aook, aad a feU
I Bu.t> at CbUticoUi
At Uonll
K57._.*?;.'iro.S4“£5,“«7 •OLI AOgTIT fOft FAXAtWO
a borarwi
tgripawfaia i.TyDOOMWO. ■n» Kmlncky TVottInt Horae Brvrd- T. ID. -Z-OT____
jra a.toHqtloa rlU bold tbeir nrrtbig -Union ClHkP Btorw-'>
Ott. 8 lo tS at Lrniuxton. Pigeon Found
— ' I ■ ' ■■ ■ ■» Mna mianieg, the i A Msw ****SllWlSS ---------- ■». noivani rora. luc
»’■£ new nrunr
■»».Pr«prirlor of WmiamaBloeb, app, Roy.1 |Wnk ri
n ton or SaaeWM •ba aadwafgaad ramoo. Stuoy Fori farm. U „U
- "7ln< to box CbarIrx Uerr, SHn.
B. V. Prw. Kltoi, o, Laa benahl
Jd WAS «Mad aa .tba naata Craamt, ^aUi-n Gold Ucv, 2:2311.
««lii-'o'n.Jd’Ucv, 2:2311...............
by UoW
ES-d IS Me asms leader 2:ur,i dam ly Law
The p«dn»
Larv IVa
IV.1„. 2^3. I WJlE/1 WE
WmaaarrylMM waash parin* marv Nelly Hammond.

•bita gardaoa. Tba drm U catering ARLINGTON HOTEL,

to the wbito trada of Nanaimo, wiab
MILOOYO. . . , pUwvtatov. |J

-agaaea is aaalSaitog bN tbaarlaa da ANarto prodaeta, and tbay bopa to
Cilin Htniur Goinpj To those who era able to
pay, it is limply bocauaa
=Si‘t£:c"t,i.S£S .. Jaoar^
of tto Arm are waU kaowa to all
a. awto fa crery way ONBWUK
Iba bast of a we wish to ododnet our t
htmoeasontliatimwaml :
Anitjri BBd Otuw
MswMeofeflpogM. aga will eoadool tbair boeineee on op- MONDAY, MAY 20.
L’tniuKHl datcB B« tmtiil Athletic Committee. ,b«0,pU.

- aasg^ to set a fiMiae mn a

rtiTtbe*"***' than,. rf_^y Rightly: CASHl]
aad latoi Mam hi, bare
HMsa, lor ihtir
bare lor tliair Bnt
Mias yiontne Newmaa, arbo haa
"U Mb Maria-
"Maaand UaaUt’' arblfb wUI to a '.wrti^’fOT I
cimHt. I»<;ing up to a fair
Wa trust in Iho future
baea a>'great
great toflbrar
anObter from maacalar WM. ttODLT. Chairman. that when we any NO
BrotbarAgabtUBcadur ruuiua in au aU II
ir, u ' of- r.
nvrk. '
gLt:-: aoiM an madly eatad
atbto. &ya caUmbarlain’a Fain
a tba oaly ramedy that allbrde
‘•A Xriia Kaataakian"
•'B-t tynaa-
radio, of T5
““‘bon fair ‘^Tlctona. 0Dsi3r’ [
run will take oo offetm.
Bemambar «* P-ya to trade
a7^ B-amly h.. harratiaf.
ief. Mas Newiiui »_______
Mi^Nawi^i. a mimh "David Crocket” Thar, will to a
aMyaamnaiat. maigaiamltla f^oetod rnaidaot of the village of “Foigat Ma Not” pBwrs will to oo tlw

rr-z 'ryuilas aaaf aataatm«c mda by Ony, M. aad makes tbisato(a.

kr the beoaBt of oahonaimiiariy NawSoaga, Daaora ssra»"V'Sn.ri'c'T S003LAX. - ID-AJSrOB3
U tba gCEKN-s HALL on tba night
U^itiasoa affltotad. This Imimantia for tola l4
B. Kmboty A Cot. druggiatA.
aad Speoialtba ia
raohplay, w^ojeorenca too uirnit'a omtoy ,, Lr,.
IR Filet, (ttishuttm]
24 .AJETID 26
by kTSabary A Qa, dntBP Tba Vaaeoovar lalaiid Sooiaty, ol aboaSaUatK-PbaharykO,
ViatorU. ba. dmiidad to wiod op. The
S-atP. " ahortaga of the lata Saaralary U not Thh quatsino riAHoa
tltoogb* to ba aa bMvy ai at Ont ra- ^a oaaa agaiost Jimmy Jim, .

«7iJ1fyX'i.v,vs-',!2o'i:rj CesraopoDtaa MARKEi Photo Specit

p-itad, AMuagfa tba audit ie oot yet A-balnu With Ga.B fb,
■ itod. C 8 Baxter ie now tba
Bwasa Maaaediai Chara* waa I

prwvtoas. ofJo^Hvrriaoo that it waa die. awxLATT, i®oa_ . I

^^ lap^taditotogl^y hm gramfui that tba eouotiy ebouM be ■.QOHNNBLI,. PHOPRJH-ro ,IUH».not«dl,lu»/.
pet to lbs expsnao of bnndrada t f "
IS bg MNt Paaay Jooaa. - « <d Ma OiAar to tbie Pnetoau Mrs. J a Ooakiu auotoraqa.rr.l.bool foar
^Pwato by Mr and kn Martiw- tbntly etodi ;a:-_
AuaamalU tmfl wusartaaito- Ittoai.
-J'bsdWJJom its. of tba evil--------------
------- » «< If,
to ospnad Ibto a wwmbar of saw
liBps kfll ba ktotiMsad 1a lAa Xaoto
"Blraa-vra.-Tbla b . ,r„ub|,. BEATS and VEOEIABIES Udies aboold wear (all walkblf <
InBauH pimpb m Ibv edge of tba toaw or evaobg ilraaa, aod F-
toar—III 4«riug the pm—gautoTT
Cbm. l’b-“‘r,'r'’“^“^‘“
Free Ibllymy to rity am) diatrbt
tbmaa may to takro to ItoT
of^ , »^J
MrJ HBiapH«.ppa.,.,
HBimi fa, ,h, Oablnots ftrom 92 00 0
, deboee. A btue re^ ia eoart oantad
rauBoant ef tba vita i
tcBla. Judge Harrb
FOR GAZES Brooks Photograpba*|
iv name of tloldro.Olnlni«C-fm and,brbad
' olTbl. P«ctloi."-Nolm ;that»wholb80hb .iJSro"4=“:£JSV;„
th« tcotehBiUtory.

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