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Hannah: Our scene is set in the town of Verona, Where two families, both
dignified and respected have been fightingfor years. The younger members of
these families have carried on the war and things are getting worse.Among
these young rivals are the only children of the heads of the families. They are
destined to be star-crossed lovers, and our stage is set to tell their tale of
sadness, as only their deaths can end this awful war.


PARIS: Lord CAPULET I was wondering if you had thought anymore about
me wanting to marry your daughter.

CAPULET: My daughter is still very young, I’m not sure she is ready to be
married yet, give it a couple of years eh?

PARIS: I have seen younger girls than her be happily married!

CAPULET: Yeah but those marriages don’t always work out! Besides, I want
her to marry someone she can love, so take some time, see if she likes you and
we will see. Look, I’m having a fancy dress party tonight, why don’t you come?
You can spend some time with JULIET, and see how you get on?

(Enter CAPULET, with JULIET and others of his house, meeting the Guests
and Maskers)

CAPULET: Welcome all! We will have dancing and music tonight!

ROMEO: Who is that girl over there?

BENVOLIO: No idea!

ROMEO: She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen! She is brighter than a
flame, more precious than a diamond she makes all the other girls here look
so ugly! I can’t believe I thought I was in love before, Now I have seen her, I
know what true love is.

(Music plays, and they dance)

ROMEO: I know that I am not worthy to touch your hand but would you
dance with me?

JULIET: You shouldn’t be so hard on yourself. Of course I will dance with you.

NURSE: JULIET! Your Mother wants to speak to you!

JULIET: (leaves)

ROMEO: Who is her mother?

NURSE: Well, well! Her mother is Lady CAPULET.

ROMEO: She is a CAPULET? Oh no!

BENVOLIO: Let’s get out of here.

(Exit all but JULIET and NURSE)

JULIET: Come here quick! Who is that?

NURSE: I don’t know.

JULIET: Go ask his name.

NURSE: His name is ROMEO, and a MONTAGUE; the only son of your great

JULIET: My only love sprung from my only hate!

NURSE: What?!

JULIET: Oh nothing, forget I spoke. Come on, let’s go to bed

(Enter ROMEO)

ROMEO: How can I go home without seeing her again?

(He climbs the wall, and leaps down within it. Enter BENVOLIO and


MERCUTIO: I reckon he has gone home to bed. Oh ROMEO! ROMEO! You

miserable so and so! You pathetic, girly, love sick puppy!

BENVOLIO: Well, its pointless looking for him now if he heard you he will
just be annoyed! Come on lets go home!


(Enter ROMEO)

ROMEO: It’s alright for him to laugh! He has never been in love!
(JULIET appears above at a window)

ROMEO: Oh! Look! There is JULIET! She is like the sun. Oh she is my love! I
wish she knew how I felt. Her eyes are like stars. Should I speak to her? Look
she rests her hand on her face, I wish that I could stroke her cheek.

JULIET: Oh dear.

ROMEO: She speaks O, speak again, bright angel!

JULIET: O ROMEO, ROMEO! Why do you have to be a MONTAGUE? Leave

your family and change your name, and if you won’t just tell me you love me,
and I will no longer be a CAPULET!

ROMEO: Shall I listen more or shall I speak?

JULIET: It’s only your name that is my enemy if your name was Smith or Jones
you would still be that same wonderful, handsome ROMEO So please, change
your name and be mine forever.

ROMEO: I believe what you say is true, just let me be your love and I will
change my name!

JULIET: Who is there? Who is listening to me?!

ROMEO: I do not want to speak my name as you hate it so much.

JULIET: I have only heard you speak a few words before but I know your voice!

ROMEO! How did you get in here? If any of my family fined you they will kill

ROMEO: I climbed the walls, nothing could keep me away from you!

JULIET: But if they see you they will kill you!

ROMEO: I am more afraid that you will say you don’t love me than I am that
they will find me! Besides, it is so dark No-one will find me here. Tell me, did
you mean what I heard you say? Do you love me?

JULIET: I am so embarrassed that you heard what I said! Do you love me? No
wait, don’t answer, I think that you will say yes But I need to know if you really
mean it. Do you love me?

ROMEO: JULIET, I swear I love you and if you love me too then…

JULIET: No do not say anymore! This is all too sudden! My head is spinning! I
must go. When we see eachother again we will know if this is real. Good
night, good night!

ROMEO: Don’t go! Tell me you love me too.

JULIET: I already have!

NURSE: (calls within) JULIET!!

JULIET: Someone is coming! Good night my love!


JULIET: I’m coming!! Wait here, I will be back!


ROMEO: Is this all a dream? It is too good to be true!

(Re-enter JULIET)
JULIET: ROMEO, if you mean what you say then marry me tomorrow.

(Enter ROMEO)

ROMEO: Good morning, father.

FRIAR LAURENCE: Bless me! It is young ROMEO! You are up early, but
looking at you again, I wonder, have you even been to bed?

ROMEO: I have not been to bed Father.

FRIAR LAURENCE: Where have you been, then?

ROMEO: I have been at the CAPULET’s house, they had a party last night. I
met someone, we are in love and we need your help.

FRIAR LAURENCE: Who are you in love with now? I take it is not the same
girl as last week, the one who wasn’t interested?

ROMEO: No, not her, she is an ugly crow Compared to the one I love now. Her
name is JULIET, and she is the daughter of Lord CAPULET. She loves me too.
We want you to marry us today.

FRIAR LAURENCE: Holy Saint Francis! You only just met! You have been
crying over some other girl forweeks!

ROMEO: Don’t say that! JULIET loves me and I love her! So will you marry us?

FRIAR LAURENCE: Well, I think it is very quick, I hope that you won’t regret
this choice. But if you two get married it might stop the fighting between your
families. I will help you. Let’s go.

(Exit all except for Romeo)

(Enter Nurse)
NURSE: OH I am so CROSS! I can hardly remember why I am here! Oh yes!
My lady JULIET sent me to you.


NURSE: She has told me about your plans and I just want to say that if you
have changed your mind, or ifyou hurt her then you will have to answer to me!

ROMEO: I would never hurt her. Tell her that we are to be married at three
o’clock In Friar Lawrence’s church.

NURSE: Oh! She will be so happy!



BENVOLIO: Come on MERCUTIO, let's go home. There are CAPULET’s

everywhere we are going to get into a fight!

MERCUTIO: Don’t be such a wimp.

BENVOLIO: Oh thanks! Great, here come the CAPULET’s! I told you!

MERCUTIO: Oh let them come! I don’t care!

(Enter TYBALT: and others)

TYBALT: Alright lads? I want a word with you.

MERCUTIO: Just a word? Why not make it a word and a punch?

TYBALT: If you wind me up I will.


(He pushes TYBALT)

BENVOLIO: Cut it out! You remember what the King said he will kill anyone
he finds fighting in the streets!

TYBALT: MERCUTIO, I know you hang out with that idiot ROMEO, I
want him, not you.

MERCUTIO: Who are you calling an idiot? You should take a look in a mirror
if you want to see the realidiot around here!

(Enter ROMEO)

TYBALT: Well look who it is! ROMEO, you are a villain.

ROMEO: I am no villain! If you think that then you don’t know me at all.
Normally I would have you for calling me that but I have a good reason not to
fight you. So goodbye.

TYBALT: You coward! You have insulted my family by crashing our party.
Fight me!


MERCUTIO: What!? Are you going to let her get away with that? TYBALT, I
will fight you!

MERCUTIO: I will fight you, who do you think you are anyway? Stupid

TYBALT: Right, that’s it!

(They fight)

ROMEO: Stop! BENVOLIO help me!

(TYBALT under ROMEO's arm stabs MERCUTIO, and runs off with his

MERCUTIO: I am hurt, fetch a doctor!

ROMEO: Come on, it can’t be that bad?

MERCUTIO: Oh no it’s just a scratch but it is enough. I am done for. Why?

Why did you hold me back? It is your fault that I am hurt!

ROMEO: I thought I was doing the right thing.

MERCUTIO: Help me BENVOLIO! A curse on all CAPULETs and

MONTAGUEs! It is because of your stupid fighting that I am dying!


BENVOLIO: O ROMEO MERCUTIO's dead! And here comes TYBALT back


ROMEO: He has killed my friend! I can’t let him get away again!
(Re-enter TYBALT)

ROMEO: TYBALT! Brave MERCUTIO lies dead because of you, but his soul is
waiting above our heads either you or I must join him! Now, let us see who it
is to be!

(They fight and TYBALT falls)

BENVOLIO: ROMEO, get out of here! The King is coming!

ROMEO: What have I done?



KING: What has happened here?

BENVOLIO: TYBALT killed Mercutio, So ROMEO killed TYBALT.

LADY CAPULET: TYBALT, my cousin! King, I demand revenge!

PRINCESS: BENVOLIO, who began this fight?

BENVOLIO: TYBALT. He tried to fight ROMEO, But ROMEO said no.

TYBALT fought and killed MERCUTIO,and then came back again, looking
again for ROMEO. They fought and ROMEO killed him.

LADY CAPULET: He is a MONTAGUE! You can’t believe him! ROMEO killed

TYBALT! He must die!

KING: For ROMEO’s crime he will be exiled. Never again to return to Verona.


(Enter JULIET)

JULIET: I can’t wait until tonight, to see my ROMEO again. O, here comes my
NURSE. You look so upset! What has happened?

NURSE: Dead! Brave, good and true and now dead!

JULIET: What? Dead? My true love? We only got married today? Why? Why
did this happen? I can’t live without him!

NURSE: I wish that ROMEO were dead!

JULIET: What? I don’t understand! You just told me he WAS dead! Tell me
what is going on? Is my ROMEO dead or not?

NURSE: TYBALT is dead! He was killed, Killed by ROMEO and now ROMEO
is exiled, Never again to return to Verona!

JULIET: O No! How could such a handsome face hide a killer? Was I wrong
to love him?

NURSE: A curse on ROMEO!

JULIET: How dare you!

NURSE: How can you defend the man who killed your cousin?

JULIET: That man is my husband! And he is banished? Then will I never see
him again?

NURSE: I know that he is hiding at Friar Lawrence’s church. I will find him
and bring him to you. JULIET so we can say our last goodbyes.

(LADY CAPULET call from offstage)

LADY CAPULET: Daughter? Are you up?

JULIET: Is that my mother? She is up early! I wonder why?



JULIET: I am not well.

LADY CAPULET: Still weeping for TYBALT! Well, I suppose it shows how
much you loved her, but you mustcheer up!

JULIET: I will cry, for as long as I feel my terrible loss.

LADY CAPULET: Well, shall I tell you some wonderful, joyful news?

JULIET: I could do with some joyfulnews! What is it?

LADY CAPULET: Well, you are lucky to have a father who cares for you! He
has decided to cheer you up by arranging a day of joy, one that you will not
expect, and I had hardly dare hope would happen!

JULIET: Day of joy?

LADY CAPULET: Next Thursday morning, the young, rich and handsome
man, Lord PARIS! at Saint Peter's Church, Shall happily make you a joyful

JULIET: NO! By Saint Peter’s church! He will not make me a joyful bride! How
can you expect me to get married so fast!? I have hardly even met him! Tell my
father I will not marry PARIS! I will NEVER marryPARIS! I hate him!

FRIAR LAURENCE: Look sir, here is JULIET now.

(Enter JULIET)

PARIS: Hello! My lady and my wife!

JULIET: Not yet sir.

PARIS: On Thursday you will be!

JULIET: What must be shall be.

PARIS: Are you here to see Father Laurence?


PARIS: Will you tell him that you love me?

JULIET: If I do, I would rather say it when you are not here to listen.PARIS:
Then I will leave you!


JULIET: Oh shut the door! Tell me what to do! I can’t marry PARIS!

FRIAR LAURENCE: I know! I know! Things look so bad, but I do have an

idea. It is so risky though, and you will need to be very brave.
JULIET: I would rather jump of the highest bridge than marry PARIS! I would
rather be thrown into a pit of snakes!

FRIAR LAURENCE: OK then this is what we shall do. Go home, be very

cheerful and happy. Say that you have changed your mind and that you will
marry PARIS! Once you are in bed on Wednesday night and everyone has left
you, drink this. Your skin will grow pale and cold, you will not seem to
breathe. In the morning when they come to fetch you, they will think that you
are dead. They will carry you to your family’s tomb. After two days, you will
wake up, and I will send for ROMEO to be there when you do so that he can
take you away with him. Do you think that you are brave enough?

JULIET: Give it to me! I am not afraid!

FRIAR LAURENCE: Go then, do as I say. I will write to ROMEO!


(Enter JULIET and NURSE)

JULIET: Yes, that dress is lovely NURSE! Will you leave me on my own
tonight? I need some time to myself before my big day.


LADY CAPULET: Do you need my help?

JULIET: No mother, we have found a lovely dress. Why don’t you let the
NURSE look after you tonight for a change? I would like to be on my own for a
while, Tomorrow will be such a busy day. There must be somany things to get
ready, perhaps she could help?

LADY CAPULET: Good night JULIET! Sleep well!


JULIET: Goodbye. God knows when we shall meet again. I am so scared of

what I have to do now. What if the potion doesn’t work? Then I will end up
getting married tomorrow! Or even worse, what I wake up too early, Before
ROMEO has come to get me and I am in the grave surrounded with bones
And skulls and rats! No, I mustn’t think about it! ROMEO! I drink to you!

(She falls upon her bed)


LADY CAPULET: Come here and take these for the tables, and where is the
wedding cake?

NURSE: They are just finishing the icing now!

CAPULET: Hurry, hurry! It is nearly nine! PARIS will be here soon!

CAPULET: NURSE! Wife! Here is PARIS now! Go and get JULIET up, NURSE!
And get her dressed!

(Exit NURSE)

(Enter NURSE :)

NURSE: JULIET! JULIET! Oh bless her she is fast asleep! JULIET! JULIET! Oh
come on you lazy bones it is your wedding day, you should be up and about!
JULIET! JULIET! Why are you still dressed? JULIET!!!! Oh she is as cold as ice!
Oh she’s dead! She’s dead!! Oh Lady CAPULET! Lord CAPULET!!


LADY CAPULET: What’s all the noise?

NURSE: Oh no! Oh sad day!

LADY CAPULET: What is the matter?

NURSE: Look, look!

LADY CAPULET: Oh no! Oh no! My child! My life! Oh wake up! WAKE

UP! Oh NURSE! Call for help!


CAPULET: Come on where is JULIET! PARIS is waiting!

NURSE: She's dead! Oh sad day!LADY

CAPULET: She's dead, she's dead, and she’s dead!

CAPULET: Let me see her! No, no she is dead. Death lies on her lips like frost.


FRIAR LAURENCE: Is the bride ready to go to church?

CAPULET: She will go to church but not return! She is dead. Oh PARIS!
Death has stolen your wife!

PARIS: I have waited so long for today, and this is what it brings!

LADY CAPULET: Accursed, unhappy, wretched, hateful day! This is the worst
day of my life! I had only one child and now she is gone.

NURSE: Oh this truly is the worst day ever known!

FRIAR LAURENCE: Dry up your tears, she is in heaven now. Cover her in
flowers and take her to church.She will be laid to rest in your great

CAPULET: Cancel all the wedding plans and where there was light and joy
and color let there be black.


(Enter ROMEO)

ROMEO: I had a dream that I would get some good news today! A dream that
JULIET found me dead, but kissed me back to life!


ROMEO: Ah! News from Verona! Do you have letters for me? From Friar
Laurence? How is my Father?How is JULIET! As long as she is well I am

BENVOLIO: Oh ROMEO! JULIET is dead! I saw them bury her in CAPULET’s

tomb, and I came here at once to tell you!
ROMEO: NO! Get me a horse. I leave for Verona tonight.

BENVOLIO: Wait! You look like a madman!

ROMEO: I am fine. Have you no letters to me from the friar?

BENVOLIO: No, Romeo.

ROMEO: Never mind, just go and get the horses.


ROMEO: Well, JULIET! I will sleep next to you tonight. How shall I choose to
die? I think I can rememberan a pothecary who sells some potions that
I could use. I will go to him now.

(ROMEO: leaves and walks for a while then bangs on a door. Enter

APOTHECARY: Who calls so loud?

ROMEO: Come here. Do you know how to make a poison that will quickly
allow a man to end his life?

APOTHECARY: Such drugs I have; but the law Is death to anyone who sells

ROMEO: I can see that you are poor. I will give you a thousand pieces of
gold for a bottle of your drug.

APOTHECARY: It is only because I am so poor that I will agree. Take this and
put it in any drink you like. It will do the job.
ROMEO: There is your gold. Goodbye! Buy yourself some food. To me this is
heaven, not poison! I will useyou at JULIET’s grave.

(Enter PARIS)

PARIS: My sweet flower, my JULIET! I bring you flowers. I will come to your
grave and cry every night.

(Hears a sound)

PARIS: Someone’s coming!

(He hides)


ROMEO: Give me the crow bar so I can enter the tomb. Here is a letter for my
mother, Please deliver it in the morning. Now go away, I only want to see her
face again and take a ring from her finger, but I don’t want to be disturbed.

BENVOLIO: I will be gone, sir, and not trouble you.

ROMEO: Thank you, cousin. Now goodbye.

BENVOLIO: He looks wild, I’m afraid he will do something awful so I will

hide here and check if he is OK.


ROMEO: Now I will see my love.

(Opens the tomb)

PARIS: That’s ROMEO! He has come to harm the bodies of his CAPULET
enemies! STOP! You vile MONTAGUE! I arrest you in the name of the King!

ROMEO: You are a good man PARIS so I will give you a chance, I will enter
this grave and if you try to stopme then I will kill you. So go away!

PARIS: No! I arrest you!

ROMEO: You will not take me!

(They fight)

PARIS: O, I am killed!


PARIS: Please, please lie me with JULIET!


ROMEO: I will. Poor PARIS!

(Laying PARIS in the tomb)

ROMEO: Oh there is my love, my JULIET! You are still so beautiful, how can
that be? There is TYBALT! Wrapped in her shroud, I will make things right
TYBALT! Anduse the hand that killed you to finish my own life. JULIET! You
are still so lovely, I will stay with you here forever. Eyes, look for the last time.
Arms, take a last embrace. Lips, one final kiss. Here's to my love!


ROMEO: Oh these drugs are quick. So with a kiss I die.

(JULIET: wakes)

JULIET: Oh! I remember where I am! But where is my ROMEO! Here! And
PARIS too, both dead? What’s this? ROMEO has drunk poison! There is none
left to help me follow you! I will miss you. Maybe some ofthe mixture is still
on your lips? No. Someone is coming. I must be quick! Oh a dagger! So I die!

JULIET: Farewell my love, until heaven do us a part.

(Falls on ROMEO's body, and dies)

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