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Muscles of Lower Limb

Muscle Proximal Attachment Distal Attachment Innervation Main Action

Gluteal Region 1 (Abductors and Rotators of Thigh) M 564 N 478-9, 482-3
1 Gluteus maximus Ilium posterior to posterior gluteal Most fibers end in iliotibial tract, Inferior gluteal Extends thigh (especially
line which inserts into lateral condyle of nerve (L5, S1, S2) from flexed position)
Dorsal surface of sacrum and coccyx tibia Assists in its lateral rotation
Sacrotuberous ligament Some fibers insert on gluteal Steadies thigh
tuberosity Assists in rising from sitting
2 Gluteus medius External surface of ilium between Lateral surface of greater trochanter Abduct and medially rotate
anterior and posterior gluteal lines of femur thigh
3 Gluteus minimus External surface of ilium between Anterior surface of greater Keep pelvis level when
anterior and inferior gluteal lines trochanter of femur Superior gluteal ipsilateral limb is
nerve (L5, S1) weight-bearing and advance
4 Tensor fascia lata ASIS Iliotibial tract, which attaches to opposite (unsupported) side
Anterior part of iliac crest lateral condyle of tibia during its swing phase

Gluteal Region 2 (Rotators of Thigh) GOGOQP M 564, 549 N 478-9, 483, 489
5 Piriformis Anterior surface of sacrum Superomedial border of greater Branches of
Sacrotuberous ligament trochanter of femur anterior rami of
S1, S2 Laterally rotate extended
6 Superior gemellus Ischial spine thigh
Nerve to
obturator Abduct flexed thigh
7 Obturator internus Pelvic surface of obturator
Medial surface of greater trochanter internus (L5, S1) Steady femoral head in
membrane and surrounding bones
(trochanteric fossa) of femur acetabulum
8 Inferior gemellus Ischial tuberosity

Nerve to
9 Quadratus femoris Lateral border of ischial tuberosity Quadrate tubercle on quadratus
intertrochanteric crest of femur and femoris (L5, S1)
area inferior to it
Laterally rotates thigh
10 Obturator externus External surface of obturator Trochanteric fossa of femur Obturator nerve Steadies femoral head in
membrane and surrounding bones (L3, L4) acetabulum

Posterior Thigh (Hip Extensors and Knee Flexors) Hamstrings M 570 N 478-9, 482-3
11 Semitendinosus Medial surface of superior part of
tibia Extend thigh
12 Semimembranosus Posterior part of medial condyle of Tibial division of Flex leg
tibia sciatic nerve part Rotate it medially when knee
Ischial tuberosity
Reflected attachment forms oblique of tibia (L5, S1, is flexed
popliteal ligament (to lateral femoral S2) Extend trunk when thigh and
condyle) leg are flexed

13 Biceps femoris Long head: Long head: tibial

Ischial tuberosity division of sciatic Flexes leg
nerve (L5, S1, S2) Laterally rotates it when
Lateral side of head of fibula
Short head: Short head: knee is flexed
Tendon is split at this site by fibular
Lateral lip of linea aspera common fibular Extends thigh (e.g.
collateral ligament of knee
Lateral supracondylar line of femur division of sciatic accelerating mass during first
nerve (L5, S1, S2) step of gait)

Anterior Thigh 1 (Hip Flexors) M 546 N 478-9, 480, 484

14 Psoas major Sides of T12-L5 vertebrae and discs Lesser trochanter of femur Anterior rami of
between them lumbar nerves
Transverse processes of all lumbar (L1, L2, L3) Flexing thigh at hip joint
vertebrae Stabilizing hip joint

15 Psoas minor Sides of T12-L1 vertebrae Pectineal line Anterior rami of

Intervertebral discs Iliopectineal eminence via lumbar nerves
iliopectineal arch (L1, L2)

16 Iliacus Iliac crest Tendon of psoas major, lesser Femoral nerve

Iliac fossa trochanter, and femur distal to it (L2, L3)
Ala of sacrum
Anterior sacroiliac ligaments
Fig. 1 Saggital section (Netter, 2010)
17 Sartorius ASIS and superior part of notch Medial surface of tibia just Femoral nerve Flexes, abducts, and laterally
inferior to it inferomedial to tibial tuberosity (L2, L3) rotates thigh at hip joint
Flexes leg at knee joint
Medially rotating leg when
knee is flexed
Anterior Thigh 2 (Knee Extensors) Quadriceps Femoris M 547, G 562 N 478-9, 480-1
18 Rectus femoris AIIS Via common tendinous (quadriceps
Ilium (superior to acetabulum) tendon) and independent
19 Vastus lateralis Greater trochanter attachments to base of patella; Extend leg at knee joint
Lateral lip of linea aspera of femur indirectly via patellar ligament to
20 Vastus medialis Intertrochanteric line tibial tuberosity; Rectus femoris also steadies
Medial lip of linea aspera of femur Medial and lateral vasti also attach to Femoral nerve hip joint and helps iliopsoas
21 Vastus intermedius Upper two-thirds of anterior and tibia and patella via aponeuroses (L2, L3, L4) flex thigh
lateral surfaces of shaft of femur (medial and lateral patellar
Articularis genus Anterior surface of distal femur just Suprapatellar bursa associated with Pull the bursa away from the
inferior to the origin of vastus the knee joint knee joint during extension
Medial Thigh (Adductors of Thigh) M 546, 549 N 478-9, 480-1
22 Gracilis Body and inferior ramus of pubis Superior part of medial surface of Obturator nerve Adducts thigh
tibia (L2, L3) Flexes leg
Helps rotate leg medially
23 Pectineus Superior ramus of pubis Pectineal line of femur, just inferior Femoral nerve Adducts and flexes thigh
to lesser trochanter (L2, L3); may Assists with medial rotation
receive a branch of thigh
from obturator
24 Adductor longus Body of pubis inferior to pubic crest Middle third of linea aspera of femur Obturator nerve, Adducts thigh
branch of,
25 Adductor brevis Body and inferior ramus of pubis Pectineal line and proximal part of anterior division Adducts thigh
linea aspera of femur (L2, L3, L4) To some extent flexes it
26 Adductor magnus Adductor part: Adductor part: Adductor part: Adducts thigh
Inferior ramus of pubis Gluteal tuberosity obturator nerve
Ramus of ischium Linea aspera (L2, L3, L4), Adductor part:
Medial supracondylar line branches of Flexes thigh
posterior division
Hamstring part: Hamstring part: Hamstring part: Hamstring part:
Ischial tuberosity Adductor tubercle of femur tibial part of Extends thigh
sciatic nerve (L4)
Posterior Compartment of Leg (Superficial) M 597 N 479, 503-5
27 Gastrocnemius Lateral head:
Lateral aspect of lateral condyle of
femur Plantarflexes foot when knee
joint is extended
Medial head: Raises heel during walking
Popliteal surface of femur; Flexes leg at knee joint
Superior to medial condyle

28 Soleus Posterior aspect of head and Posterior surface of calcaneus via Tibial nerve Plantarflexes foot
superior quarter of posterior surface calcaneal tendon (S1, S2) independent of position of
of fibula knee
Soleal line and middle third of medial Steadies leg on foot
border of tibia
Tendinous arch extending between
the bony attachments
29 Plantaris Inferior end of lateral supracondylar Weakly assists gastrocnemius
line of femur in plantarflexing foot &
Oblique popliteal ligament flexing knee
Posterior Compartment of Leg (Deep) M 598 N 479, 503, 506
30 Popliteus Lateral surface of lateral condyle of Posterior surface of tibia, superior to Tibial nerve Weakly flexes knee
femur soleal line (L4, L5, S1) Unlocks it by laterally
Lateral meniscus rotating femur 5° on fixed
Medially rotates tibia of
unplanted limb
31 Tibialis posterior Interosseous membrane; posterior Tuberosity of navicular Tibial nerve Plantarflexes ankle
surface of tibia inferior to soleal line; Cuneiform (L4, L5) Inverts foot
posterior surface of fibula Cuboid Supports medial longitudinal
Sustentaculum tali of calcaneus arch of foot during walking
Bases of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th

32 Flexor digitorum Medial part of posterior surface of Bases of distal phalanges of lateral Flexes lateral four digits
longus tibia inferior to soleal line four digits Plantarflexes ankle
By a broad tendon to fibula Supports longitudinal arches
of foot
33 Flexor hallucis Inferior two thirds of posterior Flexes great toe at all joints
Tibial nerve
longus surface of fibula Weakly plantarflexes ankle
(S2, S3)
Inferior part of interosseous Supports medial longitudinal
membrane arch of foot
Anterior Compartment of Leg M 591 N 503, 507-9
34 Tibialis anterior Lateral condyle Medial and inferior surfaces of Dorsiflexes ankle
Superior half of lateral surface of medial cuneiform Inverts foot
tibia Base of 1st metatarsal
Interosseous membrane
35 Extensor digitorum Lateral condyle of tibia Middle and distal phalanges of Extends lateral four digits
longus Superior three quarters of medial lateral four digits Dorsiflexes ankle
surface of fibula Deep fibular
Interosseous membrane nerve (L4, L5)
36 Extensor hallucis Middle part of anterior surface of Dorsal base of distal phalanx of great Extends great toe
longus fibula toe (hallux) Dorsiflexes ankle
Interosseous membrane
37 Fibularis tertius Inferior third of anterior surface of Dorsum of base of 5th metatarsal Dorsiflexes ankle
fibula Aids in eversion of foot
Interosseous membrane
Lateral Compartment of Leg M 591 N 503, 507-9
38 Fibularis longus Head and superior two thirds of Base of 1st metatarsal
lateral surface of fibula Medial cuneiform Superficial fibular Everts foot
39 Fibularis brevis Inferior two thirds of lateral surface Dorsal lateral surface of tuberosity of nerve (L5, S1, S2) Plantarflexes ankle weakly
of fibula 5th metatarsal
1st Layer of Sole M 612 N 521-3
40 Abductor hallucis Medial tubercle of tuberosity of Medial side of base of 1st proximal Medial plantar Abducts
calcaneus phalanx nerve (S2, S3) Flexes 1st digit (great toe,
Flexor retinaculum hallux)
Plantar aponeurosis
41 Flexor digitorum Medial tubercle of tuberosity of Both sides of middle phalanges of Medial plantar Flexes lateral four digits
brevis calcaneus lateral four digits nerve (S2, S3)
Plantar aponeurosis
Intermuscular septa
42 Abductor digiti Medial and lateral tubercles of Lateral side of base of 5th proximal Lateral plantar Abducts
minimi tuberosity of calcaneus phalanx nerve (S2, S3) Flexes little toe (5th digit)
Plantar aponeurosis
Intermuscular septa
2nd Layer of Sole M 612 N 521-3
43 Quadratus plantae Medial surface and lateral margin of Posterolateral margin of tendon of Lateral plantar Assists flexor digitorum
plantar surface of calcaneus flexor digitorum longus nerve (S2, S3) longus in flexing lateral four
44 Lumbricals Tendons of flexor digitorum longus Medial aspect of expansion over Medial one: Flex 2nd – 5th proximal
lateral four digits medial plantar phalanges
nerve (S2, S3) Extend middle and distal
Lateral three: phalanges of 2nd – 5th digits
lateral plantar
nerve (S2, S3)
3rd Layer of Sole M 612, S 438, 461 N 521-3
45 Flexor hallucis Medial plantar surfaces of cuboid Both sides of base of proximal Medial plantar Flexes proximal phalanx of
brevis Lateral cuneiforms phalanx of 1st digit nerve (S2, S3) 1st digit
46 Adductor hallucis Oblique head: bases of metatarsals
2-4 Deep branch of Adduct 1st digit
Tendons of both heads attach to
lateral plantar Assists in transverse arch of
Transverse head: plantar ligaments lateral base of 1st proximal phalanx
nerve (S2, S3) foot by metatarsals medially
of metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joints
47 Flexor digit minimi Base of 5th metatarsal Base of 5th proximal phalanx Superficial branch Flexes proximal phalanx of
brevis of lateral plantar 5th digit
nerve (S2, S3)
48 Opponens digiti Long plantar ligament Lateral side of head of 5th metatarsal Lateral plantar Pulls the 5th metatarsal
minimi Plantar tendon sheath of the fibularis nerve (S1, S2) slightly in the plantar and
(Schuenke, 2010) longus medial direction
4th Layer of Sole M 613 N 524-5
49 Plantar interossei Medial bases of metatarsals 3-5 Medial sides of bases of proximal Lateral plantar Adduct digits (3-5) and flex
(3 muscles) phalanges of 3rd-5th digits nerve (S2, S3) metatarsophalangeal joints
50 Dorsal interossei Adjacent sides of metatarsals 1-5 1st: medial side of proximal phalanx 2nd-4th
(4 muscles) of 2nd digit Abduct digits (2-4)
Lateral plantar Flex metatarsophalangeal
2nd-4th: lateral sides of 2nd-4th
nerve (S2, S3) joints
Adduct 1st digit
Despite individual actions, the primary function of the intrinsic muscles of the sole of the foot is to resist flattening or maintain the arch of the foot.
Dorsum of Foot M 614 N 518
51 Extensor digitorum Long extensor tendons of four Aids the extensor digitorum
brevis medial digits (toes 2-4) longus in extending the four
medial toes at the
Calcaneus (floor of tarsal sinus)
Deep fibular metatarsophalangeal and
Interosseous talocalcaneal ligament
nerve (L5 or S1, interphalangeal joints
Stem of inferior extensor
52 Extensor hallucis Dorsal base of proximal phalanx of or both) Aids the extensor hallucis
brevis great toe (digit 1) longus in extending the great
toe at the
metatarsophalangeal joint
Trunk Muscles

Muscle Proximal Attachment Distal Attachment Innervation Main Action

Superficial Layer of Intrinsic Back Muscles
53 Splenius Nuchal ligament Splenius capitis: fibers run Posterior rami of Acting alone:
Spinous processes of C7-T3 or T4 superolaterally to mastoid spinal nerves Laterally flex neck and rotate head
vertebrae process of temporal bone and to side of active muscles
lateral third of superior nuchal
line of occipital bone Acting together:
Splenius cervicis: tubercles of Extend head and neck
transverse processes of C1-C3 or
C4 vertebrae

Intermediate Layer of Intrinsic Back Muscles (Erector Spinae)

54 Iliocostalis Iliocostalis:
Cervicis, thoracis, lumborum;
Fibers run superiorly to angles of
lower ribs and cervical transverse
55 Longissimus Longissimus:
Arises by a broad tendon from: Capitis, cervicis, thoracis; Acting bilaterally:
Posterior part of iliac crest, Fibers run superiorly to ribs Extend vertebral column and head
Posterior surface of sacrum, between tubercles and angles to As back is flexed, control movement
Posterior rami of
Sacroiliac ligaments, transverse processes in thoracic via eccentric contraction
spinal nerves
Sacral and inferior lumbar spinous and cervical regions, and to
processes, and mastoid process of temporal Acting unilaterally:
Supraspinous ligament bone Laterally flex vertebral column
56 Spinalis Spinalis:
Capitis, cervicis, thoracis;
Fibers run superiorly to spinous
processes in the upper thoracic
region and to cranium

Deep Layer of Intrinsic Back Muscles (Transversospinalis)

57 Semispinalis Transverse processes Spinous processes of more Extension
superior vertebrae
Semispinalis: Semispinalis: Semispinalis:
Arises from: Capitis, cervicis, thoracis; Extends head, thoracic and cervical
Transverse processes of C4-T12 Fibers run superomedially to regions of vertebral column and
vertebrae occipital bone and spinous rotates them contralaterally
processes in thoracic and cervical
regions, spanning 4-6 segments
58 Multifidus Multifidus: Multifidus: Multifidus:
Arises from: Thickest in lumbar region Stabilizes vertebrae during local
Posterior sacrum, Fibers pass obliquely movements of vertebral column
Posterior superior iliac spine of superomedially to entire length
ilium, of spinous processes, located 2-4
Aponeurosis of erector spinae, segments superior to proximal Posterior rami of
Sacroiliac ligaments, attachment spinal nerves
Mammillary processes of lumbar
Transverse processes of T1-T3,
Articular processes of C4-C7
59 Rotatores Rotatores: Rotatores: Rotatores:
(brevis and longus) Arise from: Fibers pass superomedially to Stabilize vertebrae
Transverse processes of attach to junction of lamina and Assist with local extension and
vertebrae transverse process or spinous rotatory movements of vertebral
Best developed in thoracic region process of vertebra immediately column
(brevis) or 2 segments (longus) May function as organs of
superior to vertebra of proprioception

Minor Deep Layer of Intrinsic Back Muscles

60 Interspinales Superior surfaces of spinous Inferior surfaces of spinous Posterior rami of Aid in extension and rotation of
processes of cervical and lumbar processes of vertebra superior to spinal nerves vertebral column
vertebrae vertebra of proximal attachment
61 Intertransversarii Transverse processes of cervical Transverse processes of adjacent Posterior and Aid in lateral flexion of vertebral
and lumbar vertebrae vertebrae anterior rami of column
spinal nerves Acting bilaterally, stabilize vertebral
62 Levator Tips of transverse processes of C7 Pass inferolaterally and insert on Posterior rami of Elevate ribs
costarum and T1-T11 vertebrae rib between tubercle and angle C8-T11 spinal Assisting respiration
nerves Assist with lateral flexion of
vertebral column
Posterior abdominal wall
63 Quadratus Medial half of inferior border of Iliolumbar ligament Anterior branches Extends and laterally flexes
lumborum 12th ribs Internal lip of iliac crest of T12 and L1-L4 vertebral column
Tips of lumbar transverse nerves Fixes 12th rib during inspiration
Anterolateral abdominal wall
64 External oblique External surfaces of 5th-12th ribs Linea alba Thoracoabdominal
abdominis Pubic tubercle nerves (T7-T11
Anterior half of iliac crest spinal nerves) Compresses and supports
subcostal nerve abdominal viscera
65 Internal oblique Thoracolumbar fascia, Inferior borders of 10th-12th ribs Flexes and rotates trunk
abdominis Anterior two thirds of iliac crest, Linea alba
Connective tissue deep to lateral Pecten pubis via conjoint tendon Thoracoabdominal
third of inguinal ligament nerves (anterior
66 Transversus Internal surfaces of 7th-12th Linea alba with aponeurosis of rami of T6-T12 Compresses and supports
abdominis costal cartilages internal oblique spinal nerves) abdominal viscera
Thoracolumbar fascia Pubic crest First lumbar
Iliac crest Pecten pubis via conjoint tendon nerves
Connective tissue deep to lateral
third of inguinal ligament
67 Rectus abdominis Pubic symphysis Xiphoid process Thoracoabdominal Flexes trunk (lumbar vertebrae)
Pubic crest 5th-7th costal cartilages nerves (anterior Compresses abdominal viscera
rami of T6-T12 Stabilizes and controls tilt of pelvis
spinal nerves) (antilordosis)
External anal Skin and fascia surrounding anus Passes around lateral aspects of Inferior anal Constricts anal canal during
sphincter Coccyx via anococcygeal ligament anal canal, insertion into perineal (rectal) nerve, a peristalsis, resisting defecation
body branch of Supports and fixes perineal body
pudendal nerve and pelvic floor
Male: Male: surrounds lateral aspects of Male:
Median raphe on ventral surface bulb of penis and most proximal Supports and fixes perineal
of bulb of penis part of body of penis, inserting body/pelvic floor
Perineal body into perineal membrane, dorsal Compresses bulb of penis to expel
aspect of corpus spongiosum and last drops of urine/semen
corpora cavernosa, and fascia of Assists erection by compressing
bulb of penis outflow via deep perineal vein and
by pushing blood from bulb into
Bulbospongiosus body of penis
Female: Female: passes on each side of Female:
Perineal body lower vagina, enclosing bulb and Supports and fixes perineal
greater vestibular gland; inserts body/pelvic floor
into pubic arch and fascia of Muscular (deep) “Sphincter” of vagina
corpora cavernosa of clitoris branch of perineal Assists in erection of clitoris (and
nerve, a branch of perhaps bulb of vestibule)
pudendal nerve Compresses greater vestibular
(S2-S4) gland
Ischiocavernosus Embraces crus of penis or clitoris, Maintains erection of penis or
inserting onto inferior and medial clitoris by compressing outflow
aspects of crus and to perineal veins and pushing blood from the
membrane medial to crus root of penis or clitoris into the
body of penis or clitoris
Internal surface of ischiopubic
Superficial Passes along inferior aspect of
transverse posterior border of perineal Supports and fixes perineal
Ischial tuberosity
perineal muscle membrane to perineal body body/pelvic floor to support
Deep transverse Passes along superior aspect of abdominopelvic viscera
perineal muscle posterior border of perineal Resist increased intra-abdominal
membrane to perineal body and pressure
external anal sphincter
External urethra (Compressor urethra portion Surrounds urethra superior to Dorsal nerve of Compresses urethra to maintain
sphincter only) perineal membrane penis or clitoris, urinary continence
In males, it also ascends anterior the terminal In females, urethrovaginal sphincter
aspect of prostate branch of the portion also compresses vagina
In females, some fibers also pudendal nerve
enclose vagina (urethrovaginal (S2-S4)
Thoracic wall
68 Serratus posterior Nuchal ligament Superior borders of 2nd to 4th 2nd to 5th Proprioception
superior Spinous processes of C7 to T3 ribs intercostal nerves Elevate ribs
69 Serratus posterior Spinous processes of T11 to L2 Inferior borders of 8th to 12th Anterior rami to T9 Proprioception
inferior vertebrae ribs near their angles to T12 thoracic Depress ribs
spinal nerves
70 Levator costarum Transverse processes of T7-11 Subjacent ribs between tubercle Posterior primary Elevate ribs
and angle rami of C8-T11
71 External Elevate ribs during forced
intercostal inspiration
72 Internal Interosseous part:
Inferior border of ribs Superior border of ribs below During
intercostal Depresses ribs
73 Innermost Interchondral part:
Intercostal nerve respiration
intercostal Elevates ribs
74 Subcostal Internal surface of lower ribs near Superior borders of 2nd or 3rd Probably act in same manner as
their angles ribs below internal intercostal muscles
75 Transversus Posterior surface of lower Internal surface of costal Weakly depress ribs
thoracis sternum cartilages 2-6 Proprioception
Anterior axioappendicular muscles
76 Pectoralis major Clavicular head: Lateral and medial Adducts and medially rotates
Anterior surface of medial half of pectoral nerves humerus
clavicle Draws scapula anteriorly and
Clavicular head
(C5, C6)
Lateral lip of intertubercular
Sternocostal head: sulcus of humerus Sternocostal head Acting alone,
Anterior surface of sternum (C7, C8, T1) Clavicular head flexes humerus
Superior six costal cartilages Sternocostal head extends it from
Aponeurosis of external oblique the flexed position
77 Pectoralis minor 3rd-5th ribs near their costal Medial border and superior Medial pectoral Stabilizes scapula by drawing it
cartilages surface of coracoid process of nerve (C8, T1) inferiorly and anteriorly against
scapula thoracic wall
78 Subclavius Junction of 1st rib and its costal Inferior surface of middle third of Nerve to Anchors and depresses clavicle
cartilage clavicle subclavius (C5, C6)
79 Serratus anterior External surfaces of lateral parts Anterior surface of medial Long thoracic Protracts scapula
of 1st-8th ribs border of scapula nerve (C5, C6, C7) Holds it against thoracic wall
Rotates scapula
Superficial posterior axioappendicular (extrinsic shoulder) muscles
80 Trapezius Medial third of superior nuchal Lateral third of clavicle Spinal accessory Descending part elevates scapula
line Acromion nerve (CN XI) Ascending part depresses scapula
External occipital protuberance Spine of scapula (motor fibers) Middle part (or all parts together)
Nuchal ligament C3, C4 spinal retracts scapula
Spinous processes of C7-T12 nerves (pain and
vertebrae proprioceptive Descending and ascending parts act
fibers) together to rotate glenoid cavity
81 Latissimus dorsi Spinous processes of inferior 6 Floor of intertubercular sulcus of Thoracodorsal Extends, adducts, and medially
thoracic vertebrae humerus nerve (C6, C7, C8) rotates humerus
Thoracolumbar fascia Raises body toward arms during
Iliac crest climbing
Inferior 3 or 4 ribs
Deep posterior axioappendicular (extrinsic shoulder) muscles
82 Levator scapulae Posterior tubercles of transverse Medial border of scapula superior Dorsal scapular Elevates scapula
processes of C1-C4 vertebrae to root of scapular spine (C5) Tilts its glenoid cavity inferiorly by
Cervical (C3, C4) rotating scapula
83 Rhomboid minor Nuchal ligament Smooth triangular area at medial
Spinous processes of C7 and T1 end of scapular spine Retract scapula
Dorsal scapular
vertebrae Rotate it to depress glenoid cavity
nerve (C4, C5)
84 Rhomboid major Spinous processes of T2-T5 Medial border of scapula from Fix scapula to thoracic wall
vertebrae level of spine to inferior angle
Muscles of Upper Limb
Source: Clinically Oriented Anatomy 6th Edition

Muscle Proximal Attachment Distal Attachment Innervation Main Action

Scapulohumeral (Intrinsic Shoulder) Muscles
85 Deltoid Lateral third of clavicle Deltoid tuberosity of humerus Axillary nerve Clavicular (anterior) part:
Acromion (C5, C6) flexes and medially rotates arm
Spine of scapula Acromial (middle) part:
abducts arm
Spinal (posterior) part: extends
and laterally rotates arm
86 Supraspinatus Supraspinous fossa of scapula Superior facet of greater tubercle of Suprascapular Initiates and assists deltoid in
humerus nerve (C4, C5, C6) abduction of arm
Acts with rotator cuff muscles
87 Infraspinatus Infraspinous fossa of scapula Middle facet of greater tubercle of Suprascapular Laterally rotates arm
humerus nerve (C5, C6) Acts with rotator cuff muscles
88 Teres minor Middle part of lateral border of Inferior facet of greater tubercle of Axillary nerve Laterally rotates arm
scapula humerus (C5, C6) Acts with rotator cuff muscles
89 Teres major Posterior surface of inferior angle Medial lip of intertubercular sulcus of Lower subscapular Adducts and medially rotates
of scapula humerus nerve (C5, C6) arm
90 Subscapularis Subscapular fossa (most of anterior Lesser tubercle of humerus Upper and lower Medially rotates arm
surface of scapula) subscapular As part of rotator cuff, helps
nerves hold head of humerus in
(C5, C6, C7) glenoid cavity
91 Biceps brachii Short head: Tuberosity of radius and fascia of Supinates forearm
Tip of coracoid process of scapula forearm via bicipital aponeurosis Flexes forearm when it is
Long head: supine
Supraglenoid tubercle of scapula Musculocutaneous Short head resists dislocation
nerve (C5, C6, C7) of shoulder
92 Coracobrachialis Tip of coracoid process of scapula Middle third of medial surface of Helps flex and adduct arm
humerus Resists dislocation of shoulder
93 Brachialis Distal half of anterior surface of Coronoid process Musculocutaneous Flexes forearm in all positions
humerus Ulna tuberosity nerve (C5, C6)
Radial nerve
(C5, C7)
94 Triceps brachii Long head: Proximal end of olecranon of ulna Radial nerve Chief extensor of forearm
Infraglenoid tubercle of scapula Fascia of forearm (C6, C7, C8) Long head resists dislocation of
Lateral head: humerus
Posterior surface of humerus Especially important during
Superior to radial groove adduction
Medial head:
Posterior surface of humerus
Inferior to radial groove
95 Anconeus Lateral epicondyle of humerus Lateral surface of olecranon Radial nerve Assists triceps in extending
Superior part of posterior surface of (C7, C8, T1) forearm
ulna Stabilizes elbow joint
May abduct ulna during
Anterior Compartment of Forearm 1 (Superficial Layer)
96 Pronator teres
Ulnar head Coronoid process Middle of convexity of lateral surface Pronates and flexes forearm
Humeral head of radius Median nerve (at elbow)

97 Flexor carpi Base of 2nd metacarpal (C6, C7) Flexes and abducts hand (at
radialis wrist)
98 Palmaris longus Medial epicondyle of humerus Distal half of flexor retinaculum Median nerve Flexes hand (at wrist)
(common flexor origin) Apex of palmar aponeurosis (C7, C8) Tenses palmar aponeurosis
99 Flexor carpi
Humeral head Pisiform
Ulnar nerve Flexes and adducts hand (at
Ulnar head Olecranon and posterior border Hook of hamate
(C7, C8) wrist)
(via aponeurosis) 5th metacarpal
Anterior Compartment of Forearm 2 (Intermediate Layer)
100 Flexor digitorum superficialis
Humeroulnar Medial epicondyle (common flexor
head origin and coronoid process) Flexes middle phalanges at
proximal interphalangeal joints
Shafts of middle phalanges of medial Median nerve of middle four digits
Radial head Superior half of anterior border four digits (C7, C8, T1) Acting more strongly, it also
flexes proximal phalanges at
metacarpophalangeal joints
Anterior Compartment of Forearm 3 (Deep Layer)
101 Flexor digitorum profundus
Medial part Bases of distal phalanges of 4th and Ulnar nerve Flexes distal phalanges 4 and 5
5th digits (C8, T1) at distal interphalangeal joints
Proximal three quarters of medial
Lateral part and anterior surfaces of ulna Bases of distal phalanges of 2nd and Flexes distal phalanges 2 and 3
Interosseous membrane 3rd digits at distal interphalangeal joints
102 Flexor pollicis Anterior surface of radius Base of distal phalanx of thumb nerve, from Flexes phalanges of 1st digit
longus Adjacent interosseous membrane median nerve (thumb)
103 Pronator Distal quarter of anterior surface of Distal quarter of anterior surface of (C8, T1) Pronates forearm
quadratus ulna radius Deep fibers bind radius and
ulna together
Posterior Compartment of Forearm 1 (Superficial Layer)
104 Brachioradialis Proximal two thirds of Lateral surface of distal end of radius Radial nerve Relatively weak flexor of
supraepicondylar ridge of humerus proximal to styloid process (C5, C6, C7) forearm
(maximal when forearm is in
midpronated position)
105 Extensor carpi Lateral supraepicondylar ridge of Dorsal aspect of base of 2nd Radial nerve Extend and abduct hand at the
radialis longus humerus metacarpal (C6, C7) wrist joint
106 Extensor carpi Dorsal aspect of base of 3rd ECRL active during fist
radialis brevis metacarpal clenching
107 Extensor Extensor expansions of medial four Extends medial four digits
digitorum digits primarily at
metacarpophalangeal joints,
Lateral epicondyle of humerus
secondarily at interphalangeal
(common extensor origin) Deep branch of
radial nerve
108 Extensor digiti Extensor expansion of 5th digit Extends 5th digit primarily at
(C7, C8)
minimi metacarpophalangeal joint,
secondarily at interphalangeal
109 Extensor carpi Lateral epicondyle of humerus Dorsal aspect of base of 5th Extends and adducts hand at
ulnaris Posterior border of ulna via a metacarpal wrist joint (also active during
shared aponeurosis fist clenching)
Posterior Compartment of Forearm 2 (Deep Layer)
110 Supinator Lateral epicondyle of humerus Lateral, posterior, and anterior Deep branch of Supinates forearm
Radial collateral ligament surfaces of proximal third of radius radial nerve Rotates radius to turn palm
Anular ligament (C7, C8) anteriorly or superiorly (if
Supinator fossa elbow is flexed)
rest of ulna
111 Extensor indicis Posterior surface of distal third of Extensor expansion of 2nd digit Posterior Extends 2nd digit (enabling its
ulna interosseous independent extension)
Interosseous membrane nerve (C7, C8), Helps extend hand at wrist
continuation of
deep branch of
radial nerve
Posterior Compartment of Forearm 3 (Outcropping Muscles of Deep Layer)
112 Abductor pollicis Posterior surface of proximal halves Base of 1st metacarpal Abducts thumb
longus of ulna, radius Extends it at carpometacarpal
Interosseous membrane joint
113 Extensor pollicis Posterior surface of middle third of Dorsal aspect of base of distal Extends distal phalanx of
longus ulna phalanx of thumb thumb at interphalangeal joint
nerve (C7, C8),
Interosseous membrane Extends metacarpophalangeal
continuation of
and carpometacarpal joints
deep branch of
114 Extensor pollicis Posterior surface of distal third of Dorsal aspect of base of proximal Extends proximal phalanx of
radial nerve
brevis radius phalanx of thumb thumb at metacarpophalangeal
Interosseous membrane joint
Extends carpometacarpal joint
Intrinsic Muscles of Hand (Thenar Muscles)
115 Opponens pollicis Lateral side of 1st metacarpal To oppose thumb, it draws 1st
metacarpal medially to center
of palm and rotates it medially
116 Abductor pollicis Recurrent branch Abducts thumb
Flexor retinaculum
brevis of median nerve Helps oppose it
Tubercle of scaphoid
117 Flexor pollicis (C8, T1)
Tubercle of trapezium Lateral side of base of proximal
phalanx of thumb
Superficial Flexes thumb
Deep head
118 Adductor pollicis
Deep branch of
Oblique head Bases of 2nd and 3rd metacarpals Adducts thumb toward lateral
ulnar nerve
Capitate, and adjacent carpals Medial side of base of proximal border of palm
(C8, T1)
Transverse Anterior surface of shaft of 3rd phalanx of thumb
head metacarpal
Intrinsic Muscles of Hand (Hypothenar Muscles)
119 Palmaris brevis Medial border of the palmar Skin on the medial border of the Superficial branch Wrinkles the skin of the
aponeurosis hand of ulnar nerve hypothenar eminence
Deepens the hollow of the
Aiding the palmar grip
120 Abductor digiti Pisiform Abducts 5th digit
minimi Assists in flexion of its proximal
Medial side of base of proximal
phalanx of 5th digit Deep branch of
121 Flexor digiti Flexes proximal phalanx of 5th
ulnar nerve
minimi brevis digit
Hook of hamate (C8, T1)
122 Opponens digiti Medial border of 5th metacarpal Draws 5th metacarpal anterior
Flexor retinaculum
minimi Rotates it, bringing 5th digit
into opposition with thumb
Intrinsic Muscles of Hand (Short Muscles)
123 Lumbricals
1st and 2nd Lateral two tendons of flexor Median nerve Flex metacarpophalangeal
digitorum profundus (as (C8, T1) joints
unipennate muscles) Lateral sides of extensor expansions Extend interphalangeal joints
3rd and 4th Medial three tendons of flexor of 2nd-5th digits of 2nd-5th digits
digitorum profundus (as bipennate
124 Palmar interossei, Palmar surfaces of 2nd, 4th, and Bases of proximal phalanges Adduct 2nd, 4th, and 5th digits
1st-3rd 5th metacarpals (as unipennate Extensor expansions of 2nd, 4th, and toward axial line
muscles) 5th digits Assist lumbricals in flexing
metacarpophalangeal joints
Deep branch of and extending interphalangeal
ulnar nerve joints
(C8, T1) Extensor expansions of 2nd-4th
125 Dorsal interossei, Adjacent sides of two metacarpals Bases of proximal phalanges Abduct 2nd-4th digits from
1st-4th (as bipennate muscles) Extensor expansions of 2nd-4th digits axial line
Act with lumbricals in flexing
metacarpophalangeal joints
and extending interphalangeal
Muscles of Head and Neck

Muscle Proximal Attachment Distal Attachment Innervation Main Action

Cutaneous and Superficial Muscles of Neck
126 Platysma Inferior border of mandible, Fascia covering superior Cervical branch of facial Draws corners of mouth inferiorly
skin, and subcutaneous tissues parts of pectoralis major nerve (CN VII) and widens it as in expressions of
of lower face and deltoid muscles sadness and fright
Draws skin of neck superiorly
when teeth are clenched
127 Sternocleidomastoid Lateral surface of mastoid Sternal head: Spinal accessory nerve Unilateral contraction:
process of temporal bone Anterior surface of (CN XI, motor) Tilts head to same side (i.e.
Lateral half of superior nuchal manubrium of sternum C2 and C3 nerves (pain laterally flexes neck) and rotates it
line and proprioception) so face is turned superiorly toward
Clavicular head: opposite side (Fig. 8.6C)
superior surface of medial Bilateral contraction:
third of clavicle Extends neck at atlantooccipital
joints (Fig. 8.6D)
Flexes cervical vertebrae so that
chin approaches manubrium (Fig.
8.6E), or
Extends superior cervical vertebrae
while flexing inferior vertebrae so
chin is thrust forward with head
kept level
With cervical vertebrae fixed, may
elevate manubrium and medial
ends of clavicles, assisting
pump-handle action of deep
respiration (see Chapter 1)
Anterior Cervical Region (Extrinsic Muscles of Larynx) - Suprahyoid Muscles
128 Mylohyoid Mylohyoid line of mandible Mylohyoid raphe and body Nerve to mylohyoid, a Elevates hyoid, floor of mouth, and
of hyoid branch of inferior tongue during swallowing and
alveolar nerve (from speaking
mandibular nerve, CN
129 Geniohyoid Inferior mental spine of C1 via hypoglossal nerve Pulls hyoid anterosuperiorly;
mandible (CN XII) shortens floor of mouth; widens
Body of hyoid
130 Stylohyoid Styloid process of temporal Stylohyoid branch of Elevates and retracts hyoid, thus
bone (preparotid) facial nerve elongating floor of mouth
131 Digastric Anterior belly: Nerve to mylohyoid, a
digastric fossa of mandible branch of inferior Working with infrahyoid muscles,
Intermediate tendon to alveolar nerve depresses mandible against
body and greater horn of resistance; elevates and steadies
Posterior belly: Digastric branch of
hyoid hyoid during swallowing and
mastoid notch of temporal bone (preparotid) facial nerve

Anterior Cervical Region (Extrinsic Muscles of Larynx) - Infrahyoid Muscles

132 Sternohyoid Manubrium of sternum Body of hyoid Depresses hyoid after elevation
Medial end of clavicle C1-C3 by a branch of during swallowing
133 Omohyoid Superior border of scapula near Inferior border of hyoid ansa cervicalis Depresses, retracts, and steadies
suprascapular notch hyoid
134 Sternothyroid Posterior surface of manubrium Oblique line of thyroid C2 and C3 by a branch of Depresses hyoid and larynx
of sternum cartilage ansa cervicalis
135 Thyrohyoid Oblique line of thyroid cartilage Inferior border of body C1 via hypoglossal nerve Depresses hyoid
Greater horn of hyoid (CN XII) Elevates larynx
Prevertebral Muscles (Anterior vertebral muscles)
136 Longus colli Anterior tubercle of C1 vertebra Bodies of C5-T3 vertebrae Anterior rami of C2-C6 Flexes neck with rotation (torsion)
(atlas) Transverse processes of spinal nerves to opposite side if acting
Bodies of C1-C3 C3-C5 vertebrae unilaterally
Transverse processes of C3-C6
137 Longus capitis Basilar part of occipital bone Anterolateral arytenoid Anterior rami of C1-C3
surface spinal nerves

138 Rectus capitis Base of cranium, just anterior to Vocal process of arytenoid Branches from loop
anterior occipital condyle cartilage between C1 and C2 b
Flex head
spinal nerves
139 Anterior scalene Transverse processes of C3-C6 1st rib Cervical spinal nerves
vertebrae C4-C6
Prevertebral Muscles (Lateral vertebral muscles)
140 Rectus capitis Jugular process of occipital bone Transverse process of atlas Branches from loop Flexes head and helps stabilize it
lateralis (C1 vertebra) between C1 and C2
spinal nerves
141 Splenius capitis Inferior half of nuchal ligament Lateral aspect of mastoid Posterior rami of middle Laterally flexes and rotates head
and spinous processes of process and lateral third of cervical spinal nerves and neck to same side; acting
superior six thoracic vertebrae superior nuchal line bilaterally, extends head and neck
142 Levator scapulae Posterior tubercles of transverse Superior part of medial Dorsal scapular nerve C5 Downward rotation of scapula
processes C2-C6 vertebrae border of scapula Cervical spinal nerves C3 Tilts its glenoid cavity inferiorly by
and C4 rotating scapula
143 Middle scalene Posterior tubercles of transverse Superior surface of 1st rib Anterior rami of cervical Flexes neck laterally
processes of C5-C7 vertebrae Posterior to groove for spinal nerves Elevates 1st rib during forced
subclavian artery inspiration
144 Posterior scalene External border of 2nd rib Anterior rami of cervical Flexes neck laterally
spinal nerves C7 and C8 Elevates 2nd rib during forced
Flexion of neck = anterior (or lateral) bending of cervical vertebrae C2-C7.
Flexion of head = anterior (or lateral) bending of the head relative to the vertebral column at the atlanto-occipital joints.
Rotation of the head occurs at the atlanto-axial joints.

145 Cricothyroid Anterolateral part of cricoid Inferior margin and inferior External laryngeal nerve Stretches and tenses vocal ligament
cartilage horn of thyroid cartilage (from CN X)
146 Thyro-arytenoid Lower half of posterior aspect of Anterolateral arytenoid Relaxes vocal ligament
angle of thyroid laminae and surface
cricothyroid ligament
147 Posterior Posterior surface of lamina of Vocal process of arytenoid Abducts vocal folds
Inferior laryngeal nerve
crico-arytenoid cricoid cartilage cartilage
(terminal part of
148 Lateral Arch of cricoid cartilage Adducts vocal folds
recurrent laryngeal
cricoarytenoid (interligamentous portion)
nerve, from CN X)
149 Transverse and One arytenoid cartilage Contralateral arytenoid Adduct arytenoid cartilages
oblique arytenoids cartilage (adducting intercartilaginous
portion of vocal folds, closing
posterior rima glottidis)
150 Vocalis Lateral surface of vocal process Ipsilateral vocal ligament Relaxes posterior vocal
of arytenoid cartilage ligament while
maintaining (or
increasing) tension of
anterior part
Superior fibers of the thyroarytenoid muscles pass into the aryepiglottic fold, and some of them reach the epiglottic cartilage; These fibers constitute the
thyroepiglottic muscle, which widens the laryngeal inlet.
Some fibers of the oblique arytenoids muscles continue as aryepiglottic muscles (Fig. 8.39).
This slender muscle slip lies medial to and is composed of fibers finer than those of the thyroarytenoid muscle.

Pharynx - External Layer

151 Superior pharyngeal Pterygoid hamulus, Pharyngeal tubercle on
Pharyngeal branch of
constrictor pterygomandibular raphe, basilar part of occipital
vagus (CN X) and
posterior end of mylohyoid line bone
pharyngeal plexus
of mandible, and side of tongue
152 Middle pharyngeal Stylohyoid ligament and greater Pharyngeal raphe
Pharyngeal branch of Constrict walls of pharynx during
constrictor and lesser horns of hyoid
vagus (CN X) and swallowing
153 Inferior pharyngeal Oblique line of thyroid cartilage Cricopharyngeal part
pharyngeal plexus, plus
constrictor and side of cricoid cartilage encircles
branches of external and
Thyropharyngeus pharyngo-esophageal
recurrent laryngeal
junction without forming a
Cricopharyngeus nerves of vagus
Pharynx - Internal Layer
154 Palatopharyngeus Hard palate and palatine Posterior border of lamina
aponeurosis of thyroid cartilage and
Pharyngeal branch of
side of pharynx and
vagus (CN X)
esophagus Elevate (shorten and widen)
Pharyngeal plexus
155 Salpingopharyngeus Cartilaginous part of Blends with pharynx and larynx during
pharyngotympanic tube palatopharyngeus swallowing and speaking
156 Stylopharyngeus Styloid process of temporal Posterior and superior Glossopharyngeal
bone borders of thyroid cartilage nerve (CN IX)
with palatopharyngeus

Scalp and Face

157 Occipitofrontalis
Front belly Epicranial aponeurosis Skin and subcutaneous Facial nerve (CN VII) Elevates eyebrows and wrinkles
tissue of eyebrows and Temporal branch skin of forehead; protracts scalp
forehead (indicating surprise or curiosity)
Occipital belly Lateral two thirds of superior Facial nerve (CN VII) Facial nerve (CN VII) Retracts scalp; increasing
nuchal line Posterior auricular effectiveness of frontal belly
158 Orbicularis oculi Medial orbital margin; medial Skin around margin of Facial nerve (CN VII) Closes eyelids: palpebral part does
(orbital sphincter) palpebral ligament; lacrimal orbit; superior and inferior Temporal & zygomatic so gently; orbital part tightly
bone tarsal plates branch (winking)
159 Corrugator supercilii Medial end of superciliary arch Skin superior to middle of Facial nerve (CN VII) Draws eyebrow medially and
supraorbital margin and Temporal branch inferiorly, creating vertical wrinkles
superciliary arch above nose (demonstrating
concern or worry)
160 Procerus plus Fascia aponeurosis covering Skin of inferior forehead, Depresses medial end of eyebrow;
transverse part of nasal bone and lateral nasal between eyebrows wrinkles skin over dorsum of nose
nasalis cartilage (conveying disdain or dislike)
161 Alar part of nasalis Frontal process of maxilla Major alar cartilage Depresses ala laterally, dilating
plus levator labii (inferomedial margin of orbit) anterior nasal aperture (i.e. “flaring
superioris alaeque nostrils” as during anger or
nasii exertion)
162 Orbicularis oris (oral Medial maxilla and mandible; Mucous membrane of lips Tonus closes oral fissure; phasic
sphincter) deep surface of perioral skin; contraction compresses and
angle of mouth (modiolus) protrudes lips (kissing) or resists
distension (when blowing)
163 Levator labii Infra-orbital margin (maxilla) Part of dilators of mouth; retract
superioris (elevate) and/or evert upper lip;
Skin of upper lip
164 Zygomaticus minor Anterior aspect, zygomatic bone deepen nasolabial sulcus (showing
Facial nerve (CN VII)
Buccal branch
165 Buccinator (cheek Mandible, alveolar processes of Angle of mouth (modiolus); Presses cheek against molar teeth;
muscle) maxilla and mandible, orbicularis oris works with tongue to keep food
pterygomandibular raphe between occlusal surfaces and out
of oral vestibule; resists distension
(when blowing)
166 Zygomaticus major Lateral aspect of zygomatic Part of dilators of mouth; elevate
bone labial commissure—bilaterally to
smile (happiness); unilaterally to
sneer (disdain)
167 Levator anguli oris Infra-orbital maxilla (canine Part of dilators of mouth; widens
fossa) Angle of mouth (modiolus) oral fissure, as when grinning or
168 Risorius Parotid fascia and buccal skin
Part of dilators of mouth; depresses
(highly variable)
labial commissure bilaterally to
169 Depressor anguli Anterolateral base of mandible
frown (sadness)
170 Depressor labii Platysma and anterolateral body Skin of lower lip Part of dilators of mouth; retracts
inferioris of mandible Facial nerve (CN VII) (depresses) and/or everts lower lip
Mandibular branch (pouting, sadness)
171 Mentalis Body of mandible (anterior to Skin of chin (mentolabial Elevates and protrudes lower lip;
roots of inferior incisors) sulcus) elevates skin of chin (showing
172 Platysma Subcutaneous tissue of Base of mandible; skin of Facial nerve (CN VII) Depresses mandible (against
infraclavicular and cheek and lower lip; angle Cervical branch resistance); tenses skin of inferior
supraclavicular regions of mouth (modiolus); face and neck (conveying tension
orbicularis oris and stress)

Mandible / Temporomandibular Joint - Muscles of Mastication

173 Temporalis Triangular muscle with broad Narrow attachment to tip Via deep Elevates mandible, closing jaws;
attachment to floor of temporal and medial surface of temporal posterior, more horizontal fibers
fossa and deep surface of coronoid process and branches are 1° retractors of mandible
temporal fascia anterior border of ramus of
174 Masseter Quadrate muscle attaching to Angle and lateral surface of Via Elevates mandible, closing jaws;
inferior border and medial ramus of mandible masseteric superficial fibers make limited
surface of maxillary process of nerve contribution to protrusion of
zygomatic bone and the mandible
zygomatic arch

175 Lateral pterygoid Triangular two-headed muscle Upper head attaches Via lateral Acting bilaterally, protracts
from primarily to joint capsule Anterior trunk pterygoid mandible and depresses chin;
(1) infratemporal surface and and articular disc of TMJ; of mandibular nerve acting unilaterally, swings jaw
crest of greater wing of inferior head attaches nerve (CN V3) toward contralateral side; alternate
sphenoid primarily to pterygoid unilateral contraction produces
(2) lateral surface of lateral fovea on anteromedial larger lateral chewing movements
pterygoid plate aspect of neck of condyloid
process of mandible
176 Medial pterygoid Quadrangular two-headed Medial surface of ramus of Via medial Acts synergistically with masseter
muscle from mandible, inferior to pterygoid to elevate mandible; contributes to
(1) medial surface of lateral mandibular foramen; in nerve protrusion; alternate unilateral
pterygoid plate and pyramidal essence, a “mirror image” activity produces smaller grinding
process of palatine bone of ipsilateral masseter, two movements
(2) tuberosity of maxilla muscles flanking ramus
Soft Palate
177 Tensor veli palatini Scaphoid fossa of medial Medial pterygoid nerve Tenses soft palate and opens
pterygoid plate, spine off (a branch of mandibular mouth of pharyngotympanic tube
sphenoid bone, and cartilage of nerve, CN V3) via otic during swallowing and yawning
pharyngotympanic tube Palatine aponeurosis ganglion
178 Levator veli palatini Cartilage of pharyngotympanic Elevates soft palate during
tube and petrous part of swallowing and yawning
temporal bone
179 Palatoglossus Palatine aponeurosis Side of tongue Elevates posterior part of tongue
Pharyngeal branch of
and draws soft palate onto tongue
vagus nerve (CN X) via
180 Palatopharyngeus Hard palate and palatine Lateral wall of pharynx Tenses soft palate and pulls walls of
pharyngeal plexus
aponeurosis pharynx superiorly, anteriorly, and
medially during swallowing
181 Musculus uvulae Posterior nasal spine and Mucosa of uvula Shortens uvula and pulls it
palatine aponeurosis superiorly
Extrinsic Muscles of the Tongue
182 Genioglossus Via a short tendon from superior Entire dorsum of tongue; Bilateral activity depresses tongue,
part of mental spine of mandible inferior most and posterior especially central part, creating a
most fibers attach to body longitudinal furrow; posterior part
of hyoid bone pulls tongue anteriorly for
protrusion; most anterior part
retracts apex of protruded tongue;
unilateral contraction deviates
Hypoglossal nerve (CN ("wags”) tongue to contralateral
XII) side
183 Hyoglossus Body and greater horn of hyoid Inferior aspects of lateral Depresses tongue, especially
bone part of tongue pulling its sides inferiorly; helps
shorten (retrude) tongue
184 Styloglossus Anterior border of distal styloid Sides of tongue posteriorly, Retrudes tongue and curls
process; stylohyoid ligament interdigitating with (elevates) its sides, working with
hyoglossus genioglossus to form a central
trough during swallowing
185 Palatoglossus Palatine aponeurosis of soft Enters posterolateral Vagus nerve (CN X) & Capable of elevating posterior
palate tongue transversely, pharyngeal plexus tongue or depressing soft palate;
blending with intrinsic most commonly acts to constrict
transverse muscles isthmus of fauces
Intrinsic Muscles of the Tongue
186 Superior Submucous fibrous layer and Margins of tongue and Curls tongue longitudinally upward,
longitudinal median fibrous septum mucous membrane elevating apex and sides of tongue;
shortens (retrudes) tongue
187 Inferior longitudinal Root of tongue and body of Apex of tongue Curls tongue longitudinally
hyoid bone downward, depressing apex;
shortens (retrudes) tongue
Hypoglossal nerve (CN
188 Transverse Median fibrous septum Fibrous tissue at lateral Narrows and
lingual margins elongates
to protrude
189 Vertical Submucous fibrous layer of Inferior surface of borders Flattens and
dorsum of tongue of tongue broadens

1. Drake, R. L., Gray, H., Mitchell, A. W. M., & Vogl, W. (2010). Gray's anatomy for students (2nd ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier.

2. Gray, H., & Standring, S. (2008). Gray's anatomy :The anatomical basis of clinical practice (40th ed.). Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.

3. Moore, K. L., Agur, A. M. R., & Dalley, A. F. (2010). Clinically oriented anatomy (6th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

4. Moore, K. L., Agur, A. M. R., & Dalley, A. F. (2011). Essential clinical anatomy (4th ed.). Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

5. Schünke, M., Schulte, E., & Schumacher, U. (2006). Thieme atlas of anatomy :General anatomy and musculoskeletal system. Stuttgart; New York: Thieme.

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