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Annually, 7 million women are hospitalized due to abortion-related complications.

Currently, there are more people (men and women) in favor of abortion than women’s
hospitalizations for abortion, and it’s a questionable situation if people really know the
consequences that come after deciding this or honestly don’t care about women’s health;
Also, it’s necessary to understand how much women prioritize their health, considering
that performing an abortion is a severe risk to the life of the woman who performs it, that
is why we will try to explain why abortion is not a good option, describing the physical and
psychological consequences that this brings.
The physical well-being of women is endangered, abortions, as we know, involve
terminating a pregnancy, and from the moment a woman undergoes an abortion, she
must understand that it's not just the fetus that could die; it could also pose a lethal risk to
her life. One study exposed that approximately 68,000 women die each year due to these
causes, because that process is not as simple as it may seem, there are myriad
complications ranging from bleeding due to hemorrhages of blood vessels or organ injuries
to bacterial infections introduced during the procedure, leading to short-term and long-
term physical consequences. The myriad complications and potential risks associated with
abortions highlight the need for consideration and full support for alternatives that
prioritize the health and well-being of both women and unborn children.
In addition to the physical consequences, another consequence is the psychological
damage; it does not seem to be relevant, however, the mental well-being of women is a
great detriment when performing an abortion, the process by which women go after an
abortion is called post-abortion syndrome and is compared with post-traumatic stress
syndrome experienced after a war or a serious risk situation, and women who have an
abortion usually do not receive psychological care and are then emotionally unstable, are
anxious and overthinking about repentance that can cause severe episodes of depression,
and in extreme cases causes death through suicide. Since mental health is important,
women should seek psychological support; this helps avoid hasty decisions and prioritizes
overall well-being.
After careful consideration, it is relevant to recognize the consequences of going through
an abortion means serious risks to the physical and mental health of women. Therefore, it
is crucial to explore other available options, such as adoption or seeking assistance from
organizations that offer support to ensure the well-being of both the mother and her baby.
It is important to understand that there can be a multitude of reasons why women choose
to make this decision. It is crucial to prioritize the protection of the physical and
psychological integrity of the mother and her child.

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