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Assignment Title: Designing an Enhanced Entity-Relationship Diagram (EERD) for a

University Course Management System

You have been tasked with designing a database system to manage courses, instructors, students, and
course enrollments for a university. The university has provided you with the following requirements and
1. Courses: The university offers various courses across different departments. Each course has a
unique course code, title, description, credit hours, and is taught during specific semesters. Some
courses may have prerequisites that students must complete before enrolling.
2. Instructors: Each course is taught by one or more instructors. Instructors have a unique ID,
name, email, and may teach multiple courses.
3. Students: The university has a student body with diverse backgrounds. Each student is assigned a
unique student ID, name, major, email, and date of enrollment.
4. Course Enrollments: Students can enroll in multiple courses each semester. For each
enrollment, the system should track the student's ID, the course code, semester, and grade
received (if applicable).
5. Departments: Courses are organized into different departments (e.g., Computer Science,
Mathematics, Physics). Each department has a unique department code, name, and description.
6. Prerequisites: Some courses have prerequisites that students must complete before enrolling.
Prerequisites can be other courses or combinations of courses.
Assignment Tasks:
1. Create an Enhanced Entity-Relationship Diagram (EERD) representing the entities,
relationships, and attributes based on the provided scenario. Utilize the enhanced features of
EERD, such as specialization/generalization, aggregation, and constraints.
2. Identify Entities and Attributes: List all entities involved in the system and their attributes. For
each entity, specify the primary key attribute.
3. Define Relationships: Identify and define relationships between entities. Include cardinality,
participation constraints, and any additional constraints or business rules implied by the scenario.
4. Enhanced Features: Incorporate enhanced features of EERD where applicable. This may
include specialization/generalization (e.g., instructor specialization), aggregation (e.g.,
department offering multiple courses), or other features as deemed appropriate.
1. A well-designed Enhanced Entity-Relationship Diagram (EERD) using appropriate notation and
symbols, incorporating all entities, relationships, and attributes.
2. A brief explanation or documentation accompanying the EERD, describing the entities, attributes,
relationships, enhanced features, and any additional constraints considered.
Submission Guidelines:
1. Submit the assignment as a digital document (PDF or image format) clearly displaying the EERD
diagram and accompanying documentation.
2. Ensure that all components of the EERD are clearly labeled and legible.

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