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Electricity is essential in the food business for a

variety of reasons, contributing to the efficiency,
safety, and functionality of various processes. It is
a fundamental resource in the food business,
supporting various aspects of food processing,
safety, and customer service. It enhances
efficiency, ensures compliance with safety
regulations, and contributes to the overall success
of food-related establishments.

Water is a critical resource in the food business for

several reasons, playing a vital role in food
processing, preparation, sanitation, and overall
hygiene. It is a versatile and essential resource in the
food business, playing crucial roles in food
preparation, sanitation, hygiene, and various
industrial processes. It is integral to ensuring the
safety and quality of food products and the overall
cleanliness of food establishments.

The internet plays a crucial role in the modern

food business, providing numerous benefits that
contribute to efficiency, communication,
customer service, and overall business success.
It is a fundamental tool in the food business,
offering a wide range of capabilities that
enhance customer experience, streamline
operations, and contribute to the overall
success and competitiveness of food
Cooking gas, typically in the form of propane or natural
gas, is a crucial energy source in the food business. It is
an essential energy source in the food business due to
its efficiency, versatility, reliability, and cost-effectiveness.
It is a preferred choice for many commercial kitchens,
providing the necessary heat for various cooking
methods and contributing to the overall productivity of the
food preparation process.

A garbage collector or waste management

system is essential in the food business for
several reasons, all of which contribute to
maintaining a clean, safe, and hygienic
environment. This practices are essential in the
food business to ensure compliance with
regulations, maintain hygiene, control odors and
pests, create a positive environment, and
contribute to overall operational efficiency and
safety. It is a fundamental aspect of responsible
and sustainable business practices in the food

Bathroom essentials are important in the food business for

several reasons, primarily focused on providing a clean and
hygienic environment for both customers and employees. It
is essential in the food business to meet regulatory
requirements, promote hygiene, and enhance the overall
experience for customers and employees. Maintaining clean
and well-equipped restrooms reflects positively on the
business and contributes to a safe and comfortable

Machine Equipment Description No. Cost


Gas Stove
A gas stove for a food business is a
versatile and essential piece of
equipment used for cooking a variety 1 set ₱ 1,750.00
of dishes. It is a cooking appliance
that operates on natural gas or
propane and is commonly found in
commercial kitchens, restaurants,
food trucks, and other food service

Fujidenzo Freezer A commercial freezer is a vital piece

of equipment for food businesses,
providing a controlled environment to
store and preserve perishable goods
at low temperatures. Freezers are a 1 piece ₱ 18, 950. 00
critical tool in the preservation and
storage of food, providing numerous
benefits such as extended shelf life,
preservation of quality, cost savings,
and emergency preparedness.

Rice Cooker
A rice cooker is a versatile and
essential kitchen appliance for many
food businesses, especially those that
incorporate rice as a staple in their 1 piece ₱ 2, 490. 00
menu. A rice cooker in a food
business is significant, and it can
contribute to the overall efficiency,
consistency, and quality of the kitchen

Kitchen Supplies Description Prices No. Unit Total Cost

Peelers are designed to

Peeler quickly and efficiently
remove the outer skin or ₱ 35. 00 3 pieces ₱ 105. 00
peel from fruits and
vegetables. Peelers help
minimize food waste by
efficiently removing only the
outer layer of the peel,
leaving more of the edible
portion. This is important for
maximizing the yield of
ingredients and reducing
unnecessary disposal of
usable food.

Wooden Cutting Board The primary purpose of a

cutting board is for chopping
and cutting ingredients, it ₱ 100. 00 2 pieces ₱ 200. 00
provides a stable surface for
knives to cut through without
damaging countertops.
Using a cutting board helps
preserve the sharpness of
knives by providing a softer
surface than hard
countertops. This reduces
wear and tear on knife
blades, extending their

Knife Knives are used for slicing

through ingredients. It allow
the precise dicing and ₱ 55.00 2 pieces ₱110. 00
mincing of ingredients,
contributing to the texture
and presentation of dishes.

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