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Sandalwood (Santalum album): Sandalwood is a highly valued and aromatic tree species

protected under various state laws due to its commercial exploitation and declining populations.
This type of species are very rare in now days. These trees were cut down in large number to which
made them to fall under the endangered species.

Red Sanders (Pterocarpus santalinus): Also known as red sandalwood, this species is protected
due to illegal logging and over-exploitation for its valuable heartwood.

Agarwood (Aquilaria spp.): Agarwood is protected due to its over-harvesting for its aromatic
resin, which is used in perfumes and incense.

Rhododendron (Rhododendron spp.): Certain species of Rhododendron are protected for their
ornamental value and ecological significance in the Himalayan region.

Pitcher Plant (Nepenthes spp.): Some species of pitcher plants found in India are protected due
to habitat loss and illegal collection.

Cycads (Cycas spp.): Cycads are ancient gymnosperms protected due to their rarity and
vulnerability to habitat destruction.

Orchids (Orchidaceae): Several orchid species are protected under state laws and CITES
(Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) due to over-collection and habitat

Khasi Pine (Pinus kesiya): Protected in some regions due to its importance in stabilizing soil and
preventing erosion.

Indian Sandalwood (Santalum album): This aromatic and valuable tree species is protected due
to over-exploitation for its heartwood.

Neem (Azadirachta indica): Neem is a culturally and economically significant tree in India, and
while it's not necessarily protected under specific laws, its importance is recognized, and
conservation efforts are in place.

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